The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and forty-first chapter was beaten the male lead (5)

The latest website: Han Dongmei is a little dazed.

it's wired!

The "He Yuntian" in front of him looks really strange!

Obviously the same face, the same person.

But He Yuntian just now looked like a greasy and common man. After she revealed his true colors, all kinds of exasperated, properly hypocritical villain faces.

But now, why did he suddenly look like an upright, self-confident male god?

Just like the perfect man she portrayed in her heart and mind when she was infatuated with He Yuntian!

Han Dongmei was at a loss for a while, and she didn't know whether to panic or secretly rejoice.

Panickingly, something seemed to be out of her control;

And secretly happy, she didn't like the wrong person in the past.

If she finds that the object of her obsession is too unbearable, she can certainly wake her up completely.

However, she can't help but doubt herself: Was I a fool in the past? Or are you blind? How could you end up like this today for such a bastard? !

With the idol filter again, even if you lose your fans, you won't be too sad or resentful.

"I obviously hate this scumbag He Yuntian, he lied to me—"

Han Dongmei desperately said this to herself in her heart.

But as she talked, she couldn't go on.

Because He Yuntian didn't lie to her.

Just like what "He Yuntian" said just now, when he was desperately chasing others, they always refused.

And he said it very clearly, "I don't like you! Dongmei, I really can't force it when it comes to love!"

The twisted melon is not sweet!

This sentence, He Yuntian told her, and Han Dongmei herself understood.

But she just didn't want to let go, and stalked her from the city to the small mountain village,

He clearly knew that He Yuntian liked Zhuo Ya, but he still depended on He Yuntian's side on the grounds of being a "friend".

Those money and things were all she insisted on giving.

At first, He Yuntian refused. It was Han Dongmei who said angrily for a while, "If you don't want it, I'll put all these into the river", and then wiped away her tears, "You don't like me, do you even dislike my things?"

Maybe He Yuntian is really greedy for those things, but he can't deny that Han Dongmei really did everything possible to get involved with the male god.

He Yuntian's final acceptance was also due to Han Dongmei's soft grinding and hard foaming.

After all, we can't be lovers, and we can't be enemies.

Living in the same educated youth spot, looking up and not looking down, He and Han are still old neighbors.

Unless He Yuntian really tore his face, it would be really difficult to reject Han Dongmei.

It's just that everyone has a selfish side.

Many times, even if you make a mistake, you will not easily reflect on yourself, but subconsciously push the mistake onto others.

Han Dongmei was no exception. She "predicted" her future, and "seeing" how miserable she was, she blamed everything on He Yuntian.

He was too scumbag, he misled himself, that's why—

Another netizen in the live broadcast room shouted, and Han Dongmei felt more and more that she was a poor victim.

Therefore, she came aggressively to ask for the debt, and she didn't hesitate to slap the scumbag in the face!

However, at this moment, she suddenly found that He Yuntian was not a greasy and ordinary man, but was still her favorite and most obsessed male god, and her heart was disturbed.

She lost the momentum just now, but was pushed back by He Tiantian's light.

"I, I—" She tried to explain, but she couldn't say anything.

Her expression, in the eyes of the educated youth and villagers onlookers, was a guilty conscience and shortness of breath.


The crowd exploded again.

"It turns out that He Zhiqing didn't deceive people, and those things had to be accepted!"

"That's right, I don't think Comrade He is the kind of bastard who cheats women out of money. They are all classmates, and they are still educated youths living under the same roof. Comrade He can't say too much!"

"Yes, yes, Comrade He accepts things to take care of Comrade Han's face!"

"...When I like it, I give it all my life. If I don't like it, I say that people are a liar, and I want it back!" Although this kind of behavior is not wrong, it is also a bit unkind.

Everyone was talking.

Of course, there were also people who helped Han Dongmei to speak, "Even if you didn't lie, but a girl gave you something, what do they mean, don't you know?"

"This makes sense. If you take things from others, it's okay if they don't want them. If they pursue them, should they return them?"

"Pretend to be confused! Just because other lesbians like you, you deliberately take advantage of others, which is somewhat disgraceful!"

Most of the people who say this are men.

They didn't really think that He Yuntian was wrong, but jealousy was at work!

"Why is it disgraceful? Comrade He is so good, and there are many girls who like him. I also helped Comrade He do farm work. Should I use this as a threat to force Comrade He to like me?"

"He doesn't like me and can't marry me. I'm going to force him to give me back the work I did for him?"

"What's the point of this? Can you sit back with the shit you pull out?"

A girl with braided braids hid in the crowd and shouted a few words.

Her face was blushing, but she still summoned the courage to shout for her idol male god.

She just likes Comrade He, she clearly knows that she is not worthy and that others will not like her, but she still can't help but help him.

She secretly did farm work for others, or took the family's eggs, white bread and steamed buns and stuffed them with them. She never thought that she would be able to marry each other because of this.

She simply wanted to be nice to others, and saw that they showed a gentle and beautiful smile to her.

He Tiantian:  …

Well, this kind of thinking is probably a bit like a fan of later generations.

They like idols. They are crazy about idols and spending money. They call their husbands and wives in their mouths, but they know in their hearts that it is impossible for them to be with idols.

However, they will not resent against idols just because idols don't marry (don't marry).

"That's right, I also sent eggs to Comrade He. Now that Comrade He and Comrade Zhuo are pursuing progress together, do I have to get the eggs back?"

In the crowd, a few girls from Liujia'ao also agreed.

He Yuntian is the male protagonist. He cannot be said to be a heartthrob. He is also a Jack Sue. Most of the girls have a good impression of him.

In addition to the fascinating charm given by the protagonist's halo, he is also very good-

Needless to say, the appearance is 183, and the figure is stylish;

With deep eye sockets, high nose bridge, sharp edges and corners, he is a handsome guy.

In addition to his good looks, his IQ and EQ are also very high, and he is also versatile.

He can write some sentimental poetry and prose, and he can play the harmonica and accordion.

He will also tell many interesting little stories, or some popular science knowledge that ordinary people don't know.

Fair and gentle, standing at attention, always wearing a clean, fresh, soapy white shirt, dark blue overalls, a belt around his waist, and shiny leather shoes, just like the hero in a movie.

The male god like a little poplar, not to mention those rural girls who have never seen the world, even other lesbians who are educated youth can't help but like it.

This love is sometimes not mixed with selfish desires, but a kind of appreciation, which is the dream of a girl who loves to dream.

Just now, He Tiantian cooperated with Han Dongmei and deliberately made a look of anger and despair, destroying the image of the original owner from the inside out.

Another Han Dongmei infected his emotions like a righteous and awe-inspiring debt collector. The people around him forgot the charm of He Yuntian for a while, and followed Han Dongmei in the crusade.

Now, He Tiantian is no longer cooperating, but has regained the temperament that the male protagonist should have. The girls all reacted and helped their male gods to be injustice.

"Can you sit back when you pull out the shit?"

Although this is vulgar, there is some truth to it.

After all, for the Chinese, it is really difficult to withdraw the gift between people unless it is particularly excessive.

One is face, and the other is not very kind.

Of course, Han Dongmei regretted it, and it's not impossible to get back what she gave out.

But the onlookers still felt a little awkward in their hearts.

Feeling the disapproving gazes of everyone, especially when she heard the phrase "pulled out shit", Han Dongmei only felt that her face was flushed red, and she wished she could find a crack to burrow in.

The hand that stretched out to ask for something didn't even know whether to keep extending it or withdraw it.

She was completely stunned on the spot.

He Tiantian saw that the scene was under control, and his image and reputation as the male protagonist was also preserved.

She didn't press step by step and continued to embarrass Han Dongmei.

There is no way, no matter how confidently she speaks, the fact that she accepts other people's things is the stain that the original owner can't wash away.

It may not rise to the height of the law, but there is no doubt about the moral flaws.

She eased her expression and said seriously: "That being said, there is something wrong with me."

"For whatever reason I did, I did take your money, tickets and supplies."

As He Tiantian said, she took off the plum watch on her wrist.

She put the watch on the palm that Han Dongmei stretched out, "The watch, leather shoes and some clothes are still in use, I will give them back to you!"

"As for the things I ate, used, or gave away, I can't return them as they are. I can convert them into money, of course, I don't have much money on hand now, so let me call you An IOU!"

He Tiantian is very serious, her eyes are full of sincerity, "Comrade Han Dongmei, do the calculation yourself, tell me an amount, and I will pay it off within three months!"


Hearing He Tiantian's words, the people around started to discuss again.

"Oh, He Zhiqing is really magnanimous, and took the initiative to ask to write an IOU!"

"Tsk tsk, if my ex-partner is half as 'reasonable' as He Zhiqing, I'll be content!"

"You can pull it down, what is 'reasonable'? It's a bad rule. Between friends, or with a partner, it's not really normal to send some money or something."

"As long as it's not deliberately cheating, it's a normal human relationship."

"When it's good, you can give what you have; if you turn your face, you have to come back for everything, and what you eat and use will be converted into money, this, this-"

A certain melon eater didn't say anything later, but the people around, including Han Dongmei, also heard the meaning.

This Han Dongmei, who is so pretentious and easy to find after the account, is really not a "payable" person.

He Tiantian: I didn't mean to target the female supporting cast, but just did what the male lead should do.

Paying off debts is a matter of course.

Even if the lovers broke up, the dumplings made by the mother can make the other party spend 80 cents to pay the bill!

He Tiantian didn't think there was anything wrong with Han Dongmei's behavior of asking for money and goods. After all, Han Dongmei gave the original owner too many things, not just a few dumplings, or festive red envelopes such as 5.20 and 1.314.

So much money, tickets and supplies, oh, by the way, there is also a whole set of review materials, which are good things that money can't buy.

Even if Han Dongmei was in a hurry, the original owner did not refuse, but accepted it readily. It was his fault.

He Tiantian wears it, can't help the female supporting actress to keep the golden finger, and can't double the compensation, then you can only return the things that should be returned to them first!

"...I-I don't want it anymore!"

Han Dongmei couldn't feel He Tiantian's "kindness", and she was embarrassed and annoyed by the pointing and ridicule of the people around her.

She no longer has the momentum to ask for debts, and the hand holding the watch seems to be touching a hot potato.

She threw it hard, not only slapped away He Tiantian's hand, but also threw the expensive club watch.


The watch fell to the ground, and the delicate case shattered, just like the face and pride that Han Dongmei had just established.

"Oh, such a good watch, how can you say that it fell?"

"A prodigal, what a prodigal daughter!"

"Even if she bought the watch, it can't be so bad. I heard that a watch costs more than 120 yuan!"

"My God, more than 100 yuan is more than what my family's strong laborers earn in a year?"

The crowd was chattering again.

Han Dongmei couldn't take it any longer, covering her face and crying and ran back to the room.

He Tiantian:  …

I really want to reach out Erkang's hand and tell the female partner affectionately: Dear, I didn't mean to!

Shaking her head vigorously to get rid of those messy thoughts, He Tiantian bent down and picked up the watch.

Looking at the broken case, He Tiantian pursed her lips.

Then, she raised her head, smiled and said to the people around her, "It's all right, I can still repair it! I'll go to the county town in two days and find a watch repairer to change the case, and it's still as good as new!"

"He Zhiqing is really kind."

"No, I used to think that the little white faces in the city were all people who didn't take responsibility. I didn't expect that He Zhiqing looked at Bai Jingwen and weak, but he was a man who dared to act!"

He Tiantian couldn't listen anymore, let everyone continue, the original owner, a little white face who eats women's soft rice, is about to become a real man of uprightness.

He Tiantian can't destroy the original owner's image by herself, but she can't help the male lead to whitewash her conscience.

She hurriedly said: "It's not a responsibility, I did accept Dongmei's things. Speaking of which, it's really inappropriate."

"I can't give Dongmei a return. Dongmei is tired, tired, and doesn't want to like me anymore. It's human nature!"

However, the more she said that, the more everyone felt that He Zhiqing was upright!

Don't be afraid of being wrong, just be afraid of knowing that you're wrong.

Knowing that you can correct your mistakes, and still be so sincere, you are a good comrade!

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