The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The seven hundred and fifty-eighth chapter villains of whitewashing (5)

The latest website: "Bao'er, my Bao'er, don't scare mother!"

"...Doctor, come and see my baby boy, he jumped into the river—"

Mrs. Wang walked all the way, howling all the way, and at the same time of grief, she did not forget that her youngest son had no money to marry and died in love with other girls, which everyone in the village knew.

More and more people were watching from behind.

Song Chunhong's eyes flashed with resentment, and she wanted to speak several times: "No! Zheng Ducai didn't fall into a coma because he jumped into a river!"

"He was already awake, but was knocked unconscious by your mother!"

However, Song Chunhong did not dare.

After more than ten years of marriage, she was used to being squeezed by her mother-in-law.

Furthermore, Zheng Du looked pitiful, and her mother-in-law was a little lost because of Zheng Du's injury.

In case she opened her mouth to explain, she would quarrel with her mother-in-law, and she would be mad at her.

At that time, it is not her fault, it is also her fault.

Song Chunhong has been a good daughter-in-law for so many years, and she really doesn't want to be accused of being unfilial and unethical for no reason.

Song Chunhong could only glance at her husband with her eyes.

He Tiantian: ... dear, don't look at me! I still want to maintain the original character.

He Tiantian lowered her head and did not refute her mother's words, as if she acquiesced.

Zheng Qi couldn't hold back, pretended to be puzzled, turned his head and whispered to his younger brother Zheng Shu: "Didn't our fourth uncle wake up on Heyanzi?"

If there is more, Zheng Qi will be hard to say.

He is not too old now, and he can still pretend to be "children's words without fear".

However, since he is a child who is not very sensible, he cannot talk too much and be too thorough.

However, this sentence has been able to remind the onlookers of the villagers.

"Yes! Madam Wang, your fourth child did fall into the water,

But he woke up after being rescued! "

"That's right, it was you who accidentally fell and knocked out Zheng Lao Si!"

"Isn't that right? With a bang, the back of my head fell directly to the ground. My teeth hurt just listening to that sound!"

The villagers were chattering, and they were not polite at all.

The old lady Wang was choked and her face flushed.

She felt aggrieved and wanted to scold her back, but considering that these villagers were not her sons, they would not fight back or scold them.

If there is a quarrel and the other party says anything else, Mrs. Wang will not end well.

"If my baby hadn't jumped into the river, I'm worried that he choked on the water, could I fall?"

"Boss, do you also think that I hurt the fourth child?"

Madam Wang couldn't hold back. She didn't dare to get angry at the villagers, but she dared to yell at her eldest son.

He Tiantian shook her head again, her dull look seemed a bit useless.

The people around couldn't help shaking their heads secretly.

Alas, Boss Zheng is fine in everything, but he is too filial to his mother.

It's not that you shouldn't be filial to your elders, but you must have a degree in everything.

Once passed, it is easy to cause trouble.

Look at Mrs. Wang, then look at Mrs. Zheng, and when Zheng Carpenter was or so, the two of them didn't do that either.

Mrs. Wang was eccentric, but she wasn't as eccentric as she is now, and she couldn't tolerate anyone except her younger son.

There is also Zheng Lao Si, who used to rely on his weak bones and was reluctant to work, but he still pretended to be.

Since the carpenter Zheng died, the mother and son were like grandchildren without the curse, and they didn't want to pretend.

The villagers are a little blind, but Boss Zheng always thinks that he is the boss, the eldest brother, and all kinds of connivance.

Now, in order to get married, Zheng Lao Si began to "sacrifice love"... Hmph, it's all Zheng Lao Si is used to.

"I heard that Xiao Zhiqing's family asked for a betrothal gift of 200 yuan, and what kind of watch should I buy? In order to get money, Zheng Laosi wants to marry the old lady's daughter to Butcher Wang!"

"Ouch, is that the old widower who killed his two wives? It's thirty-five this year, right?"

"Yes, I heard that he is a few years older than Mr. Zheng!"

"...The eldest daughter-in-law is such a good-natured person. She was so angry that she quarreled with Mr. Zheng, and went back to her parents' house with the child!"

"Tsk tsk, Zheng Lao Si is so black-hearted, in order to marry himself a daughter-in-law, he pushed his niece into the fire pit!"

"Why is it a fire pit? Although Butcher Wang is a little old and a third-married man, he is a regular worker in the slaughterhouse in the town..."

"Yo, from Mrs. Zheng's family, are you greedy? Hate that you don't have a suitable daughter to marry Butcher Wang? That's really impossible. Who told you to give birth to a daughter and give it to someone? At that time, you must not have thought of it. , raising a daughter can also earn a dowry money!"

The villagers first discussed the matter of Zheng Yu's family.

As he spoke, he began to ramble.

Before He Tiantian and the others carried Zheng Du to the health center, someone in the crowd started fighting.

Well, it's two middle-aged and elderly women.

One licked his hair, the other scratched his face, and when he got started, he cursed in his mouth.

He Tiantian:  …

Hey, why did you eat melons and eat them yourself?

With a small groove in her heart, He Tiantian still had a worried and distressed look on her face.

She vividly interprets the image of a dull teacher and mother and brother.

"Doctor! Doctor, come and show my little brother!"

"He fell on his head, oh no, he fell into the water before he fell!"

He Tiantian explained the real situation first, so as not to delay the doctor's consultation.

Later, he added that it was to make up face for the cheap old lady and Mrs. Wang.

She is a filial son, how can she say that her younger brother was knocked unconscious by her own mother?

Although this is true, the truth cannot be said either!

Mrs. Wang: ... You can say what you can't say, you fucking say it.

"That's right! Fourth old Zheng originally sat up, but his mother smashed him firmly, and the back of his head hit the ground!"

"That's it……"

There was an enthusiastic villager, "I'm afraid" He Tiantian didn't understand what He Tiantian said, and he explained it carefully and performed it.

He told the whole process of Zheng Laosi's "injury" in detail.

The old lady Wang's face was even more ugly.

Song Chunhong quietly let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everyone saw the truth, and their family's reputation was preserved!

Zheng Qi and Zheng Shu were also secretly relieved.

The doctor at the clinic is a barefoot doctor and an old householder in Zhengjia Village. He has studied private school and is the most literate person in Zhengjia Village. He is nicknamed "Zheng Xiucai".

Of course, Zheng Xiucai is not a real scholar. His family has practiced medicine for generations. After liberation, he studied in the county hospital for several months and obtained the qualification to practice medicine.

He can give injections and also got some western pills from the county hospital.

But what he is best at is Chinese medicine!

He habitually picked up Zheng Du's wrist to feel the pulse.

Then, he asked He Tiantian to carry Zheng Du's head to check carefully whether there were wounds or bleeding on the back of his head.

After some inspection, Zheng Xiucai was not quite sure.

Because this part of the brain is too complex, not to mention in this era of backward medical conditions, even in the future generations filled with various advanced medical instruments, doctors dare not easily diagnose this part.

"It's not bleeding or bulging. Let's take a look first. If Xiao Si'er can wake up and doesn't vomit or get dizzy, then it's fine!"

"If he still can't wake up at night, or if he wakes up and feels uncomfortable, then send him directly to the county hospital!"

Zheng Xiucai is very cautious and speaks without leaking.

He really didn't prescribe medicine or injection, let alone collect money, so he directly asked He Tiantian and others to carry Zheng Du away.

Madam Wang was very dissatisfied, "Zheng Xiucai, you woke my baby up anyway!"

This is always in a coma, and Mrs. Wang has no idea.

Zheng Xiucai:  …

I'm a barefoot doctor, and I don't have that much capacity.

In fact, given the current medical conditions, it is still the back of the head. Even if I go to the county hospital or the provincial hospital, there is no good solution.

Can only wait!

When people wake up and see the specific reaction of the patient, the next step of treatment can be carried out.

"Why don't you go to the county hospital!"

Zheng Xiucai spread his hands, saying that he had no choice.

"Go to the county hospital, go to the county hospital!"

Mrs. Wang was originally angry, but now Zheng Xiucai was so excited that she became more angry.

"Okay! I-I'll go to the brigade to borrow a carriage!"

As a king-level mother and boy, He Tiantian naturally listens to whatever his mother says.

Zheng Qi was secretly anxious, he knew that the fourth uncle was just pretending to be sick.

Once you go to the hospital, the doctor doesn't care whether you are pretending or not, and you pay first when you enter the door. After a check-up, it costs ten yuan at least.

If the fourth uncle continues to pretend and makes a fuss about being hospitalized... Without a hundred or ten dollars, the fourth uncle should not want to come out of the hospital.

And these were paid for by his own father.

After leaving the hospital, will the fourth uncle stop?


He will not!

He also wants to marry Xiao Zhiqing.

That Xiao Zhiqing is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

The fourth uncle dragged others to "sacrifice love", but they turned their heads and refused to admit it, and even released rumors that the fourth uncle was going to play a hooligan to her.

These days, being a hooligan is a serious crime, ranging from being sentenced to being sentenced to being punished by a wall.

The fourth uncle is the heart of grandma, and the old lady will never let her baby bear this.

Therefore, she will continue to force her father to take the money.

My father is a peasant who knows a little bit of craftsmanship, and the money earned by making furniture for others is also handed over to my mother.

Grandma has money, but she won't take it out easily.

And Zheng Qin, a 15- or 16-year-old girl, was at home, and her grandmother would rather sell her granddaughter than move her private money.

In the end, I still have to sacrifice my sister.

Zheng Qi must never let his sister marry that domestic violence scum.

Although he can support his sister, he can still clean up that bastard and dare not bully her sister again.

But, knowing that the other party is a cesspool, why jump into it?

Even if you don't drown, you'll be covered in feces.

It's just that Zheng Qi couldn't say these words.

He couldn't "suspect" that the fourth uncle was pretending to be sick.

For one, there is no evidence.

Zheng Dutai is very good at disguising, even if people don't open their eyes, the doctor can't do anything about it.

Second, he is a junior, if he shouted out rashly, outsiders would gossip.

If you don't get it right, the fire will burn to your own father and mother.

Zheng Qi can't let his parents bear the charge of "unfriendly siblings".

Zheng Qi saw that his father had stumbled and was about to run out. The time was urgent and he couldn't allow him to think too much.

He gritted his teeth, and then held Zheng Du's hand, desperately strangling the opponent's mouth.

Uh, actually, if possible, Zheng Qi would like to directly pinch people.

But this action is too obvious, not to mention the onlookers of the villagers, even the old lady Wang will jump.

Zheng Qi retreated and asked for the next best thing, and could only pinch Zheng Du's mouth.

In this position, the pinching of the porcelain is firm, and it is quite painful.


Zheng Du shouted "Ow" and almost jumped up.

The people around were taken aback. Even "Zheng Yu", who had already run out of the clinic, but the black cloth shoes were run away, was staggering in fright.

what's going on?

Zheng Du woke up?

"Fourth uncle, are you alright?"

Zheng Qi held back his laughter, pretended to be concerned, and asked anxiously.

Zheng Du just woke up, and the whole person was a little dazed.

Zheng Qi saw that his eyes were temporarily out of focus, his mind moved, and he deliberately shouted, "Xiao Zhiqing, why are you here?"

Hearing the "familiar" name, Zheng Du instinctively turned his head, "Where is he? Where is he?"

That eager appearance, where is there a half "sick" appearance?


Song Chunhong couldn't help it anymore, and let out a cold snort from her nose.

She didn't dare to say more.

But at this moment, only one word "hum" is enough to express her dissatisfaction.

And everyone around me understands...

Tsk, Fourth Oldest Zheng is pretending to be sick again!

Why do you say "again".

In the past ten years, Mrs. Wang has always talked about my baby's health.

When he was a child, Zheng Du was really thin and small, and he looked like he couldn't support himself.

But in recent years, Zheng Du is taller than his eldest brother, and he is also white and fat. No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a weak person.

But every year, I get sick several times and go to the health center. Zheng Xiucai has a pulse, but I can't see why.

Wang Laotai is of the best quality. He doesn't blame his son for pretending to be sick, but he dislikes Zheng Xiucai's poor medical skills.

Zheng Xiucai was the only barefoot doctor in two battalions and four or five villages, and he was also a man of temper.

After being said a lot, Zheng Xiucai said directly: "Yes, I really didn't see what's wrong with your little fourth! His pulse is stronger than most people in the production team!"

"Yes! You're right! Maybe your little fourth has some hidden illness. You should take him to the big hospital in the county to take a good look!"

Of course, Mrs. Wang is not afraid of Zheng Xiucai's run.

Immediately took my son to the county hospital.

As a result, after an inspection, there was nothing serious, and he was reprimanded by doctors and nurses.

At this time, Mrs. Wang understood in her heart that her younger son was probably feigning illness.

But as an excellent mother who is partial to her younger son, not only would she not expose it, but she also helped Zheng Du to cover it up.

In the future, when Zheng Du pretended to be sick again, Mrs. Wang took him to the clinic, or at least let Zheng Xiucai prescribe some warm tonic for him.

Zheng Xiucai: ... Hmph, if it weren't for the face of you paying a dime every time for the consultation fee, I would be too lazy to take care of it.

Zheng Xiucai is quite professional, and after receiving the money, he treats Zheng Du as a patient.

As a doctor, you will not tell others about the patient's condition.

Even thought to help Zheng Du play cover.

But, this kind of thing happens a lot, even if the doctor doesn't expose it, the people around can probably guess the clue.

Especially in the Zheng family and a daughter-in-law, Song Chunhong is really honest, but she is not a bun, and sometimes she will complain a few words when she gets angry.

Neighbors like to listen to the corners of the wall, and naturally they hear the wind.

Of course, the key is that Zheng Du's appearance is too prominent——

Those so-called strong laborers are black and thin, far less plump than Zheng Dubai.

In the simple cognition of people, fat = good health!

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