The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and seventieth chapter persuades a good male partner (14)

The latest website: With the help of "Su Hetian", one of Hongde's most powerful sons and daughters, the head teacher no longer hesitates.

In the shortest time, she went through the transfer procedures for Ye Beibei.

"Ding! The task is completed, and the reward is 500 yuan in cash!"

Following the head teacher, just after finishing the formalities, Ye Beibei's sea of ​​consciousness sounded a pleasant mechanical sound.


The task is completed, and another 500 yuan has been credited.

"Senior, thank you!"

To He Tiantian, Ye Beibei was very grateful.

Not only for today's help, but also for the "help" on the rooftop last night.

"You're welcome! Let's go to class!"

Seeing that Ye Beibei's eyes were full of little stars, He Tiantian couldn't help bending the corner of her mouth and said softly.

"Wow! Senior Su's smile is so warm and so Su!"

Ye Beibei's heart beat faster, and the whole person was extremely excited.

However, she soon realized that her feelings for Senior Su didn't seem to be like a teenage girl sprouting with a crush on a male god, but rather—

Senior Su is so kind, just like her big brother!

Because there is a brother, but there is no brother-sister relationship as imagined, Ye Beibei has always had an obsession in his heart.

She really wants to have a brother who loves her wholeheartedly!

"My God, is this finally opening your eyes? Ye Muwan stole my brother, but gave me a senior Su?"

On the way to the new class, Ye Beibei couldn't help but think wildly.

"Students, we have a new student in our class!"

The head teacher of the new class led Ye Beibei to the podium and introduced to everyone with a smile, "Student Ye Beibei, let me introduce myself to everyone!"

Ye Beibei heard the words and quickly regained his mind.

she raised her head,

Glancing at the strangers in the classroom.

In fact, not all are strangers.

Although it is a new class, they are all students from the senior and second divisions.

They are all on the same floor. When going up and down the stairs, or running and other public activities, there will always be times.

Some of them even bullied Ye Beibei.

At this moment, I suddenly saw Ye Beibei coming to the new class, saying "a new classmate who was transferred".

The students of the second year liberal arts international class cast curious, doubtful, or malicious eyes at Ye Beibei.

If it was before yesterday, Ye Beibei would have been flustered, scared, and lowered his head timidly, avoiding the sight of these people like an ostrich.

However, after the rooftop incident last night, the anger incident after returning home, and the repeated and repeated help from Senior Su, as well as the sudden emergence of the system.

The cowardly and inferior Ye Beibei suddenly had endless courage——

What are you afraid of?

Why should I be afraid of these scum who only dare to bully the soft and fear the hard?

Ye Beibei raised his head high and told himself firmly: Ye Beibei, don't be afraid!

Whoever dares to bully me, I will call back!

After these two days, Ye Beibei understood.

In this world, between people, it is a matter of who can get out of it.

As long as she is fearless, as long as she has the courage to resist, she will not be bullied.

Self-defeating one thousand and eight hundred enemies, trying to tear off a piece of flesh from the opponent's body while fighting for his own head... Ye Beibei couldn't believe it, even if she worked so hard, someone would dare to bully her!

Ye Beibei stood on the podium, raised his head, and looked down at the classmates in the classroom.

She bravely met everyone's eyes.

Especially with those malicious eyes, Ye Beibei didn't give in at all.

The eyes met fiercely in the air, as if you could hear the sound of crackling sparks.

Ye Beibei's palms broke out with cold sweat, and she felt a little flustered in her heart, but she still insisted on gritting her teeth.


Seeing that Ye Beibei suddenly became so "rigid", those classmates who were still thinking of continuing to bully Ye Beibei suddenly felt guilty.

Their eyes began to wander, dodge, and finally simply lost.

Ye Beibei clenched his fist hard, yeah, I knew it, I knew they were all paper tigers!

And she, Ye Beibei, finally broke through that shackle!

"Hello everyone, my name is Ye Beibei!"

Holding his chin up, Ye Beibei said firmly and confidently.

"very good!"

The head teacher pretended not to see the eye contact just now, alas, there is no way, Hongde is a private school, and the students are either rich or expensive.

On this campus, the power of money and power is far greater than morality and responsibility.

The head teacher simply can't call himself an "engineer of the human soul" like he does in a public school.

They are more of just passing by, opening one eye and closing the other.

Among the students, ahem, as long as there are not too many problems, the teachers will not mind their own business.

The head teacher glanced around and found an empty seat at the back of the classroom, "Ye Beibei, sit next to Cui Yinuo."

Cui Yinuo?

A flash of surprise flashed in Ye Beibei's eyes.

Oh hoo, what a coincidence!

This classmate Cui Yinuo is the daughter of the Cui family and a loyal follower of Ye Muwan.

In the past three years at Hongde International School, Cui Yinuo has held many grievances for Ye Muwan.

However, Ye Muwan still regarded her as her sister. She was cold-faced and looked down upon, but she was still not angry.


A tow oil bottle, such a big face!

If it weren't for the father of the Qiu family's concubine, she wouldn't even be able to enter the door of Hongde School!

Eating Ms. Qiu's and Hua Qiu's, but being so disrespectful to Ms. Qiu's only beloved daughter!

Cui Yinuo didn't know whether he really felt sorry for his good friend, or for other interests, he rushed ahead of Ye Muwan and targeted Ye Beibei in every possible way.

Yesterday's rooftop incident was written by Cui Yinuo.

Ye Beibei was not free to "repay" those who had hurt him before, so he was arranged by the teacher to sit next to Cui Yinuo.

This is really a narrow road for enemies!

"Okay, teacher!"

Ye Beibei did not refuse, nor was she afraid, she nodded obediently, and then came to the empty seat next to Cui Yinuo with her schoolbag on her back.

Cui Yinuo stared at Ye Beibei closely, the malice in his eyes almost turned into reality.

Ye Beibei raised his head, looking enthusiastic, but in fact he showed her eight teeth provocatively, "Student Cui Yinuo, we are at the same table, please take care of you in the future!"

"Humph!" Cui Yinuo snorted coldly, turned his head directly, and scolded softly, "You deserve it!"

Hongde is an aristocratic school, but it happens that poor people like Ye Beibei are dragging oil bottles.

The self-proclaimed noble Cui Yinuo, even if it is not for the sake of friends, is extremely repulsive to Ye Beibei.

She had already listed one, two or three strategies against Ye Beibei in her mind.

After the head teacher settled Ye Beibei, he left.

As soon as she left, the classroom became lively.

Cui Yinuo took out the mobile phone hidden in the hole of the table, and was making voices and typing again. While busy, he sometimes turned his head and glanced at Ye Beibei.

Ye Beibei: ...there are cat cakes!

Silently complaining, Ye Beibei also took out his mobile phone.

She didn't want to chat with people, or swipe or shoot videos, but wanted to see how the system would give her a reward of 500 yuan.

Last time it was Alipay, will it be WeChat this time?

Ye Beibei opened the screen and found that he had received a new text message.

She hurriedly opened the text message and found that it was a message from xx bank: "Dear Ms. Ye Beibei, in the questionnaire held by our bank last month, you won the best comment award and a special reward of 500 yuan!"


If she left it in the past and saw such a text message, she would directly regard it as a fraudulent message.

However, this time, Ye Beibei was a little speechless in joy.

The system is really playable, and she actually thought of giving her a reward in this way.

Below this text message, there is a bank card arrival reminder message.

Ye Beibei clicked on it, um, it really was 500 yuan.

There is no need to withdraw cash, it is directly credited to the account, and it is still in this reasonable and legal way!

System cheats!

Ye Beibei couldn't help but exclaim in the bottom of his heart.

"Ding! Post the task and quickly recite the English text to be learned today! If the task is completed, the reward will be 100 yuan in cash; if the task fails, 100 yuan in cash will be deducted!"

Just as Ye Beibei was immersed in the joy of working hard to make money, the mechanical sound sounded again in the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

Wow, there's more money in the account!

Ye Beibei seems to have been beaten with blood, and his enthusiasm for learning is very high.

She took out her English book, turned to the text to be taught today, and began to recite it in a low voice.

Coincidentally, although they are in different classes, the international classes of liberal arts and sciences are all from the same English teacher.

Whether it is teaching progress, or homework, etc., the two classes are the same.

Ye Beibei didn't even need to ask his deskmate, he knew what to teach in class today.

Of course, according to the hostility towards her from the new tablemate Cui Yinuo, even if Ye Beibei asked, she would not tell herself.

This person is probably suffocating, thinking about how to deal with himself.

When Ye Beibei was reciting the text, he secretly scanned Cui Yinuo with the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, he didn't miss the sneer at the corner of the other's mouth.

"Ding! The host successfully recites the English text within ten minutes, the task is completed, and the reward is 100 yuan in cash!"

From the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, a pleasant reminder sounded again.

On Ye Beibei's mobile phone, there was a text message reminding her that she participated in a lottery for a certain treasure and a certain brand, and she was lucky enough to win the prize and get a reward of 100 yuan!

Ye Beibei: ... There are so many tricks in the system, I don't know what method will be used next time!

He Tiantian: ... Just these several ways of sending money, you have to die.

That is, when she was on the last rescue mission, she learned hacking skills from the fat man Fei Hanqing.

And she herself is a big man who is proficient in artificial intelligence. She is absolutely invincible in the field of computers and networks.

Therefore, she can easily use various platforms to give Ye Beibei monetary rewards reasonably and legally.

Of course, she just hacked these platforms and didn't steal other people's funds.

All the rewards Ye Beibei received were paid for by He Tiantian.

"Well, it can't go on like this. Small money of a few hundred yuan can still be 'washed' by winning lottery, questionnaire rewards, etc. But in the future, if the amount of rewards is too large, it will be easy to reveal the truth!"

He Tiantian was sitting in the international class of senior three on another floor. Instead of reading, she squinted her eyes and thought about things.

"In addition, Ye Beibei still wants to 'invest' in Ye Beixuan's gold owner father. The accumulation of a few hundred dollars a day is not enough. I also need to increase the amount of her bonus—"

My mother, Zhao Yingzi, gave 10 million to "thank" Ye Beibei.

But the problem is, He Tiantian can't give the money directly to Ye Beibei.

Because there is no reason.

What He Tiantian said to Zhao Yingzi was mixed, and must not be mentioned to another party, Ye Beibei.

"Well, it's not impossible!"

He Tiantian carefully organized her thoughts and slowly came up with a way to deal with these problems.

"Ye Beibei, you are amazing! You actually transferred to our class!"

Just after the English class, the young and fashionable English teacher stepped out of the classroom with small stiletto high heels.

No procrastination, no chatter, very punctual.

As soon as the English teacher left, Cui Yinuo, who was lying lazily on the desk, was instantly revived with blood.

She sat up straight, turned her head, and provoked Ye Beibei, "I'll just say that you have a plan, you are full of ghosts, but Muwan is too kind, always scruples about sisterhood..."

Cui Yinuo said in a loud voice, as if to let everyone in the class know—

Ye Beibei is an oil-sucking bottle. She used the kindness of the real daughter, Ye Muwan, to rely on Hongde, and she also changed the class arbitrarily with the "fake and fake tiger's might".

Hmph, carrying Ms. Qiu and Mu Wan on their backs, Ye Beibei didn't know what to do!

Cui Yinuo was full of malice, and what he said was extremely bitter and mean.

If it were replaced by the sensitive and inferior Ye Beibei in the past, when he heard such an undisguised humiliation, he would definitely cry on the spot, or just run out of the classroom and find a corner where no one was there to sob silently.

It's a pity, Ye Beibei is no longer what she used to be, she is now Niu Hulu Beibei.

Facing Cui Yinuo's provocation, Ye Beibei didn't even have the corner of his eye.

She took out a set of math study questions and began to fight with the math devil.

Alas, there is no way, just now, the system Baba issued a task to her: "Five enough math problems, if the task is successful, the reward will be 500 yuan in cash, and if the task fails, 500 yuan in cash will be deducted!"

For the sake of money, oh no, to study hard, Ye Beibei has to do his best to solve the problem.

As for Cui Yinuo, and her cold words, does it have anything to do with Ye Beibei?

If you have the skill to care about with her, you might as well do a few more questions.

Ye Beibei buried his head in the question, and in Cui Yinuo's eyes, it was deliberately ignoring!


Okay, you oil bottle, how dare you ignore me?

The eyes of the surrounding classmates made Cui Yinuo lose face.

She was so embarrassed that she snatched the exercise set in Ye Beibei's hand, and stabbed it a few times, tearing the exercise set to pieces.

Ye Beibei: ! ! !

Just before she could roll up her sleeves and settle accounts with Cui Yinuo, there was a familiar male voice from far and near: "Beibei, are you getting used to the new class? Is there anyone—" Bullying you?

With the light behind his back, He Tiantian walked in slowly like a schoolboy in the comics!

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