The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 682 The long-lost villain (3)

"Don't dare! I, I have always acted according to your orders, Miss, and never dared to make my own decisions!"

Chu Jin suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and quickly licked his face and smiled to show his loyalty.

He Tiantian didn't care, as if she didn't care what Chu Jin said.

She glanced at Chu Jin and said nothing, but her eyes were too obvious, as if she was saying—

Whether or not you have made your own decisions, you know it in your own heart.

I am willful and arrogant, but I am not stupid!

Chu Jin's heart trembled, only to feel that the hairs on the back of the back ridge stood up.

When did Chu Baozhu, an idiot, have such a shocking look in his eyes.

But soon, Chu Jin realized that Chu Baozhu was not the only daughter of the Chu family, she had lost her biological mother a long time ago.

The head of the Chu family soon continued to marry, and there were a lot of step-wives and concubines in the family.

Among so many sisters, Chu Baozhu could become the most favored daughter of the Chu family.

In this, it is definitely not because the Chu family is nostalgic, because he misses and loves his original wife so much, he loves Wu Jiwu and loves the only daughter left by the original wife.

Shit old love!

It wasn't even a month before the original spouse died, and the Chu family master remarried.

Tell me, how much "true love" does he have for his original partner? !

Therefore, there must be other reasons for Chu Baozhu's favor.

Being able to get along well in the huge Chu family, even stepmother, half-sister, half-sister can't bully or exclude her...

Chu Jin suddenly realized that his past knowledge of Chu Baozhu was too shallow.

This eldest lady is definitely not as stupid as she shows!

Also, in the inner courtyard of a wealthy family like the Chu family, anyone who can survive with all the beards and tails will not be a fool.

Chu Baozhu, she may not only be not stupid, but also very smart!

Great wisdom and foolishness!

A villain like Chu Jin likes dark brain supplements the most.

Letting him think wildly, he suddenly felt that he had taken a wrong look in the past.

Not only is Chu Baozhu not an idiot, she may also be a scheming and scheming woman!

As for why she targeted Su Hao like that before, it's easy to understand.

No way, the Su family has fallen.

The Su and Chu families have a marriage contract, and Chu Baozhu is Su Hao's fiancee.

The kind that has written marriage letters and exchanged tokens.

If there is no accident in the Su family, Chu Baozhu will happily marry to the Su family as the eldest young mistress according to the agreement.

However, the Su family was tragically wiped out overnight. There were more than 100 people in the family, except for Su Hao and his sister who escaped because they were temporarily away.

That group of scoundrels, killing people, thought it was not enough, and set a fire again.

Therefore, when the Su Hao brothers and sisters came back from the outskirts of the city, what they saw was devastated and ashes all over the place.

Everyone was burnt to coke, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

The Su Hao brothers and sisters were extremely grief-stricken, wishing they could cry to death on the spot.

Su Hao is older and more rational.

He endured his grief and heard what happened last night from the neighbors on the left and right.

Knowing that some gangsters destroyed the Su family and set fire to destroy the corpse, he trembled with hatred, and his lips were bitten.

He knew that those scoundrels must be for the family heirloom of the Su family.

And they should not be found.

Because the family heirloom was not hidden in the Su family, but in a secret place that only the Su family master and Su Hao and his son knew.

The gangsters couldn't find that treasure. If they knew that the Su family still had a fish that slipped through the net (that is, Su Hao), they would definitely not let it go easily.

After thinking for a while, Su Hao hurriedly buried the whole family, and then ran to the Chu family with his sister.

He didn't come to force the Chu family to fulfill the marriage contract.

Because Su Hao knew very well that now, his family was ruined, and even his ancestral house was burned to the ground.

He is only stronger than Beggar.

How could he be worthy of the eldest young lady of the Chu family, the first family in Qizhou?

Su Hao, who is also from a famous family, knows the truth of "the right match".

In the past, the Su family was as famous as the Chu family in martial arts.

The marriage between the two is definitely a strong alliance, which is perfect.

now what--

Su Hao didn't dare to expect the Chu family to fulfill their marriage contract.

Although he is not young, only fifteen years old, but because he is the young master of the family, he has been raised by his father since he was a child.

Su Hao is very smart, and has his own father's words and deeds, so he has maturity and sobriety beyond his age.

In order to obtain the protection of the Chu family, he took the initiative to retire from his relatives, so that the Chu family would not become a "treacherous" villain.

Su Hao lived a transparent life, and the Chu family was not a fool.

Su Hao took the initiative to break off the marriage, which can indeed prevent the Chu family from being criticized.

But, it's not very kind.

The Su family was defeated, and the Chu family was the largest martial arts family in Qizhou.

And people, after having a certain status, they want a better reputation in order to gain a higher status.

The Chu family master has an ambition and wants to become the master of the martial arts alliance.

Therefore, he, and the reputation of the entire Chu family, cannot have the slightest flaw.

Of course, you can also say that the head of the Chu family is really affectionate and righteous, and is not such a despicable person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich.

Anyway, no matter what it was for, in the face of Su Hao's divorce, Clan Master Chu strongly refused.

He said righteously, "Nephew, your father and I have known each other for many years, and the Chu and Su families are even more familiar."

"Your marriage with Baozhu was agreed upon by your father a long time ago. Although we haven't gotten married yet, I have long regarded you as my half-son!"

"Now, the Su family has undergone a major change, and you are the only male left, and there are still enemies peeping in secret, so you don't want to involve Baozhu."

"But, nephew, I can't be sorry for your father, and I can't betray my promise!"

"Besides, you can only accept the protection of the Chu family when you marry Baozhu, and you and A Nuan can also have a place to live!"

"...Also, if I agree to your request for annulment, although my Chu family is not at fault, it is still not affectionate and righteous enough. Nephew, you can't trap me and the Chu family in an unkind and injustice situation!"

The Chu family master said it all for his own sake. If Su Hao still insisted on breaking off the marriage, then he was deliberately stepping on the Chu family to gain fame.

Su Hao is so smart, the key is that he still wants to rely on the Chu family to give him some breathing time.

After thinking again and again, Su Hao had to agree.

The Chu family was overjoyed and explained on the spot, "Young Master Su is the eldest uncle of our Chu family. When it comes to food and clothing, we will compare it to the eldest young lady and the sixth young master. We will have a happy event as soon as the filial piety period is over."

The eldest lady in the mouth of the Chu family is naturally Chu Baozhu.

In the Chu family, she is the most favored, and the treatment is naturally the best.

Next to her is the Sixth Young Master, the son of the Chu family head, the Xue family, the successor of the Chu family head.

He is also the only son-in-law under the name of the Chu family, and his identity and status are naturally different.

Of course, compared to Miss Chu Baozhu, she is still slightly inferior.

There is no way, who let Chu Baozhu be the original wife, and the first wife of the Chu family's wife, Cheng, is the sister of Cheng Wushui, the first genius doctor of the martial arts.

Cheng Shenyi, a strange man of life and death, I heard that there were immortals in his ancestors, and his status was extraordinary.

Cheng Shi, as his only sister, is naturally quite decent.

It's a pity that Hongyan's life was short-lived, and she encountered difficulties during childbirth. Cheng Shenyi got the news and rushed over, but it was still a step late.

The younger sister left, leaving only a thin and little baby girl. Cheng Shenyi directly regarded this child as the only consolation.

If it wasn't for the fact that the head of the Chu family still had brains, insisted on keeping Chu Baozhu in the Chu family, and swore to take care of Chu Baozhu as an eyeball and a lifeblood, Cheng Shenyi would take the child away on the spot.

In the following ten years, the Chu family master really doted on Chu Baozhu very much, obeying everything and responding to every request.

Directly spoil her lawlessly and act arbitrarily.

He Tiantian: ... just to kill it, to raise a good child and make it poisonous and stupid!

Ahem, I haven't been so mean in a long time.

It's true that this time she is dressed as a vicious villain again, and He Tiantian is a little "excited"...

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