The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and ninetieth chapters fake real 0 gold (17)

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The King of Dongchang County did not want to let himself be bullied by King Qi all the time, and he did not want his children and grandchildren to become ordinary clans, he wanted to fight for it!

It's not a rebellion, even if it is discovered, it will be a reprimand at most!

He can still afford this punishment!

The Duke of Dongchang quickly made a decision.

Although he was not favored, and the king was only a county king, he was the prince of the late emperor after all, and he also had certain connections in the palace.

As a result, the Duke of Dongchang used the remaining power in his hands to get the emperor's pulse in the Taiyuan Hospital.

Wei held a stack of things and secretly found He Tiantian again.

"Adian, this is the pulse case of a relative of my family, please take a look at it!"

With hope, Wei shi carefully handed the transcribed pulse case to He Tiantian.

"Okay!" He Tiantian pretended not to notice anything, and really thought that the other party was just an ordinary relative of the palace.

After taking the pulse case, I started to read it carefully.

She really guessed right, the current emperor is indeed suffering from asthenozoospermia.

It's not that they can't give birth, it's that their fertility is extremely low.

In this way, He Tiantian's grasp is even greater.

"Adian, are your remedies effective for such a disease?"

Seeing He Tiantian looking through the pulse case for a while, Mrs. Wei began to ponder, holding back and holding back, she asked in a low voice.

He Tiantian came back to her senses and said with a smile, "It works!"


Wei Shi let out a long sigh, and his dangling heart was suddenly relieved.

"That's great, Adian, please prescribe the medicine, I, I order people to come and get the medicine every day!"

Wei Shi endured his excitement and said eagerly to He Tiantian.

"no problem!"

He Tiantian agreed very succinctly, not at all worried, the medicated diet she made by herself,

Who will it be given to.

Who else can I give it to?

It is the emperor who is sick, but who is the emperor?

The honor of the ninety-five, the first honorable person of the Dafeng Dynasty.

Even the Prince of Dongchang County, who believed in He Tiantian's medicinal diet, did not dare to easily send unproven medicinal diets into the palace.

Besides, even if he had the guts to send it, the emperor might not take it seriously.

Therefore, after getting the exact answer from He Tiantian, the Duke of Dongchang collected three or four men with similar symptoms to the emperor.

This is somewhat difficult.

No way, all along, as long as a man and a woman have no children, people are habitually blaming women.

Even if you see a doctor, most of them are women.

Men, even if they may have doubts in their hearts, for various reasons, they are reluctant to seek medical advice.

Especially in ancient times, there were very few men who were infertile after being diagnosed and treated by doctors.

The Dongchang County Prince's Mansion spent a lot of effort and searched the entire Gyeonggi area, only to find two or three kittens.

With the experimental subjects, the Duke of Dongchang secretly put people on Zhuangzi, and then ordered a special person to come and get medicine every day.

As for why not prescribe?

Hehe, what a joke, this is a recipe, a secret recipe!

He Tiantian doesn't care much, and wants to promote it to benefit more patients.

However, the original owner's character can't be collapsed, so let's continue to hide it.

However, He Tiantian knew that it should not be "hidden" for long.

When the experimental subjects are effective, the Dongchang County King will report it to the emperor.

And when the object of treatment becomes the emperor, He Tiantian must present a complete prescription for the people in the Taiyuan Hospital to verify.

This is the power of imperial power.

"Adian, thank you so much!"

Seeing that He Tiantian agreed so simply, Wei Shi felt more and more that "He Dian" was her noble person.

If this thing really happens, her father Wang may still be able to get a prince's rank.

When the Dongchang County Prince's Mansion is done, she will be better off as a married woman.

Wei Shi didn't imagine that he could reach the level of the Yongping County Master of the Qi Prince's Mansion, but the daughter of the Prince is better than the daughter of the fallen Prince's Mansion!

And the one who is about to bring about all this is none other than this country girl in front of her.

Wei Shi thanked He Tiantian from the bottom of his heart.

"Second Young Madam, you are so polite. After I left the Hou residence, I also entrusted you to take care of me so that I could gain a foothold on West Street!"

He Tiantian also hurriedly expressed her gratitude.

Not to mention in ancient times, even in modern times, a single woman has to face many difficulties in fighting alone in a foreign land.

On the day the medicated food store opened, Mrs Wei came to congratulate her with great fanfare. She was both the daughter-in-law of the Hou's mansion and the noble daughter of the prince's mansion. Her appearance made all the shops on West Street look at her.

Everyone knows one thing...

This medicinal food shop was covered by the Wei family.

People who can mingle on the streets of the capital, even if they are just the bottom gangsters, are very discerning.

Don't dare to provoke people who you can't afford to provoke.

With Wei's "platform", not half of He Tiantian's medicinal food shop dared to make trouble.

She is a single woman who lives in the backyard, and there are no gangsters or ruffians who jump over the wall in the middle of the night.

He Tiantian is not afraid of these, but it is best to avoid such troubles.

When there is time to clean up bad people, He Tiantian should study more prescriptions and adopt a few more abandoned babies, women who have been abandoned and have nowhere to go, isn't it good? !

"By the way, there will be fasting in Qingyun Temple on the next Yuan Festival. The nobles in the capital will all go back to Qingyun Temple. Would you like to join in the fun?"

When Wei Shi heard He Tiantian's words, he felt very relieved.

However, instead of thanking each other "like a car and a reel", she changed the subject at the right time.

He Tiantian's eyes flashed, here we come!

"What kind of fasting? Is it a ritual of Taoism?"

He Tiantian pretended not to understand and asked curiously.

"It can be regarded as a kind of ceremony. It was originally for the purpose of paying homage and praying for blessings, or because the eldest Princess Anle liked it, it formed a grand event in the capital!"

"Every year on Xiayuan Festival, the nobles in Beijing go back to Qingyun Temple, bathe, fast, and then participate in the prayer meeting presided over by the Lord of the Temple."

"...Of course, it doesn't mean that only noble people can practice fasting. Ordinary poor people can also experience the blessings of Taoist ancestors."

"On the last day of fasting every year, the master of the temple will give out a secret medicinal soup made by the Taoist temple."

"It's very cold in winter, and there are many people who suffer from wind-cold or lung cough. Qingyunguan's medicinal decoction is a must for treating wind-cold..."

Of course, this kind of medicine is not uncommon for the nobles, and they have better and milder medicines.

For the poor, it is a life-saving medicine.

However, this medicine is limited and hard to come by, and it can only be given during the next few days of fasting every year!

Therefore, not only the elites in Beijing like to go to the Qingyun Temple to pray for blessings, but the ordinary people around them are also eagerly waiting for this day.

"Go, even if you're not interested in the prayer meeting, you can join in the fun!"

"The Qingyun Temple in those days was as lively as the Lantern Festival on the New Year's Day!"

Wei strongly persuaded He Tiantian.

He Tiantian was not interested in joining in the fun or something.

She guessed that Ma Shi might do something in Qingyunguan, but she has been able to roughly guess the process of things.

Although I am curious about the specific details, it is not a must.

Anyway, she has Wei's "best friend", and she can always know the latest gossip in Beijing from her mouth.

However, the Qingyunguan Herbal Decoction mentioned by Wei Shi aroused He Tiantian's interest.

"That 'medicine soup' isn't the kind of thing I guessed it!"

He Tiantian thought to herself.

Because of this question, He Tiantian agreed to Wei's invitation, "It's really so lively? Oh, then I'll go take a look!"

"Second Young Lady, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I would have been blinded in the capital, and I wouldn't know anything!"

He Tiantian thanked and complimented, and the smile on Wei's lips became stronger and stronger.

"You, everything is fine, it's just too polite!"

Wei Shi pretended to be unhappy, and said to He Tiantian affectionately, "You can't be so outlandish in the future. I'm a few years older than you, so just call me sister."

In addition to being truly grateful, the Wei family would be so close to He Tiantian, and also meant to win over and make good friends.

The future wealth of the Dongchang County Prince's Mansion depends entirely on others.

In addition, although "He Dian" is not a genius doctor, the remedies in her hands are really amazing.

At some point in the future, Wei shi will still beg people.

With such a "strange person" who can save lives, Wei really wants to become "good sisters" with each other.

"Then, then I'll climb high!"

Wei Shi was willing to make friends, and He Tiantian would not refuse, she pretended to be ashamed.

Then, as if he mustered up his courage, he shouted at Mrs. Wei, "Sister Wei!"

"Hey!" Wei shi happily agreed, "That's right! In the future, don't be like me!"

Wei shi said that she would not go out with He Tiantian, but before leaving, she still asked the maid to give He Tiantian a box.

Inside the box was a set of red gold and ruby ​​head jewelry, and a stack of silver bills with a denomination of one hundred taels underneath.

He Tiantian counted, a total of one thousand taels.

Well, this is not a thank you, but a "deposit".

Wei Shi hoped that He Tiantian would be able to make a good medicated diet to "treat men's diseases"!

He Tiantian:...As expected of a royal lady, she is really generous.

"Girl, the herbs are cleaned up, come and have a look."

He Tiantian sent Wei Shi off, and just after returning to the shop, she saw a thin woman in her thirties with a bruise on her face, who timidly greeted her.

This person is an abandoned woman taken in by He Tiantian. Her maiden name is Zhou and her boudoir name is Qianniang. She has been married to her husband for more than ten years, but she has never been pregnant.

Her husband's family disliked her, and her mother's family also felt that they had no confidence and were unwilling to support her.

Zhou Qianniang was beaten and scolded at her husband's house, and she worked hard as a horse for more than ten years. She thought she could endure it.

Unexpectedly, a woman the husband was looking for outside was pregnant, and she did not want to be a concubine, but wanted to be the first lady.

The husband then divorced Qian Niang on the grounds that he had no children and drove her out.

The Zhou family thought Zhou Qianniang was ashamed and refused to accept it.

Of course, there are also reasons why Zhou Qianniang "couldn't give birth".

The Dafeng Dynasty was open to folk customs. Widows could remarry, and women who were divorced could remarry if they changed places or lowered their standards.

But there is one exception, that is "cannot give birth".

Men marry wives for the purpose of inheriting the lineage.

On the contrary, some widowers with children may not dislike it and marry them back as free widows.

But this kind of thing needs to be touched. Before there is a suitable partner, the Zhou family does not want to raise a person who is idle for nothing.

Zhou Qianniang had nowhere to go, and in despair, she almost jumped into the well.

He Tiantian, who was passing by, saved the person.

"I still need someone to work here. If you want, just stay in my shop."

"Yes! I am willing! Girl, you don't need to pay me, just take care of my room and board!"

As if the drowning person finally caught the straw, Zhou Qianniang was extremely grateful to He Tiantian.

In this way, He Tiantian has an extra old woman beside her.

Zhou Qianniang not only helped with cleaning, cooking and laundry, but also did some simple cleaning and drying of medicinal materials.

She is a diligent person. She has been sparred in her husband's house for more than ten years, and she has carved the words "being a cow and a horse" into her bones.

By herself, she just served He Tiantian extremely thoughtfully.

He Tiantian: ... I originally wanted to save people, but I didn't want to but got an all-purpose life assistant.

Although Zhou Qianniang didn't want any wages, He Tiantian still saved her a sum of money every month.

In addition, He Tiantian also helped Zhou Qianniang to feel the pulse, "Your body is indeed a little deficient, but it does not cause infertility, but is overworked and malnourished all year round!"

After hearing He Tiantian's words, Zhou Qianniang was a little unconvinced at first, "I-I can give birth? Isn't it a 'hen that can't lay eggs'?"

He Tiantian was speechless and said, "You are not a hen, so of course you can't lay eggs. You are a human and a sound woman!"

Zhou Qianniang didn't care about He Tiantian's words, but continued to doubt, "Then, why can't I have children?"

He Tiantian wanted to help her forehead. "When two people have children, it's like farming. Not only do you need fertile land, but you also need good seeds, so that you can grow food."

He Tiantian looked at Zhou Qianniang, "You have no problem with this land, but you can't grow food, it can only be because the seeds are not good!"

Hearing this simple and easy-to-understand metaphor, Zhou Qianniang's numb face finally showed brilliance, and she looked at He Tiantian burningly, "Girl, you mean, he is the one who can't have children?"

Is it impossible?

How can a man not have children?

"Why not? Men are also human, and they will grow old and die. Some women can't get pregnant because of palace cold or other reasons, and some men can't let women get pregnant because of kidney water deficiency or injury to the body!"

He Tiantian said with great certainty.

Seeing He Tiantian's attitude, the suspicion in Zhou Qianniang's eyes slowly receded.

She finally believed what He Tiantian said, and then squatted on the ground, covering her face and crying.

After staying with He Tiantian for a few days, Zhou Qianniang didn't see He Tiantian treating and saving people, but she saw that there was always a lady who came to visit her.

After inquiries, I found out that this lady was originally unable to have children, but after eating her girl's medicated diet, she became pregnant in less than three months!

The girl may not be a genius doctor, but she has a recipe.

Home remedies for serious illness!

Therefore, her girls are best at giving birth to children.

The girl said it wasn't her fault for not having children, then it really wasn't her fault!

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