The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 652 White Moonlight VS Stand (17)

Qin Anran looked at the scene in front of him with lingering fear——

On the big screen at the birthday banquet, there was supposed to be a VLOG of Zhao's children and grandchildren wishing the old birthday star, but it turned into a "live broadcast".

In a small room where the sundries were kept, Zhao Qingming had a goblin fight with a middle-aged woman in her forties or fifties.

The point is not about goblin fights, nor being secretly photographed, nor is the age of that woman seriously incompatible with Zhao Qingming, but——

"Oh my god! Isn't this, this is Zhao Qingming's mother?"

"Incest, proper incest!"

"The Zhao family is too chaotic, my son and my mother, tsk!"

"What's the mess? It's obvious that the Zhao family has been bullied!"

"Yin, what's wrong? You can't slap a slap! I don't think they are drugged, but they seem to be 'revealing their true feelings'!"

"No, how can I see that Zhao Qingming's child is not in the right state, as if he has taken drugs!"

"It's not about taking drugs, and it's not that I haven't seen people who take drugs. He looks more like a snake maniac!"

The guests attending the birthday banquet were all shocked by the picture on the big screen.

They know that in their circle, it can't be said that there are filth, but there are all kinds of scandals.

It is not uncommon for mother and child to mess up and so on.

However, most of them are stepchildren and stepmothers, and the two parties are not related by blood.

It is definitely the first time that such a "shocking" situation like Zhao's family has been encountered.

The guests only thought it was an eye-opener, but the Zhao family was shocked and angry.

A birthday banquet instantly turned into a big scandal that was rarely seen in the provincial capital for decades.

Seeing Zhao Qingming and his conniving mother make a fool of himself in public, Qin Anran subconsciously felt happy.

But soon, she discovered the problem.

Who did Zhao Qingming follow?

In other words, who is so powerful that he framed the entire Zhao family without a trace?

Without prescribing medicine or using poison, Zhao Qingming went crazy, and even made a scandal in public.

The methods of the people behind the scenes are really terrifying.

Although Qin Anran is a writer, most of the book worlds she travels through are current or old sayings.

She has never been exposed to the supernatural or fantasy world, so she doesn't know that talismans or spells really exist in the world of fiction.

On the contrary, He Tiantian, who came to the banquet with Qin Anran, caught the remaining traces of spiritual power in the air.

Oh hoo, I really didn't realize that this Ye Chengze is also proficient in talismans.

This, it should be a talisman, using the spiritual power of the talisman to infinitely magnify the desire in the bottom of the heart.

Zhao Qingming, who was influenced by the talisman, saw that the woman he saw was not his own mother, but Qin Anran, whom he longed for the most.

The two finally had a chance to get along alone, and the other was so gentle and obedient to him, Zhao Qingming just—

Too ruthless, too domineering, too, too hard to guard against!

Qin Anran's heart trembled.

At first, she was still thinking about who cheated the Zhao family.

But soon, she realized: besides Ye Chengze, who else? !

After all, it was Zhao Qingming's mother and son who were framed, and the person who had a deadly feud with Zhao Qingming was Ye Chengze!

Knowing that Ye Chengze would take revenge, Qin Anran still did not expect that he would use this method.

Also used "supernatural" means, Qin Anran was already afraid of Ye Chengze, now he was even more afraid.

She had already guessed that Ye Chengze was a writer and her enemy, but she always thought that Ye Chengze's abilities were similar to her own.

In the end, he told her with facts that he was much better than her.

Maybe there will be metaphysics!

The more Qin Anran thought about it, the more he felt a sense of crisis.

He Tiantian felt Qin Anran's uneasiness, and reached out to hold her arm.

Qin Anran looked over subconsciously, just in time to meet He Tiantian's concerned eyes.

That gaze is so clear and sincere, and the concern for her best friend is so real and earnest.

Qin Anran only felt that ironing the post gave him an inexplicable sense of peace of mind: don't be afraid,

Don't be afraid! I still have sweet dreams.

Yes, with the "talisman" of the heroine, she is not afraid of Ye Chengze's evil methods.

Qin Anran took advantage of the opportunity to hold He Tiantian's hand, a pair of good girlfriends, and their relationship became closer.

"Let go of me, I want to sleep with her!"

"Let go of me, I'm uncomfortable, I'm uncomfortable..."

Just as Qin Anran and He Tiantian were cuddling each other, Zhao Qingming was controlled and walked out of the utility room.

His eyes were staring straight, looking a little frightening.

He kept struggling and shouted frantically.

Hearing what he shouted clearly, the guests looked at each other in blank dismay.

Someone couldn't help muttering——

"Why do I see something abnormal about this kid from the Zhao family?"

"Yeah, it's not like taking drugs, it's simply sick!"

"Oh, he can't be suffering from snake spirit disease."

"...Anyway, whether it's taking drugs, being drugged, or snake spirit disease, the Zhao family has lost a lot of face this time!"

"Yes! There is also Mrs. Zhao, tsk tsk, how will you meet people in the future!"

Some people were amazed, some sympathized, and some gloated.

And if the news gets out, what kind of criticism will the outside world have, you can imagine it with your toes.

"The Zhao family will probably give up on Zhao Qingming this time!"

No matter how you look at it, there are similar speculations.

No way, what happened today is too embarrassing.

If one is not handled well, the entire Zhao family will be affected.

Especially the second master of the Zhao family, he is a man of status and status.

At the old father's birthday banquet, my nephew and my sister-in-law... TV dramas dare not do this kind of thing!

As everyone guessed, the next day, the Zhao family made a statement——

Zhao Qingming has a history of mental illness, and he was stimulated on the day of the birthday banquet, which is why he did something wrong!

"The Zhao family is the lesser of two evils."

"That's right, the second son of the Zhao family is a public official. If the family's nephew takes drugs, he will definitely be affected!"

"That's right, that's right. Snake spirit disease is different, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"...In this way, even the eldest lady of the Zhao family will receive less criticism!"

After listening to the Zhao family's explanation, and looking at the published cases, everyone couldn't help discussing.

And the snake spirit disease seems to be more sympathetic.

However, even so, Zhao Qingming was sent to a nursing home abroad by the Zhao family, and within a few years, he would never be able to return.

His own mother also "disappeared" with him.

Although she was "excusable", she was the victim, but she hugged her son in the public eye.

That picture, if you want to say it is not so fragrant, it is definitely not, but it is definitely eye-catching.

For the rest of her life, this wife of the Zhao family will not be able to show her face in the provincial capital or even in the country!

"Ye Chengze is really ruthless!"

He Tiantian secretly sighed in her heart.

Also a wild writer, this one is much more ruthless than Qin Anran.

Moreover, very unscrupulous.

Such a person is very scary.

He Tiantian can adopt a gentle strategy towards Qin Anran, not to disinfect or expel her, but to find a way to "coexist" with her.

Yes, coexistence!

After He Tiantian discovered that Qin Anran was a good girl with integrity and a bottom line, she didn't want to expel her easily.

Anyway, the task of the system is to expel wild writers, ensure the stability of the novel world, and prevent wild writers from stealing the energy of the novel world.

And as long as there is the heroine "He Mengtian", Qin Anran will not be able to steal energy.

Even if expulsion is required, there is no specific time for expulsion.

He Tiantian: ...

Well, I'm back to poking around at the system.

He Tiantian is not a holy mother, she is even a bit "killing and decisive".

The wild writer I met before was the first to attack the girl, so He Tiantian fought back and tried every means to drive her out of the novel world.

But this time, Qin Anran really made He Tiantian feel "sympathetic to each other".

Moreover, He Tiantian also realized that wild writers seem to have more than one way to complete their tasks.

Attacking the original protagonist is just one of them.

Wild copywriters should have other paths, but those paths are difficult after all.

Just like He Tiantian, if she wanted to save trouble, she could just expel her directly instead of trying to coexist with Qin Anran.

You know, if He Tiantian wants to complete the task without harming the wild writers, she needs to put in more effort.

For example, in this life, He Tiantian cannot leave the novel world in advance.

If she wants to suppress the female supporting role and protect the energy of the novel world, she must stay here forever.

Until the female supporting role leaves, there are no other unstable factors in the novel world, so He Tiantian can leave!

For He Tiantian, this definitely added a lot of trouble, and there were also some dangers.

However, He Tiantian thought it was worth it!

In the past, she seemed to want to complete the task too much and was unwilling to take too many risks and troubles, so she seemed a little unreasonable.

He Tiantian doesn't want to be a machine that only knows how to complete tasks. She also wants to get more things in the task world.

He Tiantian really wants to have a friend like Qin Anran who matches his visit.

But it was limited to Qin Anran.

For a wild writer like Ye Chengze, He Tiantian was a little insensitive.

Not to mention making friends, she just wants to stay away.

Soon, He Tiantian realized that just staying away was not enough, she should just kill her!

"Meng Tian, ​​thank you so much recently!"

"Thanks to you taking care of me and being with me, I can recover so well!"

Ye Chengze said to He Tiantian affectionately.

He took out an exquisite jewelry box and presented it to He Tiantian, "This is a thank you gift from me, don't refuse it!"

When saying this, Ye Chengze blinked at He Tiantian.

A gentle and elegant person, even when he is playful, has a unique charm.

He Tiantian: ...

Hehe, it's still cute!

Didn't he just want to "use" her? It's really like chasing her.

He Tiantian complained silently, but still borrowed the jewelry box.

People say it's a thank you gift, and "you are not allowed to refuse", if she is more humble, it will appear that she will lose face and be too heretical!

After all, He Tiantian often came to visit Ye Chengze when he was recuperating.

The two have upgraded from ordinary friends to an ambiguous state of "full friendship and unfulfilled lover".

In order to continue acting, and also to cooperate to encircle and suppress Gu scumbag, He Tiantian had to make false promises with Ye Chengze.

"Then I won't be polite!"

He Tiantian said with a smile, and gently opened the jewelry box.

Inside the exquisite little box was a layer of soft red velvet, and on the red velvet was a crystal clear jade bracelet.

"This is too expensive! I, I—"

People who don't understand jade, seeing this green and moist bracelet, also know that it is very valuable.

He Tiantian quickly closed the lid and returned the jewelry box to Ye Chengze.

Ye Chengze did not reach out, but looked deeply at He Tiantian, and said slowly, "You are worth it!"

There are only three words, but they have the magic power to stir the heartstrings.

If he hadn't known Ye Chengze's true face, if he hadn't been afraid of him, seeing his affectionate appearance and hearing his sincere confession, He Tiantian's heart might have been moved.

Unfortunately, there is no if!

He Tiantian will definitely not be fooled by Ye Chengze's mask.

However, she still looked shy.

There were two blushes on her plain and elegant little face, she lowered her head slightly, and her slender neck became more and more slender.

She seemed to be touched by Ye Chengze, but she also had the shyness and embarrassment unique to girls, and she didn't dare to look directly at the burning eyes of Ye Chengze.

Seeing He Tiantian's appearance, the smile lines on Ye Chengze's lips deepened.

He directly opened the jewelry box, took out the jade bracelet, gently pulled He Tiantian's left hand, and put it on her directly.

"Mengtian, don't reject me, okay?"

Fascinating bass, speaking a word of puns.

He Tiantian was even more shy, and even the tips of her ears were red.

This time, she did not refuse, as if acquiescing to Ye Chengze's "strength".

The relationship between the two went one step further.

Ye Chengze pushed forward, "Mengtian, after dinner, let's go to the movies together."

Watching a movie, going to an amusement park, etc. may be clichéd, but for those who are in love, they are indeed the best excuses for dating.

Especially those men and women who are still in an ambiguous state.

It only takes a small opportunity to confirm the relationship.


He Tiantian still lowered her head, and squeezed out a word from her throat as thin as a gnat.

She is too shy.

It's too simple, like a crystal clear crystal girl, whatever is in her heart can be expressed on her face.

For a moment, Ye Chengze seemed to be moved.

In other words, for a writer like him, he has traveled through many worlds and is used to seeing all kinds of beauties.

But this is the first time I have met a girl who is so simple, kind, and has broken beauty like "He Mengtian".

She is said to be weak, but she is also very strong. When she finds out that her lover is a scumbag, she can leave without hesitation.

She is said to be tough, but she has the gentleness and softness of a traditional girl!

Alas, what a complicated and lovely girl!

Before, Ye Chengze pursued her purely for the purpose of taking advantage of her.

But at this moment, Ye Chengze was somewhat tempted.

He Tiantian felt Ye Chengze's emotional changes, and couldn't help but sneer!

She lowered her head and fixedly looked at the jade bracelet on her wrist.

Others can't see the trickiness of this bracelet, but as a master of talismans, how can she not see it!

Peach Blossom!

On this bracelet, someone actually engraved a peach blossom charm that can confuse people's minds.

If you wear such a bracelet for a long time, the person concerned will become obsessed with the person who drew the talisman, and even become the emotional puppet of the other party!

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