The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 624 The heroine who was counterattacked (13)

What food?

What about Mr. He? !

In Hejia Village, the only person who can be called "Master" is He Youtian!

He Youyou has opened shops in the county and the prefecture, but she is a woman, and it is inconvenient to make public appearances for many things.

He Youtian, the nominal head of the family, is responsible for some external affairs.

Therefore, he also became "Master He" with several shops, and a wealthy businessman with a little reputation in Fucheng.

"Did you hear it wrong? The person outside was calling He Youtian? Mr. He?"

Everyone, including He Youtian, was muttering secretly.

However, before they could continue to speculate, the voices outside were getting closer, and the words shouted became clearer—

"He has food! Can Master He be at home?"

What food is there really?

Not He Youtian!

The He family and the surrounding villagers were a little surprised.

As the shouting got closer and closer, they had come to the door of the house, and with a hula, the crowd of melon eaters who surrounded the He family layer after layer instantly avoided a passage.


Everyone's eyes looked down the passage.

Several figures from far to near.

The leader was a man in his 30s or 40s, wearing a blue satin robe, with a purse, jade pendant, etc. tied around his waist.

This man looks very rich, white and plump, with a short beard, and he looks very much in line with the country people's imagination of "the noble man".

There was a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl beside this man. She was young, but she looked smart.

"You, who are you?"

Although He Youtian heard the call of the person coming, he still stubbornly felt that the other party might have made a mistake and thought that the master of the family called He Youliang.

This is also impossible, the names of the three brothers of the He family are very similar.

Having fields, food, and surplus, all are poor people's aspirations for a better future.

If you are unfamiliar, you may hear it and remember it wrong.

He Youtian has been doing business outside for a few months, and he has seen the world. He has money in his purse for filial piety, and he is called "Master He" every day, and he is a little floating.

I feel as if I have really become a nobleman, the most promising and respectable person in Hejiacun.

Now that a noble person came to the door and shouted "Master He", He Youtian decided that the other party must have come to him.

He raised his chest and walked forward with a pretense of restraint, but when he spoke, he tried his best to use Mandarin, but he inevitably included his hometown accent, which made it sound a bit funny.

The person who came here was a good-natured person, or he was jealous of some people and did not laugh at He Youtian.

Instead, he bowed his head respectfully and asked politely, "How dare you do it for you, Master He?"

He Youtian had an inexplicable feeling of being offended when he heard this person mention He Youliang's name again.

Inwardly, I cursed inwardly: Is it the foolish steward sent by that family, who can even get the names of the nobles wrong? !

"I'm Mr. He, but I'm not He Youliang, I'm He Youtian. I opened the 'Du Lai Lao' hot pot restaurant in Fucheng!"

He Youtian deliberately mentioned their family's business in Fucheng in order to fear that people would continue to recognize the wrong person.

In recent months, the most popular shops in the county and Fucheng are all the hot pot restaurants.

He Youtian felt that as long as he showed his identity, the other party would know that he had made a big oolong.

The person who came frowned, "Come to fish for everything! I'm here to find the second room of the He family, and Mr. He with grain!"

"He's second room?"

"Wow! Is this distinguished guest really here to look for Second He?"

"What's the second child, I didn't hear what the distinguished guests said, I want to call him Master He!"

"...Haha, Mr. He, Mr. He thought he was the only one who was 'Master'!"

The villagers onlookers laughed and laughed. Some people wondered why the most honest He Youliang in Hejia Village would be visited by nobles. Some people joked and joked, and they were even jealous of the wealthy and wealthy villagers of the Hejia Village who ran on He Youtian.

He Youtian's face instantly flushed red, wishing he could find a crack in the ground to get in.

In a fit of anger, He Youtian hurriedly asked, "You don't even know that you have come to a hot pot restaurant? Where did you come from??"

"Also, what are you doing with the second child? He's just a peasant man who has never been to the county seat!"

"Oh, by the way, there is another disaster star in the second child's family. It's a monster. Are you looking for him, are you not afraid of bad luck?"

He Youtian guessed that he was really in a hurry, and he said a lot regardless.

The visitor became more and more puzzled, what kind of thing is this person in front of him?

He has all shown that he is here to find He Youliang, and this person is not He Youliang, so what are you doing here? !

However, the other party's question, the person who came here still answered——

"I'm from the capital! I don't know if I'm here to fish, it shouldn't break the law!"

The word "Jingcheng" gave the crowd a moment of silence.

And the second-bedroom family, who was pushed aside by He Youtian, suddenly thought of something.

He Youliang is too honest, his heart is full of questions, and he can't say a word.

Yang Shi was more aggressive. She pushed away Mrs. He who was standing in front of her, rushed in front of the person, and asked eagerly, "But, but my Fubao sent someone to deliver the letter back?"

Mrs. He was very upset when she was pushed away.

Hearing Yang's "wonderful" question, he couldn't help but sneer, "Oh, her second aunt, you still think about Fubao."

Mrs. Yang was not used to Mrs. He's public appearance for a long time, and was even more annoyed that she was always scolding her daughter.

At this moment, when I heard her yin and yang strange words, I couldn't help but say, "In the whole Hejia Village, besides my Fubao in the capital, which one is there?"

Therefore, the people who come from Beijing must be because of their family's blessings.

"..." Sister He was choked for a moment.

The look on her face became more and more embarrassing.

It is said that since He Yingying opened a hot pot restaurant, it is not only He Youtian who has been shaking.

And Mrs. Ho.

He Yingying also bought a little maid for Mrs. He to serve, and she suddenly felt that her identity was unusual.

She is no longer a peasant woman, but a rich lady with a head and face.

At He's house, she even straightened her back.

Not to mention a younger brother and sister Yang who gave birth to a monster, even the mother-in-law Mrs. Li and Mrs. He are not afraid.

But now, Mrs. He was publicly scolded by her younger brother and sister whom she looked down on. How could she not be annoyed? !

"What if Fubao is in the capital? She has been in Beijing for almost a year, and she doesn't even have a letter!"

"Hmph, she doesn't know whether she is alive or dead, and she sent people all the way back to find her second brother?"

"Brother and sister, it's daytime now, but you can't dream blindly!"

Sister-in-law He has an "excellent" daughter, so she also learned some new words from He Yingying.

She is also quick-witted, and feels that she has seen the world, and she is particularly confident when facing a village woman like Yang's.

"Sister-in-law, you are also Fubao's aunt, her elder, how can you—" Curse Fubao?

What is life or death do not know?

Her family Fubao must be alive and well.

Mrs. Yang was so angry with Mrs. He that her hands trembled when she pointed at the other party.

Chen Fu, a distinguished guest who specially came to He Youtian from the capital, heard the confrontation between the two concubines of the He family, and he understood it roughly.

"The Fubao you speak of, is Princess He of Liang Wangfei?"

When he mentioned "He's", his tone was obviously respectful.


What everyone pays attention to is not "He's", but the three words "Liang Wangfei".

"What? I heard right, Erya of the He family became the queen concubine?"

"...It should be right. I remember that the person Erya saved was a prince."

"Yes! That's right! It's King Liang. The last time I went to the county, I happened to have trouble finding a hot pot restaurant, and someone shouted that the He family is a relative of King Liang, and those who found fault were scared away! "

"I-Is it really Princess Liang? Erya, oh no, it's Fubao, she has reached the sky in one step!"

The villagers were in disbelief at first, but as people continued to speculate and confirm, everyone gradually accepted the news.

Then came envy and jealousy.

Oh my god, the queen concubine, the noble status they dare not even dream of.

In Hejia Village, let's talk about what a princess is, even if the daughter of the family can marry into the county seat, it can make the family proud for more than ten years.

And the villagers in the village, the biggest official they have ever seen in their life, is only the head of the li, and they don't even know where the county government's door is.

As for the county and government officials, they have never even seen each other.

But now, someone told them that a little village girl from the same village actually passed over these executives and married the prince directly.

That was the emperor's son, a true royal nobleman.

Some villagers say that Fubao "goes to the sky in one step", and they are not wrong at all!

Isn't it just one step to the sky, the sparrow has turned into a phoenix.

"I knew it! I knew my Fubao was a lucky one!"

Both Yang Shi and Mrs. Li were made to cry by this huge surprise.

They cried with joy, they finally waited for this day.

"No! Erya, oh no, it's Fubao, she, isn't she a disaster star? She's still a lucky monster!"

In the crowd, whether it was out of jealousy or out of curiosity, someone shouted aloud.

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was envious and had a lot of discussions all closed in.


Erya is a monster, how could she, how could she be a princess?

Could it be that she charmed King Liang with sorcery?

Thinking about it, He Sanya exposed Erya's true colors at the beginning, and the "victimized" villagers also came forward to testify.

He Erya was almost driven out of Hejia Village by angry villagers, and her name was crossed out from the family tree.

The trouble was so big that King Liang, who was recuperating in the He family, saw and heard it all, but he didn't care at all, so he insisted on taking Erya away!

At that time, King Liang looked a little strange.

When others heard that He Erya was a monster, they were all disgusted with fear.

And he actually had to take He Erya by his side, and said he liked her and wanted to stay with her for the rest of his life.


That stubborn appearance is exactly the same as those poor scholars who are charmed by fox spirits in the book!

"You bullshit! Our Fubao is not a monster, she is a lucky star!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Mrs. Li shouted at the top of her voice regardless.

"Mrs. Li, if Fubao is a monster, it's not from us outsiders, but from your own granddaughter, Fubao's cousin!"

The villagers hurriedly threw out this sentence when they saw that Mrs. Li seemed to be about to throw up.

Mrs. Lee:  …

As if someone had poured a basin of cold water over her head, Mrs. Li's momentum instantly wilted.

Yes, the person who said Fubao was a monster at the beginning was not an outsider, but He Sanya!

At that time, Mrs. Li couldn't figure it out, why did Sanya do this?

Doesn't she know the truth of one prosperity and one loss?

Her own cousin became a monster, what good could she get.

I haven't watched the past few months, even if He Sanya has become rich with a big house, few of the real rich and noble people in Fucheng want to ask to marry He Sanya.

He Sanya disliked the bad luck of Fubao in the second room, and those noble people were still afraid that He Sanya was weird.

Alas, injustices, all injustices!

Mrs. Li cursed a few words in her heart, then stuck her neck and said a little rascally, "I don't care about this, anyway, my family Fubao is not a monster!"

"She is a lucky star. On the day she was born, I dreamed that a golden light was thrown into our home!"

"She, she must be someone with a great history, maybe she was still some kind of immortal in her previous life!"

In order to wash away the stigma for her precious granddaughter, Mrs. Li told what happened back then.

All the villagers: ...It's Jin Guang entering the house again!

Che, these words, they didn't know how many times they heard Mrs. Li show it off.

They'll all be back, okay? !

However, Chen Fu, who was standing by the side, heard this, but his eyes flickered.

"Old lady, did you have such a dream back then?"


When Mrs. Li saw the nobles from the capital, she listened to her words, and she was instantly refreshed.

She hurriedly said, "Just the night before my daughter-in-law gave birth, I dreamed that a huge golden light fell from the sky and landed directly in the yard of our old He's house!"

"After my family's Fubao was born, the He family had more happy events. My son didn't know how to fish at all. As a result, he could catch a lot of big fish by just fishing in the river."

"My son doesn't know how to hunt either. If he goes around in the mountains, he will come across the hare he killed."

"And there's more. I just thought that my baby granddaughter helped me get a big ingot, and I fell down when I went out and picked up a big ingot!"

When it comes to catching fish and hares, Mrs. Li often shows off with the people in the village.

But she kept hiding the fact that she found the silver ingot.

Mrs. Li is illiterate, and doesn't understand any big truth, but she has a peasant-style cunning - if you are picking up money, you don't dare to talk nonsense. What if you are found by someone else's owner?

Not only did Mrs. Li not tell the villagers about this incident, she didn't even know about the He family.

Now, more than ten years have passed, and it is still a critical moment to prove the innocence of her family Fubao, so Mrs. Li can't help hiding it.

"Isn't it? How lucky?"

"Sanya is really lucky, you forget, that year she went with the villagers to dig wild vegetables in the mountains, and then dug a wild ginseng. The He family's 30 acres of land was purchased with the money from selling ginseng. of!"

"Yes, yes, I remember that too!"

"...Bah! The good luck of the bullshit, have you all forgotten that her good luck was taken away from us!"

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