The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 656th chapter heroine's best mother (3)

"Cuanyu, your father is right, you are a girl, and sooner or later you will get married..."

He Tiantian secretly thought about the whitewashing plan, but she still followed the original script and said brain-damaged words.

"Your father also said that when the family has a child in the future, he will adopt one—"

Before He Tiantian could finish her sentence, Zhao Chuanyu interrupted her with a scream, "No way! I don't agree!"

"What is the Huo Chuanjia? He is not a child of the Zhao family at all!"

"With me in the Zhao family, where do I need to adopt? Mom, did you forget what Grandpa said before he died?"

Zhao Chuanyu's big bright eyes filled with tears, covering the disappointment, hatred and anger in her eyes.

How could a shrewd and decisive man like grandpa raise an unreliable woman like his own mother?

Listen to what she has to say, right?

Does she, does she have a brain?

Or, she has already prioritized sons over daughters to the point where right and wrong are indistinguishable and black and white are unclear?

For the so-called male, even the son of a rival in love can be brought in to be the heir? !

Well, Zhao Chuanyu admitted that in this day and age, traditional women like their own mothers are not uncommon.

They have accepted the concept of three obedience and four virtues since childhood, and they feel that if they marry someone, they belong to their husband's family.

For the "inheritance" of their husband's family, they can't be jealous or be careful.

Instead, she must be like a generous and tolerant big woman, tolerant of everything, not only taking good care of her concubine and concubine, but also raising her concubine as a real son when she can't give birth to a son.

For this, he did not hesitate to feel wronged, and even sacrifice his own daughter.

Zhao Chuanyu was not a traveler, so she didn't know that her mother's behavior, which she could not agree with, was highly respected in this era, and in later generations, she was given the name of a "mother and daughter".

That is, for her husband's family, she can give everything!

I have endured hardships, endured humiliation, sacrificed myself, sacrificed my daughter, and sacrificed everything that could be sacrificed, just for the husband's family to be able to have children, wealth and well-being!

He Tiantian: ...Honey, you misunderstood, your own mother doesn't have such a "noble" sentiment!

She is not patriarchal, nor does her husband take her for granted, she is simply selfish.

He Tiantian felt Zhao Chuanyu's resentment and knew that she seemed to have misunderstood.

So, He Tiantian began to "guide" without a trace.

"What is your grandfather? You want to be called grandpa! You have already recognized your ancestors, and your name is Huo Chuanyu now!"

He Tiantian first imitated the original owner and reprimanded Zhao Chuanyu softly.

Then, she began to answer Zhao Chuanyu's question, "Of course I remember what my father told me before he died!"

"My father said that if I want to live a good life, I must be happy!"

Speaking of these, He Tiantian's face showed the coquettish and willful peculiarity of a girl who had been pampered and grown up.

Zhao Chuanyu was a little stunned!

Hey, the mother in front of her is different from what she imagined.

She thought that her mother would listen to the words of the scumbag, mainly because she was brainwashed by the current rules.

Take the husband as the god, and give preference to sons and daughters!

However, seeing the expression on my mother's face at this moment, there seems to be something strange.

"I am very happy now, my husband and wife are loving, my daughter is capable, and although there is an unsightly concubine, it is still a rule!"

"Also, Ming Ting said that the Hu family is his sister, and raising her is just a matter of having an extra pair of chopsticks, and it doesn't matter!"

"As for the family heirloom and Chuanfang, they are all children born to me by the Hu family, and they are all recorded in my name now!"

"Cuanyu, you don't know, I'm most afraid of pain! When I gave birth to you, I was terrified and swore never to have children again!"

"But your father needs a son, and the Huo family also needs incense. It just so happens that there is a Hu family who is wrong, otherwise, I will take the initiative to buy a maid for your father to come back!"

He Tiantian deliberately pouted, acting like a willful little daughter.

He is already almost thirty years old, but because he was pampered since he was a child,

There is no trouble, and the whole person looks extraordinarily young.

Even if he makes such an expression that obviously does not match his age, there is not much sense of disobedience.

Zhao Chuanyu felt even more strange.

She picked up her sleeves and wiped away her tears. Without the mist of water, she could see more clearly.

Therefore, she found that when her mother mentioned Huo Mingting, she did not have the kind of reverence and belief in a woman's husband, but rather the affection and infatuation of an infatuated woman who was deeply in love!

Zhao Chuanyu, as a native, does not know what a "love brain" is.

However, as the heir carefully cultivated by Mr. Zhao, he has followed Mr. Zhao to do business and socialize since he was a child.

She did see some things in the world.

Zhao Chuanyu once heard of some infatuated women who would fall out with their parents, run away from marriage, or run away for a man.

There are also some wealthy sons and brothers who fight against their families for the sake of singers, dancers or other strange women, and go on hunger strikes and commit suicide.

... all kinds of madness, jaw-dropping.

These idiotic men and women who open their mouths and shut their mouths in love, as if they have no other place to pay attention to in their lives, only the word "love".

For love, they can throw everything away!

"Uh, my mother, it seems to be a little bit like that!"

Zhao Chuanyu was shocked to find that her own mother did not seem to be a traditional woman with three obedience and four virtues, but a silly woman who was crazy about love! there a difference between the two?

The former takes the husband as the god, and the latter also puts the lover on the top of the heart.


and many more!

Zhao Chuanyu is not a simple thirteen-year-old girl. She has received elite education since she was a child, and is the heir raised by Mr. Zhao as his grandson!

She is agile, with insight and calm beyond her age.

Soon, Zhao Chuanyu caught the point—

Husband ≠ Lover!

My mother is a woman who is "supported by love", so, in essence, she is still a selfish person.

She only cares about her own feelings, her own feelings, her own preferences!

And love is the most unreliable thing.

When Zhao Chuanyu was walking outside with his grandfather, he also heard some stories——

Whether Chen Shimei or Pan Jinlian, perhaps the analogy is not too appropriate.

But let Zhao Chuanyu understand a truth: the former vows of eachother will never be able to match the changes in the world.

The face is easy to age, the heart is easy to change.

Love or something is just a flash in the pan, how can there be anything that lasts forever? !

Of course, these are just Zhao Chuanyu's guesses, and she still needs confirmation.

"Mom, do you like my dad very much?"

Zhao Chuanyu kept calm, pretending to be curious.

He Tiantian secretly gave Zhao Chuanyu a thumbs up: Smart! As expected of the heroine!

She just gave a little guidance, and Zhao Chuanyu discovered the "problem" keenly, and made speculations and tested it at the first time.

He Tiantian deliberately made a shy but sweet appearance, and scolded her daughter angrily: "How can you kid your elders?"

He reprimanded, but He Tiantian's eyes flashed with a dreamy light, "At that time, your father was still singing in the troupe—"

Zhao Chuanyu's eyes widened: What? My father is actually a playboy?

She really doesn't know about this!

She only knew that the scum father was an orphan with no father, mother and no relatives, so she was willing to be the son-in-law of the Zhao family.

Although grandpa was not optimistic about the scumbag, he never said a bad word in front of her.

Grandpa just let her see and judge by herself, instead of telling her subjectively: Your father is not a good person!

As for his own mother, Zhao Wenxiu, it was too late to be infatuated with the scumbag, so she wouldn't say that he was not good at all.

The servants at home are not too talkative.

So, until now, Zhao Chuanyu didn't know that his own father was actually a singer.

In the past, she only thought that her father was from a poor background, maybe he had been an apprentice, so she would have a junior sister like Hu Xiaoting.


Zhao Chuanyu had no idea at all!

However, after hearing He Tiantian's words, Zhao Chuanyu suddenly realized—

Not impossible!

My father is really good-looking, fair-skinned, delicate in facial features, gentle in speech, and well-mannered, looking forward to flying.

2k novel

If you put on makeup, you may be more feminine than women!

In the past, Zhao Chuanyu didn't dare to think about it, but now the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that her father is very similar to the actors who sing Tsing Yi and Hua Dan in the troupe!

There is also Aunt Hu, my father's junior sister Hu Xiaoting.

In his spare time, this one often hangs his voice and trains his body in the yard.

Zhao Chuanyu had misunderstood before, thinking that she was just a "fancier", just like many women in this era.

Now it seems that people are not fans, but real actors!

Seeing Zhao Chuanyu's astonished expression as if seeing a ghost, He Tiantian smiled secretly.

In the original script, in order to take care of Huo Mingting's self-esteem and to make his family look good, Zhao Wenxiu has always concealed Huo Mingting's true origin.

Not to mention outsiders, not even their biological daughters.

Not knowing Huo Mingting's true origin, Zhao Chuanyu didn't think that her own mother might be a "love brain".

Although the original owner is not a pure love brain.

However, if Zhao Chuanyu discovered the clue, she should take certain measures.

As long as she shows a "strong" side in front of the original owner, the original owner will naturally fall to her daughter.

The reason Huo Mingting was able to call the wind and call the rain in the Zhao family originally relied on Zhao Wenxiu.

And now the time is just right. Although Huo Mingting took over the Zhao family's business, he has not yet established a firm foothold.

For the old people of the Zhao family, Zhao Wenxiu, the eldest lady of the Zhao family, is still very important.

If it takes a few years, and Huo Mingting has completely mastered those industries, Zhao Wenxiu will become dispensable.

For now, as long as Zhao Wenxiu "awakens", Huo Mingting, his junior sister and illegitimate children will not have any good fruits to eat!

He Tiantian deliberately showed a nostalgic look, and her tone was a little dreamy, "At that time, he was the top card in the troupe, Da Qingyi, a famous actor!"

"His Wang Baochuan sings so well!"

"And Meng Jiangnu, I cry every time I watch it..."

He Tiantian is very much like a little fan girl in later generations. When he mentions Huo Mingting's tone, he is full of admiration and love.

It's not pure love between men and women, but a mix of idol elements.

Zhao Chuanyu: ...

Tsing Yi?

His own scumbag is actually a famous actor who sings Tsing Yi?

She really couldn't imagine the scene where her own father would put on his head, put on make-up, and sing on the stage with an orchid finger.

Although his cheap father is very good-looking and a little boyish, he is very dignified on weekdays.

Especially after Mr. Zhao passed away, he deliberately grew a beard in order to look like a high-ranking man.

With a white face and a black beard, she was once a female Jiao'e... Zhao Chuanyu did not dare to continue to describe it in her mind, it was too disillusioned!

"I often watch your father sing, and I chased from the front to the backstage!"

"I watched him take off his makeup, hang his voice, practice his figure with him, and sing on stage with him!"

"...I can sing very well in those few songs that he is good at!"

"Your grandfather also ran on me, saying that if the Zhao family were defeated that day, I could go to the troupe to sing!"

He Tiantian took Bai Yuting in "The Gate of the Mansion" as a model, perfectly portraying a young lady who fell in love with actors.

When Zhao Chuanyu saw her mother's appearance as a little fan girl, she couldn't help but wonder: Does my mother love Huo Mingting herself, or is she fascinated by the character on the stage? !

However, having such doubts gave Zhao Chuanyu inspiration.

"Or, I can give it a try!"

One is to see if my mother is crazy about love;

The second is to give it a try and see if you can find a way to break the game.

Zhao Chuanyu changed her previous resentment, and her bright eyes began to glow.

"Speaking of which, I haven't been to the theater for many years!"

He Tiantian didn't seem to see the light in Zhao Chuanyu's eyes, and she sighed in disappointment.

"Mom, if you like watching dramas, then go and see!" Zhao Chuanyu Zhengchou had no excuse to trick his mother into the theater.

Hearing her mother's sigh, she hurriedly said, "I heard that the Beiyang Grand Theater recently invited a troupe from the capital, the boss of Hua Dancheng, who can sing really well!"

Beiyang Grand Theater is the best theater in Fucheng, and it is also the largest.

Many famous actors in Beijing have sung here.

In those days, Huo Mingting, who was also considered a local smash hit, did not appear on the stage of the Beiyang Grand Theater.

He Tiantian deliberately showed a longing look, "A troupe from the capital?"

"That's right! There are a lot of reports about it in the newspapers recently!"

"Every time I go to Boss Cheng's show, the venue is full!"

"Mom, now my father is busy with business, and I want to learn to do needlework. You are too lonely, so just go to the theater to see the play and pass the time!"

Zhao Chuanyu had a plan in mind, so she no longer had to fight with her mother like before.

She is really a heroine who can bend and stretch. When she wants to coax people, she can also coax her own mother, who she loves and hates, into a smile.

He Tiantian nodded, "Indeed. Recently, your father ran out every day and couldn't sing for me alone."

When he said this, He Tiantian showed a slightly resentful expression.

Zhao Chuanyu was shocked by "singing for one person".

Uh, it can't be said to be dog food that was gagged, but, she suddenly realized that she had really misunderstood her mother in the past.

She was not deceived by the scumbag as a fool. In fact, their husband and wife relationship was more like a little white face who could make her happy!

It's no wonder that grandpa didn't take the scumbag seriously back then, and said that he paid her mother for something...

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