The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and sixtieth chapters heroine's Need for Mom (13)

Although He Tiantian's words were not pleasant, they made sense.

In a sense, a son-in-law is just like a daughter-in-law marrying in, just to let the family pass on the family line.

This is the Republic of China in the sky. If it was placed in the feudal dynasty, the status of the son-in-law would be even lower.

If the imperial court conscripts laborers, the first list will include criminals, son-in-law, and merchants.

Now that the Republic of China has come, the status of the son-in-law has not been greatly improved.

Huo Mingting was so beautiful before, but Zhao Wenxiu liked him and was willing to support him.

Now, "Zhao Wenxiu" is not willing anymore, not only wants to divorce him, but also ruthlessly tore off Huo Mingting's face in front of everyone, throwing it on the ground and trampling on it!


Huo Mingting only felt that the blood in his whole body rushed to the top of his head, he was ashamed and angry, anxious and angry.

Unfortunately, he couldn't speak a word.

say what?

"Zhao Wenxiu" is right, he is a son-in-law who was "married" by the Zhao family with money.

There are serious marriage documents. Zhao Wenxiu is not the only orphan and widow in the Zhao family. They have thugs and the Yu family as the backstage.

As long as Zhao Wenxiu gave an order, Huo Mingting would be beaten back to his original shape within minutes.

As for the child—

Before Huo Mingting could make a fuss about Zhao Chuanyu, He Tiantian spoke again.

"What about a child? What happened to Chuanyu? Her surname is Zhao, and she is the heir of the Zhao family appointed by my father."

"What does Chuanyu have to do with Huo Mingting's son-in-law?"

"Or, in your Wan family, the daughter-in-law gave birth to a child in your Wan family, and if you want to reconcile in the future, can you still take away the child surnamed Wan?"

"Tsk, Master Wan is really generous, he is even willing to give up his own children!"

Master Wan who was dissed again: ...Why is I so generous?

It's just for the sake of doing business with the Chen family, to help shout a few words, this damn girl of the Zhao family, not to mention settling accounts with the Chen family, but like a mad dog, biting him like a mad dog?

He also said that his daughter-in-law, Hong Xing, was cheating, and scolded him for not wanting his own children... All kinds of humiliation, if "Zhao Wenxiu" continues to talk, his whole family will become the laughing stock of the city.

What's even more hateful is that he still can't justify anything.

Whoever told him to jump out first to help, the first to flirt is cheap!

Master Wan smirked, and said vaguely, "Jokes are all jokes."

After speaking, Master Wan stopped talking.

Seeing Miss Zhao being so aggressive, the others also stopped talking.

Like the Wan family, they are just business partners of the Chen family, not masters and servants, or father and son. There is no need to offend the Zhao family for the sake of the Chen family.

They were also deceived by Zhao Wenxiu in the past, thinking that Miss Zhao still cared about her husband and wife relationship with Huo Mingting.

Even if you don't care about it, you are just a woman. Women have the kindness of women.

Not to mention anything else, just for the sake of the child, Zhao Wenxiu can't drive Huo Mingting to death.

But now, after hearing the call from the young lady, everyone understood.

People just regard Huo Mingting as a tool for giving birth.

If the tools want to rebel, and want to attack the master's house, they will only end up being expelled from the house!

Sure enough, just when everyone was secretly thinking that "Zhao Wenxiu" might have another trick, they heard Butler Zhao speak.

"The meaning of our eldest lady is already very clear! You are all knowledgeable people, and you will not be fooled by a villain!"

In the future, it is not allowed to help a son-in-law get ahead like today.

Butler Zhao meant something, and his eyes never left Chen Shibo.

First Young Master Chen: ... Ma Dan, what are you proud of? Didn't you just rely on yourself to climb into Yu's house?

Otherwise, even if Huo Mingting is a son-in-law, with the help of the Chen family, he can turn the Zhao family upside down.

Butler Zhao is still reserved, but the wayward young lady played by He Tiantian will not be like this.

She seemed to be amazed by her wonderful performance today, and at the same time secretly proud of herself, she was a little carried away.

Apparently things have been sorted out.

Huo Mingting is also destined to become a bereaved dog, so He Tiantian added willfully: "Yes! My ninth uncle is right!"

"In the future, whoever dares to help Huo Mingting will be against our Zhao family!"

This is very domineering!

However, although the Zhao family is the richest man in Fucheng, they are only merchants.

It was a bit arrogant for her to speak like this.

Not to mention Chen Shibo, the wealthy businessmen present couldn't help but frowned.

Steward Zhao and Zhao Chuanyu: ...the eldest lady (mother) is really a blockbuster without making a show.

With this ability to pull hatred, they, as the closest people, couldn't help being speechless.

"Haha! Auntie is right!"

There was a strange silence at the scene, and at this moment, a drake's voice suddenly sounded.

Zhao Chuanyu's eyes lit up: "Yu Er!"

Butler Zhao also showed joy, "Master Yu Er?"

He knew that his young lady had a good relationship with the second young master of the Yu family.

However, the relationship is so good that he can take the initiative to come to help his little lady stand on the platform, but Butler Zhao is still a little unexpected!

This Second Young Master Yu came just in time.

The most wonderful thing is that he also agreed with "Zhao Wenxiu"'s harsh words.

Does it mean that the Yu family has become the most steadfast backer of the Zhao family? !

Yu Er is a half-year-old boy and cannot yet represent the Yu family.

But outside, no one dared to underestimate Yu Er.

As for the Zhao family who are so close to Yu Er... Chen Shibo had a stern face, quickly weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

When he and several wealthy businessmen who were at odds with the Zhao family saw Zhao Chuanyu standing side by side with Yu Er, they all made up their minds.

Therefore, when Huo Mingting was driven out of the restaurant by thugs arranged by Butler Zhao, Chen Shibo and others seemed not to notice.

As for Huo Mingting's subsequent fate, no one paid any attention.

"Grandpa Ninth, Huo Mingting is my biological father after all, I can't take his life!"

Afterwards, Zhao Chuanyu discussed with Butler Zhao very calmly.

"How about this, send their family of four back to Huo's hometown, buy them a few acres of land, and let them live a good life!"

Listening to these words, it seems that Zhao Chuanyu cared about the family relationship after all.

The scumbag father is going to take her property, and she has left a way out for the scumbag father.

But, in fact, Zhao Chuanyu made Huo Mingting's family of four suffer.

Huo's hometown?

Ha, a place where a child would not hesitate to go out to beg for a living might be a rich place?

Huo Mingting's hometown is a barren mountain village.

To put it bluntly, it's a troubled time, even in the Taiming prosperous age, I can't eat enough all the year round.

Surrounded by mountains, many villagers have never walked out of the mountains and seen the outside world in their entire lives.

Zhao Chuanyu sent Huo Mingting's family of four back, and he definitely wouldn't leave it alone.

She will arrange people to hold Huo Mingting and the others to death in their hometown, and they will only be able to eat from the ground for the rest of their lives.

If they had never seen the colorful world outside and enjoyed the luxurious life in the Zhao family, they might have resigned themselves to their fate.

Unfortunately, there is no if!

After these good years, Huo Mingting has long forgotten the difficulties in the past.

Now Zhao Chuanyu not only wants to beat him back to his original form, but also let him experience the long-forgotten childhood nightmare...

Life is better than death!

But when such a thing got out, outsiders would praise Zhao Chuanyu for his filial piety and kindness.

Chinese people advocate returning to the roots of fallen leaves!

Isn't Zhao Chuanyu fulfilling the wishes of the elders by sending the scumbag father back to his hometown? !

No one can fault it!

Of course, there are also people who understand the key points, and may scold Zhao Chuanyu for being bitter.

so what?

Winner and loser!

If Huo Mingting embezzles the Zhao family, can he treat Zhao Wenxiu and Zhao Chuanyu kindly?

"Good! Miss's arrangement is very good."

No matter what others think, Butler Zhao is very satisfied.

"Grandpa Ninth, as long as you think it's good!"

Seeing Butler Zhao agreeing, Zhao Chuanyu also laughed.

Huo Mingting's matter ended here, and the Zhao family soon entered a new life state——

Butler Zhao helped Zhao Chuanyu stabilize several old housekeepers, and quickly took over the Zhao family's property.

After Zhao Chuanyu was busy, he returned to No. 1 Middle School.

Reading is really not the most important thing for her.

However, if conditions permit, Zhao Chuanyu still wants to read more books.

Not to mention academics, it would be great to make more contacts.

"Boss, did you see that, that's Zhou Anna!"

In the classroom, Yu Er looked like a qualified little follower, followed behind Zhao Chuanyu, pouted in a certain direction.

"Your cousin?" Zhao Chuanyu was arranging the textbooks in his hand, and when he heard Yu Er's words, he raised his eyes to take a look.

A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing the school uniform of No. 1 Middle School, that is, a sky blue slanted top with an indigo knee-length pleated skirt.

Two long black braids hang down on the chest, and the braids are tied with bows with blue ribbons.

Anna Zhou sat in a chair, so she couldn't see the rest of her life.

However, according to the school rules of No. 1 Middle School, she should also be wearing white socks and black shoes.

Zhou Anna looks very beautiful, that kind of weak and slender classical beauty.

There is a softness and purity in her bones, like a white lotus.

Fortunately, Zhou Anna didn't know what Zhao Chuanyu was thinking, otherwise she would have scolded back: "You are the only white lotus, and your whole family is all white lotus!"

Zhao Chuanyu, as an indigenous heroine, naturally didn't know that white lotus had become a curse word in later generations.

She just thinks that Zhou Anna has a good temperament, quite elegant and elegant.

"She's not my cousin! Her father and mother are just from the same village, and her ancestors have already produced Wufu."

Yu Er showed resistance, he didn't like Zhou Anna as a cousin from the bottom of his heart.

too fake!

Too good to pretend!

He even tricked his own mother into taking advantage of her!

She is obviously full of ghosts, but she still has the nerve to pretend to be a kind, gentle, tolerant sister in front of him!

I bother!

My sister is the eldest daughter of the Yu family, and now she is also the wife of a professor at Island City University.

How can a guy like Zhou Anna compare to her? !

"You don't like her!"

This is not a question, but a statement of fact.

"Boss, you don't know, this woman..."

Yu Er finally found an opportunity, and he made a pass at Zhao Chuanyu.

Zhao Chuanyu focused on two tasks, while continuing to organize textbooks and preview homework, while listening to Yu Er's complaints.

"Boss, you, you listen to me!"

Seeing that his boss was so disapproving, Yu Er lost his energy while talking.

Zhao Chuanyu, "I'm listening, you continue!"

Yu Er: have started writing poems silently, yet you still say you are listening?

Perfunctory is not your perfunctory method.

"She's just a relative living in your home. If you don't like it, just stay away from her!"

Zhao Chuanyu is definitely a good boss, seeing his little follower so frustrated, he raised his head and said to him seriously.

"No, boss, you don't understand what I mean. This Anna Zhou has bad intentions. She not only inquires about our house, but also pays special attention to your Zhao family's affairs!"

Yu Er thought he was not making a fuss.

Zhao Chuanyu froze for a moment, "Oh? She still knows about our family?"

Zhao Chuanyu didn't think that his family had anything to do with Miss Yu's cousin.

"Yes, logically speaking, she shouldn't know. But she always inquires intentionally or unconsciously!"

Yu Er nodded vigorously, with a look of 'I knew she had a problem', and whispered, "Boss, is she being instructed by someone?"

Zhao Chuanyu narrowed his eyes.

Huo Mingting had already been escorted back to her hometown by someone she sent, and the Chen family also died down.

However, this does not mean that the Zhao family is safe.

In addition, Zhao Chuanyu was not satisfied with her own business, she also secretly used the money left by her grandfather.

And Smith's side—

Zhao Chuanyu's brain was running fast.

After a while, she said, "Leave her alone, maybe she heard the rumors outside!"

"After all, our family's matter is not a secret in Fucheng, and it's a bit dramatic!"

Whether she used to get an actor to be her son-in-law, or she divorced her son-in-law and took care of an actor wantonly now, her own mother, Zhao Wenxiu, is definitely the topic of conversation in Fucheng.

In addition to her "rebellion", her good luck is the main reason why many rich wives and young ladies in Fucheng envy her.

In this day and age, not every woman can live as wantonly as she does.

When I was young, I fell in love with an actor and forced my family to agree to get married;

The little boy's husband was getting old and decrepit, so he just divorced and went to find a younger and more handsome little fresh meat.

Being served by a few fresh and tender boys every day, with all kinds of enjoyment, it is even more comfortable and comfortable than the former Lafayette.

For such a biological mother, sometimes Zhao Chuanyu is a little envious.

Of course, Zhao Chuanyu is also very satisfied with the state of his mother.

If you like opera singers, you can spend some money to buy them, and you will never take them home.

As long as there is no more "Huo Mingting", Zhao Chuanyu supports whatever mother wants to play.

It's a pity that you can't say this casually, let alone stand up easily. No, my mother will soon slap her in the face.

"Chuanyu, this child was rescued by Boss Cheng out of kindness, but Boss Cheng is going back to the capital next week, so it's not easy to bring him back to the capital."

Imagine Chinese Website

He Tiantian brought a ten-year-old child back that day, and casually said to Zhao Chuanyu, "Boss Cheng knows that I am the most kind and noble, so he wants to entrust this child to me!"

Zhao Chuanyu: ...No, this person is about the same age as me, why did my mother——

"The dog doesn't eat at our house. When he was a child, he went to Wai Guo Ren with his father to work as an errand, and he knew several envoys from Wai Guo..."

He Tiantian's subsequent words made Zhao Chuanyu's eyes light up instantly!

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