The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Six hundred and ninetieth chapters long-lost villain Yeah (13)

He Tiantian has a deflated face!

Her entire face was wrinkled into the word "囧".

In fact, if possible, He Tiantian would like to use facial expressions to deduce what is called "fuck"!

Her reaction pleased Su Hao again.

"Ha ha!"

The emotions that have been suppressed for several days now have a way to vent.

Su Hao laughed hahaha.


He Tiantian was unwilling, let alone Su Hao's "satisfied" appearance.

But she was also afraid of God, when she scolded Su Hao, she couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Obviously, she was frightened by Lei.

Seeing her fierce and cowardly appearance, Su Hao couldn't help laughing again.

"It's dirt! Stop laughing!"

He Tiantian became angry from embarrassment, once again impulsively ignored, and yelled at Su Hao.

"You, if you laugh at me again, I'd rather be struck by lightning than accept your 'threat'!"

"And your sister, huh, a little idiot, a little oil bottle, you can entrust it to whoever you like, don't look for me!"

He Tiantian spoke harshly as if angry.

Su Hao knew that this young lady was offended by him.

If the trouble continues, it may really turn their faces.

"Chu Baozhu" is indeed afraid of being struck by lightning, but she is a brat in her heart.

Once you become willful, you will ignore it.

Su Hao's purpose is not to laugh at the other party, but to "teach Gu".

He raised his hand and said repeatedly, "Okay! Okay! I won't laugh anymore! I'm sorry! It's my fault!"

"Miss Chu has a large number,

Also please forgive me! "

He Tiantian puffed up her cheeks, and snorted coldly, "You're so smart!"

When she said this, if she hadn't subconsciously peeked at God, she might have been more imposing.

Su Hao: ...I know that this young lady is a paper tiger.

Maybe she really hates their brothers and sisters, maybe she is really not a kind person.

But, for now, she is indeed the most suitable person to help her take care of her sister.

Just one thunder is enough to deter Miss Chu and let her protect Su Nuan!

With Su Nuan settled, Su Hao will have no worries.

He got rid of the stalking of some members of the Chu family, quietly left Qizhou, and ran all the way towards Yuncheng.

Outside Yuncheng, there is a Taoist temple, which was originally the property of the Su family. After the Su family had an accident, it was embezzled by the Yun family.

However, because it is on the top of Yunshan Mountain, far away from Yuncheng, and the road is rugged, the incense is not at its peak.

As early as more than ten years ago, the Taoist temple was idle, only one or two elderly servants took care of it.

It was just because it was relatively close to the Su family's farm, when the Yun family divided up the Su family's property, they took the Taoist temple by the way.

Occupy belonged to Occupy, but he didn't pay too much attention to it, and didn't even send anyone to guard it.

Therefore, Su Hao arrived at the Taoist temple very smoothly, without encountering any obstacles.

"It really went well!"

In the middle of the night, Su Hao climbed over the wall and entered the Taoist temple. Feeling the extraordinary silence around him, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth mockingly.

Su Hao didn't delay, and entered the hall with a few jumps.

Although the Taoist temple was left idle, it was not completely abandoned.

However, after the Su family's accident, the old man Ding who arranged the guards escaped, and no one took care of them. The ground and the incense table were covered with a layer of dirt.

Dots of green emerge from the cracks in the bluestone floor.

There is also the statue of the Patriarch of the Three Qing Dynasty, which also looks gray, and in some places, the paint is even falling off.

Su Hao took a glance. This dilapidated Taoist temple was somewhat similar to the overthrown Su family.

A dark light flashed in his eyes, but his feet did not stop.

Quickly came to the mud tire, stretched out his hand to touch the patriarch's body.


In the empty hall, there was a clear sound of machine amplification.

Obviously, Su Hao found the right place and touched the mechanism.

He hurriedly fumbled around the mechanism and found a small box.

The box is not big, only the size of a grown man's palm.

Su Hao put the box into his bosom, and closed the trap smoothly.

However, at this moment, there was a noise outside.

Su Hao hooked the corners of his lips, but his eyes were icy cold: Very good, everyone who should come has come!

These people, hiding in the dark and peeping, even tortured him in various ways, in order to force him to come to get the secret treasure of the Su family.

"Want my Su family's immortal method? Ha, go dreaming!"

Su Hao sneered in his heart.

In fact, the secret books of the Su family's immortal family are not hidden here.

In fact, it doesn't even exist.

It cannot be said that it does not exist, but it is not as mysterious as outsiders imagined.

Outsiders' guesses are not too far-fetched——

There was indeed a fairy in the ancestors of the Su family.

Oh no, to be precise, it should be called a cultivator.

By chance, the ancestor of the Su family joined the immortal sect and officially embarked on the road of cultivating immortality.

After he successfully established the foundation, he once returned to the Su family. At this time, the head of the Su family was already his grandchildren.

He left a practice method for his nephew and grandson, called "Hongmeng Chaos Jue".

The name sounds very majestic, but in fact, this is indeed an excellent exercise.

It was discovered in an ancient ruins when the ancestors of the Su family were training.

It's a pity that this exercise is flawed, and Su Xianzu himself did not dare to practice it lightly.

It would be a pity to give up directly.

The ancestor of the Su family simply kept the exercises in his secular family.

"Hongmeng Chaos Jue" is divided into two parts, the upper part is superior martial arts and inner skills.

Su ancestors refined it into "Chaos Fist" and used it as the Su family's family martial arts cheats.

The second half is about practicing secret techniques.

If the skills are complete, you can practice all the way to ascension.

However, it is incomplete, and there is the most terrible necessary condition——

Uh, don't worry, it's not to let the practitioners leave the palace, but to abolish their martial arts.

Yes, if you want to practice "Hongmeng Chaos Art", you must have practiced Chaos Fist in the early stage.

And after the practice has been achieved, the dantian and the meridians of the whole body must be abolished, so that the practitioner can return to the "start" state and practice again!

The point is, even if you take the risk of becoming a cripple, and cripple your dantian and meridians, you may not be able to draw qi into your body.

With such a domineering and strict requirement, the Su ancestors did not dare to cultivate, and the descendants of the Su family did not have the courage to try it lightly.

Ancestor Su is because he has a fairy gate. The exercises given by his master may not be as powerful as "Hongmeng Chaos Art", but they are still good exercises.

As for the descendants of the Su family, they thought that "Chaos Fist" was already very good.

If you practice well, you can still become one of the best masters in the martial arts.

If you are talented, you can use the Chaos Fist to hit the Grandmaster Realm and become the top existence in the secular world.

It's really a pity that I can't cultivate immortality and become a fairy who flies into the sky and escapes from the ground, but at least I can become another kind of strong person.

A 1% chance to become a fairy VS a 100% martial arts master.

These two options are actually not difficult to choose.

It is no surprise that the descendants of the Su family all chose the latter.

If the Su family hadn't been wiped out, if Su Hao hadn't been in a desperate situation, he probably wouldn't have taken the risk.

As the heir of the Su family, when Su Hao was learning Chaos Fist, he knew the entire "Hongmeng Chaos Jue" by heart.

Therefore, there is no secret treasure at all.

The treasures that the Su family hides in the Taoist temple are just a few pieces of spiritual stones left by the Su ancestors back then.

It is said that this kind of thing is a treasure in the world of cultivating immortals, it can be used for cultivation, and it can also be used for shopping.

Ancestor Su left behind the spirit stone because he thought that if some of the younger generations were willing to take risks, or if the Su family was facing a desperate situation, the descendants would have to "take risks".

These few spirit stones can help the younger generation draw energy into the body and formally pass the threshold of cultivation.

Su Hao came to the Taoist temple on purpose, firstly to get spirit stones, and secondly to set up a trap!

Abolishing the dantian and meridians is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do.

Su Hao is determined to abolish his martial arts, but if he is really asked to do it himself, he may not be able to do this ruthlessly.

After thinking about it for a while, he simply decided to set up a situation——

He knew the truth about the destruction of the Su family, and he could roughly guess who those who did it were.

He knew better that those people were hiding in the dark and staring at him secretly.

As soon as he made a move, they jumped out.

At that time, Su Hao will be able to confirm who his enemy is!

At the same time of being sure, you can "by the way" ask these people to help you, which is definitely killing two birds with one stone.

Su Hao felt that, according to those people's ruthlessness, they would definitely not be soft on him.

"...Hao'er, your father and I are best friends, if it's not forced, uncle, I really don't want to kill you!"

Patriarch Chu's face was troubled, and there was still hypocritical love in his words.

"Tell me, how to open this box! Otherwise, I really have to do it!"

Patriarch Chu was playing with the box containing the spirit stone that was restricted by Su Xianzu, and said to Su Hao gently.

"Bah! Hypocrites! Villains! My father has no shameless friends like you!"

Su Hao's answer was to spit.

Patriarch Chu quickly dodged without being spit on the face by Su Hao.

However, Patriarch Chu was still taken aback by Su Hao's disrespect.

He no longer coaxed with words, but did it directly.


Su Hao gritted his teeth hard, so he didn't let out a scream because of the severe pain.

His tendon was broken.

"Say it?" This time it was Patriarch Yun, Yun Zihe's own father, who was ruthless.

Su Hao answered him with a look of disdain.


The hamstring was also picked.

Su Hao was trembling with pain, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Nephew, why are you doing this? The Su family's secret method can indeed make you an immortal. But there is a prerequisite, that is, you are still alive!"

"Oh, no, it should be that you are still a healthy person! Once the tendons are broken and the dantian is broken, even if it is the method of the gods, you will not be able to practice it!"

The person who spoke was an old man with white beard and hair. Su Hao had seen him before, hehe, the previous leader of the martial arts alliance.

He was once so righteous and chivalrous all his life, and was highly respected by his martial arts colleagues.

In the end, when she was old, but wanted to cultivate immortality because she was afraid of death, she did not hesitate to join hands with the heads of several great families to destroy the entire Su family!

Now, even more despicable methods are used to intimidate and lure an innocent young man!

Su Hao looked at the old man, full of resentment and disdain.

It seems that the person in front of him is no longer the respected former martial arts leader, but a shameless person who is afraid of old age and death.

In fact, this person is really shameless.

If it wasn't because of his good reputation, if he hadn't deliberately coaxed him, how could Patriarch Su, who has half a foot into the Grand Master realm, be poisoned by him?

If the head of the Su family wasn't poisoned, how could the Su family be?

Seeing that Su Hao had become a prisoner in his hands, Xu Shi didn't continue to pretend.

In order to stimulate Su Hao and completely destroy his psychological defense, they took the initiative to tell the whole process of how to destroy Su's family.

Su Hao guessed right, these people are all murderers and his mortal enemies!

"Hao'er, stop being stubborn! Uncle, I really don't want to do things like this!"

Patriarch Chu stretched out his hand and hung it over Su Hao's dantian.

His meaning is very clear: if Su Hao still refuses to say anything, he will destroy Su Hao's dantian with one palm.

As a martial arts practitioner, once his dantian is broken, Su Hao will become useless.

Let alone practicing martial arts in the future, even if you want to cultivate immortality, it may be a problem.

Su Hao stared at Patriarch Chu bitterly, the coldness and determination in his eyes seemed to be turned into substance.

He bit his lip hard, and strands of blood flowed down.

Patriarch Chu and him looked at each other for a long time, and finally, Patriarch Chu's eyes flashed fiercely.

He mobilized his internal strength, and swung his palm down vigorously.


The dantian was broken, and Su Hao fainted from the pain.

The bosses didn't give Su Hao time to wake up, they directly found cold water and splashed Su Hao awake.

Su Hao endured the severe pain, and madness was written in his eyes: "I have become a useless person, don't you still want to let me go?"

"Open the box, and we'll let you go!"

Patriarch Yun's patience was about to run out, he saw Su Hao's appearance like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, so in a hurry, he lifted Su Hao up with one hand.

When they came to the cliff next to the Taoist temple, Patriarch Yun hung Su Hao on the edge of the cliff, and said with a grinning smile, "Are you going to tell me or not? If you don't, I'll let go!"

This may not be a cliff of ten thousand feet, but it is several feet away from the ground.

Such a height may not be a big deal to those who practice martial arts.

But now Su Hao has become a useless person.

If he was thrown from the cliff, he would definitely die!

"You let go! Don't talk about it!"

Xu Shi had dealt with "Chu Baozhu" a few times, and Su Hao, who was always calm and mature, also learned the ability to irritate people.


Patriarch Yun lost his temper for a moment, and actually let go of his hand.

The body suddenly fell, but Su Hao didn't have much fear.

The moment he fell into the cliff, he quickly used the "Hongmeng Chaos Art".

Perhaps it was due to the explosion of all potential at the critical moment, or Su Hao's talent, but in the process of his fall, he managed to draw Qi into his body smoothly.

And the box held in the hands of Patriarch Chu, the few pieces of spiritual stones inside turned into powder in an instant.


Su Hao fell to the bottom of the cliff, but he didn't die on the spot, but fell into a coma temporarily.

Patriarch Chu and the others blamed Patriarch Yun for being impulsive, but Patriarch Yun, the former leader of the martial arts alliance, and others were all staring at the box in his hand.

Almost at the same time, several old foxes started together.

On the cliff and at the edge of the Taoist temple, several masters of the martial arts fight together, with swords and swords, it is very lively.

In the mountain forest not far away, there is a village girl dressed up, who comes to the bottom of the cliff to search every day...

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