The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and sixtieth chapters persuading people to be kind (11)

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Princess Su's?

Still want to plot the identity of the heir? !


Think beautifully!

Slowly, Su Anqi has an illegitimate daughter, Su Changsheng, who is nominally the chairman of the Su family, but at best he is a senior working emperor!

Most of Su's shares are in Zhao Yingzi's hands.

In addition to the betrothal gift that year, there is also compensation for Su Changsheng's derailment and illegitimate daughter!

During the divorce, Zhao Yingzi and the Zhao family ruthlessly tore off a large piece of meat from the Su family.

Of course, the "compensation" of the Su family to Zhao Yingzi is also conditional——

The Su Group shares held by Zhao Yingzi cannot be easily transferred or sold. If there is a transfer or sale, the Su family should be given priority under the same conditions.

They don't have a hard and fast rule to transfer it to Su Hetian.

However, Zhao Yingzi has not remarried and has no other children.

Su Hetian is the child she desperately gave birth to, her only one.

As for the rest of the Su family, these are all enemies of Zhao Yingzi.

Zhao Yingzi is crazy and stupid, so she will take the shares of the Su family under her name cheap to the enemy, instead of passing it on to her son.

As for Su Hetian, although Zhao Yingzi has custody of him, he is obviously closer to the Su family.

It doesn't matter if his grandparents and his own father are. He has a very good relationship with his half-sister and younger brother.

Even Han Mingli's junior, Su Hetian gave respect to his elders!

Su Hetian, who is so close to the Su family, is definitely the most caring son of Su Changsheng, and the good grandson of the Su family!

What is the difference between the shares in his hands and in the hands of the Su family?

Su Mu, Su Changsheng and others have no doubts that Zhao Yingzi will transfer the shares to Su Hetian today, and Su Hetian will be able to "completely return to Zhao" tomorrow.

After all, this is the "happy reunion" that Su Hetian pursues.

And these are the results of the Su family's years of indoctrination and brainwashing!

The Su family has a firm grasp on Su Hetian, so they would happily compensate Zhao Yingzi with a high amount back then!

However, no matter how the Su family calculated secretly, the situation on the bright side was—

The Su family holds a total of 67% of the shares of the Su Group. Su Changsheng, as the chairman, holds 21%, and Zhao Yingzi owns 46%.

That is to say, Zhao Yingzi has no interest in management, otherwise Su Changsheng will not be the boss of the group.

As long as Zhao Yingzi thought about it, she would be able to oust Su Changsheng in minutes and become the female bully herself.

Of course, Zhao Yingzi doesn't like doing business or management.

Her health is too poor, the divorce, the inconsiderateness of her son, etc. also disturb Ms. Zhao's health and mood.

She also has a son Su Hetian, who is the true heir of the Su family. There is really no need for Zhao Yingzi to snatch anything from Su Changsheng.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It's so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and going to bed, you can download it here 】

She has no intention of competing for a chairman's seat.

Focus on the "unintentional" competition!

The initiative has always been on Zhao Yingzi's side.

The Su family would be so "fearless" because they were able to control Su Hetian.

In recent years, Zhao Yingzi's tolerance and love for Su Hetian have further contributed to the ambition of the Su family.

Perhaps when the Su family wanted to come, the Su family still belonged to their Su family.

Su Anqi, an illegitimate daughter, dared to jump out and dance.

Zhao Yingzi: ...Heh, the old lady is too lazy to care about you, if you really irritate the old lady, I will even kick Su Changsheng out!

In Zhao Yingzi's view, Su Changsheng is just a senior wage earner who makes money for himself and his son.

All these years, the Su family has been tolerated jumping up and down because she has enough cards in her hand.

Even Su Changsheng doesn't care, and Zhao Yingzi doesn't care about a Su Anqi.

However, I don't care, I don't care, Su Anqi still makes Zhao Yingzi uncomfortable.

Now Su Anqi has even calculated on Su Hetian's head,

Chasing Su Hetian to deceive herself, Zhao Yingzi is really unbearable for her uncle, and neither for her aunt.

Seeing Zhao Yingzi's angry and alert appearance, He Tiantian burst into a bitter smile.

have a look!

See how good the original owner is?

I finally had a "confidence" with my mother. My mother's first reaction was not to be moved, but to suspect that he was playing tricks!

He Tiantian rubbed her face, she decided not to do any "transformation", she just came to clean up!

"Mom, Su Anqi did complain to me, saying that people in the company looked down on her, and some people called her a wild breed and an illegitimate daughter!"

He Tiantian spoke lightly, as if the person mentioned was not her closest good sister.

Zhao Yingzi sharply caught the point, "Su Anqi?"

The stupid son is not disgusting, what is Bala's name "sister"?

"what happened to him?

Quarrel with Su Anqi?

Or, change the strategy?

"Yeah, it's Su Anqi. She was just admitted to university last year, a freshman in the Department of Business Administration, and she is going to intern at the Su Group!"

"I saw that she wanted to go so much, and Dad seemed to be very supportive, so I said a few words to her!"

"However, since you want to practice, you have to start from the grassroots level, right, Mom!"

When He Tiantian said this, she deliberately blinked at Zhao Yingzi.

Zhao Yingzi: more terrifying, isn't it? !

What the hell is going on?

Why did she suddenly feel that the son in front of her had changed from a gentle and elegant old-fashioned gentleman to a black-bellied old fox? !

"and many more!"

Zhao Yingzi stretched out her hand and interrupted He Tiantian, "Let me stroke it!"

While sorting out He Tiantian's words, she asked hesitantly, "You mean, what did you mean when Su Anqi started from the grassroots level?"

He Tiantian:  …

Hey, that's what the original owner meant.

However, the original owner was kind, and wanted her sister to lay a solid foundation, so that she could be truly tempered in the Su Group, and she would be steady and steady, and move towards success step by step.

However, to replace He Tiantian as Su Hetian, it is necessary to properly modify the words and deeds of the original owner.

"Yeah! I suggested that Anqi Su should start with the most basic salesperson!"

"She is a young man under 20 years old. She is only a freshman. Even if she has studied management for four years, she can't really be a manager or a boss from the moment she comes up."

"Besides, my dad is only a senior professional manager, what qualifications does Su Anqi have to be a manager?"

He Tiantian was talking, the original owner's warm voice was mixed with some sarcasm and banter.

Zhao Yingzi's pupils shrank suddenly, and she stared at the "son" in front of her in surprise.

This time, she didn't jokingly wonder if her son was transmigrated or taken away.

Because the person in front of her, whether it is eyebrows, expressions, tone of voice, or some micro-movements, are all familiar to her.

The only thing that feels unfamiliar is the clear pool water, which seems to suddenly become cold!

Is your son acting?

Or is he pretending all the time?

After swallowing a mouthful of spit, Zhao Yingzi asked cautiously, "Hetian, haven't you been close to Su Anqi since childhood and always regarded her as a real sister?"

This is a fact, and it is also the most embarrassing and heartache that Zhao Yingzi cannot accept.

"Yeah! My grandmother told me that this is my sister since I was a child. No one told me until I was six years old that Su Anqi and I were not born by the same mother at all!"

He Tiantian replied lightly, still with obvious sarcasm in her tone.

When Zhao Yingzi heard this, she couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

She did neglect her son, and her poor health was indeed an objective reason.

But it is an undeniable fact that she trusts the Su family too much and refuses to actively take on the responsibility of being a mother.

"Hetian, me, me, it was really my fault back then, I'm sorry for you—" Zhao Yingzi apologized sternly.

He Tiantian waved her hand, "Mom, I don't blame you! You risked your life to bring me into this world. I have nothing but gratitude for you, no resentment!"

"It's really the fault of those with ulterior motives. You and I are both victims!"

He Tiantian looked directly at Zhao Yingzi, the original owner's clear and sincere eyes became distant and deep, but with deep gratitude.

Zhao Yingzi doesn't have any sense of disobedience, but instead has the surprise that "my son is really not a barbecued pork or a white-eyed wolf"!

"Then, then you went over—" Why did you always act like a big idiot who didn't know the difference between the enemy and me, didn't know what to do, and abused his kindness? !

"Mom, my grandma took so much pains to teach me that, as a good grandson who is sensible and filial, of course I have to make grandma happy!"

"Besides, if I wasn't that old-fashioned, my milk and my dad would be so relieved? Would you easily get a divorce and share the assets of the Su family?"

He Tiantian curled the corners of her lips, showing an evil and charming smile on the gentle gentleman's face.

What's even weirder is that it doesn't feel awkward at all.

As if "he" was supposed to be like this.

In the past, the gentle and beautiful scenery was just a disguise.

Now "he" is the most real appearance!

Zhao Yingzi's heartbeat began to become irregular again.

But not because of anger or anger, but because of surprise and joy.

She stared at He Tiantian, trying to find the slightest wrong in her eyes.

"In the past two years, I have used pocket money to secretly acquire some of the Su Group's scattered shares. The accumulated amount is 7%."

"With the 46% in your hands, our mother and son have more than half of the shares of the Su Group!" Their mother and son are the real owners of the Su Group.

Whether it is Su Changsheng, who is now the chairman, or Su Anqi, who is vaguely claiming to be his successor, no matter how they jump around, it is all in vain.

Of course, the original owner's acquisition of the scattered shares was not for planning, but really wanted to help her sister.

He Tiantian: ... This is a big grievance, even if he wears the cloak of peerless kindness, it can't hide the essence of his superb quality!

But the same thing, He Tiantian can have another explanation.

Under her hint, "Su Hetian" has become a black-bellied boss who is good at disguising and calculating.

For a long time-

Zhao Yingzi suddenly burst out laughing, "Okay! Haha! Okay! I knew that my son couldn't be a big idiot who doesn't know right and wrong!"

Stupid what stupid?

Those idiots who take my baby as a fool are really stupid.

If it wasn't for my son's superb acting skills and deceived those idiots, would they willingly transfer the shares of the Su Group to her? !

And that Han Mingli and Su Anqi, they thought they could coax Su Hetian around.

As everyone knows, they are the clowns who have been coaxed and played!

Mmmm, this girl Su Anqi, although her heart is not right, her ability is quite strong.

For the past two years, her business has done well.

I heard that in order to win the attention of the senior management and directors, she seems to be "desperately trying to make a plan", staying up all night to make plans, regardless of the eldest lady's pride in running the business, tsk tsk, one person can reach several people.

To put it badly, spending money may not be able to hire such good employees who work hard.

As for Su Hetian, she just called her sister sweetly a few times, making Su Anqi mistakenly think that she has the hope of becoming the heir, so she can coax Su Anqi to do her best.

Under the misdirection of Su Hetian, Su Anqi regarded the Su Group as her own possession.

And people, for their own career, will naturally take heart and heart, without reservation.

In fact, no matter how good Su Anqi's business is and how outstanding her performance is, if she has no shares in her hands, she will always be a wage earner!

"Mom! Don't you blame me for lying to you?"

Seeing that Zhao Yingzi had no doubts, He Tiantian happily accepted the fact that she was a black belly.

She restrained her evil smile, showed an embarrassed expression, and asked softly.

"Haha, I don't blame you! As long as you understand in your heart, as long as you really know what to do, I won't be angry!"

"However, your kid is really good enough, even your own mother lied!"

"Ha, just now I wanted to use the little girl of the Ye family to make excuses! You, you just have too many intentions!"

Zhao Yingzi smiled and couldn't help thinking of her son's pretentious manners just now.

Not to mention, my son's acting is really good.

The entry point to look for is also good. Ye Beibei has the same place as her Zhao Yingzi.

The son used her as an excuse, pretending to be "scolded awake" by the other party, and he was quite bluffing.

If it wasn't for Zhao Yingzi being too cautious and being too wary of the Su family, he might have been deceived.

"Mom, I didn't lie to you! I did meet Ye Beibei on the rooftop today, and I talked to her a lot!"

He Tiantian is absolutely lying.

She did tell Ye Beibei a lot.

It's just that Ye Beibei didn't scold her, but she patiently persuaded Ye Beibei.

However, these are not the point. The point is that He Tiantian wants Zhao Yingzi to know that Ye Beibei played an important role in her son's "transformation".

"In the past, I really didn't feel the pain of my mother. Although I acted in front of my grandma and my father, I didn't take Han Mingli's mother and son seriously!"

He Tiantian said seriously.

Not caring about Han Mingli and others is not only a sign of not being close, but also a proof that there is no resentment.

As a man, Su Hetian really doesn't think it's an unforgivable fault for a man to cheat.

Small three, illegitimate children, etc., are also normal.

Therefore, the original owner could not feel the pain of his mother, let alone share the enemy.

He Tiantian emphasized this, not to stimulate Zhao Yingzi, but to maintain the original character.

Some things, the original owner can disguise, but if the front and back contrast is too large, Zhao Yingzi will definitely doubt it.

It is definitely the most basic mistake to destroy the script characters. As a senior writer, He Tiantian would not do this...

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