The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 638 White Moonlight VS Stand (3)

He Mengtian did not become a secretary by strength, but a well-connected account.

She didn't have enough confidence at first, and then she established a relationship with President Gu. With such an excellent boyfriend, she felt more and more that she was not good enough for him.

However, He Mengtian really likes Gu Hong, knowing that she is a high climber, but still wants to work hard!

She wanted to enrich herself, so that she could truly stand beside Gu Hong.

Therefore, during this period of time, He Mengtian enrolled in several skill training courses.

Even if you can't become an expert in these aspects, you still need to understand something, so that you won't be at a loss when you need it!

This gave He Tiantian a chance!

The original owner wanted to learn a little bit, but He Tiantian is very proficient in these things.

Playing the piano, she used to be a national treasure-level pianist;

She has even done social etiquette for the empress dowager, etiquette has long been engraved in her bones;

horse riding?

Hehe, not only can she ride a horse, but she can also bend a bow and shoot an arrow while standing on horseback.

As for the talents of fooling people, He Tiantian is extremely proficient.

He Tiantian didn't dare to use it rashly, because she was afraid that it would collapse.

Now, the original owner has signed up for the class, so He Tiantian doesn't care anymore.

As for her ability to reach such a high level after only a few months of study, the reason is even simpler - "He Mengtian" is a genius!

He Tiantian browsed the relevant information on the webpage, combined with the memory of the original owner, and learned about the current state of the original owner in detail.

She secretly made a plan in her heart, thinking about when it would be appropriate to make a "stunning appearance".

"Meng Tian, ​​are you feeling better?"

He Tiantian kept watching the computer screen, and the other secretaries couldn't see her expression, so they thought she was hiding behind the computer and wiping tears.

The director of the secretariat, Gu Hong's most capable secretary, Emily, hesitated for a moment, then walked up to He Tiantian and asked softly.

Although rumors spread throughout the company, it was said that Gu Dong's ex-fiancee had returned to China.

However, at present, Gu Dong's real girlfriend is He Mengtian.

Emily saw He Mengtian crying and running out just now.

She was afraid that He Mengtian would cause any trouble if he heard the company's gossip.

Regardless of whether He Mengtian's new love is better than her old love, she is also Gu Dong's person, and she can't tolerate being ridiculed or insulted by others.

Emily was able to become Gu Hong's most important secretary, not only because of her strong ability and high professional level, but also because she was considerate and cautious enough.

"The company has nothing to do today. How about giving you half a day off so you can take a good rest?"

Emily looked at He Tiantian indiscriminately, and found that she had put on makeup again, and her eyes were still red, so she knew that she had just cried hard.

Sure enough, she was harassed by company rumors!

Emily has a judgment, and her attitude towards He Tiantian becomes more gentle.

She even offered to give He Tiantian a holiday.

Well, apart from Emily's thoughtfulness, the main reason is that He Mengtian is in the secretariat and does not undertake any serious work at all.

It's the same with or without her, and it doesn't affect the work of the department at all.

Giving her a vacation and letting her leave the company temporarily may also reduce conflicts and conflicts in the office.

"...No need! I, I still want to wait for him to have dinner together!"

He Tiantian sniffed, deliberately pretending to be aggrieved and pitiful.

Emily: ...have dinner together?

Mr. Gu is now full of thoughts about Miss Qin, checking her flight back to China, and decorating the house. How can he have time to have dinner with this counterfeit "He Mengtian"? !

If it wasn't for the fact that Gu Dong was too busy and forgot that the company still had a girlfriend, Emily suspected that Gu Dong would have broken up with He Mengtian a long time ago.

As Gu Hong's most important secretary, Emily knew her boss very well.

Not to mention, Emily was in charge of many of Qin Anran's arrangements.

Therefore, Emily is very aware of Gu Dong's feelings,

It is also very certain that even if Gu Dong has not formally proposed to break up, He Mengtian has also "fallen out of favor".

In fact, it's not just Emily, many old employees of Gu's, they have all seen and heard the love story between their president and Miss Qin's family back then.

When they heard that Qin Anran was back, their first reaction was: Secretary He pills!

It is precisely this certainty that the company is full of rumors that are not conducive to He Mengtian.

A few people who had been jealous of He Mengtian for a long time began to criticize Sang Huai, or openly ridiculed her.

If Gu Dong really loves He Mengtian and pays enough attention to He Mengtian, how can Gu's employees be so "presumptuous"?

Emily shook her head secretly, seeing "He Mengtian"'s fragile appearance and makeup that seriously didn't match her temperament, she couldn't help but sympathize.

Alas, she was innocent, too.

One is not a mistress, and the other is not a scheming girl, she simply fell in love, but in the end she was ridiculed by the crowd.

Gu Dong... Tsk, it's really a bit unkind.

Emily held Gu Hong's job, but she couldn't help complaining secretly.

She is indeed Gu Dong's most important secretary, but she is a woman, under the shrewd and capable appearance, there is also a soft heart.

Thinking of this, Emily's tone became more and more kind, "Gu Dong has been very busy these days, and probably doesn't have time to eat with you. You should rest first."

"..." He Tiantian pursed her lips, showing a fragile and stubborn look.

Emily wanted to sigh even more.

She opened her mouth, ready to persuade "He Mengtian" one last time.

If the other party still doesn't listen, then she won't force her anymore.

However, before Emily could speak, there were numerous footsteps outside the door.

The softness on Emily's face was gone, she stood up, and turned back into that capable Secretary Meng again.

She walked quickly to the door of the office, just in time to run into Gu Hong who walked in quickly from outside.

Seeing Gu Hong's expression clearly, Emily's heart skipped a beat: "What? What happened? Why is Gu Dong so angry?"

Emily worked as Gu Hong's secretary for three years, and watched him transform from a green and immature young man into a business champion.

After years of hard work in the business world, Gu Hong has already developed the ability to "not show his emotions and anger".

Unless there is a serious situation, Gu Hong rarely loses his composure like this.

Could it be that there is a problem with the cooperation with Ye Shi?

Or what's the situation with Old Gu Dong?

Several guesses flashed through Emily's mind, but she didn't show any of it on her face.

With a professional smile, she greeted Gu Hong softly: "Gu Dong, you are back!"


Gu Hong was full of anger, but he was not a person who was good at venting anger.

Emily is a talent he values ​​highly, and he will not use her as a punching bag.

Although he was impatient, he still snorted through his nose, and he had the right to respond.

Then, he went straight into the president's office next door.

As for "He Mengtian" who ran out after hearing the news, he didn't seem to see it, and he didn't care that the other party turned from ecstasy to loss and sadness!

It was still Emily, seeing He Tiantian's embarrassing face and precarious figure, she sighed sympathetically again.

"Gu Dong should be worrying about business, Meng Tian, ​​don't get me wrong!" Don't make trouble!

Emily comforts He Tiantian in this way. In addition to sympathy, she is also afraid that this young and impulsive girl who has not experienced much in the world will make a big fuss again because of love.

These migrant workers really don't ask for much, they just hope that they can be less troublesome and more secure.

"...Well, I know, I, I didn't misunderstand!"

With a strong nasal voice, He Tiantian spoke generous words, but her eyes were filled with tears of grievance.

"Sister Emily, I, I'm going to the bathroom!"

He Tiantian seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, picked up her cosmetic bag, lowered her head, and ran out of the office quickly.

"Tch, are you going to cry again?!"

"I can't help it. Gu Dong's meaning is already very obvious. She will be broken up soon. How can she not be sad!"

"That's right, who is willing to let go of a top-quality male god like Gu Dong?"

"It's been said for a long time that she's not good enough, but she doesn't know herself yet, she deserves to be abandoned now!"

In the secretary's office, there are several secretaries and assistants.

They watched He Tiantian's back as he escaped from the office, and couldn't help whispering.

Hearing these voices, Emily frowned, and reprimanded in a deep voice, "Okay, it's time to go to work, stop gossip!"

Still the same sentence, no matter whether Gu Dong wants to break up with He Mengtian or not, she is still Gu Dong's real girlfriend.

These people ridicule and criticize like this, it seems that they are targeting He Mengtian, but in fact, they are not embarrassing for Gu Dong? !

Besides, even if Gu Dong broke up with He Mengtian, according to He Mengtian's innocence, Gu Dong would make a lot of compensation.

In case Gu Dong knows that someone in the company is bullying He Mengtian, hehe, what do you think will happen to these people?

Emily doesn't care about other departments and can't control them.

But in the secretary's office, Emily would never allow such a situation.

As soon as her words fell, the office instantly returned to silence.

He Tiantian hid in the private room of the toilet again, put down the toilet lid, spread paper towels, and sat down.

She took out her mobile phone, clicked and operated, and soon entered Gu Hong's mobile phone.

Cough cough, what, when the two were dating, He Mengtian pretended to be jealous, and downloaded a positioning app to Gu Hong's personal mobile phone.

At that time, when Gu Hong had the most "love" for He Mengtian, he let this kind of harmless little joke go.

He Tiantian has super-high computer technology, and using this APP, he easily entered Gu Hong's mobile phone.

She began to secretly check chat records, call records, and various emails and messages in the background.

Soon, He Tiantian found what she was looking for——

A V letter message, "Gu Hong, I broke up with you back then because I fell in love with someone else!"

"Although I broke up with that person now, I still like a passionate and romantic lover, not a straight cancerous man like you who only knows about work!"

So, even if I come back, I won't rekindle my old relationship with you, just give up!

The last sentence, the person who sent the message didn't say it clearly, but anyone with a brain can think of it.

No need to ask, this message should be from Qin Anran.

He Tiantian squinted her eyes, sure enough, Qin Anran was abnormal!

Because according to the original plot, Qin Anran returned to China this time to seduce Gu Hong.

Even if she wanted to have a welcome-rejection and a retreat-for-advancement, she would not say such words that would obviously hurt people's self-esteem.

Qin Anran sincerely wants to break Gu Hong's thoughts, she really wants to cut off the possibility of rekindling the old relationship with him!

Of course, if such a decision is made, it can also be cleared.

For example, after Qin Anran "regrets", he can explain: "I said that at the time, because I was so angry that I completely lost my mind!"

"Who asked you to find a girlfriend? It's only been three years since I left, how could you forget me so quickly!"

"I can't be angry, and I'm even more jealous of that woman, so I deliberately said something to anger you!"

"...Ah Hong, I love you so much that I lose myself, and love makes me hateful!"

He Tiantian doesn't even need to see it with her own eyes, but just according to the setting of Qin Anran in the novel, she can imagine her whitewashing words.

Even Gu Hong, with a strong filter of first love, would not believe that Qin Anran is a heartless person.

No, Gu Hong returned to the office angrily, and sat down on the sofa.

He loosened his tie, took out his mobile phone, stared at the message he received half an hour ago for a long time, and then dialed the phone number he had already known by heart.

"An Ran, it's me!"

Just after the call was connected, before the person on the other side could say something more heartless, Gu Hong said first, "I saw the message you sent, but I don't believe what you said!"

"...Okay, take a step back, even if you fall in love with someone else and don't like me anymore, I would like to ask you to give me a chance!"

"An Ran, I really, really, really love you! Besides, we grew up together, my parents and your parents hope that we can be together!"

"I know, there must be a reason for you to say this. An Ran, if there's anything wrong, just tell me, okay? Don't support it by yourself, let's face it together and solve it together, okay?"

Gu Hong's words were humble and affectionate.

He even took the initiative to help Qin Anran find a reason.

Qin Anran: ...Don't be like this, you are a scumbag who plays with a stand-in, but you make it look like a peerless and affectionate good man.

Do I vomit, or vomit, or vomit? !

Enduring the discomfort, Qin Anran's voice was cold, with a trace of non-trouble, as if Gu Hong was a stalker.

"Gu Hong, everyone is an adult now, I know what I'm talking about, please don't make up your mind!"

"There's no compelling reason, it's simply inappropriate! I don't love you, and I don't want a partner like you."

"If you can accept this fact, we can still be friends!"

"If you refuse to accept it, let's pretend we don't know each other!"

Qin Anran really didn't want to have anything to do with a scumbag like Gu Hong.

She thought she had deep affection for Bai Yueguang, but it was actually extremely disgusting!

Who is she, Qin Anran, who can be easily replaced?

She is unique and irreplaceable!

And the Gu Hong who made up some kind of substitute was not a good man with affection, but a top-quality scum that made her sick and disgusted.

Not to mention, how cruel and ruthless this person is after turning his face.

Thinking of the fate of the original owner of the book, Qin Anran wished he could break up with Gu Hong immediately.

Of course, it was her own fault that the original owner would be so miserable.

However, it is undeniable that Gu Hong was really cruel to the original owner...

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