The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 560th chapter persuading good male partner (4)

Popular recommendation:

From He Tiantian's point of view, Ye Beibei seems to be more in line with the cannon fodder counter-attack essay or the rebirth and self-improvement essay.

It's a pity that Ye Beibei is not the protagonist, let alone reborn and counterattack.

It's hard to get a plug-in, and it's a wild system.

With the experience of the previous world, He Tiantian knew that the wild system was uncontrollable.

Perhaps, it did help Ye Beibei, who was on the brink of desperation, and made her seem to become an independent and successful strong woman.

However, these are all at the cost of consuming the energy of the entire small world, but Ye Beibei is strong, the less stable this novel world will be.

until it collapsed completely.

And Ye Beibei, as a real character living in the world of novels, will naturally disappear when the small world disappears.

He Tiantian didn't want her to end up like that, she was just pitiful, and she had to bear the major cause and effect of bringing down the entire small world.

It's not fair to her!

The wild system, as a destabilizing factor, must be eliminated.

However, Ye Beibei, who was in the quagmire, also needed redemption.

The body that He Tiantian transmigrated through, by coincidence, had helped Ye Beibei in the original plot of the first edition.

The male supporting role, Su Hetian, came from a wealthy family, but is a gentle and kind person.

He is like a gentle gentleman in ancient times, he is like a white moonlight in the turbid world.

He is kind to people and he always thinks of others.

When Ye Beibei was forced to the edge of the rooftop, he pulled her back with a gentle and compassionate smile.

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Su Hetian let Ye Beibei know that in this world, there is not only ugliness, not only indifference, but also a trace of warmth.

Su Hetian healed Ye Beibei's heart, but inadvertently pushed her into a deeper hell.

Because Su Hetian's gentleness and kindness are not just for Ye Beibei alone.

At some point, Su Hetian was comparable to the "Holy Father".

He did pity Ye Beibei, but he also pity others.

In Ye Beibei, she finally became strong, and she began to have a wonderful life of her own.

She did not retaliate against Ye Cheng, Qiu Wanting and others, she just stayed away from these people and lived a peaceful and stable life by herself.

However, Su Hetian "has a heart attack from the Holy Father", always thinking of "happy and happy reunion", and actually persuaded Ye Beibei not to be too obsessed with the grievances and grievances of the previous generation, but to reconcile with his relatives.

Perhaps, from Su Hetian's point of view, he is also for Ye Beibei's good.

After all, no matter how independent Ye Beibei is, she is just a girl.

Alone, no home, no relatives, how lonely?

Ye Cheng, Ye Beixuan, and even Ye Muwan are Ye Beibei's blood relatives.

They don't have any deep hatred for each other, and they can completely "turn the war into jade and silk".

As long as Ye Beibei takes a step back, as long as she responds to Ye Beixuan and Ye Muwan's feelings, they will be He and Meimei's family again.

How wonderful!

He Tiantian: ...what a fart!

Do not persuade others to be kind without suffering others.

If you can't empathize, don't morally kidnap others.

What reconciliation?

What family?

Ye Beibei would become an orphan and depend on others for many reasons.

But it is undeniable that Ye Cheng's betrayal and Qiu Wanting's strong intervention are the original sins.

After Ye Beibei was taken into the Ye family, Ye Cheng's disregard and Qiu Wanting's superficial and secret calculations made Ye Beibei more rebellious and sharper as the real murderer.

There are also Ye Beixuan and Ye Muwan. They may have never thought of hurting Ye Beibei, but their brother and sister relationship that they show off all the time is the biggest damage to Ye Beibei.

After Ye Beibei became stronger, she didn't take revenge on the scumbag, she was kind enough.

People just want to leave this house far away, just want to live a quiet life alone, but they can't do it!

And the person who "forces her to be kind" is none other than the redemption in her heart!

He Tiantian can bet,

Su Hetian's blow and injury to Ye Beibei were definitely more serious than Ye Cheng and others.

Because Ye Beibei has given up family affection in disappointment again and again.

She just wanted to have a pure and only friendship (or love), but as a result, her "only" stabbed her in the chest in the name of being good for her!

Ye Beibei has turned black. In the original plot, she became a vicious female supporting character who complained about the world and others.

She envied Ye Muwan not only being favored by the male protagonist's brother, but also being protected by countless people.

She resented the male protagonist Ye Beixuan for "not distinguishing between the enemy and me", and recognized a thief as a mother.

She even angered the female protagonist Feng Yuyao, feeling that she helped Zhou to abuse her, she only knew how to hold the stinky feet of the third stepmother, but she forgot that she had a serious mother-in-law!

Of course, what she hated the most was Su Hetian.

This man gave her hope, but destroyed it with his own hands.

... Ye Beibei is almost going to be the enemy of the whole world.

However, she is weak, how can she be the opponent of the male lead, female lead, male supporting, female supporting and so on.

With only one protagonist's halo, Ye Beibei, who wanted to hurt the hero and heroine, was doubled back.

In the end, Ye Beibei betrayed his relatives and left, and like his mother Chen Beilei, suffered from depression.

It's a pity that she didn't have the good luck of her mother, and she didn't have the care of her relatives. Instead, she was sent to a mental hospital by her so-called brother and father, and she became a lunatic!

In the second version of the plot that was eroded by the virus, Wild Tong was bound to Ye Beibei before Su Hetian appeared.

With the "Shenhao System", Ye Beibei has endless money and has become the father of all technology companies.

Her crazy investment, even if she didn't deliberately target Ye Cheng and Qiu Wanting, the Ye family's and Qiu's family's businesses were greatly affected.

As for Ye Beixuan, in order to get Ye Beibei's support, he began to distance himself from Ye Muwan and became the closest sibling to Ye Beibei.

However, at the moment when Ye Beixuan "falls" Ye Beibei, it also shows that he has become a slave of money.

Without persistence, he became somewhat philistine and utilitarian, and Ye Beixuan's image of the male protagonist began to collapse little by little.

When he accepted the first money funded by Ye Beibei, he had a link with the "Shenhao System".

His luck was transformed into the energy for the operation of the "Shenhao System".

The more powerful the wild system, the more dim the aura of the male protagonist's protagonist.

Without the blessing of the protagonist's halo, even if he holds a golden finger like the "Movie Technology Rubik's Cube" in his hand, Ye Beixuan has entered the dilemma of "doing what is not going well".

The production of mecha has failed again and again.

And every time you fail, you need to burn a huge amount of money.

Ye Beixuan needs Ye Beibei's "investment" even more.

How did he know that the money obtained by the Shenhao system was conjured out of thin air using his luck.

In other words, he was using the money he got from burning himself to burn himself further, until all his luck was completely consumed, and he was reduced from the protagonist to an ordinary character.

If the Shenhao system was not an uncontrollable virus, He Tiantian would only applaud in such a scenario.

It's wild, it's He Tiantian's mission as a writer.

And the virus or something is too unstable. It did help Ye Beibei to counterattack, but in the end, it completely engulfed Ye Beibei.

Even if this small world does not collapse, Ye Beibei will become a slave of the wild lineage, lose his nature and become completely unrecognizable.

He Tiantian sighed, she didn't want to be a villain, but she had to take away Ye Beibei's "golden finger".

"Don't worry, dear, I stole your golden finger, and I will give you a plug-in!"

He Tiantian rushed to the front at the moment when the wild system appeared, swallowing the dark energy in one bite.

She frantically ran Little Master Uncle's Promise Jue, converting the energy into spiritual power, and then returning all the spiritual power to Ye Beibei's soul.

With this group of spiritual power, Ye Beibei's soul will become more solid, and her luck will become extraordinarily good.

Of course, these are at most "interest", not He Tiantian's real compensation.

"Ding! Knowledge is bound to the money system!"

Ye Beibei was first taken aback by the sudden appearance of "Su Hetian", and then she faintly heard a mechanical sound in her ear.

Knowledge is money?

Still system? !

Ye Beibei wondered if he was hallucinating, how could he hear such absurd and ridiculous voices.

Moreover, this is not the time for her to study these things, and there is still a senior Su to deal with in front of her.

"Su, Senior Su?"

Of course Ye Beibei knew Su Hetian, who was a real rich and noble son.

Good family background, good looks, better learning.

The most important thing is that he came from a wealthy family, but he has never used his power to bully others. He is completely different from the rich second-generation and prince-children around him.

He seems to be the campus male god who came out of the campus idol drama, and he seems to be the prince charming in the fairy tale.

Kind, noble, warm like water, and the scenery is full of moon, people can't help but be moved when they look at it from a distance.

In fact, Su Hetian is indeed the school grass of Hongde International School, a real male god, countless secret lovers, and even a fan group.

Ye Beibei, as a pitiful being bullied, naturally did not dare to think about Senior Su.

But as an adolescent girl, seeing such a perfect male god, secretly falling in love, and occasionally fantasizing that she is more like Senior Su is quite normal.

However, in the past, Ye Beibei only secretly rubbed it in his heart, and never had close contact with Su Hetian.

Today, they actually met on the rooftop.

When Ye Beibei was impulsive and wanted to understand himself, Senior Su kicked open the small door on the rooftop—

Senior Su saved me!

He is like a hero who fell from the sky!

Ye Beibei's heart was beating wildly, and a small face was stained with blush.

"You are Ye Beibei, aren't you?"

He Tiantian maintained the gentle smile of the original owner, and said softly to Ye Beibei.

After she said the name "Ye Beibei", Ye Beibei's eyes brightened obviously.

"Xue, senior, do you know me?"

Ye Beibei's voice was trembling.

Like a little fan, she finally got the chance to communicate face-to-face with her idol.

As soon as he spoke, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the idol actually knew him!

Oh my god, what kind of fairytale is this?

"Yeah, after school, you like to go to the back gate to feed stray cats, don't you?"

He Tiantian is familiar with the two versions of the plot, and naturally knows all the details of Ye Beibei.

Therefore, she knew that when Ye Beibei was studying at Hongde International School, after school, he would always go to the back door of the school to feed a stray orange cat.

Ye Beibei will feed stray cats, not all because of the overflow of love, but "sympathy for each other".

In the first year of high school, Ye Beibei was bullied by his classmates and blocked into the alley at the back door of the school.

They didn't dare to do too much, but just pushed, abused, or deliberately soiled her clothes and hair.

Seeing her crying helplessly in the corner, those people seemed to be able to get great pleasure and then left contentedly.

One time, Ye Beibei was bullied again. She came out of the alley in embarrassment and happened to see some bear children throwing stones at a little milk cat.

Ye Beibei saw the poor little kitten as if he saw himself.

Suddenly a burst of courage was born, and she loudly scared away a few bear children.

She took the pocket money she finally saved, and took the kitten to the nearby pet hospital.

Originally, Ye Beibei wanted to take the kitten home and raise it.

But she doesn't have a home herself, so how can she settle the kitten.

She could only let the little orange cat continue to stray, but every day she would come to the back alley to feed the cat and then talk to it.

After a year like this, after her feeding, the little kitten has become a tangerine seat with a big orange.

Every time Ye Beibei saw the fat orange cat, he would have a great sense of accomplishment.

But she didn't expect that Senior Su would see her secretly feeding stray cats.

"Yeah! I-I do go to the back alley to feed Tachibana! Oh, Tachibana is that stray cat, it's always the orange cat, I, I—"

Ye Beibei was so excited that it was a little awkward to speak.

As she talked, she didn't know what she was talking about.

He Tiantian has always maintained the original owner's smile, gentle, kind and beautiful.

It looks like the perfect campus male god in the comics.

Ye Beibei's face turned even redder, and at the end, she simply stopped.

"It turns out that it's called Orange Seat, um, it's chubby and round, and it really has the style of a leader!"

He Tiantian smiled and agreed, and then pretended to find out that it was getting dark, and said, "It's getting dark, Ye Xuemei, hurry up and go home!"

go home?

Hearing these two words that should be warm, Ye Beibei's good mood when he saw the male god disappeared instantly.

Her smile visibly collapsed.

"What? Don't want to go home? Did you have a conflict with your family?"

He Tiantian turned into a "confidant little brother" and asked Ye Beibei softly.

Ye Beibei glanced at the unbelievably gentle senior Su, and told her rationally that this was the first time she had had close contact with suemia.

They are still strangers, she, she shouldn't confide their thoughts to each other.

However, seeing such a pair of gentle and caring eyes, and hearing such a soft and caring voice, she couldn't help but indulge in it.

Her mouth responded faster than her brain, "It's not my home at all, it's Ye Beixuan and Ye Muwan's home. I don't want to go back!"

In fact, not only the Ye family, but also the Chen family where she lived for thirteen years does not seem to belong to her.

Knowing her parents' grievances and grievances since she was a child, Ye Beibei was keenly aware of her mother's dislike and the anger of her grandparents. She was full of insecurities, and she didn't have much sense of belonging to the Chen family where she had been living...

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