The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Five hundred and ninetieth IX fake true 0 gold (20)

The latest website: Chen Mustard Braised!

The earliest penicillin in China.

Of course, Chen mustard brine is not real penicillin, but uses the same principle, which is to treat inflammation with mold.

Chen mustard brine has not been purified and can only be taken orally with great side effects.

However, in the era of no anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, Chen mustard brine did cure some patients with inflammation and lung carbuncle.

He Tiantian studied medicine, and also studied biology and medicine.

She is still very good at making penicillin.

It's just that she needs to take into account the original owner's character, and can't do experiments in a big way.

The original owner has never studied medicine, she just knows a few small remedies, can recognize some medicinal materials, and knows how to simply concoct medicinal materials.

If He Tiantian suddenly made her proficient in medicine, like a genius doctor reincarnated, it would definitely arouse suspicion from others.

Ma Shi is not stupid. She didn't find He Tiantian as a writer. First, she didn't know that a writer entered the world, and secondly, He Tiantian's acting skills were good.

However, once He Tiantian makes a move that goes against the character, Ma will be the first to doubt it.

He Tiantian is not afraid of directly confronting Ma, but she finds that Ma is not a bad person. If she can, she does not want to confront Ma directly and fight to the death!

Everyone has different positions and tasks. There is no absolute good or evil, right or wrong.

Then, everyone can do the task according to their own ability.

At that time, even if they lost, neither side complained.

But if time is wasted on confrontation and mutual targeting... He Tiantian feels such a pity!

And, let's face it, her ability to keep her disguise in front of another wild writer is also a testament to her superiority!

Therefore, the character design can not be ignored, He Tiantian is He Tian.

A selfish, vain, scheming girl who likes to be a white lotus.


On the basis of the character design, He Tiantian will carry out further development.

He Dian is a white lotus bitch, and He Tiantian is a real virgin.

He Dian knows some remedies, and He Tiantian turns them into "good recipes".

He Tiantian can't "invent" penicillin directly, so let's start with Chen Mustard Braised!

This world already has Chen mustard brine, and Qingyunguan also uses it as "medicine soup", which should also be regarded as the category of "home remedies".

He Tiantian felt that Chen mustard marinade could be added to her list of He's recipes.

The mission of this trip was successfully completed. He Tiantian did not continue to stay in Qingyun Temple, but found a chance to say goodbye to the second young lady, Wei Shi, and went down the mountain alone.

Back in the capital, He Tiantian began to buy pickled mustard greens from common people, temples, etc., the older the better.

She directly gave the price for the acquisition of high-quality medicinal materials.

He Tiantian is quite famous in the civilian area of ​​central Beijing because of taking in Zhou Qianniang.

She let out the wind, and many people came running with their own pickles.

He Tiantian checked carefully, accepted the qualified ones, and paid the copper coins as promised.

The people are very happy, some of the pickles that they pickle at home have grown hairy and smelly and can't be eaten, but they can still sell for high prices!

Tsk, this medicated lady, isn't she a fool? !

He scolded He Tiantian for being stupid, but still happily went home with a string of copper coins.

When I got home, I counted the coins over and over again, but still felt unsatisfied, so some people went to their hometown in the countryside to collect mustard greens that were moldy and smelly!

He Tiantian:  …

Qianjin buys horse bones, it is me!

A lot of money was scattered, and a pair of pickle jars were piled up in the backyard.

Zhou Qianniang's head was big when she saw it, "Girl, what do you want these pickles for?"

And it's still moldy and smelly rotten pickles, and the elderly who are most reluctant to waste things may not be willing to eat them.

"Of course it's a medicinal meal!"

He Tiantian said something as a matter of course, and then under Zhou Qianniang's astonished eyes, she started purification and other experiments.

He Tiantian is very busy at her pharmacy shop, and somewhere in the capital, the weather seems to be changing.

"Good Qin Fengniang, back then I remembered that she was good at protecting the master in the chaotic army. Even if she made a big mistake, she still left her a dog's life. As a result, as a result, she—"

Before returning to the capital, Princess Qi ordered someone to investigate.

This time, she has a clear investigation goal, which is to follow Jing Niang to track down.

As a result, something was discovered.

Through Jingniang, Princess Qi found out who belonged to Wei Yong's family.

And Wei Yong's family, whose boudoir name is Qin Fengniang, was the little palace maid who was by her side when she gave birth.

Princess Qi remembered her credit and valued her very much.

Then it was revealed that she had an affair with the guards of the palace, and Princess Qi just kicked her out of the palace, and didn't punish her too much.

"...I thought that although she doesn't love herself, she is still a loyal servant. But I never imagined that this person is of bad character, and she can even secretly exchange children!"

"She, she is so damn damn good!"

Princess Qi was so angry that she could not kill the Wei Yong family immediately.

What's even more hateful is that this damn old slave, when he was found out, was beaten to death because of his guilty conscience.

Before she died, she refused to admit that she had made a mistake, and said that she was calculated by others, and she did not secretly exchange children.

As everyone knows, the more she said that, the more convinced Princess Qi was that she had indeed made a mistake.

Concubine Qi was even more convinced of Jingniang's life experience.

So, when He Tiantian finally purified penicillin that can be taken orally without too many side effects, a big melon suddenly exploded in Beijing——

"The Yongping County Lord of Prince Qi's Mansion is actually not Princess Qi's own flesh and blood, but a rural abandoned baby who was thrown away by a slave!"

He Tiantian: ... what a fast efficiency.

It is worthy of being the eldest Princess Anle, who is full of power, and Princess Qi, who is about to become the "Empress Dowager".

There is also Ma's initiative to leave clues, and the matter of true and false daughters was "clearly checked" in less than a month.

When King Qi sent a letter to the emperor, he first pleaded guilty. Although it was done by the slaves, it was also because King Qi was not strict in governing the family, which caused the scandal to confuse the blood of the royal family.


What more can he say?

Why did Princess Qi escape from the palace?

Isn't that the rebellion of the two kings?

And King Qi, as the emperor's younger brother and a loyal royalist, naturally received the attention of the two kings.

The palace was almost breached, and the guards of the palace died one after another.

If Princess Qi didn't escape, she might end up with one corpse and two lives.

I escaped, and managed to hide in a ruined temple, but I met a jealous slave—

Alas, the emperor couldn't help but pity his younger brother and cousin.

After all, Yongping was just a woman, and although the reputation of the royal family was damaged, it did not cause much impact.

For King Qi's plea, the emperor only symbolically fined him several months' salary.

Of course, since it was Xibei goods, the title of Yongping County Master was naturally taken away.

The emperor changed the title of the real daughter Jingniang as the master of Yongan County, which not only fulfilled the dignity of the Qi Wangfu, but also expressed his uncle's debt and compensation to the "pro-niece"!

Qi Wang's mansion is naturally grateful.

Jing Niang was a little flattered.

The only one who is unhappy is about Yongping County Lord.

Oh no, she is no longer the princess, but Wei Wuyou.

In fact, it was this "Wei" surname, and it was also the mother-daughter relationship that Princess Qi had been reading for more than ten years, so it was not taken away.

According to the meaning of King Qi, since Wei Wuyou is not of the royal blood, he should cross his name from the Jade Butterfly of the Zongren Mansion and expel him from the palace.

But Princess Qi was reluctant.

What happened back then was all done by one person from the Wei Zhong family.

Not to mention that Wei Wuyou is just an innocent baby girl, even her biological parents, never thought of "changing a civet cat for a prince".

The family had already thrown away the baby girl, and it was Wei Zhong's family who carried the baby back and secretly put it into the arms of Princess Qi.

Therefore, the whole thing is only a villain from Wei Zhong's family.

Wei Wuyou is innocent, and she has been the daughter of Princess Qi for more than ten years, and the relationship between mother and daughter is naturally very deep.

Just for these ten years of hard work, Princess Qi didn't want to give up this daughter.

At most, she couldn't be spoiled as she was in the past, and she was raised in the palace as a righteous daughter.

Anyway, the palace is not bad for a bowl of rice.

And although Wei Wuyou is not very good-tempered, his appearance is not bad.

She also has the status of the "righteous daughter" of the palace, and she will be able to marry a good family in the future.

It can be regarded as adding a boost to Qi Wangfu.

Therefore, Princess Qi persuaded King Qi to stop her, leaving Wei Wuyou, the "untouchable daughter" in the palace, and continued to allow her to be named Wei.

Wei Wuyou: ...I don't feel so honored!

She was about to collapse, didn't she? !

The day before, she was still the first noble girl in Beijing, who was aloof and respected by noble girls, and even the only princess in the palace, Princess Chang'an.

As a result, in a blink of an eye, she changed from a noble daughter of a royal family to a daughter of a pariah!

The huge psychological gap almost drives Wei Wuyou, who has always been proud and domineering, crazy!

But she couldn't make trouble, and she didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction.

Because she knew that as long as she had a trace of "restlessness", she would be kicked out of the palace.

At that time, she is truly a lost dog, and everyone can run over and step on her.

In the past ten years, Wei Wuyou has done many arrogant things, she may have lost her memory.

But she knew how many people she had offended.

Without the protection of Prince Qi's mansion, as long as she stepped out of the mansion, she would be swallowed alive.

She doesn't want to become a bereaved dog, and she doesn't want to die!

Therefore, she could only endure all dissatisfaction and resentment, restrain her temper and pride, and turn around to please the Yongan County Master who grew up in the countryside!

"Sister, this used to be my courtyard. You're back, so I'll give it to you!"

Wei Wuyou stiffly accompanies the smiling face, and reluctantly gives up his yard.

Calling the other party's "sister" on the mouth, but scolding inwardly: Bah! Depends on you too! You are a country girl, even wearing a fancy dress can't hide your earthy smell!

"Let? You let me?"

Jing Niang, oh no, now I have to call Yong'an County Master.

She endured the pain and reshaped into the appearance of Princess Qi, in order to take revenge on Wei Wuyou.

Pity her only brother, who was walking on the road well, but was trampled to death by Wei Wuyou, who was galloping wildly.

She killed someone, but Wei Wuyou had no guilt at all, and even thought that her younger brother was unlucky, disturbing her interest in riding.

She didn't even allow her family to collect the corpse, but ordered the corpse to be thrown into the burial mound outside the city, where it was eaten by wild dogs.

In the middle of the night, Jing Niang took a risk and ran to the burial mound, and finally managed to restrain her brother's broken body.

At that time, Jing Niang secretly swore: A-di, don't worry, A-jie will definitely avenge you! Even with my life, I am willing!

The step-by-step plan finally achieved the goal.

Now, Jingniang has replaced Wei Wuyou as the noble county master of the Qi Wangfu.

And the Yongping County Lord, who was once aloof and mighty, has become a poor little man who is attached to the palace!

Feng shui turns, or turns to death!

Jing Niang was full of joy, and her gaze towards Wei Wuyou was even more unkind.

She deliberately picked on the thorns, "If I remember correctly, I am the Yongan County Master of the Wangfu, and the daughter of the Wangfu's serious daughter."

"The best yard in the palace, let me live freely!"

"Haha, you still 'let' it to me? You are a wild bastard who doesn't know who his parents are, and you have the face to say the word 'let'?"

The word "wild seed", like two loud slaps, slapped Wei Wuyou's face fiercely.

"You! Wei Jingniang, how dare you, dare to—" Call me a wild breed? !

Wei Wuyou was used to being arrogant, even if her reason reminded her to be patient.

But the word "forbearance" is too difficult to write, so I put a knife in my heart.

Wei Wuyou's mental breakdown was due to the fall of her identity, and Jing Niang's provocation and abuse made her little sanity exhausted.

Her movements were faster than her brain, and she habitually pulled out the soft whip around her waist.

"...Sister calm down, spare your life, I, I will leave the palace now!"

After all, Jing Niang was also trained by wild writers. When she wanted green tea, she smelled of tea.

Seeing Wei Wuyou whipping the whip, she turned around and ran away without saying a word.

While running, she said in a tea-like manner.

When Princess Qi arrived, she saw Wei Wuyou, the "adopted daughter", holding a whip, chasing and beating the poor biological daughter she just recognized!

"Presumptuous! Presumptuous!!"

Princess Qi's lungs were about to explode, so she ordered someone to stop Wei Wuyou.

Then, Wei Wuyou was beaten for the first time in his life, and it wasn't a few light hits, but a solid 20 hits!

After one pass, Wei Wuyou lost half of his life.

Princess Qi didn't want Wei Wuyou's life, she beat her, and still asked her to be treated by an imperial physician.

Jing Niang even pretended to be in front of Wei Wuyou's bed, with a worried look on her face, as if she was distressed by her sister's good sister.

Seeing her being so kind, Princess Qi was both relieved and guilty - sigh, this child grew up in the countryside, without the arrogance of a noble daughter of the royal palace.

Fortunately, the child was found, and she will teach and double compensation in the future.

"Worry-free, look how good your sister is to you? Don't be rude to your sister in the future!"

Princess Qi explained a few words, then went to work, leaving the "sisters" to get along well.

"Yongping County Master, how is it? It feels a lot to be beaten."

When Princess Qi left, Jingniang leaned into Wei Wuyou's ear and whispered, "However, this is just the beginning. In the days to come, we will grow!"

Wei Wuyou suddenly widened his eyes, the blue veins on his forehead bulging, "Bitch, you bastard, you, you really did it on purpose!"

Facing Wei Wuyou's anger, Jingniang smiled slightly, but that smile, in Wei Wuyou's eyes, was so terrifying and strange.

Prince Qi's mansion was lively and lively, and the king and his wife were only concerned about their own mansion, but they didn't know that the Duke of Dongchang had quietly found the emperor...

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