The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and sixtieth chapters persuading a good male partner (8)

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Ye Beibei hurriedly opened the phone screen, clicked on Alipay, and checked the balance——

"Wow! Is there really 100 yuan in the account?"

Ye Beibei was so excited that she had an unreal feeling.

She pinched her face, um, it hurts a bit!

Not a dream!

She took the money out of the balance directly.

A few minutes later, she checked the balance of the bank card with her mobile phone, and it was indeed an extra 100 yuan!

It can transfer and withdraw, so it is not a fake number.

Ye Beibei looked at the account balance on the bank card for a long time, and finally laughed.

The reward is real!

The system is real!

She finally made money with her hard work!

It's only 100 bucks, but it's a great start.

In the future, Ye Beibei believes that he will be able to make more money through the system!

"Yes! Host, as long as you study hard and work hard to complete the tasks released by the system, you can earn countless money!"

"This system is the famous 'knowledge is money' system!"

Feeling Ye Beibei's excitement, the mechanical voice in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness said proudly with a hint of pride.


Ye Beibei nodded desperately.

To be able to help her make money, the system is naturally a good one, it says what it says!

System: ... Well, this system will treat you as complimenting me!

"Ding! Post a task, transfer from the science class to the liberal arts class. If the task is completed, the reward will be 500 yuan in cash; if the task fails, 500 yuan in cash will be deducted!"

Department He Tiantian Tong posted another very easy task.

"Okay! System! I will definitely complete this task!"

Wow, 500 yuan reward!

Originally, she was going to apply for a class transfer. Unexpectedly, the system also specially released related tasks.

She almost made 500 yuan for nothing.

I earned 100 today, and I will make another 500 when I apply for a transfer to the liberal arts class tomorrow.

At this rate, she can earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

She can earn money by studying, so she doesn't have to do odd jobs or take pocket money from her brother Ye Beixuan!

"elder brother--"

Thinking of Ye Beixuan, Ye Beibei's good mood disappeared instantly.

Speaking of which, Ye Beixuan can be regarded as a good brother.

Knowing that Ye Beibei hates Qiu Wanting and refuses to take money from her, but Ye Beibei usually needs living expenses, Ye Beixuan secretly stuffs money into Ye Beibei.

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He also told her: "Don't worry, the money was not given by my family, I earned it myself!"

Ye Beibei still wanted to refuse. She had expectations for her brother, but she also knew that she couldn't rely on him for everything.

Her brother is only three years older than her, and she has no responsibilities and obligations to her. She cannot enjoy her brother's "support" with peace of mind.

But Ye Beixuan insisted, "I'm your brother. I didn't know you existed in the past, and I didn't take good care of you. I feel very guilty!"

"Mom isn't here anymore. Our brothers and sisters are the closest people in the world. I should take care of you, as it should be!"

Ye Beixuan's remarks touched Ye Beibei's heart, made her yearn for family affection again, and made her want to cuddle with her relatives.

Ye Beibei accepted Ye Beixuan's gift and took hundreds or thousands of money from him every month as pocket money.

Ye Beibei was grateful and felt a sense of support.

Unfortunately, this feeling is fleeting.

Because Ye Beixuan's "goodness" is not just for her.

He was just as good to Ye Muwan, even closer and more natural than to Ye Beibei.

After all, in Ye Beixuan's heart, Ye Beibei is his sister, and Ye Muwan is also his sister.

The two sisters are both relatives, and the latter has grown up with him and has had a relationship with each other for more than ten years.

It's clear at a glance how close or far!

Ye Beibei realized this and hurt her even more.

Ye Beixuan gave her the desire for family affection, but took it away unconsciously.

This kind of damage is definitely doubled, Ye Beibei is heartbroken and even more desperate!

She is not jealous of Ye Muwan, but blames Ye Beixuan for "there is no distinction between enemy and me"!

Ye Muwan is Qiu Wanting's daughter, and it is also evidence that Qiu Wanting and Ye Cheng cheated.

Qiu Wanting caused the tragedy of her mother, Chen Beilei, and caused their family to be separated.

Even if Ye Beixuan couldn't share the same hatred, he couldn't take care of Qiu Wanting's daughter in every possible way when he knew the truth.

Ye Beibei is a teenage and half-eldest child, the age at which the grudges and grievances are most distinct.

In her eyes, the world is black and white.

Treating a little third stepmother like Qiu Wanting, you should be happy and grudge.

However, Ye Beixuan was able to live in harmony with Qiu Wanting's mother and daughter for various reasons.

This alone is enough to make Ye Beibei disappointed with Ye Beixuan until resentment arises.

Ye Beixuan: Dear, I have been mother and son with Qiu Wanting for 13 years. In the past 13 years, no one has told me that Qiu Wanting is a stepmother, and no one has told me that my biological mother is Killed by Qiu Wanting.

For more than ten years, the dream of a mother's kindness and filial piety and a harmonious family has been broken. He has not collapsed, and he is mentally strong.

Without personal experience, naturally there will be no empathy, let alone the same enemy.

Ye Beixuan felt that Ye Beibei made him hate Qiu Wanting's mother and daughter, and he was embarrassing him.

Ye Beixuan's heart was painful and contradictory. He really didn't know how to face Ye Beibei, who was covered in thorns.

This pair of brothers and sisters who should have been the closest, became the two most embarrassing people because of their previous generation.

"Great, I can make money myself now, and I don't need to reach out and ask Ye Beixuan for money in the future!"

Ye Beibei suppressed the bad memories in his heart and thought happily: "I will do more tasks and make more money in the future!"

With money, she would return the money Ye Beixuan had given her in the past two or three years with interest.

At this time, Ye Beibei had already made a cut with the Ye family including Ye Beixuan.

It's okay to say she is extreme, or blame her for being ignorant, she just stubbornly thinks: If relatives can't give her absolute and only love, then it's okay to not have such relatives!

In the past, she was not qualified to resist, but now that she has a system and can make money, Ye Beibei felt that she should try to get rid of everything.


Lens conversion, let's talk about He Tiantian.

She came out of the school and walked outside the school gate, and there was already a luxury car waiting.

"Second Young Master!"

The driver opened the door and respectfully greeted He Tiantian to get in the car.

When He Tiantian sat in the back seat, the driver fastened his seat belt and chatted with him familiarly: "It seems a little late today. Is there something wrong with the school?"

The driver addressed He Tiantian as "Second Young Master", but his tone was like that of a close junior.

It's not that he doesn't know his identity, but the second young master "Su Hetian" has a good temper and self-discipline. He has never been bossy to his family's employees, but is very approachable.

After a long time, the driver and other employees also regarded the second young master as his junior.

There is less polite respect, and more warmth and nature.

"Well, something happened, I met a very interesting school girl-"

He Tiantian replied lightly, but she didn't say much.

Halfway through the sentence, she stopped and slowly closed her eyes, as if she was resting.

The driver looked through the rearview mirror and saw that the second young master seemed very tired. Even if he was curious, he had to keep his mouth shut.

I don't know if it was an illusion, he somehow felt that today's second young master seemed to be difficult to get close to.

People are still gentle and kind, but they have a kind of temperament, noble and indifferent, which makes people involuntarily feel awe.

Squirting his lips, he originally wanted to gossip with the second young master.

Feeling the alienation of the second young master, the driver did not dare to say anything, turned the steering wheel, and slowly drove away from Hongde International School.

The Su family is located in the CBD Xincheng villa area in the east of the city. The driver drove the car in the east direction as usual.

However, when the car came to the city, He Tiantian, who had been sleeping with his eyes closed in the back seat, said coldly, "Go to Nanshannan in the south of the city!"

Nanshan Nan?

The famous mountain villa area in the south of the city?

This is not the point, the point is, if the driver remembers correctly, Ms. Zhao, the mother of the second young master and the ex-wife of the master, lives in the south of Nanshan!

The driver was startled and almost slammed on the brakes.

Well, I can't blame him for making a fuss. It's really that Ms. Zhao's relationship with the Su family is not very good.

Even the second young master, Su Hetian, the son of Ms. Zhao, always had disputes with Ms. Zhao.

Unless Ms. Zhao takes the initiative to summon, or during the festival, the second young master seldom goes to the south of Nanshan.

what is it today?

The driver slowed down the car and carefully observed He Tiantian through the rearview mirror.

He always felt that the second young master said that he was going to Nanshan Nan on a whim and said it casually.

Otherwise, as early as when he drove away from school, the second young master would directly tell him: go to Nanshan Nan!

Instead of driving halfway, the second young master suddenly spoke.

Therefore, it should not be Ms. Zhao's initiative to summon, but the second young master's temporary intention.

The driver licked his lips. He really wanted to ask, "Second Young Master, does Ms. Zhao have something to ask you?"

If it had been left before today, the driver might have asked about the good-tempered Second Young Master.

But today-

Seeing the cold and alienated appearance of the second young master in the rearview mirror, the driver did not dare to say a word of gossip!

In the end, he just replied nono, "Okay!"

Quickly adjusting the route, the driver turned the car and drove towards the south of the city.

Out of the urban area, I began to see layers of mountains and forests.

It seems to be isolated from the bustling city, surrounded by mountains and fragrant.

Even the air seems to be much cleaner than the urban area.

The car entered a quiet villa area and came to a Chinese-style three-storey villa.

"Second Young Master, here we are!"

The driver stopped the car, turned his head, and said respectfully to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian opened her eyes, turned her head and looked out the car window, um, it was a familiar and unfamiliar courtyard.

This is the residence of the original owner's mother, which is also funny. As the mother's only child, the original owner does not come several times a year.

It's not that he doesn't want to get close to his mother, but that his mother doesn't want to see him.

It's not that my mother was angry with the original owner because of her divorce. It was the original owner's temperament that made her mother, Ms. Zhao Yingzi, speechless.

In order to allow herself to live a few more years and not be mad at her own son, Zhao Yingzi said directly to the original owner: "It's okay to come to me less! I like to be alone and quiet!"

He Tiantian:  …

Alas, why does Zhao Yingzi like to be quiet, but she has to do it.

As a mother, especially a woman who is divorced and never remarried, you can't say that the child is everything to her, but it also has a very important meaning to her.

However, the original owner, Tai Chi, forced Zhao Yingzi not to get too close to the original owner.

Yes, superb!

After accepting two versions of the plot and integrating all the memories of the original owner, He Tiantian directly labelled the original owner "superior".

Perhaps, in the eyes of outsiders, the original owner, Su Hetian, is a good-natured, kind, considerate, gentle and delicate man, the kind of "good old man" that everyone likes to meet.

It would be an exaggeration to say that he was the Holy Father.

He will not look down on others because of his good background, nor will he bully others.

He is full of compassion, he is happy to help others, and he is like the white moonlight in the hearts of countless people.

Even the heroine Feng Yuyao has a special affection for him.

Not about love, but a belief in goodness.

However, for the people close to him, Su Hetian is a sharp blade that kills without blood!

He is kind, he longs for a beautiful world and a harmonious world, and he also hopes that everyone can be kind, and that everyone and every household can have a happy reunion!

But the problem is that not everyone is as lucky as him to live in a family where food and clothing are safe and parents love.

Everyone has their own pain, but also their own last resort.

Really not everyone can let go of their grievances and force a happy ending.

In fact, it is Su Hetian himself, and the family is not really harmonious.

It's all just his "mistake".

In Su Hetian's view, although his parents were divorced, they did not become enemies, and they still loved themselves together.

The stepmother, Han Mingli, is kind and submissive. She doesn't fight for power and scheming like the step-mothers of other wealthy families. She just serves her husband and takes care of her children wholeheartedly.

The half-sister Su Anqi is capable and courageous. She entered the family business during college and started from the grassroots level. She is a strong woman who is praised by everyone outside, and she is a good sister who takes care of her brother when she comes back home.

Although his half-brother Su Henian was a bit rebellious, he was a middle-2 junior, no matter how naughty he was, everyone would understand.

It is mainly Su Henian Xiong Gui Xiong, but he has great respect for Su Hetian, the second brother.

The two brothers have a very good relationship, and they are like role models among the wealthy families who are fighting for their family property at every turn.

His father, Su Changsheng, was a strict father on the surface, but he was very kind to Su Hetian.

Knowing that Su Hetian didn't like doing business, he let him choose art colleges and fully supported him to study abroad.

There is also Ms. Zhao Yingzi, her mother. Although Ms. Zhao always speaks with thorns, Su Hetian can still feel that her mother loves him very much.

It's just that my mother is not in good health, and even has a weird temper, which makes her express her love a little different!

Ms. Zhao: ...You stupid child, what the hell did my mother do to raise such a naive and simple jerk like you!

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