The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 583rd chapter is a real 0 gold (4)

The latest website: In the original plot, after Gu Jingyuan found out that he might be the third son of the Hou Mansion, he found the Maji grocery store according to the contact information on the notice.

The shopkeeper, Ma Zhong, was Ma's roommate, and he had seen his uncle.

When I saw Gu Jingyuan, I was full of surprises and wished I could escort him back to Beijing immediately.

He Dian is so shrewd, when he heard Ma Zhong shouting "uncle" to Gu Jingyuan, he knew the identity of this person.

When Gu Jingyuan introduced her, she spoke first, "I'm the daughter of a hunter in the mountains. When I was collecting herbs, I found Brother Gu. Seeing that he was still breathing, I rescued him!"

There was no mention of her "husband and wife" relationship with Gu Jingyuan, only the life-saving grace was emphasized.

Although Ma Zhong felt that there was something wrong with this woman, the surprise of finding the uncle made him temporarily ignore other thoughts.

Without thinking too much, and not daring to delay any longer, Ma Zhong immediately found a security guard, set up the carriage, and even ignored the shop, and escorted Gu Jingyuan and He Tian all the way to Beijing.

On the way, Ma Zhong sent a letter to Mrs. Ma. The letter stated that he had found the uncle, and the uncle's benefactor was a young girl.

More words, Ma Zhong did not dare to say.

He was afraid that if he said the wrong thing, it would lead to conflicts between the masters.

Therefore, when Gu Jingyuan brought He Dian to Nanning Hou's Mansion, the family only regarded this little village girl as the savior of their third young master.

The Hou family has a great business, and raising a helpless benefactor orphan is naturally not a problem.

Ma was grateful to He Dian for saving her husband, and directly regarded her as a younger sister. The treatment was no less than that of the real daughters of the Hou residence.

However, less than two months after He Di entered the Hou Mansion, his stomach swelled.

After asking again, I realized that He Dian is not only Gu Jingyuan's benefactor, but also his wife!

A bolt from the blue, Ma Shi was almost stunned.

But it was true that He Dian saved Gu Jingyuan, it was true that he married Gu Jingyuan when he lost his memory, and the child in his womb really couldn't be more true.

At the beginning, in order to thank He Dian, everyone in the Hou Mansion, including the Ma family, praised He Dian for his kindness and beauty.

The elite circles in Beijing knew that He Dian was Gu Jingyuan's savior.

Today, the savior has become a "wife", which does not seem unacceptable.

Ma lost the opportunity and did not build momentum in advance, but instead was coerced by public opinion.

As for He Dian, he took the opportunity to express his grievance: "I came from a humble background and knew that I was not worthy of the third master Gu. Therefore, when I returned to Beijing that day, I only said that I saved the third master Gu, without mentioning too much!"

"I thought, I'll just stay in Hou's mansion and watch Gu Sanye from afar!"

"I never imagined that I, I would be pregnant with the blood of the third master... The child is innocent. I beg the third young lady and Mrs. Hou to be safe!"

"I don't ask for a name, as long as I can stay with the third master, as long as I can keep this child, I will do whatever I want!"

He Dian was almost humbled into the dust.

Seeing her like this, even Mrs. Hou, who was a little dissatisfied with her, couldn't help but soften her heart.

Mrs. Hou in turn persuaded Mrs. Ma: "...she saved Brother Yuan in the end!"

Moreover, she was also the daughter of a good family, and she worshipped the heaven and earth with Gu Jingyuan and her parents' tablets.

Now take the initiative to be a concubine.

Mrs. Hou felt that He Dian was quite sensible.

And it is normal for the son of a big family to have a concubine.

Gu Jingyuan has a good relationship with the Ma family. They have not had a concubine for more than ten years since they were married, and they have not passed through the room. They are already worthy of the Ma family.

Marcus:  …

Can He Dian be the same as an ordinary concubine?

She saved Gu Jingyuan and was married to Gu Jingyuan for several months!

Ma Shi instinctively wanted to resist.

But everyone came to persuade her, including her parents, brothers and sisters-in-law, and even children.

Ma was heartbroken, and finally chose to compromise and allow He Tian to enter the door.

Subsequent facts proved that Ma's worries were not wrong, and He Dian was not an ordinary concubine.

She has a special relationship with Gu Jingyuan, and her "concession and grievance" makes Gu Jingyuan feel distressed.

The battle between wives and concubines, the battle between concubines and concubines, the three rooms have become no longer peaceful since then!

"...That's the past! This time, I will never be tricked by that slut He Dian!"

The Huaiyuan in Nanning Houfu is a three-bedroom courtyard.

A brocade-clothed woman in the main room gritted her teeth and thought: "And Gu Jingyuan, huh, I'm looking for you frantically, and I'm doing a funeral for you. The whole capital knows about it..."

"I want to see, how can you use public opinion to coerce me this time!"

"You've lost your memory, but it's not that you've lost your mind! A noble son of a noble family who received an elite education, but was played and applauded by a village girl in the mountains, you are such an idiot!"

"This time, I will definitely ruin your reputation!"


"Ah! Ahhh!!"

After chatting with Yao Bin, the captain of the city gate, Gu Jingyuan rejected the other party's proposal to send him back to the Hou residence.

Instead, he drove the carriage and took He Tiantian to the Hou residence.

After entering the capital, Gu Jingyuan's memory became clearer.

And the direction of home has long been imprinted in his bones, as if he reacted instinctively, and he could find it without anyone else to lead the way.

Gu Jingyuan was in a good mood. He met Fa Xiao as soon as he entered the capital.

Although he still didn't remember much about his daily interactions with Yao Bin, he knew that this was his brother.

The good brother was very happy to see him, which made Gu Jingyuan's heart that was a little uneasy, and received a lot of comfort.

good sign!

This is definitely a good sign!

It's just that, for some reason, he always had an itchy nose and kept sneezing.

"Maybe someone is thinking about me!"

Xu Shi was off to a good start, and Gu Jingyuan couldn't help but have a hint of fantasy.

He Tiantian: ... Hehe, don't be sentimental, it's clear that "someone" is scolding you.

"Three young masters?"

Gu Jingyuan followed his instincts, passed through half of the capital, and finally came to the Nanning Hou Mansion.

Just as the dilapidated carriage approached the gate of the Hou Mansion, a concierge came up to expel it.

This is the dignified Nanning Hou's Mansion, and the people who come and go are all nobles, and it is definitely not a place that poor people can touch!

However, before waiting for the doorman to scold him, he looked up and saw a familiar face.

The concierge's face changed greatly, and he stammered, "You, aren't you—" Are you already dead?

The funeral was held last month.

But then, the concierge reacted again, no, no, the third master is missing, no one is alive, no dead body.

The tomb given to the third young master in the house is just a tomb of clothes.

So... the third young master is not dead?

He, is he back? !

"It's me, Gu Fu."

Seeing the concierge, the name "Gu Fu" instantly popped into Gu Jingyuan's mind.

This man is the grandson of the great housekeeper Gu Yong, who was given the surname "Gu" in his early years because of his loyalty to the master's family.

The whole family is most loyal to the Nanning Houfu.

"Oh, it's really you, Third Young Master, you are back!"

Gu Fu looked Gu Jingyuan up and down, and the more he looked, the more he felt that there was no problem.

He grabbed his sleeves and wiped his tears, then turned around and shouted at the inside: "Go and pass the news, the third young master is back!"

"The third young master is not dead! The third young master is back!"

"The third young master is not dead, the third young master is back well!"

"...not dead...back!"

A series of shouts not only echoed in the Nanning Hou Mansion, which was deep in the courtyard.

Even the surrounding neighbors heard the movement here.

"Dead and Resurrection"?

Gee, what a novelty!

It didn't take long for a crowd of melon eaters to gather outside the Nanning Hou Mansion.

Everyone's eyes were directed at Gu Jingyuan.

People in the crowd who were also sharp-eyed (or had ulterior motives) found He Tiantian huddled in the carport.

"Oh, why is there a little lady in the car?"

"...Could it be the woman Gu Sanye was looking for outside!"

"Tsk tsk, third master Gu is so beautiful. If you are injured, you can still find a confidante to come back!"

"No, maybe there's something inside."

"Cut! Lonely men and widows, and they are all young, and they are on the road together, what else can they be apart from adultery?"

"What 'adultery' is too ugly to say."

"Although the words are ugly, they have some truth... Alas, it is the poor third young lady, tsk tsk, what a good wife and mother, and she is even more sincere to the third young master Gu, and the result-"

"Yes, yes, I still remember the funeral of the Hou's mansion last month. Ma's shape was broken, and the whole person was wooden, as if the soul was buried with a set of old clothes of the third master of Gu San!"

Everyone was pointing and talking.

Gu Jingyuan was full of expectations, but he didn't care about it, and didn't care about it.

It was He Tiantian, who paid special attention to her, and with her perverted hearing, she actually listened to all the voices of these people.

Squinting, He Tiantian searched the crowd without a trace.

She did see a few suspicious people.

Ma Shi, as expected, was already prepared.

When Gu Jingyuan was talking to Colonel Yao Bin at the city gate, someone went to the Hou residence to send a letter to Mrs. Ma.

It took Gu Jingyuan about half an hour to find the Hou Mansion all the way.

During this time, it was enough for Ma to arrange a few people to stir up public opinion and guide the trend among the crowd.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

He Tiantian was thinking about Mrs. Ma, who ran out regardless of the lady's demeanor.

"Third Master! Third Master, is it really you?"

"Wuuu, why did you just come back!"

"Do you know how sad and tormented my children and I have been during the year you disappeared!"

"...You ruthless, you, how could you be willing to leave us!"

Ma rushed to Gu Jingyuan, and first looked up and down at his appearance.

Compared with the old Gu Jingyuan, he was a little darker, thinner, a little more simple, and a little less noble.

Xu was in a hurry, and he was in the dust, with a thin layer of stubble on his lips and chin.

There is indeed some gap between the pure and elegant Gu San Gongzi in memory.

However, the eyebrows are very familiar.

Especially a pair of sword eyebrows flying diagonally into the temples, it is the symbol of a man of the Gu family.

Anyone who sees it will not doubt Gu Jingyuan's identity.

And all the female family members, including Mrs. Hou, Mrs. eldest and Mrs. 2, who came after them, also used their crying to prove Gu Jingyuan's identity.

"Brother Yuan, you are finally back!"

"Where have you been this year?"

"...Wait, why are you looking at me with such unfamiliar eyes? I-I'm your mother!"

"Third brother, is there something wrong with your body?"

As the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law, Mrs. Tang is more calm when it comes to things. Of course, she is calmer than Mrs. Hou, probably because she has a relationship with Gu Jingyuan.

She dipped her tears in her handkerchief and asked with concern, "Is your injury healed?"

After hearing Tang's words, Madam Hou reacted.

Yes, their distant brother fell off the cliff because of serious injuries, so his whereabouts are unknown.

Although a year has passed, and although Gu Jingyuan in front of him looks fine, no one can guarantee that his body has completely recovered.

"My body is fine! When I fell off the cliff that day, my head was knocked off, and when I woke up, I didn't remember anything!"

Gu Jingyuan looked at Madam Hou and other female relatives, both familiar and unfamiliar.

The fragments of memory in his mind told him that these women were his relatives.

But he didn't have a complete memory, and he didn't have that kind of sympathy.

He seemed a little alienated.

When Mrs. Hou heard this, the tears that had just stopped gushing out again: "My son, my poor child, how could you, how could you—"

She was saddened by what happened to her son.

Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Wei, the second young lady, looked at each other and made eye contact silently——

"No wonder the third brother has never heard from him, he doesn't remember anything!"

"Oh, it's the poor third brother and sister, she has a strong relationship with the third brother-"

Yes, the cruelest thing about a woman is that her loved ones have forgotten her.

Love doesn't have to be family, it's the day after tomorrow.

Forget about family affection, but the blood in the body will not change.

And what about love? Forget it is gone!

If you want to start a business again, even if you have feelings again, it will not be the same as before.

As the so-called broken mirror is difficult to round!

The third young lady Ma, who was pitied by the Tang and Wei families, was not as sad as they imagined at the moment.

After performing to his heart's content, Ma Shi seemed to have accidentally discovered He Tiantian in the carport.

"Huh? Third Master, who is this girl?"

Mrs. Ma deliberately raised the volume, and her questioning directly overwhelmed Mrs. Hou's sobbing.

Mrs. Hou and other female relatives all heard Ma's words.

Their eyes followed Ma Shi's fingers, and they all looked at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...hehe, I knew you were going to attack in public, but luckily I was prepared!

He Tiantian pretended to be cowardly and shy, and got down from the carriage timidly.

She bowed her knees and bowed to the female family members of the Hou Mansion.

Obviously, she wanted to try her best to show that she knew the rules, but she didn't learn the same way, but looked very weird and ridiculous.

A sneer flashed in Ma's eyes: This woman is indeed hypocritical, and she is used to pretending!

"People's daughter He's Adian, I have met Mrs. Hou! Ladies and gentlemen!"

He Tiantian pretended not to see the scorn in Ma's eyes, and continued to salute the female relatives with a pretentious gesture.

Seeing He Tiantian, Gu Jingyuan remembered to introduce to his family, "Mother, mother, this is my son's savior. If she hadn't rescued my son that day, my son might have been buried at the bottom of the cliff!"

"Besides, she's the son's—" Wife!

Without waiting for Gu Jingyuan to utter the word "wife", He Tiantian took the lead and said, "In order to save the third son, the girl had to be offended. Afterwards, the third son was sympathetic and worried that I would be criticized, so she contacted me with I'm sworn brother and sister!"

This is the so-called "lovers become brothers and sisters"!

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