The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 580th chapter is a fake real 0 gold (1)

The latest website: "Ding! Get 1200 achievement points."

"Ding! Get a reward of 10,000 points."

He Tiantian left the world, the soul returned to the library space, and the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness were one after another of mechanical sounds.

Hmm, the quest rewards are quite satisfactory, and there is nothing too protruding.

The only thing He Tiantian cares about is that her reward amount has exceeded the 100,000 point mark.

In fact, after completing the previous quest, her tip amount was enough for her to exchange for an intermediate treasure chest.

However, she suspects that the prizes in the treasure chest are related to the quest world that has just ended.

The last mission world was just a very simple chronology, and there was no technology or items that He Tiantian needed.

The mission this time is different. The male protagonist has a "film and television technology cube", which can extract black technology from film and television dramas... He Tiantian feels that when exchanging treasure chests at this time, she has a higher probability of getting good things.

"Little D, can my reward amount be exchanged for an intermediate treasure chest?"

She asked Xiao D directly.

"Yeah! Sweet, do you want to exchange?"

Little D likes He Tiantian's "consumption" the most.

It's not that it has any commissions, but the more prizes He Tiantian gets from the Dian Niang system, the more she can feel the magic of the system.

Then be encouraged to do the task well!

Instead of going back to reality at every turn for a vacation.

Only when Tiantian works hard to do tasks and earn points, as her little assistant, can Xiao D be further upgraded!

"Well, exchange!" Just enough to verify her guess.

"Exchange for an intermediate treasure chest!"

Xiao D shook his body, and after a while, the reward amount in He Tiantian's personal account was only 15,000 points in an instant.

Tsk, 10,000 niang coins are gone so much, it hurts a little bit, I just hope that the prizes that come out will be worth the ticket price!

He Tiantian thought secretly.

Suddenly, Xiao D's excited shout came from his ear: "God, sweet, you are so lucky, you actually won the 'Iron Man'!"

"You know, 'Iron Man' sells for 3,000 points in our Dianniang store."

"If you simply accumulate points by doing tasks, it is estimated that you have to do hundreds of tasks to collect enough points to exchange for this black technology!"

"Sweet, it's better to draw the treasure chest, tsk tsk, your luck is invincible!"

Xiao D's cheerful voice drifted in the empty library space.

"Iron Man! Really good!"

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction, and the guess in her heart was verified—

The prizes drawn after exchanging the treasure chest are indeed related to the mission world just ended!

He Tiantian exchanged the black technology of Iron Man and temporarily stored it in her space.

Well, when she returns to reality, she will find a way to copy this black technology and hand it over to the state.

"Sweet, continue to do the task, or return to reality?"

After the excitement, Xiao D began to get busy with business.

Its tone was a little hesitant: what, just got such a good black technology, Tiantian may directly go back to the real world to experiment one or two.

Woohoo, don't, how good is it to continue doing the task? !

"Go on with the task."

However, to the surprise of D classmates, He Tiantian did not choose to return to reality.


Xiao D's expression is a little stupid.

Immediately afterwards, it returned to its cheerful appearance, "That's right! It's better to keep doing the task!"

Xu was so happy, Xiao D was very positive, "Tiantian, what task do you want to do next? Is it something similar to the last task?"

In order to kill the poison, I had to take the poor cannon fodder's golden finger, and then act as her golden finger myself, assisting along the way... Tsk, the happiness of cultivation is not too beautiful.

Not to mention He Tiantian, even Xiao D's classmates enjoy this feeling very much.

He Tiantian, however, was beyond the expectations of Xiao D's classmates, and shook her head, "Let's change the type of task."

"Why? Isn't it good to cultivate? Is it uncomfortable to be a system father?"

Little D didn't understand, "Sweet, think about how you can cultivate an outstanding talent with your own hands. In her mind, you are like a savior..."

What a great feeling!

To put it another way, sometimes, when developing, people will have the illusion that they are the omnipotent savior and the lord of the world.

As if you can easily control a person's fate, you can change some directions of the small world!

He Tiantian seemed to understand Xiao D's inner core fluctuations, she said lightly: "Actually, I'm just a writer, not an omnipotent system, let alone the savior and the lord of the world!"

However, if you always do this kind of task, you will make yourself misunderstood.

Thinking of yourself as special and above the many characters in the scripted world!

Once there is such a misunderstanding, He Tiantian will lose his sense of normalcy and awe, and completely lose himself!

Xiao D blinked his eyes, but still didn't quite understand.

However, it's a good and obedient son.

Since my little friend doesn't want to continue doing this type of task, let's change it!

"Okay, I'll go check it out!"

Little D classmate readily went to inquire.

"Yeah? Sweet, there's a new task type!"

"Oh my god, how could this be? They are so shameful!"

While inquiring, Xiao D cursed angrily.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, what is the situation, what does it mean "there is a new task type"?

Is the system poisoned again?

Or is the virus remnant in China mutated, causing new troubles to the point mother system? !

"Little D, what new task?" He Tiantian asked.

"..." Little D rolled back angrily.

Its furry face was full of anger, "Isn't it the evil forces hiding in the dark?"

"They usually like to steal the benefits of our Dianniang system, but now they took advantage of the virus in the Dianniang system to sneak their writers in..."

Little D classmates talked incessantly.

He Tiantian sharply grasped the point: "Evil forces? Their writers?"

The former He Tiantian understands that those who have conflicts of interest with the Dianniang system can be regarded as evil forces.

To use an analogy, this is like the same online article website. The Dianniang system is to cultivate authors, create good works, and then obtain benefits according to legal and reasonable formal channels.

As for some pirated websites, they get something for nothing, just steal some of the mother's works and illegally grab benefits.

For Dianniang Book City, pirated websites are evil forces!

What really confuses He Tiantian is: "Student D, are you saying that those evil forces also have their own writers?"

"That's right!"

Xiao D was still angry, "Tiantian, you know, we have too many works in the Niangshuku. Among them, there are a lot of eunuchs and unfinished works!"

"And our writers are limited. Even if we work hard and continue to write works, we still cannot meet the needs of all readers!"

"Thus, those evil forces took the opportunity to seize the 'business opportunity'. They not only stole our works, but also arbitrarily sent writers to continue to write those works."

"In the past, they were just sneaking and making small troubles, but this time the core system was infected with a virus, and they took advantage of it..."

"The system can only give priority to those complete works or excellent works with a huge fan base. Many eunuch articles and unfinished articles can't take care of anti-virus for a while, and as a result, the evil forces have exploited loopholes!"

"It's abhorrent. They tamper with the plot at will, not only using their wild writers to get readers' rewards, but also stealing the energy of the world!"

"It's still recently that they are too rampant, and they want to change their works, causing a lot of energy loss, and the main system just discovered the problem!"

As a result, a new task type was derived!

He Tiantian immediately became interested, "There should be no antivirus for this type of task. It's against the wild writers who smuggled in, right?"

"That's right! Sweet, these thieves must be driven out!"

Xu Shi was about to vent, and Xiao D was not as angry as before.

You can think rationally, and when Xiao D speaks, she regains her orderliness, "Sweet, this kind of task is very good!"

"Don't think about the storyline--" Because the storyline has been almost destroyed by "Stowaway".

"You don't have to worry about the male and female protagonists--" because the male and female protagonists have been counterattacked by wild writers and become cannon fodder.

"You just need to drive the stowaways out, ensure the integrity of the story, and maintain the stability of the world!"

Of course, if the story is rewritten to be more exciting, the reward will be more generous.

This point, Xiao D students did not emphasize too much.

Because it knows that its "half-step villain" He Tiantian is the most perfect person.

"...It sounds really good!"

He Tiantian's eyes sparkled.

Not only is the new task more innovative, but also because of the "wild writer".

That is to say, in the mission world, He Tiantian is no longer the only special existence, there is also an "outsider" similar to himself.

People who are doing the same tasks are different from the "natives" of the world.

He Tiantian is familiar with the plot, and has many skills learned in the system. It is definitely very easy to deal with those original characters in the world.

But if the opponent becomes a wild writer, the other party is also familiar with the plot, and also has the golden finger given by the "wild website"... It can't be said to be evenly matched, but it is definitely challenging!

He Tiantian's fighting spirit was instantly ignited.

"Sweet, it's really good! For this new task of 'expelling wild writers', the system gives you a lot of points, at least 10 points to start."

"Also, as you probably guessed, those wild writers have more or less golden fingers or magical skills. If you defeat them, you can directly absorb their 'energy'!"

Little D classmates worked hard at Amway.


Really good yo!

Can you draw the "energy" of the other party? In other words, she can snatch each other's golden finger? !

Of course, things are two-sided.

Once entering such a world, He Tiantian and the so-called wild writers are enemies.

He Tiantian can expel the other party, and the other party can also chase and kill him.

He Tiantian can absorb the energy of the other party, and the other party can also snatch her golden finger.

As a result, the world where everything was under control has become dangerous!

Dangerous, challenging, but also more exciting!

He Tiantian was eager to try, "Okay, let's do such a task!"

"Okay, sweet!"

Xiao D replied obediently, and asked casually, "What channel do you want? Modern or ancient?"

He Tiantian thought for a while, she had just experienced a world with a modern background, and did not want to repeat a similar environment.

"Gu Yan Channel!" Changing the world background can be considered to adjust the mood.

In ancient times, without thermal weapons, the safety factor should be higher.

He Tiantian is not timid, but is used to being cautious.

First time doing this type of assignment, wild copywriter or something, and first time dealing with it.

He Tiantian must maintain absolute caution and vigilance.


Xiao D responded with a sound, and then Bo reported: "The mission world is open..."


He Tiantian opened her eyes and found herself sitting on a rickety carriage.

She looked left and right and found that the carriage was rather old and shabby.

It is not a luxury carriage of a big family, but more like a carriage used by ordinary people to transport goods.

There are no carriages, just a humble carport.

The person sitting in the front driving the car was also dressed in coarse cloth.

He Tiantian lowered her head and looked at the dress of this body. Mmmm, although there were no patches, it was a coarse cloth only worn by commoners in ancient times.

There are no precious accessories on his body, only a plum blossom silver hairpin on his head, and a silver bracelet with obvious historical traces on his left wrist.

The original owner's hands were well maintained, fair and delicate, with only one or two thin calluses on the fingertips.

The shoes are also ordinary embroidered cloth shoes without too much decoration.

He Tiantian was very satisfied. The size of the shoes was normal, not a three-inch golden lotus.

Yes, through the ancient language channel, the most afraid of encountering is women's feet.

Well, He Tiantian found that she was really lucky. She had traveled through the world of ancient sayings so many times, and it seemed that she had yet to encounter bound feet.

After observing the surroundings without a trace, she found that there was no danger. He Tiantian closed her eyes again and began to accept the script and integrate her memories.

Opening her eyes again, He Tiantian's eyes flashed with helplessness——

have to!

This time I got the villain script again.

The original owner, He Dian, is really indescribable!

He Tiantian couldn't help frowning.

"Adian, don't worry, father and mother are very good people, and brothers and sisters-in-law are also generous people!"

"And she... should also be considerate of us!"

The man who was driving the car in front occasionally turned to look at the "wife", and happened to see He Tiantian frowning slightly.

He mistakenly thought that his Adian was worried, and hurriedly comforted him softly.

He Tiantian:  …

Seeing this handsome and extravagant man who was wearing a coarse cloth, her heart became more and more awkward——

The original owner, the original owner, look at what you have done? !

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