The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 636 White Moonlight VS Stand (1)

"Okay! Then call back the remnant soul of the original owner!"

After He Tiantian listened to Xiao D's narration, she realized that it was really possible to operate in this way.

Even so, He Tiantian didn't bother to show her soul.

This body originally belonged to the original owner. Now that the task is completed, it is only natural for He Tiantian to return her body to others.


Little student D shook Xiaoyuan's body.

He Tiantian's soul left the body, and at the same time, a golden white air mass was thrown into that body.

Well, almost seamlessly, without any delay.

He Tiantian was not in a hurry to let the soul return to the library space, she allocated a touch of spiritual power to repair the remnant soul of the original owner.

Originally, He Tiantian didn't do this because she wanted something, but because she felt that she was destined to be with the original owner after traveling through a journey.

Help her mend her remnant soul so that she can live better in the world of novels, and treat it as if she has done all the karma.

However, He Tiantian never expected that good will be rewarded with evil!

"Ding! Get He Fubao's gratitude, reward soul fragment*1!"

He Tiantian: ...Damn it! There is such a good thing? !

Although He Tiantian didn't know what this soul fragment was used for, the rewards given by the system should not be tasteless, and they always have their uses.

This is not the first time He Tiantian has obtained soul fragments.

In the vicious nanny script, He Tiantian completely considered the issue from the perspective of the original owner and redeemed her daughter.

Therefore, in addition to the normal rewards, He Tiantian also received "He Xiutian's Gratitude" and the reward of "Soul Fragment*1".

Now, on He Tiantian's personal panel, it is clearly recorded:

He Xiutian's gratitude, soul fragment*1;

Thanks to He Fubao, soul fragment*1!

He Fubao is He Tiantian, probably to take care of He Tiantian's feelings, so he didn't mark the name of the original heroine who has the same name as her.

Instead, she chose her baby name!

He Tiantian: ...This is not important, the important thing is, what is the use of the soul fragments?

Could it be that if you collect all seven, you can summon the dragon?

Or can these soul fragments be combined into a complete divine soul?

But what is such a spirit? What use is He Tiantian to her? !

He Tiantian's head was full of question marks.

Student D was as mentally retarded as ever, and he didn't know what to ask.

If you ask again, people will feel aggrieved and say, "Why don't I ask the main system? However, the main system is so busy and fierce, I'm afraid—" It will hit me!

With a numb face, He Tiantian knew that her mentally handicapped is a good-for-nothing!

Forget it, the main system probably didn't want He Tiantian to know.

Her efforts to force Xiao D here are also in vain.

After doing so many tasks and living in the book world for thousands of years, He Tiantian's mentality has long been cultivated to be extremely stable.

Let nature take its course, if you "get" it, you will be at peace, He Tiantian is very happy!

The remnant soul of the original owner, after being repaired by He Tiantian's spiritual power, quickly merged perfectly with the body.

He Tiantian hung in mid-air, watching "He Tiantian" slowly open his eyes, after a short period of daze.

A series of expressions such as astonishment and ecstasy appeared in her eyes.

He Tiantian knew that she should have accepted certain memories and knew her current situation.

"He Tiantian" stood up slowly, and she looked around, as if she was looking for something.

"Benefactor? Fairy? Are you still there?"

"He Tiantian" called out in a low voice.

He Tiantian didn't make a sound, nor did she show up.

"He Tiantian" was a little disappointed, but she still bowed deeply in the direction of the void, "Fubao thanked you benefactor, don't worry, Fubao will continue to do good deeds like you in the future!"

Through the memory she received, she already knew that at the moment she was starved to death, a fairy survived instead of her.

Not only did he punish the scumbag who abused him,

He also cleared his name.

It turned out that she was not a monster, but a good person from many lifetimes.

She will be so blessed in this life because of the merits she has accumulated in countless lifetimes, such as previous lives and previous lives!

Sure enough, good returns are rewarded.

In this life, although she has experienced ups and downs, at a critical juncture, there are still fairies who descend to the earth to help her regain her new life.

Now, the fairy "crossing the catastrophe" succeeded, left, and she returned.

When she returned, she seemed to have received a gift from a fairy.

"He Tiantian", the original heroine's gratitude to that fairy has almost reached its peak.

He Tiantian: don't have to be so polite, I've already got your feedback, we pay both money and goods, and we don't owe each other.

The rest of your life is entirely yours, and you can spend it as you like.

He Tiantian used her soul power to convey her thoughts to "He Tiantian".

She froze for a moment, her eyes looked around, as if she wanted to know where the sound came from.

When the search was fruitless, she did not persist, but continued to salute: "No, you are Fu Bao's benefactor!"

"Benefactor, don't worry, I will spend the rest of my life well."

Do good deeds and protect your family.

Oh, by the way, and that scumbag, she will also do it herself, and pay back a good one or two.

for example--

"My lord, I'm back! It's me, Fu Bao, not that little fairy!"

"I haven't seen you these days, how did you become like this?"

"...Yesterday I went to pay my respects to the empress, and the empress said, although you 'woke up', you couldn't move after all, but the title of Prince Liang's mansion needs to be inherited!"

"I've thought about it, I want to adopt a child from the clan!"

"Well, what do you think of the Seventh Prince? Although he is not married yet, as long as I want to adopt his son, the empress will definitely find him a good concubine!"

The returning original heroine, adhering to the practice of her benefactor and little fairy, whispered in King Liang's ears day after day, crazily stimulating him.

King Liang's eyes widened in anger, "Lao Qi? The little bastard born of that lowly maidservant?"

Among the several princes, the seventh prince was the one that King Liang hated the most.

On weekdays, he always bullied this younger brother whose birth mother was humble and died young.

As the wife of King Liang, the original heroine came to the capital with him, and she often heard that he disliked the seventh prince.

What Liang Wang hates, the original heroine naturally likes it.

Not only did she use her status as the "royal mascot" to ask the empress to treat the seventh prince well, but she also deliberately wanted to adopt the seventh prince's concubine to inherit the title of Prince Liang's mansion.

When King Liang saw the concubine born from that humble seed, he knelt in front of him and called him "Father King", he almost died of anger.

Well, even if he didn't die immediately, King Liang didn't live long.

After being a living dead for ten years, the skinny King Liang finally closed his eyes after suffering enough physical and mental torture.

The original heroine guarded her adopted son and continued to be the noble prince and concubine.

After the prince came to the throne, he also took great care of her.

Even Mrs. Li got an imperial order by relying on her granddaughter Fubao. The old lady lived to be in her nineties and died with a smile on her face.

He Youliang's family was even more prosperous and wealthy, and lived their whole life comfortably.

After He Yingying "woke up", she lost her former wisdom and determination, and looked like an ordinary peasant girl.

She was terrified, she was afraid, and finally she secretly left the capital, instead of going back to her hometown, she found a distant and strange place, changed her name, and married a widowed farmer.

The days are not very good, but they can live on, just like the vast majority of low-level women in this era.

Dafang and Sanfang were forced to return to their hometown, and bought a few acres of Susukida to survive.

The former wealth is like a moon in a dream and a flower in a mirror. After a long time, they themselves doubt whether these things really exist.

He Tiantian has long since left the book world, and has not witnessed this with her own eyes.

However, He Tiantian can clearly see the subsequent plot through the rewritten novel.

"That's good!"

He Tiantian put the books on the big bookshelf in the library space, and looked at more and more novels on it, she felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

"Tiantian, continue to do the task, or return to the real world?"

Student D rolled over and asked in a slightly eager mechanical voice.

"Continue to do the task."

It was the first time for He Tiantian to hand over the follow-up plot to the original owner, and she was also rewarded with a soul fragment, which was very novel to her.

Regarding the soul fragments, she also had several guesses in her heart.

She needs to do more tasks and try a few more times.

"Okay!" Xiao D agreed, and then continued to ask: "Tiantian, which channel do you want to choose this time? An old saying? Or a new one? Or a fairy tale?"

Student D enthusiastically suggested.

It is said that Tiantian has not entered the world of Xianxia since Tiantian started the mission.

He Tiantian: ...I also want to go to the Xianxia Channel, but I am worried that such a novel world is too dangerous.

He Tiantian always has an inexplicable premonition that now is not the time for her to enter the world of Xianxia.

"Let's speak now!"

He Tiantian thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "I just came out of the world of ancient sayings, this time I changed to a small world with a modern background."

Always staying in ancient times, He Tiantian was afraid that she would be assimilated.

It's better to intersperse like this.


Classmate D responded cutely.

Immediately afterwards, it replaced the standard mechanical sound, "The mission world is open!"


"Secretary He, are you okay?"

He Tiantian only felt that her legs were a little soft, and subconsciously supported her body with her hands.

This action of hers caused the people around her to exclaim.

It was a woman's voice that seemed to be concerned, but the keen He Tiantian could hear gloating in her tone.

Well, even if this person is not the original owner's enemy, he doesn't have much kindness towards her.

He Tiantian supported the countertop of the sink with both hands. The cold marble calmed her flustered heart a little.

He Tiantian took a deep breath and suppressed the remaining emotions of the original owner.

"I'm fine!"

He Tiantian uttered three words, and found that the voice of this body was a little sweet.


What adjective is this?

Could it be that the body that he traveled through was still some kind of silly and sweet?

In ancient romance novels, the characters of silly, white and sweet heroines or kind-hearted Cinderella are very popular.

But with the development of the times, readers' tastes have become more and more high-end, and they have become more rational.

For example, they don't think that the real CEO and the second generation of the rich will reject Bai Fumei, who is well-matched, and pursue a poor girl with no education, no looks, no family background, or even no brains.

How stupid is that man? !

Or fried chicken Qingqi?

If you don't want to eat delicacies from mountains and seas, you have to eat porridge and side dishes!

Readers started complaining greatly.

Thus, the style of writing began to change.

The wealthy daughters who were originally defined as vicious female supporting roles counterattacked one after another, giving up the blind and brain-dead male protagonist, either being beautiful and doing business alone, or pairing up with the affectionate male lead.

As for the former heroine, who was either Mary Sue, Cinderella, or Silly Baitian, she was slapped in the face, and she just became a secretly scheming supporting role!

He Tiantian: ...

Ahem, I can't blame her for complaining. As a writer, she has read too many online novels.

And the routines of these web articles are basically like this——

The heroine counterattacks, the heroine must have shortcomings or even blackened;

The original heroine took revenge, and the heroine who succeeded in the counterattack must not be good enough or perfect.

Anyway, between the heroine and the female supporting role, either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the daughter-in-law overpowers the east wind.

As for who is good and who is bad, pleasing her is whether she is the heroine or not, it has nothing to do with the character design.

The same Bai Fumei, in the female supporting text, is noble, straightforward, and generous.

Replaced by Cinderella heroine, it is a villain who is jealous, vicious, and bullying.

He Tiantian didn't know whether the book he traveled through was an ancient Mary Su novel, or a counterattack slap in the face of the new era!

So, realizing that she is a fool, He Tiantian is not sure whether she is the heroine or the supporting actress this time!

He Tiantian complained secretly, but she didn't forget to look around.

She found that the place she was in now should be a toilet.

She was standing in front of the sink, with a big mirror in front of her.

He Tiantian raised her head and looked at "herself" through the mirror——

With black and long straight hair, a small face the size of a palm, willow eyebrows, almond eyes and peach cheeks, she is a proper classic beauty.

He Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay, she's not the kind of Cinderella with ordinary background, ordinary appearance, and ordinary talents.

However, He Tiantian soon discovered the problem. She felt that the current makeup and clothing of this body were not suitable for the original owner.

How should I put it, the original owner's appearance is weak, with a kind of broken beauty that makes people pitiful.

She is more like the commoner school girl in the Republic of China, with humble background, but outstanding appearance, and her temperament is as elegant and quiet as jasmine.

She is more suitable for plain and elegant makeup and clothing.

However, at this moment, the woman in the mirror is wearing a slightly colorful OL windbreaker dress, her makeup is also slightly mature, and the accessories on her ears and neck are also of that rich style.

...It was obviously a jasmine flower, but it was dressed up as a peony flower.

He Tiantian suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart: Damn, it's not what I guessed.

He Tiantian supported the sink, got used to her body, then ran into the room, opened a toilet door, and hid in.

She wants to accept the script as soon as possible, integrate her memories, and know what role she has become this time.

And at the moment He Tiantian entered the toilet, the woman next to the sink outside the door curled her lips at her back and said angrily:

"Bah! Counterfeit goods!"

"Miss Qin, the real master, is back. How long can you be proud of your substitute?"

He Tiantian, who has super hearing, naturally heard this sentence, and she immediately emo...

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