The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and seventieth chapters heroine's Need for Mom (19)

But, this person, he can't think wildly.

Just when Zhao Chuanyu had the illusion that his mother was reliable, his mother "slapped her in the face" again.

In the United States, He Tiantian only stayed for one year, and then "separated" with Richard very tacitly.

Richard has his own mistress and illegitimate child, and He Tiantian has started to support Hollywood stars.

Husband and wife, under the name of husband and wife, play their own way.

He Tiantian soon became disgusted with the bread and hot dogs in the United States, and planned to return to the big food country.

Hearing the reason why his mother wanted to return to China, Zhao Chuanyu really couldn't laugh or cry, "If you want to eat Chinese food, there is also a Chinatown in the United States. Find a reliable cook, or I can send one to you!"

Just for a bite to eat, the mother left her husband and returned to the country alone? !

"The Chinese food in the United States is not authentic at all. If nothing else, the ingredients are not complete. Even domestic cooks can't cook the original taste."

He Tiantian still looks willful.

She doesn't care that she and Richard are not only husband and wife, but also partners of interests.

She is just a bear child. If she is not comfortable, she tries to make herself as comfortable as possible.

Even if you have to bear a certain risk for this - she and Richard have no children yet, such a husband and wife relationship is not very solid.

And in some respects, "Zhao Wenxiu" is at a disadvantage, and Richard, a landowner, has more capital to "turn his face".

But "Zhao Wenxiu" still let his temper go, and did not continue to deepen the bond with Richard, but insisted on returning to China.

Zhao Chuanyu was dying of anxiety.

The advent of sulfonamide really caused a sensation all over the world.

The price of this special drug is even more expensive than gold, the key is that there is no market for the price.

The whole world is at war, and the demand for anti-inflammatory drugs is huge.

Not to mention other places, just in China, the principal, as the leader, can't guarantee that he can get enough sulfa.

Not to mention the troops below, big and small warlords.

On the black market, the price of sulfonamide has skyrocketed.

Such an important drug is destined to attract much attention.

And the Zhao family is just a small merchant in Huaguo, so it is difficult to keep such a treasure.

As for the Richard family, they are indeed the "in-laws" of the Zhao family.

However, for capitalists, interests are eternal.

For the sake of money, let alone a wife, even my own father and son can turn against each other!

The relationship between "Zhao Wenxiu" and Richard is too weak, and they don't even have a common child.

Zhao Chuanyu was really worried that if his mother did this, he would be tricked by Richard sooner or later.

Butler Zhao was more optimistic, "Miss, you can rest assured. Our eldest lady is a lucky star."

"You may not know that a lawyer funded by the eldest lady is running for governor."

"Also, the eldest lady has been in the United States for a year, and she has been socializing a lot. She has established close friendships with women from several consortiums!"

Although the role of these contacts is not yet visible, "Zhao Wenxiu"'s previous record is too brilliant.

Whether it's a crooked fight or an early investment, she can always get "surprises" from the people she meets——

Because of being an actor, "Zhao Wenxiu" and Boss Cheng became close friends.

Because of Boss Cheng, she picked up the dog;

Because of the dog, "Zhao Wenxiu" successfully got in touch with Quaner, the envoy's wife in Fucheng;

Because of the envoy's wife, she has invested in several industries in the United States;

Coincidentally, the laboratory she acquired developed a sulfonamide that is more expensive than gold;

And because of a sulfonamide, Zhao Wenxiu married the American consortium;

With the identity of the wife of the American Consortium, Zhao Wenxiu entered a higher circle.

With money and status, there is Zhao Wenxiu who likes to spend money recklessly, and has invested a lot in the United States.

The future governor, the current vice president, and many ladies...

Butler Zhao was a little speechless when he saw the network of his eldest lady.

With so many connections,

Richard is neither stupid nor dumb, and he will definitely not turn his face easily.

Even if Richard or his family were "obsessed with profit" and insisted on taking sulfa from the Zhao family, Butler Zhao believed that his eldest lady would have a way to deal with them!

Therefore, the current "Zhao Wenxiu" is no longer what it used to be, so there is no need to be too afraid of Richard.

That being the case, she followed her own will and acted willfully, so there was no major problem.

Zhao Chuanyu: ...

It makes sense, I'm speechless.

Sigh, forget it, even if it doesn't make sense, if my mother wants to come back, can she stop it? !

Zhao Chuanyu pinched his nose and recognized his mother as a demon.

However, Zhao Chuanyu still did not expect that his own mother could do this to this extent.

"I don't want to go to Hong Kong City, I want to go to Wudu!"

He Tiantian still looks like a willful child, and directly told her daughter, "I'm not used to Hong Kong City, I still like to stay in the inland!"

Zhao Chuanyu's face was numb, "Mom, Wudu is not our hometown, are you sure you will get used to it there?"

Their Zhao family is from the north, and Wudu, in their view, is absolutely south.

There are certainly many differences, from climate to diet to language.

My mother is not used to living in Hong Kong City, so can she adapt to life in the fog city?

Zhao Chuanyu didn't believe her mother's excuse at all.

My mother is not used to talking about things, she might as well just say that she is tired of seeing foreign devils and wants to experience handsome men from Bashu!

The latter is more convincing and more in line with my mother's "nympho" character.

"Hey, it really is my family who knows me best. What, I heard that many universities have moved to Wudu, and there are many writers and celebrities, and they are all there..."

Being exposed by her own daughter, instead of being angry, He Tiantian looked proud, "As expected of my daughter, she is caring".

Zhao Chuanyu closed her eyes hard, she shouldn't have any illusions about her mother.

Forget it, my mother can play as long as she wants, anyway, their Zhao family is rich and prestigious now, and her mother is also the wife of the American consortium.

Even in Wudu, where the rich and powerful are like clouds, no one dares to bully her.

Maybe, my mother can still live comfortably in the fog with her own money and privileges.

He Tiantian: ... Honey, don't stand up easily, I can't bear to provoke you!

However, what still needs to be done, He Tiantian still has to do it!

Coming to this empty Republic of China, once again experiencing the suffering of the people and the crisis of the nation, it is difficult for He Tiantian to sit idly by.

task, she will continue to complete;

She will also try her best to save the country and the people!

Principal, ahem, he is unreliable.

Fighting against the ghosts and saving the people from the fire and water still depends on those people!

And if He Tiantian always stayed in the United States or Hong Kong City, it would be difficult to get in touch with them.

Fog City, even Magic City, is more convenient for He Tiantian.

"Auntie, why are you here in Wudu? Where's the boss? Is she here too?"

He Tiantian came to Wudu, dealt with the principal's wife and other wives for a few days, and then began to enjoy the luxurious life.

In the ballroom, He Tiantian unexpectedly met an acquaintance.

"Master Yu Er, you are also in Wudu!"

He Tiantian looked at Yu Er in military uniform in surprise.

This boy is only seventeen years old this year, so he actually joined the army?

"Where are General Yu and Major General? Are they okay?"

After leaving Fucheng, He Tiantian never heard from the Yu family again.

However, He Tiantian was not worried about the family.

General Yu is an old fox. He was born as a bandit and has been a warlord for more than 20 years. He has no concept of family, country and world in his bones.

As Gui Zai approached, General Yu would be the first to abandon the city and escape.

Young General Yu may be better than General Yu, but he is only a young general, he is still a son, and he certainly cannot disobey his father.

This family, under the leadership of General Yu, will definitely be able to leave Fucheng intact.

However, the days to come may not be as beautiful as they were in Fucheng.

"My father is in Shanghai, my brother, my brother—"

Mentioning General Yu Shao, a look of sadness flashed across Yu Er's face, "Last year, my brother died in the bombing of the ghosts!"

It was also because of his brother's death that the naive and innocent Yu Er grew up in an instant.

His mind is full of killing ghosts and avenging his brother.

But he is still studying, and the teacher at the military academy is an old classmate of his eldest brother, who persuades and suppresses him not to go to the battlefield.

During this time, Yu Er went through a process from anger to calm.

His mentality and thinking have all changed.

Coincidentally, he met an old friend again, and Yu Er put aside the grievances of the early years, and walked with that person on a path he believed in.

Of course, these things must not be said to people.

Even his parents, he kept it a secret, let alone an "aunt" whom he hadn't seen for several years.


He Tiantian couldn't help feeling pity and admiration when he heard that General Yu had died for his country.

Alas, she was not mistaken, Young General Yu is different from General Yu, he is a real soldier!

"Chuanyu is in Hong Kong City. I'm not used to the life there, so I came to Wudu!"

He Tiantian comforted Yu Er, and began to answer his question just now.

"Oh, so you really went to Hong Kong City!"

When Yu Eryi heard that Zhao Chuanyu was in Hong Kong City, he couldn't help but think of what his elder brother said back then.

There was a moment of sadness in his heart, and then he was happy for his former best friend, "As long as she is safe!"

"It's not just safe, our family heirloom may have done it, and opened a pharmaceutical factory, a hospital, a textile factory, a flour mill, and a trading house in Hong Kong City..."

When He Tiantian mentioned her daughter, she looked like a typical parent in Huaguo, except for a "big boast", she had no other words.

When Yu Er heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little proud: "As expected of being my boss, he is always so good wherever he goes!"

When she was half a child, she was able to bear the burden of the family. On the eve of the war, she successfully transferred the family and the big family business away.

Tsk, as expected of the boss he identified, he will always be so powerful!

Now, the eldest is also sixteen years old, so he is considered an adult.

She will only be stronger and better than before!

"Yeah, my family Chuanyu is such a bull!"

He Tiantian may be a little carried away from being praised, or maybe meeting an old friend in another country made her overjoyed.

He just said a few words to Yu Er, and then started to show off: "I tell you, have you heard of that sulfonamide, it is produced by the pharmaceutical factory run by my family Chuanyu!"

This is true.

He Tiantian got the secret formula of sulfonamide by "wrong way", but whether it is a laboratory or a pharmaceutical factory, it is all recorded under Zhao Chuanyu's name.

The domestic production lines are also managed and operated by Zhao Chuanyu.

Rounding things up, He Tiantian's claim that sulfa belongs to Zhao Chuanyu is not a lie.

Yu Ertong's hole shrunk slightly, and his breathing became short of breath.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

He thought he had adjusted his emotions, but when he spoke, his voice was still a little trembling: "Auntie, you said, you mean, Chuanyu made sulfa?"

"Is that sulfonamide, a special anti-inflammatory drug, the kind that can save a life?!"

Yu Er believes that his boss is awesome, but he still can't imagine that she is so awesome!

Sulfonamide, a life-saving medicine!

How many soldiers were injured on the battlefield and lost their lives just because of a fever or an inflammation!

One sulfonamide can save a life.

However, such good medicines are expensive and have no market, let alone ordinary soldiers, even some military officers can't get them!

And their organizations need such medicines even more.

Yu Er's eyes burst out with eager light, "Zhao Wenxiu", this unreliable aunt, in his eyes at this moment, seemed to be a living Bodhisattva who rescued the suffering.

Of course, the real Bodhisattva should be Zhao Chuanyu.

The problem is, Chuanyu is in Hong Kong City, and the only person Yu Er can get in touch with now is Aunt Zhao.

"It's that sulfonamide!"

He Tiantian nodded vigorously, with a proud face, "When I came to Wudu, I brought a few boxes!"

"One box was given to the principal's wife, oh, and Mrs. Kong, I also gave a box!"

"How many boxes do I still have now? Hey, by the way, Second Young Master, you are now a soldier and you are easily injured. How about I keep a few boxes for you? Even if you don't need them yourself, your colleagues, bosses, etc. may also need them." when!"

He Tiantian looked at Yu Er, showing the elder's kindness to the younger.

Of course, the element of showing off is greater.

Yu Er didn't think it was awkward, if it was a kind of charity, a kind of humiliation, he would rather do it more violently.

"Aunt, this, this is not appropriate."

Yu Er wants it very much, but he is not the dandy he used to be.

Especially after his elder brother died in the country, he experienced the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and began to understand the ways of the world!

What is sulfa?

It is worth more than gold, a treasure that can save lives at critical times.

Although Yu Er opened and shut his mouth and called Zhao Chuanyu the boss, but after two or three years of separation, it was really difficult for him to lick his face and say that he was Zhao Chuanyu's life-and-death friend.

Without enough connections, why should he ask for Zhao's medicine for nothing? !

"What's inappropriate! Back in Fucheng, thanks to the care of your Yu family, our Zhao family was able to live smoothly!"

"Not to mention, you and Chuanyu are still classmates and good friends. Although we haven't heard from each other in the past few years, the friendship in the early years can't be erased!"

"For outsiders, these medicines must be valuable and good things, but for our Zhao family, they are just self-produced gadgets, and they are not worth anything!"

"Also, I will live in Wudu from now on, and I will not return to Hong Kong City for the time being. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me at any time!"

"I'm not bragging, the principal's wife, Mrs. Kong, and Mrs. Chen are all my close friends..."

He Tiantian is very much like a rich man who has become rich from the poor. In front of his former "benefactor", he almost shows off his abilities!

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