The latest website: Signing a contract?

Depend on!

Director Feng didn't remind him, but He Tiantian almost forgot.

Yes, she still has a movie, waiting for her to sign the contract on her own after her eighteenth birthday, and then officially sign the contract.

"Okay, Director Feng, reserve a time and place!"

He Tiantian hurriedly sent a message to Director Feng.

The other party replied almost in seconds, "Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, Feng Jing's studio!"

Feng Jing not only gave the address, but also sent a location.

"Okay, Director Feng, I'll be there on time tomorrow!"

He Tiantian replied very neatly and told Yuan Mei about it.

Yuan Mei: ...still can't understand a genius like He Tiantian, but went to make a movie.

The entertainment industry is so messy.

How big is sweet?

The point is, her importance to the country is so great, how can she——

However, Yuan Mei kept her responsibilities in mind, she was only responsible for protecting He Tiantian, not controlling and monitoring the other party.

"Okay, I'm getting the car ready!"

Yuan Mei agreed and suggested, "By the way, do you want to find another lawyer?"

Signing a contract, although it is just a movie, the contract must also be reviewed.

Again, He Tiantian is not an ordinary 18-year-old girl. She is too important to make mistakes in such trivial matters.

"Also! Sister Mei, do you have any acquaintances?"

He Tiantian originally thought it was unnecessary, but Feng Jing mistakenly thought she was a big shot, and even changed the script, making her from a supporting role with only a five-minute role to the only female pig's foot.

Feng Jing shouldn't play anything on the contract.


It's good to be cautious, and take precautions before things happen.

Feng Jing is not only a director, he also opened a studio and invests in or participates in the production of some other film and television works every year.

In case he made some overlord clauses in the contract, such as requiring He Tiantian to participate in other works produced by him, etc., if He Tiantian signed the contract easily, he would be passive.

She came to make a movie, just to experience a different life in reality, and also to fulfill her dream.

He Tiantian didn't want to cause any trouble because of this.

"Yes! I'll contact you right away!"

Yuan Mei took out her phone, looked around, and dialed it out.

After a while, Yuan Mei came in from outside, smiled and shook the phone to He Tiantian, "It's done!"

After a night of silence, Yuan Mei drove He Tiantian to Feng Jing's studio early the next morning.

Downstairs in the office building, they met the lawyer who had arrived.

The lawyer looked about forty years old, dressed in a delicate suit, and with a serious and reserved face, that elite smell rushed towards him.

"Tiantian, this is lawyer He Zhiqian He from Kanghe Law Firm! Speaking of which, it's your own family!"

"Old He, this is He Tiantian, my employer!"

Yuan Mei introduced the two with a smile.

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, He Zhiqian? She has heard of it!

It is said that this is a big bull in the Beijing lawyer industry, and also serves as a visiting professor of a university's Department of Political Science and Law.

There is a joke in the industry, saying that lawyer He's total victory is normal, and if he performs exceptionally, even the lawyer on the opposite side can be sent in!

Of course, this is just a joke.

But it can also be seen from it, how strong the opponent's strength is.

He Tiantian knew that the lawyer Yuan Mei hired for her was definitely not a rookie or an unknown person.

But she was still a little surprised that Yuan Mei even invited this big cow.

I'm not playing an important manager, I'm just helping to look at a contract... Tsk tsk, it's a bit like killing a chicken with a knife.

He Tiantian secretly pondered He Zhiqian, why didn't He Zhiqian quietly look at He Tiantian? !

He and Yuan Mei are classmates and neighbors. Naturally, they know the ability of this young man. Even He Zhiqian has vague guesses about her occupation.

But Yuan Mei said that she was hired by He Tiantian.


This is very interesting.

"Hello, I'm He Zhiqian!" He Zhiqian pushed his glasses lightly, hiding the search in his eyes.

"Hello, Lawyer He, I'm He Tiantian, I'll trouble you this time!" He Tiantian greeted politely.

"No trouble, Xiaoyuan and I are young, we are our own people."

He Tiantian smiled, they were acquaintances with Yuan Mei, and they helped her out of the acquaintance's face.

He Tiantian doesn't really care about not treating herself as an outsider, "Thank you anyway!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was too serious, Yuan Mei hurriedly jumped out to ease the atmosphere, she pointed at He Zhiqian, "Well, you litigator, you call me Xiao Yuan, I call you Lao He!"

"Lao Yuan is Yuan Hao, why don't you fight with your brother first and see who is the real 'Lao Yuan'?"

He Zhiqian rolled his eyes at Yuan Mei, and the image of the legal elite was instantly shattered.

He Tiantian watched the couple quarrel, and the atmosphere instantly became relaxed.

However, when he came to the studio and formally signed a contract with Feng Jing, He Zhiqian returned to his appearance as a legal expert.

He carefully read the contract and made sure that there were no loopholes and no hidden clauses, so he nodded at He Tiantian and Yuan Mei.

Feng Jing: ...Sure enough, there is a big battle, this time not only have "assistants", but also lawyers. He is also a victorious general in the lawyer circle!

As for, isn't it just a small movie contract? !

After a small spit, Feng Jing became more and more sure that He Tiantian was no ordinary girl.

A lawyer like He Zhiqian can no longer be hired just by having money, but requires a certain relationship.

He Tiantian can invite He Zhiqian, which in itself can explain a certain problem.

The wait of two or three months is worth it!

"He Tiantian, happy cooperation! Looking forward to your wonderful performance after joining the group!"

After signing the contract, Feng Jing stretched out his right hand.

"Thank you director for giving me this opportunity, don't worry, I will definitely work hard!"

He Tiantian also stretched out her right hand and held it with Feng Jing's.


Magic City Film Park.

"Mr. Fu, I heard that the first girl has finally joined the group!"

In a nanny car, the assistant of actor Fu Shaojing whispered while helping him with his makeup.

"Hey, I don't know what the background is, but I can't be in the group for a month!"

"I heard that it was someone from the capital who came in, and even the script was specially changed for her!"

"When we first took on this drama, it was still a group drama. The three male protagonists and the women were just vases and embellishments!"

"It's good this time, but a female first came directly..."

The assistant rambled, talking about the gossip from the crew.

"Changed the script specifically for her?"

Fu Shaojing raised an eyebrow on one side. He is an actor, responsible for acting and box office in the entertainment industry.

But Feng Jing's reputation and status are higher.

Therefore, when he received the script, he only got one-third of the script, only his role and the rivalry with the other two male pig feet.

Other, more complete scripts, he did not see.

Joining the group at the end of the year, Fu Shaojing also chatted with the other two male protagonists between filming.

They were in a similar situation to themselves, and neither had a complete script.

This is Feng Jing's rule.

In addition, Feng Jing also likes to change the script at any time.

However, this person does have the ability, and the movie he made is very popular.

Although this is his first time shooting a spy war drama, the media and fans do not like this type of movie, but they have great hopes for Feng Herald.

And Fu Shaojing and other three big names also saw Feng Jing's face, even if they didn't get the full script, they signed the contract readily.

Whether the play is good or not, you can tell by reading the script.

Whether the script is good or not, you will know after a few days of filming.

It has been more than a month since several people joined the group, even the Spring Festival has not stopped, and the filming is also halfway through.

But at this time, a "female first" was put in, and it was still part of the group.

Tsk tsk, no matter how you look at it, it is the result of a compromise between Director Feng and capital.

And this airborne relationship household may become the only unsettling factor in the movie.

A movie can't be said to hit the streets just because of one character, but it can also have a great impact.

Fu Shaojing suddenly became a little worried.

The genre of movies is not easy to shoot well, and now there is a relationship with a big name and a question mark on acting...

Not to mention Fu Shaojing, even the other two male protagonists were a little worried.

"Sister Xu, can you find out who the first girl is? There are such great people in the circle now? Even Director Feng has to give in?"

In another nanny car, Wu Kai, the newly promoted top class, asked his agent curiously.

He is 21 years old this year. He debuted in the youth idol group. After his debut, he did not just rap and dance, but studied hard.

In the new traffic of the post-zero generation, he is a rare person with acting skills.

This time, he was able to participate in Director Feng's film, and he was still a very important protagonist. In addition to capital, traffic and other reasons, he also had reasonable acting skills, which made Director Feng finally let go.

He is the top streamer with 60 million fans on the entire network. The company and fans don't know how much effort they have put in to successfully sign the contract with Director Feng.

After signing the contract, Wu Kai didn't dare to put on airs at all, he joined the group in a proper manner, and filmed honestly.

He was injured and bled, and he didn't issue a notice. Instead, he dealt with it quietly, wrapped it up and continued filming, lest the director and crew would dislike it.

Now it's good, there is someone who doesn't even know his name, and he can play a bigger game than him. Wu Kai is somewhat unconvinced.

"I secretly asked the assistant director, and also asked a few people in the circle to inquire, but I didn't find out anything!"

The agent, Sister Xu shook her head, and she guessed, "Maybe it's an amateur, or some Bai Fumei came here to experience life!"

Wu Kai: ... This is Lao Tzu's first big-screen work, and it is a key part of the transformation.

If he succeeds, he will be able to completely get rid of the status of idol and become a real "actor".

Therefore, in order to be successful, he did not dare to answer any announcements in the past two months. He had to stay in front of the monitor when there was a show or not, and learn from the old seniors and old actors.

No matter how much he suffered and how many times he was less exposed, fans had opinions, and he continued to endure it.

The results of it?

So angry!

At this moment, Sister Xu's phone rang, and when she saw the call, it was actually Director Feng.

She didn't dare to delay, she made a gesture at Wu Kaibi and connected the phone.

"Director Feng, I'm Xu Li!"

"What? The script has been changed? Need to re-read the script?"

"...No problem, we Wu Kai can do it, as long as the director arranges, we Wu Kai will work hard to complete it!"

"Hey, okay, okay, let's go now."

Putting down the phone, he already knew without Sister Xu explaining it to Wu Kai again.

Wu Kai's handsome face was full of gloom, "Change the script? Re-read around?"

What is this for?

That airborne relationship accountant has a great history!

"... Hold on, let's see what Fu Shaojing and Cheng Yiming have to say!"

Sister Xu is also not happy, but she knows her own situation.

There are three important male characters in this film, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there are three male lead roles.

Their family Wu Kai is one of the male protagonists, and the other two are played by the new actor Fu Shaojing and the veteran superstar Cheng Yiming.

Fu Shaojing's acting skills are good. Last year, he just won the Best Actor award at the Golden Crane Award. It was the most beautiful time.

Another Cheng Yiming, although he has been suspected of being angry in recent years, still has 90 million fans online.

He became famous as a teenager, his debut was at the peak, and his acting skills were highly respected by many people in the circle and many fans.

Several wonderful shots have been selected as teaching materials for film and television schools.

It's just that this person was a little bit floating after he became famous. For the money, he made a lot of bad movies, which ruined his reputation.

And this big star Cheng also has a characteristic, when it is strong, it is strong, and when it is weak, it is weak.

There is no upper and lower limit to his acting skills.

With a group of old dramas, Cheng Yiming did not fail at all.

But if he makes a bad movie with a scumbag, he can compete with the worst acting facial paralysis!

Fans and netizens simply love and hate him. Black fans admit that he does have acting skills, while true fans say that he is really too willful and ruined his good talent.

Fortunately, in middle age, Cheng Yiming finally realized his problem.

He began to stay away from bad movies, trying to restore his image and reputation.

Director Feng's film this time is also his "transformation" work.

When he ran to Director Feng to ask for a role, he even said that he didn't want to get paid, he just wanted to share!

Cheng Yiming's attitude shows that he attaches great importance to this play.

This is his popular work. Once the car rolls over, he may really only be able to struggle in bad movies for the rest of his life!

Therefore, when Cheng Yiming received Feng Dao's call, his inner anger and worry can be imagined.

"No! Don't let Feng Dao come here. If he is really short of money, I, I can invest!"

Cheng Yiming put down the phone and thought to himself.

Over the years, he has received a lot of bad movies. Although his reputation is bad, he has made a lot of money.

In addition, he also opened several film and television companies, as well as hot pot restaurants, homestays and hotels, and the investment of several hundred million is not a problem at all.

Not only Cheng Yiming had such an idea, but Fu Shaojing was also thinking that if he really couldn't do it, he could help invest some money, and Feng Daozhen could not be allowed to compromise with capital.

Therefore, when He Tiantian came to the conference room, he found that the atmosphere was a little weird.

Director Feng was okay, seeing her coming on time, a gentle smile appeared on his face.

And the three big stars, ahem, their faces are not very good-looking.

"Sure enough, I'm a newcomer, but I don't know which fund owner is backing!" Fu Shaojing thought to himself.

"How old is this? Are you eighteen? So young, can you act?" Wu Kai frowned.

"...Investment! Isn't it just a few hundred million, I've put it all together!" Cheng Yiming saw that He Tiantian was really beautiful, but he was too young and too young. For his work, he finally made up his mind...

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