The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 743 The long-lost villain (64)

"The heroine took the villain script ()"

"Huh? Sister Baozhu, the valley in front seems to be full of demonic energy?"

Su Nuan has the highest cultivation base, and has the widest range of divine consciousness.

Sitting in the black turtle shell, she soon discovered that there was a problem in a valley dozens of miles away.

"There is magic? Why don't you go and see?"

He Tiantian said excitedly.

Her appearance is definitely not to exorcise demons, but to join in the fun.

Su Nuan: ...cough, it's okay to watch the fun, as long as they get rid of the monsters in the end!

Long Jiaojiao was also eager to try.

After completely letting go of the illusion in her heart, Long Jiaojiao completely recovered her true nature.

There are two more willful or perverse "bad examples" around, and Long Jiaojiao's absolute closeness to the ink is black.

She rubbed her hands excitedly, "That's great, I've been feeling bored these days, and I just happened to be spending time with those monsters."

"Don't always think about playing, but also take the opportunity to experience more!"

He Tiantian kept in mind the original owner's design, as long as the state officials set fire and the people were not allowed to light the lights.

She wanted to play herself, but she had to scold Long Jiaojiao righteously.

Long Jiaojiao was used to it, or, like Su Nuan, she had already learned about her tofu heart through Sister Baozhu's knife mouth.

Therefore, no matter what He Tiantian said, Long Jiaojiao would not take it to heart.

She has her own way of "interpreting" it.

The black turtle shell turned around in the air, and then flew towards the direction of the valley.

"Good guy, such a strong magic energy!"

"This place shouldn't be the Demon Realm, how did it become such a ghost?"

It is obvious that he can use his spiritual sense to probe, but He Tiantian insists on sticking out half of his head from the shell of the mysterious turtle and watching it with the naked eye.

"I looked at the map, and this location should be the Devil Sealing Valley!"

As the strength of a small team, Su Nuan acts meticulously and cautiously.

When she left Wu Cang Mansion, she bought a lot of things from the two business houses, including the map of Far Cang Continent.

During the flight, in addition to cultivating, chatting with Sister Baozhu and Long Xiaojiao, having dinner together, and in her spare time, she would use it to study maps.

So, with just a glance, she knew the name of the valley.

"Magic Sealing Valley? I know this place!"

Long Jiaojiao, as a person who has been in the Four Immortal Sects, naturally has a lot of "knowledge".

She hurriedly said, "The Devil Sealing Valley is like the deep sea in the Promise Sea, it suppresses a monster!"

"However, the Demon Sealing Valley seems to be more dangerous. The sealed monster is said to have been the Demon Lord's pet!"

"Magic pet? Is it similar to a demon pet?"

As a young lady who loves to play and enjoy, He Tiantian's focus is naturally on these monster pets and magic pets.

"...It should be about the same!"

Long Jiaojiao has never seen a magic pet, she just mentioned the Magic Sealing Valley while listening to the disciples of the Four Great Immortal Sects chatting.

"Mozun? The ruler of the Demon Realm? Who is he? Why haven't anyone mentioned it?"

As a new heroine, Su Nuan cares more about "business"!

"In the battle between the fairy and the devil a thousand years ago, the big devil in the demon domain was seriously injured, and he has been in retreat for all these years!"

Long Jiaojiao heard about Mozun, and she hurriedly told everything she knew.

Of course, there was more she didn't know.

For example, "As for the true face of Demon Venerable, even the masters of the Four Immortal Sects who fought against him have never seen it."

Therefore, the question of "who is he", Long Jiaojiao, a rookie in Xianmen, has no idea at all.

"Oh, whoever it is!"

"Severely injured, he hasn't shown his face for a thousand years, maybe he has died!"

He Tiantian waved her hand indifferently, guessing at random: "Maybe, there will be a new Demon Venerable in the Demon Domain soon!"

He Tiantian just said that casually.

She never imagined that her mouth had the potential of a crow's mouth.

A few days later, Moyu issued a public announcement advertising the world——

Yang Yunrong became the new Demon Venerable,

And officially declared war with the Great and Small Immortal Gates of the Far Cang Continent!

The Far Cang Continent, which has been stable for thousands of years, has once again fallen into the vortex of the battle between the fairy and the devil.

Of course, these are things to come later. For now, He Tiantian's words "Come on a new Demon Venerable" are just gossip!

"Come on, let's go down and see!"

He Tiantian's face was full of interest, eager to watch the excitement.

Secretly, she had already started Little Master Uncle's Promise.

The Demon Sealing Valley is full of demonic energy, and the rich black energy almost turns into substance.

Little Martial Uncle's Promise, can absorb the magic energy, and then convert it into the spiritual energy needed for cultivation.

Therefore, normal monks are afraid to come to such a place full of demonic energy, lest their soul or dantian be contaminated with demonic energy, which will affect their cultivation.

He Tiantian is not afraid.

For her, the strong demonic energy of the Demon Sealing Valley is not only a "poison", but a "big tonic pill"!

However, He Tiantian couldn't show it.

As soon as she came to the Devil Sealing Valley, she frowned on purpose.

"Su Xiaonuan, the devilish energy here is too strong, it is even more powerful than Wu Cangfu!"

"If we rush in, will we encounter any danger?"

Miss Chu is a person who is greedy for life and fears death.


Su Nuan was silent for a while.

Dangerous, there will be!

Su Nuan had a hunch that this Demon Sealing Valley should have attracted many monks.

However, risk also means opportunity.

If you are afraid of danger, then don't cultivate immortals.

In other words, don't choose to be a lone cultivator.

Find a sect, hide in it, and work hard, you may not be able to improve your cultivation quickly, but you will definitely not die easily.

No need to go outside to practice.

Experience is inherently risky!

After ten years in the Nine Nether Seas, Su Nuan almost beat all the monsters at the bottom of the sea.

She has a tough heart and is not afraid of danger at all.

However, these words are not easy to say to Sister Baozhu.

"Don't worry, Sister Baozhu, I will protect you!"

Su Nuan didn't say much, just silently running the Qingdi Changchun Jue.

A stream of spiritual energy, which was invisible to the naked eye, enveloped Su Nuan and the other three.

Su Nuan continued to run the exercises, and simply put a "reiki cover" around the three of them.

This layer of spiritual energy shield isolates the magic energy from the outside.

The people in the hood could hardly feel the intrusion of the demonic energy.

"Nice job! Su Xiaonuan, I knew you were the best!"

He Tiantian nodded again and again with satisfaction, without complimenting him in the slightest.

However, He Tiantian didn't think it was safe enough, and took out a few small porcelain bottles from the storage bracelet.

"Here! The best broken Erdan! My new refining is successful!"

He Tiantian distributed the small porcelain bottle to Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao, not forgetting to show off proudly——

"My Po'erdan, clearing the gods and exorcising demons to eliminate evil spirits, let's talk about what kind of bullshit seal the devil valley, even if you go to the devil's realm, you can also resist the devil's intrusion."

Reiki Cover + Po Erdan.

Double insurance.

If the three of them can still be recruited in this way, it is simply unacceptable!

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao did not refuse and took the small porcelain bottle directly.

Everyone ate a pill, and only felt a refreshing aura shot up to the sky.

The state of mind is more peaceful and calm than ever before.

Resentment, demons... all kinds of negative emotions, even the slightest signs, have been extinguished!

"What a powerful Po Erdan!"

Su Nuan practiced Qingdi Changchun Jue, and she would not be easily disturbed by demonic energy.

However, she is a human being, with various emotions and six desires, as well as her own small emotions.

Therefore, although her mood is stable, it is not without problems.

After taking a top-grade Po Erdan, Su Nuan found that her heart was extremely stable and clear.

Just like a newborn baby, without the slightest distraction.

"Mmmm, Sister Baozhu is the best!"

Long Jiaojiao also realized the beauty of Po'erdan and praised it.

"Of course! It doesn't matter who made it!"

"My Miss Chu is a dignified alchemist..."

He Tiantian raised her chin high, that smug little appearance was not too obvious.

The three of them walked into the valley while talking and making trouble.

Demonic energy filled the air, and the valley was dead silent.

Su Nuan's heart kept sinking. She has been studying the map, and she has also seen relevant introductions——

The Demon Sealing Valley, although it occupies the word "magic", is not a real demon domain.

It is even somewhat similar to the Promise Sea.

This valley originally belonged to the habitat of the demon clan.

There are many monsters growing here, and there is also an eighth-level monster in the legend.

Because there is such an existence that is close to the demon king, the monks with low cultivation base do not dare to set foot in it easily.

No one dares to come, and the Demon Sealing Valley can "grow wildly" and grow countless exotic flowers and plants needed for cultivation.

Therefore, Demon Sealing Valley is a training ground for high-level monks.

Not only can you fight against high-level monsters to improve your combat power, but you can also get enough treasures.

At this moment, the Demon Sealing Valley was shrouded in demonic energy, and there was no more noise of the day.

There are no monsters, only monsters that have lost their minds.

Those exotic flowers and plants have all withered, and some have even been infected by demonic energy and mutated into demonic poisonous weeds.

"Fuck!" A plant!

He Tiantian was almost hurt by a mutated black twin peony.

Originally, when she saw such exotic flowers and plants, she thought about whether she could make alchemy, so she got closer.

I didn't expect these two black peony flowers to be so domineering, that they could attack people.

Still Su Nuan's eyes were quick, and with a whip, the black flowers were instantly smashed into pieces.

"Sister Baozhu, the original flowers and plants in the valley have been infected by demonic energy, and they have turned into poisons, which can devour monsters and attack human monks!"

Su Nuan said this, definitely not aimlessly.

Because there are some corpses scattered around here from Peony.

Looking at the broken large skeletons, it is not difficult to guess that these should be left by monsters.

"I'll go, the demon pet that was suppressed in the Demon Sealing Valley is much more powerful than the nightmare demon in Wu Cangfu!"

He Tiantian couldn't help shouting, "It shouldn't take too long for the demonic energy to overflow here, but it turned the entire valley into a dead place."

What He Tiantian said was absolutely well-founded.

The Four Great Immortal Sects are not blind, and the Demon Sealing Valley is not a wild frontier land.

The Demon Sealing Valley has changed from a spiritual valley populated by monsters to a demon domain full of demonic energy. Over time, it will definitely be discovered by others.

As long as the Four Immortal Sects know about it, they will send someone to deal with it.

Just like the previous Wu Cang Mansion.

But now, no one from the Four Great Immortal Sects appeared.

It's not that they don't want to care, but they shouldn't know yet.

"Yeah! Although the Four Immortal Sects are domineering and hypocritical, they still uphold the benevolence and integrity of the famous sects!"

"...They will never join forces with the Demon Race!"

Long Jiaojiao was expelled by Han Xiao, and in a sense, she was considered a "rebel" of the Four Great Immortal Sects.

The former Long Jiaojiao was bullied a lot by the disciples of the Four Great Immortal Sects.

Logically, she should hate the Four Great Immortal Sects.

However, Long Jiaojiao is a person with clear grievances.

She will not lose at least the concept of right and wrong because of hatred.

"Who said people from the Four Immortal Sects!"

He Tiantian looked disdainful, but she rejected Miss Chu of the First Immortal Sect Tianyuan Sect.

Wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing to praise the Four Immortal Sects again now?

"Let's go! Let's go inside and take a look. I don't believe it. The entire Demon Sealing Valley looks like this!"

He Tiantian said a word in disgust, then waved her hand again, shouting for the two to move on.

"Okay! Listen to Sister Baozhu!"

Su Nuan nodded obediently.

"Hmm! Don't mention those unlucky people!"

Long Jiaojiao realized that she had mentioned someone she shouldn't have mentioned, so she felt a little guilty, and hurriedly agreed.

The group of three continued to explore the valley.

They have the protection of the aura cover, but they are not foolproof.

Along the way, from time to time, a strangely-shaped and ugly monster would appear to attack.

Or the mutated magic flower poisonous weed, suddenly attacked.

Without saying a word, Su Nuan greeted him with the spirit whip.

In addition, Su Nuan was always running the Qingdi Changchun Jue, and she didn't even notice it.

Wherever she passed by, the magic energy faded, and she began to have traces of aura.

He Tiantian: ... Little Martial Uncle's Promise Judgment is so mighty.

Of course, Su Nuan's Qingdi Changchun Jue, together with her wood-type Tianling root, is also a big killer.

Feeling the faint aura in the air, He Tiantian quietly glanced at Su Nuan who was on guard, and a guess flashed in her heart.

"Huh? There's a yard in front!"

The three soon came to the hinterland of the valley, and Su Nuan keenly discovered a set of courtyards.

"Hey, it may be the former residence of some great power, there must be a treasure!"

He Tiantian's face was full of excitement, like a child who discovered a new toy.

"Maybe!" Su Nuan was not so optimistic.

The broken courtyard in the valley may be a powerful cave dwelling, or there may be treasures.

But, there is definitely danger!

Su Nuan clenched the spirit whip in her hand and raised her alert to the highest level.

Long Jiaojiao, a simple fool, couldn't help but raise her vigilance and be ready to attack at any time.

Only one He Tiantian, like a willful bear child, ran to the small courtyard.

Su Nuan and Long Jiaojiao didn't dare to let any Tiantian take risks alone, so they hurriedly followed.

Behind them, the black demonic energy became more and more intense, completely submerging them and the courtyard.

Among the dead branches and wreckage that the three had stepped on, there were faintly mixed fragments of spiritual tools, as well as familiar small porcelain vases.

However, Su Nuan and the others did not find out, but went directly into the small courtyard.

"Su Xiaonuan, Long Xiaojiao, look! There's actually a transfer formation here!"

"I'm going! I know, I know there must be treasures here, and sure enough, haha, I don't know where this teleportation array will teleport people..."

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