"Ding! Get 1000 achievement points."

"Ding! Get a reward of 20,000 dots."

"Ding! Get Zhao Chuanyu's gratitude, reward soul fragment*1."

He Tiantian once again survived until she was in her nineties, and finally waited until the wild writer Zhou Anna passed away before she left this novel world.

Yes, this time the wild contributor is Anna Zhou.

Calling this girl bad is not enough.

She should also have at least three views and a bottom line.

Because of mission requirements, she had to fight against the heroine.

However, Zhou Anna didn't choose to fight the heroine directly, but chose to snatch her opportunity and gradually replace her.

This is a relatively gentle method.

Maybe not as good as Qin Anran in Bai Yueguang's script, but much better than He Yingying in Fuxing's script.

At least she didn't secretly play tricks on the heroine Zhao Chuanyu.

Of course, it is also possible that she has no chance.

But, no matter what the situation was, He Tiantian didn't do anything to Zhou Anna easily.

Her idea is simple and effective - keep the heroine!

As long as the heroine is not violated, as long as she is not abandoned by the consciousness of the novel, only a halo of the heroine can make everyone who tries to oppose her suffer backlash.

Zhou Anna, a wild writer, is no exception.

Therefore, Zhou Anna did not succeed in snatching the chance of being the hostess. Instead, she exposed herself and was directly knocked out by the decisive General Yu.

Zhou Anna was taken away by her own mother who sold her with her own hands. If she was just an ordinary girl, she might be ruined for the rest of her life.

Zhou Anna is not an ordinary girl, she is a wild writer.

Maybe she's inexperienced, maybe even a rookie.

But after experiencing a "failure", Zhou Anna quickly adjusted her status, borrowed the golden finger of the system, and once again got rid of her mother who tried to sell her to a lower place.

After escaping the danger, Zhou Anna began to reconsider how she completed the task.

Counterattack heroine? Replace her as the new heroine? !

Zhou Anna quickly denied this idea.

The heroine's halo is too scary. After experiencing it for herself, Zhou Anna never wants to fight against the heroine again.

"Hey, let's open up a new story line. Maybe it won't be excellent, but it can still pass!"

Zhou Anna thought about it several times, and finally made up her mind.

"Now is the Republic of China, social turmoil, national crisis, and people's suffering. It is not difficult to achieve certain achievements!"

When Zhou Anna re-examined her "future", she suddenly discovered that there were good things about being born in the war-torn and dark Republic of China.

What is the bright path?

Perhaps today's people with lofty ideals are not sure that the path they choose must be correct.

But Zhou Anna who wears books knows.

Whether it's history or the original plot, Zhou Anna knows what the most correct truth is.

Zhou Anna also went directly to the Red Holy Land as a student.

There, she joined the organization with honor.

After receiving the ideological education from the organization, seeing the flourishing development of the Red Holy Land, and the blood and passion of countless comrades, Zhou Anna, who originally only worked for the mission, couldn't help becoming excited.

Temporarily putting aside the task, Zhou Anna devoted herself to the great cause of saving the country and the people with the greatest enthusiasm.

Zhou Anna has studied and is proficient in foreign languages. She is definitely a rare talent in the Red Holy Land.

So, after several months of education, Zhou Anna was sent to Shanghai to lurk.

She makes an excellent agent.

Later, Modu, Jinling and other places fell one after another, and the principal moved the headquarters to Wudu.

For some reason, Zhou Anna was also sent to Wudu by her superiors.

When Yu Er first arrived in Shanghai, the back of the cheongsam he saw in the bookstore was none other than Zhou Anna.

Later, during the mission, Zhou Anna and Yu Er met formally.

Yu Er still remembered the grievances back then, and he was not very close to Zhou Anna.

However, they are old friends at any rate, and the two gradually began to communicate.

Later, General Yu Shao died for his country, and Yu Er suffered the biggest blow in his life.

What made him even more angry was seeing with his own eyes the corruption and depravity of those in power.

Huaxia is full of smoke and devastation, but the fog city is still drunk with money and dreams.

Yu Er was indignant and desperate: Such a country can really fight against Gui Zai.

Can he still avenge his brother himself?

The hatred of the country and the family, as well as the dissatisfaction and despair of reality, made Yu Er grow up rapidly.

It also made him confused and helpless about his beliefs and the future.

Zhou Anna appeared in time and let Yu Er know quietly: Huaguo not only has a principal, but also an organization whose mission is to save the country and the people.

Slowly, Yu Er began to contact the organization and quickly became a member of it.

Later, "Zhao Wenxiu" appeared, and Yu Er relied on his relationship with the Zhao family to send a large amount of supplies to the organization and to the rear of the front line.

Zhou Anna went to other battlefields.

After all, she is a wild writer with abilities beyond ordinary people.

She completed many tasks, and she fought with her comrades to victory and ushered in the last light.

She was not married, and after the founding of New China, she continued to work hard for the country.

It was not until the 1980s that Zhou Anna, who was nearly 80 years old, passed away.

She failed to counterattack the heroine and replace Zhao Chuanyu as a legend.

However, she opened up a brand new story line and became the heroine of this story line.

Still exciting, still full of blood.

So, she completed the task and left with peace of mind.

The moment Zhou Anna closed her eyes, He Tiantian received a notification that the task was completed.

"...This wild writer was not lovable at first, but then she recognized herself and found the path that suits her best!"

"He has three views, and also has blood and passion. He is a very good person."

He Tiantian didn't greet Zhou Anna directly.

However, because she knew that the other party was a wild writer, she still paid enough attention.

Therefore, He Tiantian knows many things about her.

It is precisely because of this knowledge that He Tiantian is thankful: Fortunately, Zhou Anna was not directly expelled at first, otherwise, she would have hurt an innocent and upright person.

Zhou Anna's only flaw is probably that she sold this body to her own mother as soon as she put it on.

However, Zhou Anna can't be blamed for this incident.

It was her own mother who wanted to sell her first, and she was just retaliating with fire.

Such clear grievances and grievances made He Tiantian feel sympathetic to each other.

Fellow fellow, He Tiantian just likes to be so straightforward, the Holy Mother or something, she is absolutely grateful.

"...These wild writers are not bad people."

"Actually, they may be like me, they are people who need redemption in reality, or people who want to get rid of the status quo."

"Perhaps, they don't think of themselves as 'wild', but think of themselves as writers who help people counterattack, serve as cannon fodder, and change their tragic fate."

"Even if they don't arrogantly think that they are the savior, they will not think that they are sinners, viruses that should be cleared out!"

He Tiantian thought to herself.

She already had a little "dangerous" idea, and she came into contact with two wild writers with upright views and a bottom line, and her feeling became stronger.


Very dangerous!

She couldn't think like this any longer, otherwise, she would have inexplicable sympathy, even pity, for the wild writer.

With a subjective favor, she will inevitably have too many scruples when doing tasks, which may affect her tasks.

"Forget it! Stop thinking about it!"

"I and wild writers are originally opposites."

"These two times are just a coincidence, and I met some pretty good wild writers."

"But this does not guarantee that all wild writers are kind people with three views and a bottom line."

"Perhaps, the next time I do a mission, I will meet a strong enemy who must fight to the death!"

He Tiantian comforted her like this, and the messy thoughts in her heart were finally suppressed.

"Tiantian, congratulations, you have successfully completed another mission!"

Little D classmate jumped up and down, his two big eyes were shining brightly.

"Fortunately, such a task is actually not difficult!"

He Tiantian really didn't do much.

Zhao Chuanyu is the heroine, she can rise strongly even when her own mother is holding her back.

After He Tiantian came, Zhao Chuanyu would only be better and more legendary than her in the original plot as she desperately tried to support her secretly!

The only thing He Tiantian has to do is to try to create better opportunities and conditions for Zhao Chuanyu without breaking the persona.

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and maintain a top-notch character design, He Tiantian is simply not too good at it.

This kind of mission, the biggest test for He Tiantian, is that he has to stay in the mission world for a lifetime.

Suffered and endured until he was over ninety years old... Alas, after two consecutive lives like this, He Tiantian felt that her mentality was a little old.

Therefore, when little student D asked as usual: "Tiantian, continue to do the task, or return to the real world", He Tiantian said: "Return to reality."

Student D: ...

Ah, why can't I guess what my little friend is thinking every time.

It thought that Tiantian would continue to work hard and continue to do the task, but in the end, she suddenly wanted to return to reality.

Blinking his big eyes helplessly, Little D responded obediently: "Okay! Back to reality!"

The space is distorted, and the soul has been slightly backlogged.

Enduring the slight discomfort, He Tiantian returned to reality.

Well, still her island, still her bedroom.

The antique canopy bed is hung with layers of curtains.

He Tiantian stared at the top of the curtain above, and after getting used to it for a while, she slowly heard what happened before crossing——

She has finished filming and moved her family from a small county town to her exclusive private island, First Island.

After several months of construction, the first island has already changed from the original desert island to her home.

Duan Yong's ability is really good, of course, the most powerful is the country's father.

The port on the first island, the road from the port to the residence, the courtyard house, and the laboratory building behind it were all created by the construction team of a well-known state-owned enterprise.

There are also projects such as submarine cables, street lights, and signal towers on the island, all of which were completed in the shortest possible time.

Duan Yong helped to buy furniture, home appliances, and some trivial things.

He Tiantian, the host, just needs to carry a bag and move in.

On the first island, He Tiantian really enjoyed the joy of "vacation".

She has dragon balls redeemed at the Dianniang Mall, so she can enjoy diving and swimming to the fullest.

However, a few days ago, when He Tiantian was fishing and playing in the sea, she witnessed an air accident with her own eyes.

Just when He Tiantian wanted to help secretly, she felt a powerful spiritual force.

"In this world, there are other 'strange people'. Or, the other party is simply a wild writer!"

With such a guess, He Tiantian began to be cautious.

Therefore, during the follow-up sea rescue, He Tiantian did not make a high profile, but secretly provided some help.

As for herself, she continued to hide in the dark.

After several days of rescue, this accident, which was hailed as a "miracle" by countless people, successfully rescued all the personnel.

Although some people suffered minor injuries, they managed to save their lives.

And behind them, there are several families.

He Tiantian witnessed with his own eyes the ecstasy of the survivors and their families.

Wept with joy, extremely grateful, as if the usual grievances became unimportant at this moment.

They are only touched and happy.

While the netizens were happy for these survivors, they couldn't help sighing secretly: "It's a miracle among miracles. I watched the video on the Internet. Tsk, that Boeing crashed into the sea vertically!"

Although the sea is much better than the mountains, but at that speed and the heat, the plane may be broken into pieces during the crash.

And the people in the cabin...

"Yeah, I'm so lucky! Not one is missing!"

Netizens were amazed.

The only one, oh no, should be the only He Tiantian who knew the truth, but she didn't have much joy.

She was even a little anxious——

did not find!

After spying secretly for a long time, He Tiantian couldn't find the suspected wild writer.

There is such an opponent, which makes He Tiantian very uneasy.

In order to become stronger, she thought about doing more tasks.

But in the task world, she felt entangled again.

Alas, it's a dilemma.

"Forget it, don't want to!"

He Tiantian gathered her thoughts, turned over, and jumped off the bed.

She came to the window, opened the bed curtain, and looked up at the endless starry sky.

The sky over the sea seems to be extraordinarily clean, without smog and haze, and the sky full of stars can be seen with the naked eye.

He Tiantian sat on the window sill, enjoying the cool sea breeze, looking up at the vast sea of ​​stars, and slowly calmed down from her disturbed mood.

"That person may not be the enemy..."

Even feral copywriters, in reality, have no conflict of interest.

He Tiantian felt that she could be on guard, but there was no need to be hostile.

Perhaps, they will have the possibility of cooperation.

She has indeed gained a lot from the Dianniang system, but she will not completely trust a system.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing to have a partner...

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