The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and sixtieth chapters heroine's Need for Mom (10)

"Zhao Jiu, you old dog, how dare you?!"

Huo Mingting knew that Steward Zhao had secret arrangements, but he still didn't expect that this old man would actually prepare manpower in advance.

Compared with the dozen or so burly men who are not easy to mess with, Huo Mingting's behaviors such as buying and colluding with management are just like playing tricks!

Tsk, in the face of absolute force, all conspiracies are paper tigers!

Huo Mingting has never heard this famous saying, but the battle in front of him made him deeply understand this truth.

Unfortunately, he realized it too late.

He was totally unprepared, so he could only scold Steward Zhao angrily.

Housekeeper Zhao ignored him, protecting He Tiantian in his arms, and shouted decisively: "Do it!"

After giving an order, the dozen or so strong men didn't hesitate any more.

"Stop! You stop!"

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"

"Father, mother, I, I'm scared!"

"...Let me go, I'm the only son of the Huo family!"

Huo Mingting's family of four shouted loudly.

A dozen strong men seemed unable to hear their roars, threats, pleas, and so on.

Like a whirlwind, the four of them were driven out of the Zhao family in the blink of an eye.

The speed was so fast that even Zhao Chuanyu, who had been looking forward to this day for a long time, couldn't react.

"This, this is kicked out?"

Zhao Chuanyu had a dreamy face.

She knew that her own mother was the key to dealing with Huo Mingting.

But she still didn't expect that things would go so smoothly!

That's Mr. Huo Mingting, the man who quickly occupied the Zhao family's property after Mr. Zhao passed away.

Although Zhao Chuanyu is not really in awe of him, he also understands that Huo Mingting is not so easy to deal with.

First, he has the support of Zhao Wenxiu;

Secondly, he occupies the righteousness of identity and seniority;

Three times, he has stayed in Zhao's family for more than ten years, and it's not like he didn't have any accumulation!

At least it is not easy for Huo Chuanyu to drive him away.

Zhao Chuanyu is ready to lose both sides.

Later, she discovered her mother's fate, and slowly pulled her mother into her camp.

Just thinking about it, getting twice the result with half the effort.

But... Zhao Chuanyu felt that it was so simple, as if he was dreaming!

"Of course things are not that simple. There is probably another battle tomorrow!"

Housekeeper Zhao twitched his lips when he heard Zhao Chuanyu's murmur, "However, you don't have to be afraid, Miss. Our Zhao family is in charge."

It's just kicking out an unruly son-in-law, and the Zhao family is not afraid of the lawsuit going all over the place!

Besides, in this world, unless there is a tangible benefit, no one will "meddle in their own business".

When Huo Mingting took over the Zhao family's property, those old guys who used to do business with Mr. Zhao only asked a few more questions, and did not stand up to "hold justice" for Zhao Wenxiu's mother and daughter.

Now, the Zhao family is just cleaning up the house, which is reasonable and legal. Even if the opponent of the Zhao family wants to take advantage of the opportunity to make troubles, they dare not help Huo Mingting too much.

And the most important point, butler Zhao is not a vegetarian.

He had already prepared more than a dozen thugs, and even got weapons from Yu's family!

Hehe, again, in the face of absolute force, all conspiracies and schemes are paper tigers.

Zhao Jiu, who followed Mr. Zhao to "fight the country" in the early years, understood this truth all too well.

In addition, the Zhao family has thugs, and——

"I'll go to Yu's house later!"

Zhao Chuanyu is worthy of being the heroine, let alone live up to Mr. Zhao's meticulous training over the past ten years.

She was dazed just now, but the surprise came too fast, and she didn't react for a while.

After the surprise, she regained her sanity, and she was able to think clearly.

She quickly thought of one of her "backhands" - the local tyrant Yu's family who was seriously ill!

"Miss is really thoughtful!"

Seeing that Zhao Chuanyu reacted so quickly, Butler Zhao was very pleased.

Miss is a simple-minded person who is ignorant of the world, but there is still a little lady in the Zhao family.

The little lady is so calm and decisive, with her around, not only will the Zhao family not collapse, but it will also have a higher and better development.

As for Miss, she only needs to escort her when she needs it!

for example--

"Miss, we will publish in the newspaper tomorrow to announce that you and Huo Mingting are divorced!"

Steward Zhao acted resolutely, and when discussing with He Tiantian, he had already found someone to draft a press release.

He Tiantian deliberately made a somewhat dazed look.

After the impulse passed, she seemed to realize what she had done.

However, the words have already been spoken, and she and Huo Mingting have already torn faces.

This road, she can only go to the end.

Without the support of her husband, she instinctively felt scared and at a loss.

And the decisive appearances of Steward Zhao and Zhao Chuanyu gave her a new reliance in a moment of confusion and anxiety.

"Okay! I, let's publish in the newspaper!"

He Tiantian nodded obediently.

"Tomorrow, you will accompany the young lady to meet those old shopkeepers!"

Steward Zhao secretly let out a sigh of relief when he saw his young lady's cooperation.

He was afraid that the matter had already been done, and his trump card was revealed, but his young lady suddenly regretted it.

If so, it will be troublesome.

It will be very difficult to deal with Huo Mingting in the future.

My lady didn't regret it, but she was a little overwhelmed, so Butler Zhao was much more relieved!

He continued to give orders.

"See those old shopkeepers?" He Tiantian was stunned again, with a puzzled look on her face.

Butler Zhao patiently explained, "Don't you want the little lady to manage those properties? Of course, you have to talk to some old housekeepers about this matter!"

The "owner" of the Zhao family has changed, so of course he has to tell the people below.

"Oh, yes! It should be, it should be!"

He Tiantian nodded repeatedly. In fact, the blank look on her face showed that she didn't quite understand Zhao Butler's words.

Butler Zhao: ...It's normal not to understand, his lady doesn't understand this at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be fooled around by an actor like Huo Mingting.

However, it doesn't matter if she doesn't understand, as long as she is obedient!

Steward Zhao was responsible for comforting and guiding "Zhao Wenxiu", while Zhao Chuanyu went to Yu's house overnight.

Instead of looking for Yu Er, she directly approached the eldest young master of the Yu family, the successor of the Yu family army, General Yu Shao.

"Young Master Yu, your family is unlucky, you're laughing at me!"

Facing General Yu Shao, Zhao Chuanyu was not as relaxed and casual as he was facing Yu Er.

Her immature face was full of awe, as if the person sitting in front of her was not a young man under twenty years old, but a real person in power.

In fact, although General Yu is young, he is not a playboy.

He fought with his own father since he was a child, and stayed in the barracks for nearly ten years.

Several of General Yu's powerful generals were so arrogant that even General Yu dared to contradict him, but they were the only ones who were very convinced by General Yu.

This is not just a bond of sharing weal and woe, but also the charisma of General Yu Shao.

General Yu is an old-fashioned warlord, illiterate, irritable and irritable, with a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

However, General Yu has studied and even went to foreign military academies for advanced studies.

But he is not the kind of young master who has his eyes above the top and talks about soldiers on paper. He has developed a new method of training troops based on the situation of Yu's army.

The most important thing is that he has connections abroad and can get weapons.

This is definitely an important matter for the powerful in the troubled times.

Therefore, this alone is enough for General Yu to gain a foothold in the army, and his father regards him as the best heir.

General Yu was fighting outside, while Young General Yu stayed in the stable rear of Fucheng to raise food, weapons, replenish the source of troops and other matters.

Last month, General Yu had just set off for an expedition, and now the left-behind General Yu had the final say in Fucheng.

Of course, this was not the reason why Zhao Chuanyu approached General Yu.

The reason why she bypassed General Yu and directly connected with Young General Yu was mainly because General Yu was a rough man, while Young General Yu knew how to manage and develop better.

They are all people who have received a new education, and Yu Er is in the middle to mediate. Zhao Chuanyu and General Yu Shao have more common topics.

So, when we met today, Zhao Chuanyu didn't beat around the bush, but went straight to the point.

After listening to Zhao Chuanyu's narration, General Yu's slightly drooping eyelids instantly lifted.

He looked at Zhao Chuanyu with great interest, with obvious appreciation in his eyes——

Ouch, that's right, this little girl looks young, but she acts ruthlessly, even her own father dares to be dismounted.

General Yu was not fighting for Huo Mingting's son-in-law, but through this incident, he understood Zhao Chuanyu more clearly and deeply.

Well, not a person who is indecisive, but who can kill and make decisions.

In order to protect himself, he did not hesitate to "kill relatives with righteousness".

For such a person, some people might criticize her for being unkind and unfilial.

However, it is undeniable that this kind of people who do not recognize their relatives and do not have the benevolence of women will go higher and farther!

General Yu is not a stubborn person who insists on filial piety. He believes that filial piety is okay for parents, but it cannot be "obedient", let alone "stupid".

General Yu had already heard about the situation of the Zhao family.

He really had an indescribable feeling for that wonderful Miss Zhao.

Fortunately, the Zhao family still has a Zhao Chuanyu, otherwise, this huge family business might really be cheaper than a little boy who relies on a woman for his position!

"It's not a joke! In fact, I still appreciate Miss Zhao's decisiveness!"

General Yu responded with a smile.

He didn't hesitate, and went straight to the point, "Speaking of which, Yu and Zhao have always been friends, and you and the second child are also classmates. As the eldest brother, it's not a big deal for me to help you out—"

It's okay to help, but the reward cannot be small.

"I heard from the second young master that the general is fighting the enemy in the north for the sake of the stability of our prefecture... My Zhao family is willing to donate 300,000 catties of grain!"

"Miss Zhao, Gao Yi! I will replace my father and Yu Jiajun, thank you, Miss Zhao!" General Yu still did not let go.

Zhao Chuanyu gritted his teeth and continued, "In addition, our Zhao family also wants to donate 10,000 sets of military uniforms!"

When General Yu saw Zhao Chuanyu's face showing embarrassment, he knew that this was already the limit.

Well, it's not a big deal, I guess it's just to help Zhao Chuanyu stand up and support him, so it's really not easy to ask for too much.

After all, when the Zhao family voted under the Yu family, they had already contributed a quarter of their wealth.

General Yu had to transform into a Pixiu for military supplies, but he couldn't force him too much.

Cooperation, long-term flow is the kingly way!

"Okay! If Miss Zhao needs anything, just say it!" General Yu said sharply.

Seeing this, Zhao Chuanyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She also raised the corners of her lips, showing a slight smile, "I don't dare to bother the Major General, but I'm going to have a banquet with some old friends tomorrow—"

In addition to the old shopkeepers of the Zhao family, Zhao Chuanyu also wanted to invite all the rich and famous merchants in Fucheng.

Re-changing the owner, such an important matter, of course it must be advertised!

And on such an occasion, the Zhao family can't be deterred by finding a few thugs, but the Yu family still needs to strengthen their momentum.

"It turns out that there is a banquet in the house. It's a good thing. My adjutant doesn't have to ask for a drink!"

Sure enough, it was to help stand up on the stage and lift his legs. General Yu didn't need to come forward in person, just let his adjutant go over there!

General Yu was very happy to agree.

"Thank you, Major General!"

"Miss Zhao is too polite!"

The two of them didn't say too much, just two or three sentences re-strengthened the cooperation between the two!

Zhao Chuanyu saw that General Yu was so talkative, and the pain he felt because of the "hemorrhage" disappeared a lot.

There is no way, in this troubled world, merchants are originally fat sheep raised by those in power.

It's better to be smarter than to let the other party snatch it.

"It seems that you still have to have your own strength!"

Whether it was the fact that Huo Mingting and others were easily kicked out of the Zhao family, or the unequal "cooperation" with the Yu family, Zhao Chuanyu realized the importance of "strength".

"Fortunately, grandpa left me behind..."

Without the arrangement of his grandfather, Zhao Chuanyu might not have had some restless thoughts.

However, her grandfather left her such a "family business", if she gave it up easily, Zhao Chuanyu would not be reconciled!

Before, Zhao Chuanyu regarded Mr. Zhao's final arrangement as a last resort.

But now, she vaguely has a plan in her heart!

Of course, these are things for later.

For now, what Zhao Chuanyu needs to do most is to successfully take over the Zhao family's property and drive Huo Mingting and others away!

Zhao Chuanyu left Yu's house full of worries.

General Yu returned to the study and began to arrange affairs.

The contact person between the two, Yu Er: ... No, boss, brother, you are too realistic.

The bridge is demolished when crossing the river, he is also a middleman after all, but in the end he was thrown aside by you!

"Second brother, what's the matter? You don't seem very happy!"

Yu Er was secretly depressed, but a gentle female voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Cousin? When did you come?"

Looking up, seeing that the person who came was indeed the cousin he didn't like very much, Yu Er felt a little angry.

His tone was not very good, with a bit of questioning.

Zhou Anna, the cousin of the Yu family, didn't care.

Probably in her opinion, Yu Er is just a brat spoiled by his family.

She is a big girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, how could she care about a brat? !

"I just came here! Big cousin has guests? I heard you brought them?"

Zhou Ana didn't care about Yu Er's bad voice, and continued to inquire about the news with a gentle smile...

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