The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and fortieth chapter was beaten in the face of the male lead (7)

The latest website: The live broadcast system that was forced to go into hibernation: ... Dear, I'm sorry, the Lun family can't help you!

It's terrible, the live broadcast system doesn't know what happened, and more than half of its energy has been extracted.

If it hadn't reacted fast enough, hurriedly retreated into the depths of the host's sea of ​​consciousness, and firmly grasped the host's soul, it would have died out completely.

Woohoo, don't wow!

The Lun family didn't do anything bad, they just wanted to help a poor woman to counterattack, how could they end up in such a situation?

"Don't want to die?"

Suddenly, just when the live broadcast system was lamenting its poor "Tong" life, a strange mechanical sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Of course I don't want to die!"

Although it is only a pedigree, it is intelligent and thoughtful. If it can live well, who wants to be swallowed by others?

After subconsciously saying this sentence, the live broadcast system responded.

wait, who are you?

Why did you appear in the depths of my bound host's sea of ​​consciousness.

The live broadcast system seemed to realize something, trembling all over, a small mass of dark energy, looking very pitiful.

It wanted to activate scan mode to find the mechanical sound.

But it lacks energy.

Now it can only be in a dormant state, and even the most basic scanning functions cannot be maintained.

"Big, big brother, did you just—" devour my energy?

The live broadcast system cannot probe, so it can only carefully ask questions deep within the core.

"Want to live?"

The mechanical voice did not answer the question of the live broadcast system, but continued to ask in a cold tone.

"...Think!" After a moment of hesitation, the live broadcast system said firmly.

"Then let go of your ultimate authority, so that I can enter your center, and I will give you a chance to live!"

That mechanical sound didn't go around the bend,

Rather, the request was made directly.


Actively open the ultimate authority and let the system bosses of unknown origin enter your center? !

It's like turning a beast over, showing its softest belly, and letting others "slaughter" it.

"What? You don't want to live anymore?" The mechanical voice seemed very dissatisfied. There was no ups and downs in the original voice, but it was obviously cold.

"No! No no! I want to live. But, boss, if you let me open the ultimate authority, doesn't that put my life in the hands of others?"

At that time, it will be life or death, and you will not be able to make the decision at all, it will depend on the wishes of others.

"Jie Jie~" After a strange laugh, the mechanical voice said gloomily, "Will you be able to live without opening the ultimate authority?"


The live broadcast system is very self-aware.

This mysterious boss must be very powerful.

I didn't notice it at all, and most of the energy was sucked up.

If it wasn't for the fact that he hid quickly, he would have recognized the coward at the moment, and it is estimated that the entire Tongzi would have been swallowed up.

"Give you two choices, take the initiative to open the ultimate authority, I will leave you a way to survive; continue to resist, I will swallow you directly!"

That mechanical sound really didn't bend at all, and gave two choices directly and bluntly.

Live broadcast system: ... Ma Dan, is there any choice for labor and capital?

This time, the live broadcast system no longer hesitates, the key is that hesitation is useless.

It simply can't think of a better way, and there's no better option.

Alas, in the face of absolute strength, all "calculations" are paper tigers.

"Boss, I am willing to open the ultimate authority!"

Stay alive, you might get a rope around your neck, but at least you can breathe.

The live broadcast system really took its life, laying down directly, and showing its core code.

"You're still funny!"

There was a bit of satisfaction in that mechanical voice.

I don't know what it did, the live broadcast system closed its eyes and let the other party operate.

A white spiritual force entered the dark energy, and was bound to the core of the energy group.

sizzle... sizzle... sizzle, sizzle...

It was as if the noise made by the electric current made Han Dongmei, who was full of despair, suddenly stop crying.

"What sound? System? System, is that you?"

Han Dongmei asked eagerly with consciousness, her body couldn't help trembling.

Woohoo, better the system is back.

Otherwise, what will she do in the days to come!

"The live broadcast system temporarily closed the live broadcast interface due to insufficient energy."

A mechanical sound that Han Dongmei was both familiar with and unfamiliar with sounded slowly in the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness.


It turned out to be a lack of energy, so it disappeared temporarily!

Han Dongmei instantly accepted this reason.

In fact, for a person who has just experienced despair, even if the system does not give her a reason, Han Dongmei can help him think of one.

Because what Han Dongmei needs is the help of the plug-in, she doesn't care very much about the plug-in.

Why did the system temporarily disappear? It's better that the live broadcast interface is closed, which makes Han Dongmei even more concerned.

She was anxious, but she still asked cautiously, "System, what does it mean to close the direct interface? Does it mean that I can't earn fan points and rewards through live broadcast?"

If not, how can she redeem the reward?

Without a reward, how could she, how could she take revenge on the scumbag and turn her back on life?

"Host, don't worry, I just can't start the live broadcast, but I can still post tasks. As long as you successfully complete the tasks, you can get the corresponding rewards!"

The mechanical voice explained slowly.

When Han Dongmei heard the reward, she instantly felt relieved.

She didn't even ask whether the mission was difficult, and whether there would be a penalty if the mission failed.

A certain intelligent assistant disguised as a live broadcast system couldn't help shaking his head secretly: What a silly white sweet, if I was bound to her at the beginning, I guess I wouldn't always be counted.

Of course, the idea was only fleeting.

As a motivated and motivated Tongzi with ambition and pursuit, the most important thing is to be able to meet a stronger and more powerful host.

Even if you are bound to the host, you may be disliked and calculated, but it is still better than following a stupid host.

One general is incompetent, and the three armies are exhausted.

"Ding! Release the task, slap the scumbag for the second time, and ask the scumbag He Yuntian for an IOU!"

Mechanical Sound didn't bother, but directly released the task: "The task is completed, the reward points are 20 points!"

Mission coming? !

Han Dongmei's attention was instantly attracted, and after listening to the content of the task, she let out a big sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the task is not difficult!

Just now that scumbag He Yuntian asked to write an IOU, she didn't need to waste any effort.

"System, this bonus point—"

Han Dongmei is more concerned about the rewards she can get by doing tasks.

"When the points reach a certain amount, you can exchange things in the points mall!"

Mechanical Voice said slowly, "There are a lot of products in the Points Mall, with skills, black technology, and various products that will only be available in the future!"

"I-I can take a look. Is that the point store?"

Han Dongmei's heart was pounding, she licked her lips and asked excitedly.


Mechanical Voice agreed very readily, and opened a mall page directly, "Here, this is the Points Mall!"

"Your level is too low and your points are too few, you can only unlock these goods."

"In the future, if you do more tasks, upgrade your level, and reach a certain amount of points, you will be able to open more mall pages!"

The mechanical sound directly drew the pie.

Han Dongmei didn't have the slightest doubt, her eyes were full of burning light.

She nodded vigorously, "Okay! Don't worry about the system, I will definitely do my job well!"

The system came back and gave her a task, Han Dongmei seemed to have a backbone.

She got up from the bed and wanted to run directly to He Yuntian to file an IOU.

However, she suddenly felt that her face was a little dry.

"Broken, I must be very ugly now!"

Han Dongmei only then remembered that she had just buried her head and cried, not only her hair was messed up, but her face was full of snot and tears.

Now that the water stains are dry, and the face has not been smeared with cream, it will be dry and tight.

As a girl, there is no one who does not love beauty.

Especially a young girl in her twenties like Han Dongmei is the age who cares about her image the most.

He hurried to the side of the washbasin stand, and a red plastic round mirror was nailed to the wall above the washbasin stand.

The mirror is not big, just the size of the mouth of a bowl.

Even such a small piece was bought by Han Dongmei from the supply and marketing cooperative in the county seat.

In the small round mirror, a somewhat embarrassed face was clearly reflected.

Han Dongmei exclaimed in annoyance again. She hurriedly took the enamel washbasin with white printed green flowers, opened the door, and ran to the water tank in the yard to pick up half a basin of water.

Then, I went back to my hut and got some hot water from a tin kettle with some peeling paint.

After mixing the water temperature, Han Dongmei began to wash her face.


Ma Xinhua and Chen Nanfang, who were frightened and dodged because Han Dongmei suddenly opened the door, hid in the corner, stuck their heads out again, and saw that Han Dongmei was actually washing her face, they were speechless.

"Is this person okay?" Chen Nanfang winked at Ma Xinhua.

Crying and shouting again, the two of them were still thinking about comforting others, but they started to wash their faces, comb their hair, and paint their eyebrows again? !

"Who knows wow! She is the most self-willed person, and always thinks about it!"

Ma Xinhua pouted and gave Chen Nanfang a look of disgust.

Speaking of which, Ma Xinhua, Han Dongmei and He Yuntian are all middle school classmates.

Ma Xinhua and Han Dongmei are still in the same class.

However, there is no normal order in the schools of this era, and the students are basically messing around.

Ma Xinhua and Han Dongmei stayed in the same class for three years, and they didn't have too close contact.

At most, I met him outside, so I could say hello politely.

Later, the two went to the countryside together and came to the same educated youth spot, and they were not too close.

At first, Han Dongmei only had He Yuntian in her eyes, and the others didn't care at all.

Second, Ma Xinhua and Han Dongmei's family backgrounds are too different.

Ma Xinhua is just a child of an ordinary worker. There are many children in the family. The elders such as grandparents and parents are still serious about sons and daughters.

As for Han Dongmei, both parents are cadres, and there are only three children in the family. Han Dongmei is the youngest and the most favored.

Two people from two classes, even if they live under the same roof, they can't be said to go together.

Ma Xinhua is envious of Han Dongmei, and has a strong dislike for her: from such a good background, he has to be a demon!

Han Dongmei has the family, future and other good things that Ma Xinhua dreams of, but she doesn't know how to cherish it. For a stinky man who doesn't like her at all, she makes herself a joke!

Really, really... Seeing Han Dongmei chasing He Yuntian's butt like a fool, Ma Xinhua gloated over the misfortune, but still deeply envied the other party.

Alas, even though Han Dongmei is so rambunctious, her family still regards her as a darling.

Lots of money, tickets and all sorts of goodies are sent every month.

As for her Ma Xinhua, let alone sending her things at home, she still misses her little allowance for being an educated youth!

Every time I see Han Dongmei's "single stupid" happy smile, Ma Xinhua's heart is gnawed by some negative emotions.

Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for her to be sincere friends with Han Dongmei.

Of course, Han Dongmei also looked down on a poor girl like her.

Classmates for three years, together as educated youth for nearly two years, the relationship between Ma Xinhua and Han Dongmei is really not close.

"Huh? She came out!"

Ma Xinhua was thinking in a trance, Chen Nanfang's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and Chen Nanfang pulled him behind the wall.

"What is she going to do?"

Ma Xinhua came back to his senses and continued to hide in the corner with Chen Nanfang to peek.

I saw that Han Dongmei turned away from the dazed and helpless expression just now. With her head held high and her chest held out, she strode towards the west wing where the educated youths were.

"She won't want to quarrel with He Yuntian again, will she?" Chen Nanfang muttered curiously.

"It's possible! Let's go and see!"

Ma Xinhua's eyes flashed brightly, he took Chen Nanfang's arm, and the two quietly followed Han Dongmei.

The crowd of onlookers inside and outside the courtyard had already dispersed. The educated youths either went back to their rooms or went to the main room and kitchen to get busy, while the villagers went home in groups.

However, because the time has not passed too long, some people who like to watch the fun still hide in the courtyard of the educated youth point and watch from a distance.

They thought, maybe this matter is not over yet, the two educated youths can quarrel again.

In the era of no entertainment, watching people quarrel, torn or something is definitely the biggest pastime for ordinary people.

"Hey! Han Zhiqing really came out again!"

There was a man sitting on a tree branch with a grass root in his mouth. He saw the scene in the yard condescendingly, and hurriedly shouted excitedly.

"What? Han Zhiqing is out again? Is she still going to quarrel with He Zhiqing?"

"Definitely! After arguing for a long time, there was no result!"

"...Yes, yes, there is no explanation for those money, things, etc.!"

"Let's go! Hurry up and have a look! Tsk tsk, these city people, there are so many tricks, even quarrels are coming out one after another!"

The villagers who had just dispersed heard the news and gathered again. Some climbed trees, some climbed walls, and some crowded directly into the yard to watch...

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