The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 627 The heroine who was counterattacked (16)

Xujiaping and Hejia Village are separated by a mountain.

It stands to reason that the distance between the two villages is not too far, but because the distance between them is a mountain, not a road, there are not many villagers in the two villages.

However, there are still some villagers who are married to each other.

Mrs. Li's sister married Xu Jiaping.

Mrs. Li's family has no relatives, only this younger sister.

Now that Mrs. Li is going to the capital to enjoy happiness, whether it is for family affection or showing off, she should tell Xu Jiaping's sister.

"Old lady, don't worry, the servant will escort you to this matter!"

Jixiang is very respectful to Mrs. Li, and waits after her busy schedule.

Hearing that Mrs. Li Qi Ai said that she wanted to go to Xujiaping, Jixiang said with a smile.

"Oh, no! No! Xujiaping is not far away, and my legs are fine, so don't bother—"

Although she knew that this little girl was her own darling's slave, but Mrs. Li had been a low-level commoner for almost her entire life, she really couldn't get the idea of ​​calling slaves and slaves.

In addition to being unable to adapt to the change of identity for the time being, Mrs. Li did not dare to use auspiciousness, which was also related to this girl's bearing.

Looking at the auspicious appearance, she really doesn't look like a servile servant, but more decent than the daughter of their county magistrate.

Of course, Mrs. Li had never seen the daughter of the magistrate's family.

She just felt that among the nobles she knew, the most honorable and dignified should be the female relatives of the county magistrate's family.

As for his own granddaughter, he has become the blessing of the princess, ahem, he is a child raised by himself, too familiar.

Mrs. Li couldn't imagine what her good Sun Jingui looked like.

Jixiang is so decent, it's not the same as the maid bought by He Yingying to serve Mrs. He, and Mrs. Li doesn't dare to call her.

"Old lady, what are you talking about? The slaves are specially sent by the wangfei to serve you!"

"If you have anything to do, just tell the slaves!"

"If you are always so polite, reasonable people know that you are kind and generous, and unreasonable people may think that you despise slaves!"

"Old lady, if the slaves and servants do not serve you well, when you return to the capital, the queen concubine will definitely punish the servants!"

Jixiang deliberately made a poor appearance.

Sure enough, her change made her demeanor a little changed.

Seeing this, Mrs. Li felt pity for the little girl.

Alas, forget it, even though she used to be a lady from a wealthy family, she is now just a slave beside Fu Bao!

Madam Li had no psychological burden, so she nodded along with the auspicious words, "Okay, then you can go to Xujiaping with me."

Later, Mrs. Li was very grateful for her decision.

Nothing else, this auspiciousness is too capable and thoughtful.

From the carriage for the trip, to the gifts prepared for the girl... There are many, many aspects, all auspicious.

Sitting in a spacious and comfortable carriage, dressed in fresh clothes, wearing gold and jade jewelry that Old Lady Li could never dream of, on the small table in front of her were delicate snacks and steaming tea. Feel like in a dream.

Oh my god, this is something only gods can enjoy.

So comfortable, so, so satisfying!

While Mrs. Li was excited and happy, she also had an inexplicable desire—

After going to Xujiaping later, her sister must be very envious when she sees her rich appearance.

Ahem, don't blame Mrs. Li for being vain, it's really a knot in her heart.

The two sisters are not very different in age, and Mrs. Li is only two years older than her sister.

Back then, the two got married.

Mrs. Li married the He family in the village, while her sister married Xu Jiaping on the other side of the mountain.

At that time, Hejia Village was much better than Xujiaping. Although he was poor, his family had fields, so he would never starve to death.

As for Xu Jiaping, who was married to Ermei Li, many of them are hunters, relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, and most of the villagers do not have their own fields.

Li Ermei's husband's ancestors were all hunters, but the family bought two acres of thin fields.

But because the land is too barren, the food grown is not enough to pay taxes.

Therefore, brother-in-law Xu still mainly focuses on hunting.

The days of relying on the mountains and eating the mountains are even more difficult than farming.

Because in addition to luck, there may also be danger.

During a hunt, brother-in-law Xu met the blind bear, and his leg was broken by a bear paw.

Luckily, he managed to save his life, but he has been disabled since then.

During that time, the Xu family had a very difficult life.

As for Mrs. Li, she was not well-off, but she still subsidized her sister.

In addition to feeling distressed about her sister, Mrs. Li is also a little careful - overpowering her sister!

However, within a few years, Mrs. Li gave birth to three sons one after another, and her parents-in-law passed away one after another due to illness. The life of the He family suddenly became difficult.

As for my sister, when brother-in-law Xu went to dig a trap in the mountains, he accidentally dug up a wild ginseng, which was bought by the nobles in the county for one hundred taels of silver.

The Xu family built a house, bought land, and even bought a small shop in the town. They don't do business themselves, they just use it to collect rent.

The situation of the two families was instantly reversed.

From the old sister to subsidize the younger sister, to the younger sister to help the elder sister.

Mrs. Li is the strongest, and because she is the eldest sister, she doesn't want to always reach out to her sister.

But the reality forced her to accept the gift from her sister, and she felt so uncomfortable.

After still having Fubao, the life of the He family gradually improved, and the "contest" between Mrs. Li and her sister came to an end.

It's not that the sisters have a bad relationship, it's that people, more or less, will have the mind of comparison.

And this comparison does not affect the feelings between their sisters.

At most, it is a little fun between two sisters!

Sure enough, after Mrs. Li arrived in Xujiaping in a luxurious carriage, she was immediately surrounded by villagers.

"Hey, whose honored guest is this?"

"Maybe it was passing by. Who in Xujiaping would have such relatives?"

"Huh? The carriage is heading towards Xu Laosan's house. Could it be that it's here to find Xu Laosan?"

"...Oh, my mother, I, I look at that rich old lady so familiar, she seems to be the eldest sister of Xu Laosan's family!"

The villagers followed curiously on both sides of the carriage, while watching and whispering.

Mrs. Li, who was sitting in the carriage, was overjoyed when she heard these words.

Pretending to be reserved, she lifted the curtains of the car and stuck out half of her head.

The following melon eaters, seeing her appearance, were first dazzled by the glittering golden jewelry.

Later, someone with sharp eyes recognized it, "It's not a relative of Xu Laosan's family. I heard that her son's county has opened a shop, and the business is good!"

"Right! It's called 'all come to fish', tsk, the name sounds weird, but the business is very good!"

"No wonder, it turns out that the son has developed, and even the old lady has become rich with it!"

"...If you want me to say, it is still the lucky one from the third Xu family. There is such a rich elder sister, and she is waiting to enjoy the happiness with her!"

The villagers in Xujiaping were both envious and jealous. All the comments were heard by Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li was a little unhappy at first: "Why rely on her son? My mother is relying on my family's blessing!"

However, the phrase "Xu Lao San's family is blessed", Mrs. Li listened very well.

Right, she is rich and will take care of her own sister.

Second Sister Li:  …

She was feeding the chickens in the back yard when she heard drum noises all the way away.

She thought it was the Xu Leizi's house next door that was making a fuss again, and she was a little pitiful for that child.

Originally, she didn't want to worry about these things.

But when she thought of longevity, she couldn't help it.

In the end, Ermei Li gritted her teeth and walked to the front yard with the food bowl.

However, she didn't see the trouble in the yard next door, but found a group of people walking towards her house on the road not far away.

"Huh? What happened?"

Li Ermei was curious, if she wasn't holding something in her hand, she would have wanted to build a pergola and take a closer look.

Just as Li Ermei was looking around on tiptoe, the villagers had sharp-eyed people. When they saw Li Ermei standing at the door, they shouted: "Xu Laosan's family, you have a distinguished guest!"

"Yes, from the third Xu family, your family is going to be prosperous this time!"

Second Sister Li:  …


Her parents' family and husband's family have been poor peasants for several lifetimes. Where can there be any distinguished guests?

still developed?

Hehe, although Ermei Li also dreamed of living a rich life, she knew very well that their family was in good condition now.

There are fields, houses and shops, all the sons are married, and the grandsons are getting married.

A family does not have to worry about food and drink, and it may not be rich or rich, but it is already much better than most of the villagers in Xujiaping.

Li Ermei is very content!

As for the development and wealth, Ermei Li dared not expect too much.

"Oh, from the third Xu family, why are you still standing there, why don't you come out to greet the distinguished guests!"

The villagers who were watching saw Li Ermei standing still, still more than ten paces away, and began to shout.

Li Ermei was full of doubts, watching the big carriage coming towards her, she couldn't help but wonder: Did it really come to their house?

At this moment, the carriage finally stopped in front of Xu's house.

Li Ermei's eyes widened, staring at the carriage in front of her.


The curtain of the carriage was pulled open, revealing an old lady dressed in silk satin and gold and jade jewelry.


Why does this man look so familiar?

Li Ermei narrowed her eyes, unable to believe what she saw.

"Second sister, you dead girl, what are you doing? Don't know your sister?"

Mrs. Li had been waiting for this moment.

Seeing the silly appearance of her own girl, her heart would be overjoyed, but her face had to look dignified and noble.


Li Ermei's voice has twists and turns, and her tone is incredible, "Why are you?"

She knew that Arita, the eldest sister's family, opened a shop in the county, and also knew that the He family made a lot of money.

But, but... no matter how developed she is, her sister can't become like this.

In ancient times, there were regulations for wearing clothes and jewelry.

Some fabrics and accessories are not meant to be worn with money, but are only allowed to be used when they reach a certain level.

Otherwise, it is arrogance.

If you meet a real person, you can really pull people to the government.

And when the gentlemen of the government see it, they will also be severely investigated and punished.

The old lady Li in front of her was wearing a new palace satin, with a red gold phoenix hairpin inlaid with rubies on her head, and these are not things that ordinary merchants can wear.

Li Ermei is also someone who has a shop in the town, she is a bit more knowledgeable than an ordinary peasant woman.

My sister's dress is beyond the norm.

"Why can't it be me? You girl, you have never been able to speak since you were a child!" Mrs. Li rolled her eyes and scolded her sister angrily.

Li Ermei grabbed her sister's arm, leaned close to her ear, and whispered, "No, sister, why do you wear such clothes? It's easy to be taboo!"

Even if they have some money, they should not be too public.

Just like Li Ermei, the family also has some money, but at most she wears fine cotton clothes or a silver hairpin.

Gold jewelry is also available, but it is definitely not something that is obviously taboo like a phoenix hairpin.

"What's the taboo, these are bought for me by my family's Fubao!" Mrs. Li is not afraid of these.

Li Ermei was taken aback, "Fubao? She, she's not—" She became a monster and was taken to the capital.

"My darling is now Princess Liang, a first-class princess conferred by the emperor himself!"

Mrs. Li raised her chin and said proudly.

This time, she didn't control the volume, and everyone present heard it.

"What? Princess?"

"Oh, it's amazing, there is actually a relative of the princess in Xu Laosan's family!"

"Princess? Is she more powerful than the county magistrate?"

"Hey, don't say the county magistrate, it's the prefect—"

The surrounding villagers exclaimed and whispered again.

Li Ermei was dumbfounded. Her family actually had a relative of a princess?

This, this is no longer smoke from the ancestral tomb, but the rhythm of the ancestral tomb to explode!

"What are you still doing? You still don't invite me into the house?"

When Mrs. Li saw her sister's surprised and happy appearance, she was overjoyed.

She didn't forget to call out Jixiang and other maids, "Don't be idle, hurry up and move the things I prepared for the second sister!"

"Yes! Old lady!"

Auspicious and respectful salute, and then instructed two rough servants to remove the gifts from the carriage in the same way.

When everyone saw it, they exclaimed again.

Li Ermei was still in a stunned state, and when she left the food bowl and helped her sister enter the door, her footsteps were vain.

"My God, so many good things!"

"Tsk, the third Xu family is really developed!"

"...I heard that her sister is going to the capital to enjoy herself."

"Hey, you said, will the Xu Laosan's family follow him to the capital..."

Everyone watched with envy as boxes of gifts were moved into Xu Laosan's house, and they couldn't help but guess.

Even though everyone had already entered the house, they were still reluctant to leave and continued to surround Xu Laosan's yard.

Xu Changsheng was carrying two hares, and when he came back from the mountain, he happened to see this scene.

He was born tall and his face was tanned, but he could still see his delicate facial features.

Li Ermei Su Ri took good care of Xu Changsheng, and he was very grateful to this aunt who was separated by several rooms.

Seeing the excitement outside Xu Laosan's house at this moment, he was a little worried, squeezed in front of the people, and watched silently.

Jixiang moved the last box of gifts out of the carriage, and when he looked up, he saw Xu Changsheng who stood out from the crowd.

Her pupils shrank, and her expression became unnatural.

Xu Changsheng has been hunting in the mountains since he was a child, and he has a pair of unreliable parents. His six senses are extremely sensitive, and he immediately perceives the strangeness of auspiciousness...

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