The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 650th chapter original owner's best mother (1)

"Tiantian, you are amazing, you are the first to discover the hidden wild writer!"

Classmate D rolled over and praised eagerly.

"Hidden Wild Writers?"

He Tiantian noticed the word when he heard the system reward broadcast just now.

"What do you mean? Do you mean Ye Chengze?"

In the previous world, Ye Chengze was really well hidden.

He even crossed into the novel world one step earlier than Qin Anran, but his exposure was later than Qin Anran.

If He Tiantian hadn't been cautious enough to find Qin Anran, he might have thought he had locked in the target.

Instead of continuing to doubt Ye Chengze.

In this way, Ye Chengze may really be able to pass the test smoothly.

After all, I have done the "Expel Wild Writers" mission several times, and basically there is only one wild writer in a small world.

It is estimated that it is the point mother system, and I did not expect that the evil force is so treacherous that it will send two wild writers, one bright and one dark.

Why is it "bright and dark"?

Because obviously, Ye Chengze's rank is much higher than Qin Anran.

Ye Chengze is proficient in talismans and has his own special skills;

As for Qin Anran, she can only exchange goods through the system, and she doesn't even know how to use talismans!

He Tiantian speculated that Ye Chengze was probably an old bird who had done many tasks, while Qin Anran was more like a rookie with little experience.

"Maybe that's why she still has a kind heart."

She didn't go through too much systematic sparring, and she wasn't always forced to do things that went against her insistence. Therefore, Qin Anran still maintained her inherent observation and bottom line.

"Hey, I hope she can keep her original intention in the future, and don't be distorted by the system!"

He Tiantian silently blessed Qin Anran in her heart.

"Yes, it's that Ye Chengze!"

Xiao D couldn't listen to He Tiantian's thoughts, and said according to his own ideas: "That evil force is too cunning, and they actually created two wild writers!"

"Tiantian, you are still the most alert and cautious, and you have not let this slip through the net!"

"...You are the first writer to discover hidden wild writers in the Dot Niang system!"

Too glorious, too proud, is there anything? !

As He Tiantian's close friend, classmate D is honored with you.

"It seems that the evil forces already know that the Dot Niang system has begun to pay attention to those unfinished or eunuch novels that they have exploited!"

He Tiantian is not as optimistic as Xiao D's classmates.

She realized the point of the matter!

Xiao D was stunned for a moment, "Yes, the evil forces know about the 'expulsion plan' of our Dianniang system, and that's why we have such a response!"

"No! I have to hurry up and report to the main system!"

Little D classmate hurriedly ran to find the main system.

Its speed is so fast that it is too late for He Tiantian to stop it!

"Student D, I want to say, will the main system find out what I have noticed?"

He Tiantian muttered softly to the furry back of classmate D.

In the novel world, He Tiantian realized what was wrong with Ye Chengze and judged him as the second wild writer.

It is estimated that at that time, the main system also noticed it.

Otherwise, after He Tiantian successfully killed Ye Chengze, the main system did not broadcast "mission completed", but let He Tiantian continue to stay in the novel world.

However, it's not bad for Xiao D to run to remind him, maybe he can take the opportunity to "call for credit".

After a while, classmate D rolled back.

The furry little face is full of pride!


Only then did He Tiantian discover that her mentally retarded assistant actually grew a face!

In the past, it was a pure ball of hair, that is, the whole body was furry.

No limbs, no five senses.

Now, student D actually has facial features, er, it is not appropriate to say facial features.

To be precise, Xiao D's hairball has two big eyes and a mouth. It is not an anthropomorphic appearance, but a very cartoon Q version.

The two eyes are very large, occupying almost one-third of the area of ​​a hairball.

At this moment, Xiao D's two big eyes and biubiu's are glowing.

Ugh, looks even more stupid!

He Tiantian held her forehead secretly, not telling the truth to stimulate her little friend.

"Sweet, have you finally discovered my change?"

He Tiantian didn't speak, but her eyes were too focused.

The mentally handicapped classmate, such as Xiao D, also noticed it, and it blinked proudly, "Hey, I've upgraded!"

It is no longer just a hairball, but has lovely facial features.

Well, the next upgrade, it can also have a body, limbs, and even more transformations.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Upgrade? Not bad, classmate D, if you complete the ultimate evolution, will you be able to turn into a human?"

"...Maybe. As long as I have enough energy, I should be able to transform into what I want!"

Little D student is not sure, hesitantly said.

"Oh, let's stop talking about it!"

Xiao D felt that it would be a long time before the next upgrade.

When it has time, ask the main system well, that's it.

There's no need to get confused right now.

"Tiantian, I have reported your findings to the main system. The main system is very pleased and praised you!"

D classmate straightened up Xiao Yuan's body, and her big eyes were full of pride.

"Oh, just verbal praise? No real reward?"

He Tiantian couldn't help teasing when she saw her little friend being so stupid.

"Huh? Substantial rewards?"

Xiao D's expression became even more stupid, looking at He Tiantian blankly.

He Tiantian deliberately showed dissatisfaction, "Why, I found such important information for the system, the system just talked about it, but it didn't even have the slightest reward?"

"..." Little D was a little guilty.

Yes, Tiantian contributes, and according to the rules of the system, there should be rewards.

After thinking about it, Xiao D asked tentatively, "How about I, I'll ask the main system and apply for it?"

Speaking of this, Xiao D did not forget to ask He Tiantian: "Tiantian, what reward do you want?"

Just asking this sentence, it regretted it again, and hurriedly added: "It can't be too much. After all, even if we don't report this kind of thing, the system will notice it sooner or later!"

He Tiantian folded her arms around her chest and continued to act like a mess, "The system will indeed find out, but there is a difference between 'early' and 'late'! If you find out early, you can avoid a lot of trouble!"

Little D classmate: ...

That can't be too much.

The main system is not a stingy system, but it is not too indulgent.

People are the ones who follow the rules.

"Okay, little D, don't worry, I'm not an unreasonable person, and I won't speak loudly!"

Seeing that Xiao D's classmate was a little frazzled, He Tiantian quickly reassured him: "Well, I don't have any other requirements, I just hope that when choosing the script, I can have more initiative!"

"More initiative?" Xiao D hesitated, "Sweet, this requires sufficient permissions to unlock!"

The system has detailed and clear provisions for the privilege of choosing scripts independently.

Contributors must be at the appropriate level to be able to—

"I don't mean to specify a specific role, but to have a certain right to choose!"

"For example, now that the evil forces know that our Dianniang system has discovered their little actions, they will be very cautious when they send wild writers again."

"As regular writers, when we enter the world of novels, the target characters we pass through are basically related to our writers—"

For example, the characters that He Tiantian travels through are basically all surnamed He, or words such as He and Tian in their names.

He Tiantian didn't think that the evil forces would focus on her little writer.

But, if one were to study carefully for a trick to dealing with a bitch writer, perhaps it would be to study the novels that have been rewritten.

And as long as you read a few more books, you may find the rules - the names of the reshaped characters have certain rules.

Don't underestimate the power of big data!

The rules are really easy to master.

He Tiantian didn't want to be targeted by others just because of a name.

Acting in a low-key manner and developing wretchedly, she may not be happy enough to be stubborn, but she can successfully complete the task.

"Yeah! Sweet, your idea makes sense!"

Xiao D is always disliked by He Tiantian as a mentally retarded student, but in fact, they are still very smart.

From He Tiantian's remarks, it quickly captured useful information.

Xiao D thinks that this is not a request of He Tiantian alone, but a big problem that the entire system should pay attention to.

In the past, in order to allow the writers to better integrate their roles, the names of the target characters would be modified to try to be similar or identical to the names of the writers themselves.

In this way, a rule will be formed.

And as long as it is a regular situation, it is easy for the other party to catch clues, which in turn affects the completion of the task.

"Tiantian, you wait, I, I will report to the main system!"

The more Xiao D thought about it, the more excited it became. It felt that its little friends were not making trouble unreasonably and took the opportunity to make demands.

Instead, an important hidden problem has been discovered for the system.

Hey, Tiantian has contributed to the system again!

After a while, Xiao D classmates came back.

"Sweet, the main system said that there will be no restrictions on entering the novel world in the future."

Never let wild writers find any patterns in character names.

Xiao D said proudly, "In addition, I took the initiative to ask for a reward for you. The system thinks your reminder is timely and necessary, so I will give you a reward for upgrading your golden finger!"

"Sweet, this reward is very rare, and I tried my best to win it for you!"

While Xiao D is showing off, he does not forget to take credit.

He Tiantian was really surprised: "Little D, thank you! You are amazing!"

And also considerate enough.

"Upgrade Goldfinger? Can any of my skills be upgraded?"

After praising Xiao D, He Tiantian began to pay attention to her reward.

"Yes! For example, your space is only 10 cubic meters now. After upgrading, it can become 60 meters."

"Or those skills you have mastered, foreign languages, talismans, firearms, and so on, you can level up!"

Xiao D students explained in detail.

He Tiantian thought for a while, "Then upgrade the space."

Although in the world of novels, He Tiantian uses space not many times.

But this golden finger is bound to her soul, and it is very useful even in the real world.

60 cubic meters does not seem to be very large, but it is enough for her emergency.


Xiao D agreed, "The space upgrade is complete. Sweet, you must continue to contribute to the system in the future!"

"Our mother-in-law system is very generous and will never treat you badly!"

He Tian dessert nodded, although Xiao D was suspected of selling melons by Wang Po, but he did gain a lot through the mother-in-law system!

After the upgrade, He Tiantian put her consciousness into the space.

Originally there was only a small space, but it was instantly expanded several times.

Looking at it, it looks like the carriage of a bus.

He Tiantian made a visual inspection. The specific size was about 8*2.5*3, which is the standard carriage size.

The materials that were originally piled up were now placed in a corner.

"There is still so much space, it must be filled!"

He Tiantian, adhering to the principle of no waste, did not take the task immediately, but took time to return to the real world.

The rescue on the sea is still going on. He Tiantian quietly donated a lot of supplies, and gave up her island to temporarily house the victims or rescuers.

He Tiantian took the opportunity to ask Duan Yong to get another batch of supplies.

Because the space has become larger, He Tiantian needs more varieties of materials.

From the past emergency food, water, medicine, etc., to some daily necessities, camouflage uniforms, military boots, tents and other materials.

Filling up all the space and waiting for the rescue at sea to end completely, He Tiantian took the opportunity to sleep again and re-entered the library space.

"Okay, let's do the task!"

He Tiantian said directly to Xiao D.

"Okay, sweet, which channel do you choose this time? Ancient words or modern words?"

Little D classmate asked thoughtfully.

He Tiantian did not give a direct answer, "Whatever!"

In fact, the channel or something, after the initial freshness, is not so important to He Tiantian now.

Anyway, it's all random, and it doesn't make much difference which channel you enter.

Without making a specific choice, there may be some expectations for a blind box.

"...Okay!" Xiao D replied obediently.

"The mission world opens—"

With the mechanical sound of classmate D, the space was reversed, and He Tiantian entered the unknown world of novels.

"Mom, I don't agree! This is what my grandfather left to me, and I will never promise to give it to Huo Chuanjia!"

A slightly young female voice cried out in pain, "Mom, who is your biological daughter?"

"Or, you don't even want a daughter for the man who spoiled his concubine and killed his wife?!"

A mournful accusation, with endless disappointment and sadness in its tone.

He Tiantian's heart was not touched at all, instead he felt that this child was not caring enough or filial enough!

He Tiantian: ...What kind of super mother is this?

The remaining consciousness of the original owner made He Tiantian speechless as soon as she wore it!

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