The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and seventieth chapters to persuade a good man (16)

The latest website: The morning class will end soon.

During the lunch break, the unwilling Cui Yinuo ran to Ye Muwan.

The Su and Zhao families are powerful, and Su Hetian, a rich and powerful family, can't afford to offend them, but the Qiu family behind the Ye family is also a bit dignified.

If Ye Muwan was determined to protect Cui Yinuo, it would have some effect.

Cui Yinuo felt that he just tore up Ye Beibei's exercise set, and it was not a big deal. Qiu's family could help him and ask for mercy, maybe he could——

Woohoo, she really doesn't want to be in the regular class.

"...Mu Wan, ask Ms. Qiu to intercede for me and let me go back to the international class!"

Cui Yinuo pulled Ye Muwan's arm and said pleadingly.

"..." Ye Muwan's focus was, "You said that Senior Su helped my sister?"

How did they get together?

Obviously they are people from two worlds that don't match Karma at all!

Could it be that Senior Su likes Ye Beibei?

What is there to like about Ye Beibei? !

Yes! She is really pretty, Ye Beibei looks like Ye Cheng.

And Ye Cheng, as a golden phoenix who flew out of a remote mountain village, was able to fascinate two women, Chen Beilei and Qiu Wanting one after another, which is enough to prove his good looks!

However, in a wealthy family, appearance is not the most important bargaining chip, family background is.

Ye Beibei is just an oil bottle. Even if his surname is Ye, he can't climb the ranks of the Su and Zhao families.

Because everyone in the circle knew that the Ye family was nothing at all, at most it was a nouveau riche who started out with a woman.

Ye Muwan will be praised by certain people at Hongde International School, not because her surname is Ye, but because her mother is Ms. Qiu Wanting!

However, even with Ms. Qiu and the Qiu family as her back, Ye Muwan was still a little far behind a real rich and powerful son like Senior Su.

Senior Su has a gentle temperament, but he is not one to befriend people at will.

At most, Ye Muwan met with Senior Su several times in some public social occasions.

Just a few more polite words.

Ye Muwan, who claimed to be more honorable than Ye Beibei, couldn't get close to Senior Su, and even a common man like Ye Beibei was not qualified to make friends with Senior Su.

However, it was these two people who should not have an intersection, but they got together.

How could Ye Muwan not be surprised?

"Yes, yes!"

Hearing Ye Muwan mention Senior Su, Cui Yinuo subconsciously stumbled.

Woohoo, that's too cruel!

She just tore up a problem set and was kicked out of the international class.

If she bullied Ye Beibei like she did in the past, wouldn't she be kicked out of Hongde?

Suddenly, Cui Yinuo had some regrets, why did she want to target Ye Beibei.

After careful calculation, Ye Beibei never offended himself.

She, she... glanced at Ye Muwan, Cui Yinuo suddenly remembered—

Ye Muwan!

is her!

In the past two or three years, she has been saying in front of her that her sister is pitiful, and she has lived an ordinary life in a civilian area with her mother since she was a child.

It was also said that Ye Beibei's mother had always instilled hatred on Ye Beibei. No matter how good Ms. Qiu was to her, she helped her to enroll in Hongde and paid her a tuition fee of hundreds of thousands a year. North does not appreciate it!

After hearing these words, Cui Yinuo subconsciously felt that Ye Beibei was not from their circle.

I also feel that she doesn't know what to do, and she doesn't know how to be grateful!

Facing the kind and gentle little fairy Ye Muwan, Cui Yinuo suddenly had the idea of ​​"Ye Beibei bullied Ye Muwan"!

Cui Yinuo started targeting Ye Beibei everywhere in order to fight against his friends, and also to curry favor with the Qiu family behind Ye Muwan.

Of course, Cui Yinuo will bully Ye Beibei, and the most important thing is that Ye Beibei is easy to bully.

Ye Beibei is cowardly, the key is that no one supports her.

Bullying her, there is almost no risk, but can please Ye Muwan's mother and daughter, why not do it?

However, at this moment, Cui Yinuo got retribution.

Instead of self-reflection, she put the blame on Ye Muwan.

"Mu Wan, I did it for you—" The one who bullied Ye Beibei.

Cui Yinuo was aggrieved and resentful, and there was a hint of threat in his tone, "I've been kicked out of the regular class now, you can't ignore me!"

Ye Muwan opened her innocent eyes, but her eyes were filled with anger, "Yinuo, why are you tearing up my sister's exercise set? Are you bullying her?"

Ye Muwan didn't take Cui Yinuo's words at all, but seemed to have just reacted, like a good sister who is close to her sister, and questioned Cui Yinuo angrily!

Cui Yinuo:  …

What's the meaning?

Ye Muwan refused to accept the account?

and many more! Ye Muwan did not show any disgust or rejection towards Ye Beibei.

But, because of the grievances of the previous generation, even if they have the same father, it is impossible for them to become true sisters.

There are many things that everyone knows in their hearts, but they cannot be said on the surface.

Cui Yinuo felt that she had grasped Ye Muwan's deep meaning, and then——


Cui Yinuo didn't know what to say for a while.

After stumbling for a long time, he finally said, "Mu Wan, don't you always say that Ye Beibei hates Ms. Qiu, and even you don't like it?"

"I'm your good friend. If someone contradicts you, I will naturally help you out!"

Ye Muwan said innocently and angrily, "Sister is really reluctant to accept my mother and me, but we are a family, and there will inevitably be conflicts between families!"

"I never thought about letting anyone vent my anger? That's my real sister!"

Cui Yinuo's eyes widened, staring at Ye Muwan.

Suddenly, Cui Yinuo realized that Ye Muwan's kindness and beauty were so ironic.

And she, Cui Yinuo, is a real fool.

"Yes! Yes, yes! You are family members, and I am an outsider! I am an outsider trying to get involved in your family's affairs. It's really a dog taking a mouse!"

Cui Yinuo saw Ye Muwan completely, she changed her pleading and sensational, and said with a sneer: "Ye Muwan, you are really an innocent, kind, beautiful and noble little fairy!"

Saying that, Cui Yinuo pointed at himself again, "And I am a vicious and stupid cannon fodder!"

Ye Muwan blinked, her innocent eyes even more innocent, "Yinuo, what do you mean by that? I didn't say you are nosy, but as my good friend, you really shouldn't bully my sister!"

"Stop! Stop!"

Cui Yinuo raised his hand, "I was wrong! I've said it all, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I deserve to be used!"

After saying this, Cui Yinuo didn't wait for Ye Muwan to explain anything innocently, she turned and ran away.

When the two spoke, the volume was initially controlled.

But at the back, when Cui Yinuo questioned Ye Muwan, he was so annoyed that he didn't care about it at all.

Therefore, in the first cafeteria of Hongde School, the VIP cafeteria on the second floor, the students who were eating quietly all set their sights on this corner.

Some people understood what Cui Yinuo said, and looked at Ye Muwan with some inquisitive eyes.

Students who can enter Hongde basically have a certain family background.

And these rich second-generation and wealthy princesses are not all ignorant and stupid idiots.

On the contrary, because of their background and interests, they are far more "mature" than ordinary children.

Some things, they don't need to say too much, they can have a vague guess.

As for Ye Muwan, Little Fairy's character is indeed maintained well, but she is only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, and her acting skills are not yet impeccable.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, no one should play Liaozhai!

Ye Muwan's methods are indeed not too high. For the wealthy princes and princesses who have been helping their mothers all the year round, or competing with illegitimate children, they can't tell at a glance, and they can sense something is wrong.

Oh, what a kind and beautiful little fairy!

But so!

Feeling the gazes of the people around Ye Muwan, a haze flashed in Ye Muwan's eyes.

She clenched her fork tightly, kept her composure, and continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

She has an elegant demeanor and a calm expression, without the slightest hint of guilt.

However, only she herself knows what kind of food she ate at this meal.

Ye Muwan was almost ripped off by Cui Yinuo, and she was extremely annoyed in her heart. It was said that the skills of a five-star chef could not appease her emotions.

Ye Beibei ate very comfortably in the ordinary restaurant on the first floor.

"Senior, are you really used to eating?"

Ye Beibei looked at Senior Su, who seemed to have come out of a cartoon, with some worry.

In her imagination, Senior Su should be sitting in a high-end restaurant, elegantly eating top-level cuisine cooked by top chefs.

Instead of sitting with her on an ordinary fast food booth, one person holds a plate and eats Hongde's cheapest cauldron.

Uh, well, Hongde is an aristocratic school, even if it is an ordinary restaurant, the standard of food is better than that of ordinary schools outside.

However, no matter how strong it is, it is still a big pot, and there are many ideas that are exclusive to school chefs.

Ye Beibei felt that Senior Su was really incompatible with this restaurant on the first floor.

"Why can't you eat it? This scrambled egg with tomato and pineapple looks like a dark dish, but it tastes pretty good! It's interesting to eat it occasionally!"

He Tiantian was eating elegantly, and she didn't forget to wink at Ye Beibei, "Beibei, don't put too many idol filters on me. Male gods also want to eat. And I, to put it bluntly, He's just a normal person with some money!"

"My bed is also an ordinary bed, not a 500-square-meter luxury bed! My chef is just an ordinary chef, not an industry leader from all over the world! I also take a car when I go out, instead of making a straight line. Lift the plane!"


Hearing He Tiantian's words, Ye Beibei couldn't help laughing.

Five hundred square meters of bed, ninety-nine gold toilets, driving in the house...

The descriptions in all kinds of wealthy and wealthy texts really make people laugh.

Before he was brought back to the Ye family, Ye Beibei also thought that the life of a wealthy family was different from that of ordinary people.

However, after coming to Ye's house, Ye Beibei discovered that in addition to being relatively rich, rich and powerful families also need to eat and drink.

At most, the standard is relatively high, but it will definitely not be as exaggerated as written in some.

However, Senior Su's remarks succeeded in amusing Ye Beibei.

Wow, Senior Su is so down-to-earth and so close.

From "his" eyes, Ye Beibei even saw a light called "love".

Ugh, what a hell!

Senior Su treats her so well, as a former little fan girl, she should be rambling and sprouting.

Why do you think that a schoolboy like Senior Su is the elder of her family?

Old father, big brother... It's really not an illusion, Ye Beibei felt that Senior Su, who was sitting opposite her, was actually more amiable and reliable than her own father and brother!

Moreover, Ye Beibei felt inexplicably that Senior Su had a preference for his own!

how can that be?

Today was the second day she officially met Senior Su.

There is no life-saving grace or soul redemption between them, so why did it suddenly progress to such a point? !

"Senior, why are you being so nice to me?"

Finally unable to bear it anymore, Ye Beibei asked this question.

After asking this question, Ye Beibei felt that it seemed too blunt, and added as a joke: "It's not because I often feed stray cats, the senior thinks I'm kind."

Ahem, not Ye Beibei complaining, but in most idol dramas, there are such routines——

The heroine came from a humble background and looks beautiful, but because of her kindness, enthusiasm, simplicity, etc. willingness, she just defeated the excellent female supporting actress and became the favorite of the honorable male protagonist!

Senior Su thinks that there should be no ambiguity between men and women, but Ye Beibei couldn't help but think about it because he strongly brought her under his wing.

"We are destined!"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows slightly, with a small smile on her lips, "I have been studying in Hongde for twelve years, and I rarely go to the rooftop. But yesterday, I suddenly had the idea of ​​going to the rooftop to get some air. As a result— - "I met you.

Referring to what happened yesterday, Ye Beibei's mood was slightly lower, and she muttered, "Yesterday I thought... It was the senior who rescued me and enlightened me, which made me wake up completely!"

If I really want to say "salvation", it was the senior who rescued her.

"You woke me up too!"


Ye Beibei's eyes were full of question marks, and a finger pointed at him, "Me? Wake you up?"

how is this possible?

She carefully recalled all the conversations she had with Senior Su on the rooftop yesterday after she met Senior Su.

It was obviously that Senior Su had been educating him all the time.

When did she "wake up" the senior?

Moreover, with the proud family background and outstanding talent of the senior, it seems that the life is going up and down, where do you need others to "wake up"?

"Actually, I have always had a knot in my heart... But after seeing you and hearing you say so much, when I enlightened you, I unexpectedly comforted myself!"

He Tiantian deliberately mixed up his words, making his words cryptic and dodging, in order to give people plenty of room to make up their minds.

"There is a saying in an ancient poem, 'I don't know the real face of Mount Lu, I just live in this mountain'. I used to be in the game, and I didn't realize my own problems.

"It was only when I persuaded you as a bystander that I suddenly discovered my own problem!"

"And this matter is very important to me, it's like giving me a new look... Beibei, thank you, thank you very much!"

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