The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The five hundred and seventieth eight chapters persuading a good male partner (22)

The latest website: "You dead girl, do you know what you are talking about?"

Ye Cheng was trembling with anger.

In addition to being angry, Ye Cheng still couldn't believe it.

How many years has it been? !

Since he married Qiu Wanting and became the concubine of a wealthy family, no one has dared to treat him like this for more than ten years!

Even the arrogant and willful eldest young lady Qiu Wanting became a good wife and mother after marrying him. Not to mention the people outside.

No matter whose face they looked at, Ye Cheng would be polite to him.

"Dad, you are still not old, your ears will degenerate first?"

Ye Beibei's grievances, which had been accumulated for four years, were finally vented at this moment.

She only felt relieved, and her mouth was even more carefree: "I said I'm going to move my hukou out, I'm going to leave this disgusting and hypocritical home!"

"Disgusting? Hypocrisy?"

Ye Cheng glared at Ye Beibei fiercely, "Damn girl, do you think that your wings are hard, so you don't take my father and the whole family in your eyes?"

Ye Beibei actually followed his words and nodded happily, "Yeah, I'm finally an adult, I finally don't need a bullshit guardian, I can finally make a cut with you and the Ye family!"

Ye Beibei said three "finally" in one breath, a slightly literary comparison sentence, enough to show her mood.

Ye Cheng: ...Unfilial daughter, dead child! If I don't have a heart attack, I will be so angry that I will have a disease attack!

Not to mention Ye Cheng, even Ye Beixuan looked at Ye Beibei with astonished eyes.

He knew that his own younger sister was not happy in the Ye family, and that she had resentment towards her father and towards the Ye family.

But he still didn't expect that his sister's rejection of the Ye family would be so great.

This, this is no longer a simple dislike, but a hatred that comes out of the bones.

As for?

They are all a family. My father and Ms. Qiu didn't beat Ye Beibei, and they gave her plenty of material enjoyment, which was much better than most families in China.

Ye Beibei doesn't say thanks, and there's no need to be so hostile.

Qiu Wanting's mother and daughter, on the other hand, stayed out of it as if they were watching a big drama.

Of course, when Ye Beibei said that the Ye family was "disgusting and hypocritical", Qiu Wanting, as the hostess of the family, was definitely not happy.

However, seeing that Ye Beibei directly made Ye Cheng furious and almost waved his hand to hit someone, Qiu Wanting was full of expectations: Hit! Beat her! Hit this little bitch who always looks at himself with the eyes of garbage!

"Dad, are you going to hit me?"

Ye Beibei saw Ye Cheng's black face and raised his slap, but he was not afraid at all, but asked a little "curiously".

Ye Cheng, who had just prepared and was about to teach his unfilial daughter a lesson, was asked by Ye Beibei. His slap stopped in mid-air, and he didn't know whether to take advantage of the situation or take it back.

"If you're going to fight, try not to leave any traces."

However, Ye Beibei pretended to be "naive" and said something to stimulate Ye Cheng, "Because my senior will return to China in two days!"

Ye Cheng was taken aback, "Su Hetian?"

No one can be mentioned so solemnly by Ye Beibei except Su Hetian.

But the problem is-

"Didn't Su Hetian study art in Paris?"

For the second young master of the Su family, the most orthodox heir of the Su family, he did not study finance or management, but went to study art.

It was definitely big news in the entire wealthy circle back then.

Because of his son's cooperation with Su Ershao, Ye Cheng was very concerned about the Su family.

At that time, Ye Cheng also said to his son secretly, "Although Su Er Shao is the 'original wife's eldest son', he still has the support of the Zhao family! But Han Mingli's mother and son are not fuel-efficient lamps."

"Especially Su Anqi, in just two years, she went from a grass-roots salesman to a deputy general manager of the sales department."

"In addition to the so-called talent, it is more because of her surname 'Su'. She has a 'good brother' like Su Hetian to support her!"

When he said the words "good brother", Ye Cheng's eyes and mouth were full of ridicule.

The good brother of the bullshit was not born by a mother, and Han Mingli was the successor of the junior third.

When Su Anqi was born, she was even an illegitimate daughter!

Su Hetian is also stupid, the eldest son of the good original wife is actually like a family with the illegitimate daughter of the junior third!

Tsk tsk, Ye Cheng felt that if he was Ms. Zhao Yingzi and had such a son with barbecued pork, he would definitely be pissed to death!

When Ye Cheng talked about the gossip of the Su family, he didn't think too much.

In front of his son, he didn't hide it, and actually showed all these on his face.

Ye Beixuan: ... Ye Muwan and I are also half-siblings, and Qiu Wanting is also the third stepmother!

Therefore, I am close to Ye Muwan, and in the eyes of Ye Cheng's own father, this is a strange behavior!


Are you talking about growing up together since childhood?

Hehe, such feelings are based on deception.

Not to mention, after starting her own business, Qiu Wanting and the Qiu family behind her have caused him a lot of trouble.

Qiu Wanting also got a few "adopted sons" and stuffed them into Ye's enterprise.

What is she trying to do?

It's not that he is afraid that Ye Beixuan will monopolize the Ye family's property by himself and wants to help Ye Muwan fight for power and profit.

There is also Ye Muwan, who has become more and more close to several "righteous brothers", but has become more and more alien to his brother.

... One by one, even if Ye Beixuan remembers the "feelings" in his early years, he will be polished a little bit.

However, when chatting with Ye Cheng at that time, Ye Beixuan didn't show it.

Because he knew that Dad didn't want the Ye family to fall apart.

Even if it's just a false harmony, as long as it doesn't come to light, it's fine.

"No year, no holiday, no holiday, why did he suddenly come back?"

Ye Cheng was still wondering, he raised his arms and stared at Ye Beibei viciously.

It seems that as long as he is sure that Ye Beibei is lying, he will double the punishment.

Ye Beibei said in a very natural tone, "Of course you are here to attend my entrance banquet!"

Ye Beibei is very confident in herself, not to mention that she still has a system father.

The system used its own magic to scan Ye Beibei's examination papers and mark them according to the standard answers just after she finished the college entrance examination.

"Beibei, it's very good. Your college entrance examination score this time is estimated to be around 675 points."

"According to the admission scores of previous years, your score can completely apply to Beijing University or Shuimu!"

The system excitedly said to Ye Beibei.

Ye Beibei also had an estimate in his heart, which was basically less than ten percent from the estimate given by the system.

With a score of more than 670 in liberal arts, it is not a top student in the college entrance examination, but it can also be ranked in the top 50 in the province.

With such grades, even if he can't climb the ranks of Beijing University and Shuimu, he can still be admitted to a double first-class university.

The task that the system issued to her was to be admitted to a college, and she exceeded it!

Therefore, although the results have not been released yet, Ye Beibei has already reported the happiness to the seniors in advance.

He Tiantian was naturally happy here, and immediately said that she was going to return to China, and she wanted to congratulate Beibei.

"Admission banquet?" Ye Cheng was stunned for a moment.

It was only then that he suddenly remembered, yes, Ye Beibei is the third year of high school this year, and now is the college entrance examination season in June.

So... no, wait!

He, he actually forgot about Ye Beibei's college entrance examination!

Realizing this, Ye Cheng was somewhat embarrassed.

Ye Beixuan's face was lying: ... I clearly thought about going to the exam with Beibei!

Damn, it's all because he's been so busy recently, he's going crazy.

However, no amount of reasons could cover up his negligence towards Ye Beibei, his own sister.

Thinking of the scene that touched the whole family during the college entrance examination that year.

Imagine the scene of Ye Beibei rushing to the examination room alone.

Ye Beixuan was full of self-blame.

He looked at Ye Beibei with guilt, and murmured: "Beibei, yes, sorry, I promised to accompany you to the exam, but it turned out to be—"

He always said that he regarded Ye Beibei as his own sister, but he forgot about such important things as the college entrance examination. He, he was really derelict.

"It doesn't matter!"

Ye Beibei didn't say "it's okay" because not all "sorry" can be forgiven.

The neglect of her father and brother to her time and again has already made her despair.

If her heart is dead, she will not be sad.

Neither hate nor love!

Now she just wants to distance herself from the group of people in front of her.

"I have a senior!"

When Ye Beibei mentioned Su Hetian, his eyes were shining.

That kind of trust, that kind of closeness, to say that Ye Beixuan's eyes hurt from being stabbed, even Ye Cheng was a little uncomfortable.

Of course, for Ye Cheng, there are more fears!

Although Su Hetian did not inherit the family business, but went to learn some art, the Su Group would be occupied by Su Anqi.

However, Su Hetian was still not something that Ye Cheng, a nouveau riche who made a fortune on a woman, could easily provoke.

"Su, Second Young Master Su is coming back!"

Ye Cheng smiled embarrassingly, and put down that hand in embarrassment.

"Yeah! The senior will go to the provincial capital tomorrow! When the grades are down, he will hold a school entrance banquet for me!"

Ye Beibei's voice was full of happiness and excitement.

Ye Beixuan felt even more distressed.

But Ye Cheng couldn't think about it. In the past year or so, he had seen with his own eyes how Su Hetian took care and sheltered Ye Beibei.

Even Ms. Zhao Yingzi, in social occasions, when chatting with the ladies, she once showed her love for Ye Beibei very clearly.

For this reason, Qiu Wanting suffered a lot of injustice.

When she got home, she vented.

Ye Cheng also knew more.

Although I don't know where Ye Beibei got the favor of Zhao Yingzi's mother and son, there is no doubt that they attach great importance to Ye Beibei.

Later, when Su Hetian left the country, Ye Beibei seemed to have no guardian by his side.

Ms. Zhao Yingzi stood up and went to Hongde International School to deliver meals, nutrition, clothes, jewelry and bags to Ye Beibei!

On weekends or holidays, Zhao Yingzi will also pick up Ye Beibei to be a guest at home, as if taking her as his own daughter!

With Zhao Yingzi's wholehearted love, Ye Beibei completely got rid of the identity of "the rich and powerful family drag bottle" and became the darling of the rich circle of the provincial capital.

Ye Beibei is so close to Zhao Yingzi's mother and son, Ye Cheng is very convinced that Ye Beibei is not lying at this moment.

And according to Su Hetian's attention to Ye Beibei, it is more reasonable that he would return to China for Ye Beibei.

"...Hehe, good! This, this is very good!"

Thinking of Su Hetian, of Zhao Yingzi, of the two giants of Su and Zhao, Ye Cheng wilted.

Not only did he not dare to beat and scold Ye Beibei, but he also cooperated with him to take out the household registration book and handed over the two houses of the Chen family to Ye Beibei.

With the house, Ye Beibei can also settle down independently.

Holding the freshly released household registration book, he saw the words "Ye Beibei" written in the column for the head of the household.

The last restraint in Ye Beibei's heart completely disappeared.

After another ten days, the college entrance examination results came out.

He Tiantian accompanied Ye Beibei to inquire.

"679 points!"

Hearing the results broadcast on the phone, Ye Beibei's heart finally fell.

"Beibei! Congratulations!"

He Tiantian sincerely congratulates Ye Beibei.

While she was happy, she also had a faint pride—it was me! It was me who turned a middle school scumbag into a top student who could be admitted to a top-ranking university in China.

It feels really good to be a golden finger and play a game of cultivation!

Looking at Ye Beibei's transformation step by step, and finally relying on his own efforts, he grew into the most beautiful appearance.

He Tiantian feels more fulfilled than having completed a difficult task!

"Senior! Thank you!"

Ye Beibei said to He Tiantian gratefully.

She didn't get carried away by "victory", she knew very well that she could be where she is today, thanks to the encouragement, support, and wholehearted protection of her seniors!

"You don't have to thank me, you work hard enough!"

He Tiantian rubbed Ye Beibei's head and said softly.

What He Tiantian gave was just a half-hearted system.

Except for the so-called cash rewards, there is no golden finger.

Ye Beibei finally got good grades by relying on his own set of test papers, by himself only sleeping six hours a day, and studying every second.

He Tiantian also gave Han Dongmei from the previous world some spiritual energy to refresh her mind, which can be regarded as a plug-in for Han Dongmei.

Unlike Ye Beibei, she really relies on herself.

Ye Beibei didn't say anything, but she knew very well in her heart that the seniors really helped her too much.

Even if she can rely on her own learning, she will not be able to get good grades without the seniors who create a comfortable learning environment for her.

Or, she was bullied intolerably and ran to the rooftop again;

Or, she will be completely rebellious, going from one extreme to the other, becoming a despised problem girl.

"Senior, you are my salvation, my lifelong benefactor, relative, and my greatest support!"

Ye Beibei said silently.

Then, something happened that made Ye Beibei realize this.

Ye Beibei applied for BFSU under the advice of her teachers and seniors. Her English score is the best, and she also dreams of becoming a female diplomat.

A few days later, Ye Beibei successfully received the admission letter.

He Tiantian was very happy, and Ms. Zhao seemed to have been admitted to a key university as if she was her own daughter.

She directly booked a venue in the best five-star hotel in the provincial capital and held a grand banquet for Ye Beibei.

"Hmph, what about getting admitted to a prestigious university? Isn't she an unfilial girl who doesn't know how to feel and disrespect her parents?!"

Among the many guests, there are always one or two dissonant voices.

The person who spoke was none other than a distant relative of the Qiu family.

Qiu Wanting is more polite and will call the other party a cousin.

This cousin, married to a small boss, is barely a rich wife.

At this moment, I don't know who to rely on, I squeezed into the banquet hosted by Ms. Zhao, and pulled a few people to conduct moral kidnapping against Ye Beibei...

PS: Well, the last two stories have been unsatisfactory, and I'm really sorry. A certain Sa has adjusted his thinking, the next story will be different, please look forward to it (*^▽^*)

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