The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 587th chapter is a fake real 0 gold (8)

The latest website: "Miss He, these are the clothes and jewelry that our three young ladies have prepared for you, take a look!"

He Tiantian was placed in Dongkuoyuan, and she continued to pretend to be reserved.

Mingming really wanted to walk around the small courtyard and see his "new site", but he was afraid of being laughed at.

But her eagerness to try can't deceive anyone.

Even a little maid arranged for her by Ma's family, the third-class servant of the Hou residence, was somewhat disdainful of her.

The little girl came in with a tray on which was a new set of clothes and a few small gold and silver ornaments.

The new clothes are embroidered with flowers in the colors of Concubine Xiang, and they are pink and tender, which is very suitable for teenage boudoir girls.

Most of the gold and silver ornaments are hairpins with plum and orchid heads, small earrings, and silk bracelets.

Leaving it in the rich and powerful family is nothing, at most it is a daily gift to the little girl.

For "He Dian" who came out of the mountain village and had never seen anything in the world, it was a rare treasure.

As a result, He Tiantian maintained the original owner's character, and when she saw the new clothes and new jewelry, her eyes suddenly lit up.

But soon, she thought she was clever enough to hide it.

She even followed Ma's appearance and nodded reservedly, "Well, I see, thank you Mrs. San Shao for me!"

Little maid: ... virtue, how dare you learn from their three young ladies?

East Shi effect frown!

HD Toddler!

Sure enough, she is a mountain village girl who can't be on the table!

"...You don't need to be polite, Miss He! If you don't have any orders, the servant will retire!"

The little maid is young and only a third-class maid, and has not yet learned to conceal her emotions perfectly.

The disgust and disdain in her eyes almost overflowed!

"Go back!"

He Tiantian continued to imitate Ma's style, nodded slightly,

Signal the little girl to step back!

Little girl:  …

I really don't see it, hum!

With pouting, the little maid left the room angrily.

She has to talk to her friends, what is this girl, she is really petite.

That is to say, luckily, he actually saved the third son of their Hou residence.

Otherwise, in her capacity, she will not even be able to enter the gate of Hou's mansion in this life!

He Tiantian watched the little maid leave, got up and closed the door.

"Little D classmate, Mr. Ma is-"

Just as the words "what to do" came to his mouth, He Tiantian swallowed them back abruptly.

Well, she forgot again!

In order to avoid the energy fluctuations caused by the existence of Xiao D, and then attract the attention of wild writers, as early as when he first entered the world, He Tiantian blocked Xiao D.

But she was really accustomed to having a silly little hairy ball in her ear making noises, and classmate D "disappeared" at first glance, and she was really uncomfortable.

He Tiantian circled around the room, calming down while looking at the surrounding environment.

This is a very ordinary room.

Ma's arrangement is not very careful, but there is nothing rude.

This is like Ma's current attitude towards "He Dian". Before there is no evidence, she regards He Dian as an uninvited guest.

He Tiantian: ...Unfortunately, as a guest, I don't want to stay in the Hou Mansion.

If it wasn't for a major plot, He Tiantian had to take this into consideration. She had already asked Madam Hou for a generous thank-you gift and left Hou's mansion.

Thinking of that major plot, He Tiantian secretly began to sort out the relationship between Hou's mansion——

The Marquis of Nanning is the home of martial arts. Although he was not the founding father of the country, his ancestors also started out with military merits.

The current Marquis of Nanning, he once led soldiers, but was injured later, so he had to return to the capital to recuperate.

Nanning Hou and Mrs. Hou have a total of three sons and one daughter:

The eldest son, Gu Jingting, is not only the perfect heir to the title, he is also like the Marquis and is very good at leading troops to fight.

When he was young, he once followed the Marquis of Nanning to the battlefield.

The Marquis of Nanning was seriously injured and could no longer lead the army, so Gu Jingting replaced his father and became the spokesperson of the Marquis of Nanning in the army.

At the age of sixteen, Gu Jingting married the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Pingxi, the eldest daughter of the Tang family.

When the eldest daughter married the eldest son, Mrs. Tang helped Mrs. Hou cook the food.

Although the life of the young couple is not very sweet, they also respect and love each other, and they mingle with each other.

Nanning Hou and his wife were very satisfied with their eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law. They had already handed in a document asking for Gu Jingting to be the heir, waiting for the emperor's approval.

The second son, Gu Jingcheng, may have a genetic breakthrough, but he did not inherit the martial arts style of his father and grandfather.

At the age of 19, he was awarded the juren, which was really praised by the elites in Beijing.

Of course, compared to those disciples of the scholarly family, Gu Jingcheng was not a very amazing person.

But among the playboys, he is a typical example of love of reading and striving for progress.

Coupled with the unique good skin of the Gu family, the imperial court added Enke next year, and Gu Jingcheng participated in the examination, and in one fell swoop, he won the honor of Tanhua Lang.

With a noble birth, she also likes to dance and write, looks handsome, and speaks softly... It is the ideal object for a noble girl in Beijing.

Even the parents of the noble girls also think that Gu Jingcheng is a potential stock and worth investing in.

Therefore, although Gu Jingcheng was the second son, he still attracted the favor of many people.

Up to the royal princess, down to the daughter of an official, during that time, wherever Gu Jingcheng went, he could "ran into" one or two.

However, in the end, Gu Jingcheng still married the daughter of the Dongchang County Prince's Mansion, the Wei family.

It's not that the Wei family is not noble enough, she is not comparable to the princess and the princess, but she is also a royal clan.

It's just that she is the third daughter of the Prince's Mansion. She is not the chief, nor is she the most favored. She is in the middle, neither top nor bottom, and the Prince's Mansion has only one place for her to be granted a title.

Therefore, the Wei family is only the daughter of the county king, not like the eldest sister who received the official title of the county head.

Even so, she was also the direct descendant of the county prince's mansion.

It is enough to be the eldest daughter-in-law of the prince's family, and it is more than enough to match a second son like Gu Jingcheng who cannot inherit the title.

The Duke of Dongchang County will marry his daughter, firstly because he is optimistic about Gu Jingcheng's future, and secondly because the Wei family likes it.

Yes, when Gu Jingcheng was boasting with the champion and the second place, Wei was hiding on the second floor of the restaurant, and he fell in love with the handsome and young Tanhua Lang at a glance.

Gu Jingcheng has a traditional scholar-official mentality. He may not have any affection for his wife, but he sincerely respects it.

Wei's love for him is deeply rooted, and the relationship between husband and wife is harmonious.


The woman next to Wei Shi was really troublesome.

He Tiantian originally didn't want to go into this muddy water, but with that old woman there, even if there is no "He Dian", there will be others.

This person, suffering from a hidden disease and greedy for wealth, has already gone mad!

Of course, He Tiantian didn't leave the Hou Mansion in a hurry, or to take into account the original owner's design - greedy and vain, ambitious!

If there is no reasonable opportunity, He Tiantian suddenly proposes to leave, not only the character design is about to collapse, but the not stupid wild writer will also be suspicious.

He Tiantian is not afraid to confront Ma directly.

But troubles like this can still be avoided.

"That's right, Ma Shi!"

Thinking of Ma Shi, a thought suddenly flashed in He Tiantian's mind.

This person is also familiar with the plot, and she should also know what will happen next.

How will she deal with this?

"Little D classmate, you go-" Monitor Ma Shi!

Halfway through the words, He Tiantian stopped abruptly.

Aw, get used to it, it's really scary!

He Tiantian gave a wry smile, she hadn't noticed it before, but when she was doing the task this time, she realized that she had really relied a little too much on classmate D in the past.

Although she always dislikes Xiao D's mental retardation, she must admit that sometimes, Xiao D's "God's perspective" is really very useful.

Let He Tiantian take many shortcuts and save a lot of energy.

Without classmate D this time, He Tiantian couldn't cheat, so he could only peep in the usual way.

He Tiantian sorted out the clothes and jewelry that Ma gave her, and picked out a few flower-shaped hairpins that looked pretty good.

She ordered a little, not hollow, and the weight was ok.

It is also appropriate to use it to buy off someone.

The first person He Tiantian bought was the grumpy old lady in the courtyard.

Through her, He Tiantian touched Gu Jingyuan's study, and saw Gu Jingyuan who had been rummaging around in the study.

Speaking of Gu Jingyuan, he stayed in the study room he was most familiar with, and without thinking about it, he subconsciously found the small vault or some gadgets hidden in the Hundred Treasure Pavilion.

Unlike the brave and calm eldest brother, and the elegant and gentle second brother, Gu Jingyuan, the third son of the Hou Mansion, is a bit playful.

Reading and martial arts have been dipped a little, but they are not proficient.

It sounds good, it is called both civil and military cultivation, and it is bad to say that if literature is not successful, it is impossible to achieve martial arts.

When he was young, he often fought cock-fighting lackeys and hunted on horseback with a group of noble children in Beijing.

It is still time to discuss a kiss. The reputation of being idle is too bad. The Hou of Nanning used his place in the door and gave Gu Jingyuan an honorary title—Qianniu Jishen.

Became the emperor's personal guard, although he still has no achievements, but at least he has a decent face.

As a result, Gu Jingyuan successfully married Ma Shi, the youngest daughter of the Duke of Wei.

The youngest daughter marries the youngest son, but the Ma family belongs to the next marriage.

Fortunately, although Gu Jingyuan loves to play, his character is not bad, and he really likes his wife Ma Shi.

Ma was beautiful, of noble birth and rich in dowry.

Others said she was married, but she had never acted willfully and domineeringly in front of Gu Jingyuan.

She is kind, innocent, and even a little naive. She has big round eyes, and when she looks at Gu Jingyuan, her eyes are full of his shadow.

That kind of concentration and that kind of deep affection greatly satisfied Gu Jingyuan's vanity and satisfaction as a man.

Therefore, he is also very good to Ma Shi.

Mrs. Hou is an enlightened mother-in-law who never interferes in the affairs of her son and daughter-in-law.

Besides, Gu Jingyuan was the youngest son, and Mrs. Hou had no demands on him.

Mrs. Hou is a rare smart person. The youngest son is the youngest son. In the future, when the family is divided, he can only share 30% of the family business with the second son.

The younger son is not as good as the second son. The second son is famous and has a wife from the royal family. After the separation, the life will not be too bad.

The youngest son didn't even have a background, and he still had the honorable title. After he was on duty, he didn't perform very well, and he simply "destroyed everyone".

There is no need for delusions in his official career. He can only hope that he will have a good wife. Under the care of the Houfu and Guogongfu, their three rooms will not be too bad.

For the sake of her son and grandson, Mrs. Hou is also very close to the Ma family.

He Tiantian: ... This is the normal mother-in-law who loves her son!

Those mothers-in-law who deliberately tossed their daughters-in-law, either do not love their sons, or have a serious mental illness!

Mrs. Hou is smart and sober. She is good to the Ma family, and the Ma family has a growing sense of belonging in the Hou residence.

The small days of the third room, although not as prominent and noble as the big room and the second room, are also very harmonious.

After the two got married, they had two sons and one daughter.

They have both children, no concubines or concubines, and the young couples are loving and loving, and they are envious of all the "single dogs" in Beijing.

Gu Jingyuan: ...

The memory picture in his mind has been almost filled, but it still lacks the sense of reality.

He couldn't help but feel anxious and bewildered.

At this moment, the person he knew and trusted the most came, and Gu Jingyuan was extremely happy.

"Adian, look, these are my secrets!"

Gu Jingyuan pulled He Tiantian to the front, and said to the things spread on the table.

He Tiantian looked at the past, tsk, they are really precious—

Seals and ornaments carved from all kinds of jade, zodiac sweet white porcelain made of official kiln paper, and a small box.

The box was also opened, revealing a stack of silver notes.

Oh wow!

I didn't see it, but Gu Jingyuan, a dude in the Hou residence, was actually a little expert at hiding money from private houses.

Look at this one hundred tael bank note, there are a dozen of them.

Perhaps, one or two thousand taels of silver is nothing to a powerful family like the Houfu.

But don't forget, the Hou Mansion is not divided.

In ancient times, the emphasis was on "the parents are there, and there is no selfish wealth".

If a small family wants to hide any property, it is basically in the name of the wife's dowry, and it will not be done by the man himself.

Because one can get it wrong, it will get a bad reputation of being unfilial and greedy for money.

Gu Jingyuan was able to save so much money secretly, and He Tiantian also had some guesses:

No way, this person loves to eat, play and have fun.

I usually like to have a drink with people and participate in a banquet.

No longer a young teenager, but a big man who became an official, has a wife and children, Gu Jingyuan always wants to be a host when he goes out to socialize.

But he couldn't always ask for money from his family or his wife, so he just saved some secretly.

He is Qianniuwei, and occasionally makes a tolerance.

It's nothing in the capital, but when he goes to other places, he is an "angel", representing the emperor.

Gu Jingyuan didn't dare to collect money wantonly, but there was no problem in accepting filial piety from local officials or wealthy businessmen occasionally.

In this way, Gu Jingyuan saved a small treasury of thousands of taels of silver.

Having lost his memory, Gu Jingyuan was not so obsessed with eating, drinking, and having fun.

Because of his former friends, he also forgot about it!

Over the past year or so, he has become accustomed to relying on "He Dian".

When he returned to the Hou Mansion and regained his noble status, he still believed in Adian's wife more.

So, he pushed all these things in front of He Tiantian, "Adian, give it all to you, you can take it for me!"

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