The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The six hundred and fifty-ninth chapter heroine's best mother (6)

Yu Er said a long list of names like a familiar family, and suddenly, he reacted——

"No! Chuanyu, what are you asking about? Are you also—" Are you obsessed with singing?

These days, I can't say that it is a fan of the whole people, but for the wives, young ladies and young men of rich families, it is almost normal to hold a show.

However, such a thing, Yu Er always felt that it had nothing to do with Zhao Chuanyu.

At first, Zhao Chuanyu was still young, at the age of thirteen, she was still a half-aged girl.

Even if he was influenced by his family's elders, he liked to watch operas since he was a child, but he would not be so "premature" to pursue famous actors from various theater groups.

Second, Yu Er knew very well that although he and Zhao Chuanyu were classmates, they were not the same kind of people.

Yu Er is the youngest son in the family. He has no burden of inheriting the family business. He has been spoiled by his parents and elder brothers since he was a child.

As for Zhao Chuanyu, in Yu Er's opinion, like his elder brother, he was raised by the family as the heir.

Since he can speak, he has received an elite education.

In their hearts, family business and inheritance are more important than anything else.

Personal preference or something, but put it aside.

Therefore, Yu Er just said that sentence, and before he finished speaking, he swallowed it back.

"Impossible! How could you possibly fall in love with singing?"

It's like saying that his dignified eldest brother would like to read novels and bet on horses.

It doesn't work at all, okay? !

"..." Zhao Chuanyu gave Yu Er a roll of eyes, and her still immature face, with the contempt of "you're still smart".

Yu Er rubbed his nose and said somewhat embarrassedly, "Then what, I-I'm not curious."

"You, Miss Zhao, have never been in contact with these things, but suddenly asked me about the troupe. I must have misunderstood!"

Yu Er was one year older than Zhao Chuanyu and was still a boy.

In a patriarchal society, a young master like him from a wealthy background should not give in to a woman.

However, some people are born with a strong personal charisma.

Regardless of age or gender, after being with her for a long time, you will involuntarily want to surrender to her.

Yu Er and Zhao Chuanyu have been together for several years, but they are not from the same world.

But because of some coincidences, they became friends who were further than classmates.

With deeper contact, Yu Er was gradually attracted by Zhao Chuanyu's personal charm.

Involuntarily, Yu Er became Zhao Chuanyu's little follower.

Therefore, being despised by Zhao Chuanyu at this moment, Yu Er will not be angry, but instead hey hey with a smile.

"There's nothing to be misunderstood, but I suddenly feel that these corners are also very interesting!"

Zhao Chuanyu felt better when she saw Yu Er giggling.

She casually gave a reason, and continued to hold Yu Er to talk about other things.

"Father Smith's side, it's not convenient for me to go there often, you can take care of me more!"

Zhao Chuanyu mentioned the business and lowered her voice involuntarily.

"no problem!"

Yu Er is definitely an excellent little follower. He will only obey the orders given by the boss, and will never question them.

Even if he doesn't understand it.

For example, that Smith was just a priest in a small broken church, but Zhao Chuanyu paid special attention to it.

It's just a matter of giving him some donations or something. Now Zhao Chuanyu can't protect herself, and she still doesn't forget to take care of this foreign devil.

Also from the upper circle of Fucheng, Yu Er naturally knew what happened to the Zhao family——

Mr. Zhao died suddenly, and Huo Mingting, his son-in-law, quickly turned his face. Not only did he create an illegitimate child, but he also brought people to the Zhao family.

In addition, he also asked Zhao Chuanyu to change back to Huo's surname, making it clear that he wanted to embezzle the Zhao family's property.

Zhao Chuanyu went out to socialize with Mr. Zhao since he was a child. Although many people do not recognize that a woman can take on the family business.

However, they can understand the helplessness of Mr. Zhao.

What happened to the granddaughter?

Another granddaughter,

The blood of the Zhao family is also flowing in the body, which is better than being an outsider.

The old man Zhao was alone in the city, and he worked hard to build a huge family business.

He has no clan, no close relatives, and no other descendants except an only daughter.

Those old men took the place of the old man Zhao, and they all felt that if they were old Zhao, they would also recruit their daughters, and then give birth to a grandson to inherit the Zhao family.

Therefore, seeing that Mr. Zhao really regarded his granddaughter as the heir of the Zhao family, all the wealthy businessmen slowly accepted it.

And although Zhao Chuanyu is a girl and young, her ability is not weak.

At the age of 11 or 12, he was able to run a shop independently and help Mr. Zhao make suggestions.

Relying on her relationship with Yu Er's classmates, she successfully made the Zhao family climb up to the Yu family.

Who is the Yu family?

A decade ago, it might not have been prominent.

But as Master Yu became a soldier, he has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and he has become a powerful party, and the Yu family has also become one of the best in the city!

As for the Zhao family, although they are rich, they are just businessmen.

Since ancient times, people have not fought against officials, and wealthy businessmen have been the fat sheep raised by those in power.

Especially in such a troubled world, those tyrants who have soldiers and horses in their hands are more like bandits.

The Zhao family voted under the Yu family, and with the protection of the Yu family army, they continued to do business smoothly in the city.

Of course, the Yu family did not act as a backer for nothing.

Under the persuasion of Zhao Chuanyu, Mr. Zhao gave a quarter of his family wealth to support the Yu family to continue recruiting troops.

The two have become an alliance of interests, helping each other and developing together.

And the person who contributed to all this was just an eleven or twelve year old girl!

Those wealthy businessmen, after vaguely hearing the inside information, couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of the person who was trained by Master Zhao!"

Even a girl is much better than her unsatisfactory son.

At this level, gender is not the only shackle, ability is the most critical.


The old man Zhao died suddenly before the tiger cub he personally cultivated grew up.

And his only daughter is so superb that it makes people speechless.

It was clear that he held a handful of good cards, but he played it abruptly.

It's just that she changed from the eldest lady who was supposed to control everything to a housewife who relies on men, and she also killed Zhao Chuanyu, her own daughter.

In the past year, the upper class in Fucheng had really seen enough of the Zhao family's jokes.

The son-in-law turned against the guests, and the heir identified by Mr. Zhao himself had his wings broken by his mother and the son-in-law.

"Alas, the Zhao family is about to lose!"

"Old Zhao Jingming I can be considered to be able to train people, but how can you raise such a daughter?"

Facing all kinds of news from the Zhao family, even Old Master Zhao's opponent couldn't help sighing for him.

Yu Er is Zhao Chuanyu's little follower, and he has long recognized this boss.

Knowing that she has not had a good life in the past year, she is very worried.

Yu Er believed that her eldest son was not someone who was easily beaten down, but she was still young, and it was her own father who suppressed her!

Filial piety is as great as a mountain, and Zhao Chuanyu has no chance of winning against Huo Mingting.

Now, it should be the most difficult time for Zhao Chuanyu.

Yu Er felt that if he were the boss, he would definitely not be able to hold on.

As a result, not only did the eldest family not collapse or become decadent, on the contrary, he still had the heart to inquire about the famous actors of the troupe, and at this moment, even a foreign devil did not forget to take care of him!

Smart and astute as Zhao Chuanyu, he naturally saw the doubts in Yu Er's eyes.

However, she didn't explain much.

Father Smith's line, she is just a foreshadowing, she is not very sure whether this person is useful.

However, investing in advance is definitely a wide-spread net.

Zhao Chuanyu only discovered from some details that Smith was not a simple preacher, so she wanted to place a bet in advance.

But it's a convenient thing, spend a little money, send personal favors, and it won't cost too much.

But in case his guess is correct, the reward for himself will be unexpectedly rich.

"Also, help me stare at Huo Chuanjia..."

Zhao Chuanyu continued to give orders to Yu Er.

Of course, as a qualified boss, Zhao Chuanyu would not call people in vain.

As she spoke, she pushed Yu Er a paper bag, bulging, and you could tell from the appearance that there were rows of silver dollars inside.

"Take it and use it. You can watch a play or invite people to drink coffee. Just don't gamble!"

When Zhao Chuanyu mentioned the word "gambling", his expression was extraordinarily serious.

Yu Er nodded seriously, "Boss, don't worry. Although I like to bet on Marseille, I'm just watching."

After speaking, Yu Er's face returned to a hippie smile, and he reached out and put a large bag of silver dollars into the leather bag, "Hey, the boss treats me the best!"

Hobby Chinese Network

Although his family is a tyrannical man with a lot of troops, but those are the big brothers.

His parents spoiled him, but they were also afraid that he had too much money and would learn badly.

There is not much pocket money at home.

Yu Er has a lot of hobbies, and there is simply not enough to spend.

In the past few years, he was able to eat, drink, and play as he liked, all thanks to Zhao Chuanyu's "support".

Zhao Chuanyu: ...So, the alliance of interests is the most reliable.

She knows that she is good at winning over people, but if there are not enough benefits, people will not follow her foolishly.

And as the granddaughter of the richest man, what she lacks most is money.

Even now, when she was trapped at home by the scumbag, she just didn't let her take over the business. In terms of money, she didn't treat her badly.

In addition, Zhao Chuanyu and Zhao Wenxiu's own mother.

Her mother was sloppy and selfish, always hurting Zhao Chuanyu unconsciously.

However, when she didn't involve Huo Mingting, she was still more "loving".

For example, she never deducted Zhao Chuanyu's money.

Not to mention, Zhao Chuanyu has been the heir of the Zhao family for more than ten years.

Her hidden small treasury is not ordinary!

With this money, she not only instructed Yu Er to help her work, but she also secretly bought some little beggars and gangsters!

She is dormant now, but that doesn't mean she doesn't do anything.

In the past, she was almost forced to betray the Zhao family by her scumbag father and mother Yan Tu, and these arrangements were one of her successors.

Now, she seems to have found a way to coax her mother. With her mother's "support", it should be easier to fight against the scumbag.

"It seems that I don't need to leave Zhao's house!"

Zhao Chuanyu couldn't help but have such thoughts.

If she could, of course she was unwilling to leave the Zhao family.

Why should you leave?

This is her home, it should belong to her!

And the industries that Grandpa worked so hard for, she would never hand over to Huo Mingting's father and son.

After busying outside for a while, and giving some orders to those little beggars and gangsters, Zhao Chuanyu returned home.

After returning home, Huo Mingting has returned.

Sitting on the sofa, he tried his best to look like a dignified superior.

Maybe Huo Mingting didn't realize it himself. He scolded Mr. Zhao as an old fox and immortal, but in daily life, he always imitated others involuntarily.

"Painting a tiger is not an anti-dog!"

"It's nondescript! Dong Shi's frown!"

Zhao Chuanyu really despised such a villain as scumbag.

Especially today, when I heard from my mother that my father was actually an actor, Zhao Chuanyu couldn't even look directly at Huo Mingting, who was so pretentious.

It's not that Zhao Chuanyu discriminates, but at the moment, the actors are low-class, the stuff of wealthy people.

Of course, Zhao Chuanyu also knew that "heroes don't ask where they came from." For example, her grandfather started out like that.

However, Zhao Chuanyu really couldn't respect a little white face like a scumbag who was relying on a woman's upper position.

"Come back? Why so late?"

Zhao Chuanyu looked down on Huo Mingting, and Huo Mingting still didn't want to see Zhao Chuanyu.

Because this daughter is too much like his dead ghost father-in-law.

It's not that they look alike, but the aura that comes out of the bones, and the arrogance and arrogance that comes out from the eyes!

The old man surnamed Zhao has suppressed him for more than ten years and made him pretend to be his grandson for more than ten years.

He managed to endure until the old thing rode a crane to the west, but there was still Zhao Chuanyu at home.

Seeing this daughter who looks like her father-in-law, and thinking that she is clearly his son, but has been named Zhao for more than ten years, Huo Mingting is full of humiliation.

The main reason for the "opposition" between the father and daughter is the conflict of interests.

Huo Mingting took away the Zhao family's property from his daughter. It would be a big joke if the two of them could still be filial to their father and daughter.

For various reasons, Huo Mingting was particularly indifferent and strict towards Zhao Chuanyu.

Seeing her coming back from outside, Huo Mingting took out the posture of his stepfather and reprimanded angrily, "You are not too young, why are you still so ignorant?"

"Daughter's family should be dominated by demure and Zhenya, how can you be so unruly?"

Hearing this rebuke with head covering his face, if it were left before today, Zhao Chuanyu would not be able to help but feel resentful and sad.

But today, Zhao Chuanyu really has a strategy to deal with.

She didn't look at Huo Mingting at all, but turned to "Zhao Wenxiu" who was reading the newspaper and said, "Mom, I went to find Yu Er. His family often holds church meetings—"

Therefore, Yu Er knows the famous characters of the Fucheng Opera Troupe best.

Hearing this, He Tiantian raised her head, her eyes biubiu shining.

"Yu Er? Is that the second young master of General Yu's family?"

Although the original owner Zhao Wenxiu values ​​her husband more, she doesn't really care about her daughter.

For example, when my daughter was in school, she had a good classmate. This classmate was young, but she was a fancier.

Supporting actors and holding church meetings are the most enthusiastic.

Today my daughter suddenly ran to find him, it must be—

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