The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter seven hundred and seventy-ninth company

Yuan Mei is not saying that "noble" is not good, nor that it should not exist.

After all, in our Guo Jia, there are countless heroes who do not seek fame or profit, but only for the people of Guo Jia.

However, He Tiantian is still different from them.

The reason why those heroes are so noble and selfless is because they have faith in their hearts.

As for He Tiantian, she doesn't seem to have any faith.

She doesn't even have something too insistent on.

Her desire for nothing is that she doesn't care about these fame and fortune at all. She seems to have a strong self-confidence. Even without these fame and fortune, she still lives well.

It's not that He Tiantian's idea is wrong, it's just that it makes people feel uneasy.

Humans still have desires and pursuits.

You can't be a goddess.

God loves the world, but he is also the most ruthless.

In the eyes of "God", everything is dust.

Flip your hand for the cloud and cover your hand for the rain, good and evil are on the line!

Yuan Mei didn't want to bring He Tiantian to the altar, but her desireless appearance made Yuan Mei have such worries.


He Tiantian in front of her seemed to be different.

She lost a little bit of "immortal spirit", and a little bit more fireworks.

"Sister Mei, I'm going to clean up the courtyard again. Oh, by the way, can you help me get a set of tools for woodworking?"

He Tiantian's gaze swept across the swing frame and the wooden fence, her hands were a little itchy!


Yuan Mei was stunned again.

This span is too big.

No matter what happened just a moment ago, it was all left to outsiders to do.

Now, do you want to do it yourself?

Could it be that Tiantian also imagines some "hands-on, transforming XX" like some bloggers who shoot short videos.

In other words, in her spare time, Yuan Mei also likes to use her mobile phone.

Yuan Mei will pay attention to food, beauty, travel, etc.

For a while, she liked watching videos of remodeling old houses and remodeling old furniture.

Especially the full version with doubled speed, watching the anchor from scratch and changing the old house to a new look, the process is quite healing.

A beautiful anchor that Yuan Mei follows is very powerful. She does it herself, using a chainsaw, an electric drill, and a nail gun...

The work is quick and the aesthetics are super strong, and the scraps from the flea market can be transformed into props enough to shoot a blockbuster.

Therefore, when He Tiantian said that the courtyard was to be re-arranged, and she also asked for a full set of woodworking tools, the image of the beautiful anchor immediately appeared in her mind.

However, complaining is about complaining. As an excellent assistant, Yuan Mei will still meet all He Tiantian's requirements.

"Oh! Good! I'll find a way!"

With a quick answer, Yuan Mei approached He Tiantian and looked down at the blueprint.

The small courtyard where He Tiantian lives is a set of courtyard houses.

Oh no, it's a triple courtyard to be exact.

That is, there are houses on three sides, and wooden fences and gates on the other side.

There are three main houses in the small courtyard, the living room and kitchen are in the middle, and the master bedroom on the east side is He Tiantian's room.

The room on the west side is used as a study and studio.

There are two rooms on the east side, one is Yuan Mei's room and the other is a utility room.

There are also two rooms on the west side, one is reserved for Duan Yong, and the other is a toilet.

The yard is very large, more than 400 square meters.

He Tiantian planted flowers and vegetables one by one.

Without a complete design, the yard looks messy.

He Tiantian re-planned and divided the huge yard with cobblestones into two—

While planting flowers, dig a small pond, put rockery and so on.

Lotuses are planted in the pond, and there is a wooden pavilion by the pond.

On the other side, vegetables are planted, and one or two trees are planted, and a swing frame is placed beside the trees.

There is also a row of wooden fences, also sprinkled with climbing flower seeds.

When the flowers grow, the branches and leaves climb the wooden fence, and the bright flowers sway in the wind.

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

Sunshine, sea breeze, beach, flower and fruit tea, all kinds of sweet and greasy island fruits...


That picture is so beautiful!

Whether he is lying on the swing frame or sitting in the pavilion by the pond, He Tiantian can have a comfortable enjoyment.

"really not bad!"

Looking at the drawings and listening to He Tiantian's description, Yuan Mei couldn't help showing a longing look.

Although farms have also been developed on other islands of the first island, they grow vegetables and flowers in their own courtyards, and they are self-sufficient and return to the countryside.

Of course, Yuan Mei is happiest when He Tiantian finally has a strong sense of participation and domination in her "home".

Does this mean that "He Xian'er" finally came down from the shrine and began to have a world of fireworks? !

Yuan Mei did not dare to delay because of He Tiantian's "character".

She quickly dug out her phone and made a call.

Yuan Mei's efficiency is high. She called in the afternoon, and the next morning, a speedboat delivered her things.

In addition, there are some solid wood panels, paint and other materials.

He Tiantian was even more satisfied, and gave Yuan Mei a thumbs up.

In the days that followed, He Tiantian seemed to have found a new toy and was busy in the yard alone.

It's not that Yuan Mei didn't want to help, but she was rejected by He Tiantian, who was in high spirits.

Yuan Mei had to be busy with other things.

She looked at the figure who was digging and sawing wood in the yard again, and she made a few phone calls.

After a week, the courtyard has changed.

It has not changed completely, but has a new prototype.

The cluttered layout disappeared, and the yard began to be patchy and well-organized.

Cobblestone paths, a small pond, and patches of cultivated fields.

"Sweet, Director Feng is calling again!"

If possible, Yuan Mei really doesn't want to interrupt He Tiantian.

However, Feng Dao's call reminded Yuan Mei and He Tiantian:

July 1st is almost here, and He Tiantian's first film is about to be released.

"Okay, okay!"

He Tiantian didn't care to wipe off the sweat on her forehead and the wood and flowers on her hair, holding her phone and saying yes.

"Okay. Let's go out of the island first!"

Putting down the phone, He Tiantian glanced at the yard that was half cleaned up, and said with a little regret.

"It's alright to go out, it just so happens that there are some things in the studio that you need to take care of!"

Yuan Mei handed He Tiantian a clean wet towel and asked her to wipe it.

"Studio? What else is going on over there?"

He Tiantian was stunned for a moment, didn't she leave everything to Duan Yong?

Duan Yong is a layman, but her studio, as an "artist", basically has no business.

Endorsements, ahem, are all arranged by the state Baba.

As for announcements and film appointments, ahem, He Tiantian is still a newcomer, and the first work has not yet been released.

Although a few commercials were filmed, there was not much splash.

Basically, no one will come to the door at all.

Feng Jing expressed willingness to recommend it, but this fat man was too cautious, or rather a thief.

He suspected that He Tiantian had too much backing and an unreliable crew, and Feng Jing would not introduce it at all.

This fat man doesn't want to flatter him and in turn cause trouble!

There is no business, Duan Yong even has time to go to "study", He Tiantian really can't think of anything else that needs to be handled by her in the studio.

"..." Yuan Mei felt a little guilty.

Well, what happened in the studio is what she tinkered with.

Well, not all, there are other reasons.

However, the reason is related to Yuan Mei.

Seeing that Yuan Mei didn't speak, He Tiantian didn't press her.

Anyway, I'm going to leave the island soon and go to the capital, so I naturally know the reason.

Moreover, He Tiantian is confident: she is someone who is protected by the state, what can happen?

Even if there is, it should be a good thing!

He Tiantian didn't guess wrong, there are indeed good things in the capital—

"This, this?"

He Tiantian left the first island and arrived in the capital that night.

The next day, before she could go to the studio, she received a call from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He Tiantian did not delay and went straight to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The leader didn't say too many greetings, and just stuffed her with a lot of documents.

He Tiantian took a closer look and found that it was actually a patent certificate.

He Tiantian was a little surprised.

She handed over all these technologies directly.

Moreover, National Baba also established related companies and gave her dividends.

Uh, well, the patent rights must be hers, the professor mentioned it back then.

However, it's hers, and the feeling of putting a pile of patent certificates in front of her is still different.

The latter is more impactful.

"These are technical patents that can be disclosed and extracted from technologies such as artificial intelligence, genetic enhancement fluid, and small nuclear reactors!"

The leader said softly.

He Tiantian nodded knowingly.

The technology she submitted is not single.

Such as artificial intelligence, which also has some other technical components.

And these alone are a technology.

Not to mention these, just the drone technology that He Tiantian came up with can also derive many independent patented inventions.

Therefore, He Tiantian has so many patent certificates on hand.

He Tiantian flipped through it, and at a glance, he knew all about these patents.

Well, it's hers!

In the column of the owner of the patent, the words "He Tiantian" are clearly written.

However, He Tiantian's eyes narrowed.

She found that she actually had an additional unit to belong to—

HE Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.

HE, isn't this the name she casually chose for her studio.

He Tiantian is a waste of name, studio or something, and more interested in playing tickets.

She was too lazy to take a name, so she simply used her surname as her name.

And "what" or something, only one word, too abrupt.

"He's" is like filming an idol drama.

He Tiantian rejects dog-blooded vulgar terriers.

She simply came to the Hanyu Pinyin of He.

HE, is it taller than a simple "He"? !

Yuan Mei \u0026 Duan Yong: ...Uh, as long as you are happy!

Wait, HE is not the point.

The point is, she is a good studio, how did she turn into Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.?

Forget about entertainment, it is related to her original intention to join the entertainment industry.

But what the hell is "technology"?

Could it be that she has to make a sci-fi movie and get a hologram? !

He Tiantian complained wildly in her heart.

Xiao D also took the opportunity to jump out to brush his presence: "Actually, it's not impossible!"

"Sweet, there are novels in the library that mention holographic technology. Do you want to take on a script mission like this?"

He Tiantian:  …

Thank you!

I'm still on vacation, okay?

"More than holographic technology, we have everything in our Dianniang library!"

"By the way, do you want to do something about the chip? The lithography machine is also OK! These are all hot now."

"If you can really conquer these technologies, your technology company will be worthy of its name. And your confidentiality level will also be improved by several grades!"

Little D didn't seem to hear He Tiantian's inner complaints, and continued to bewitched.

He Tiantian: ... ah yes! You are right!

After doing this, my HE Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd. will soon be sanctioned, just like the company that cut Apple!

Beidi Pavilion

He Tiantian continued to complain.

She is not afraid of being sanctioned, but of being exposed!

She has not forgotten that she is not the only writer in this world.

There's also a guy who appears to be a wild copywriter looking at him.

That person has already begun to investigate her. What He Tiantian needs most now is to keep a low profile and a low profile.

Instead of opening a company, making inventions with great fanfare, and then deliberately hitting people at gunpoint.

Like her studio.

Other stars open studios and link to other entertainment companies, perhaps to avoid taxes.

As for He Tiantian, she doesn't care about money at all, and she won't take advantage of the law to avoid taxes.

She's just afraid of trouble!

Now, the state Baba seems to have set up a company for her, and it has also put up the banner of "technology".

He Tiantian's first reaction was that he was in trouble.

"Don't worry, I know that you are afraid of trouble, and there have been arrangements from above!"

The leader seemed to see through He Tiantian's thoughts and said with a smile, "HE Entertainment Technology, neither the legal person nor the operator is you."

These relevant departments have arrangements.

He Tiantian is only the owner of all patents under the name of HE Entertainment Technology.

That is, the actual owner of the company.

On the bright side, He Tiantian is still the female student who acted in a movie, not a tech giant or a capitalist.

All the procedures, all the arrangements, and the national Baba helped He Tiantian do it well.

He Tiantian:  …

It is worthy of being a national Baba, it is reliable.

Since they won't expose themselves, it doesn't seem unacceptable that the studio has become a company.

After coming out of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, He Tiantian suddenly realized that she was rich in fried chicken.

And this money is not a one-shot deal, but a steady stream of cash cows.

There are so many patents, only the patent fee, there is a lot of income every year.

In addition, there are dividends from drug companies and technology companies...

He Tiantian has traveled through so many book worlds, lived poor, and lived a life of extreme luxury.

But in reality, when so many numbers suddenly appeared in the bank account, He Tiantian still had a different feeling.

No matter how wonderful the world in the book is, it is also someone else's life.

And here, she is He Tiantian, everything about her is real(?).

He is rich, but He Tiantian has no desire to splurge.

Forget it, let’s find some projects and give back to the society.

Contacting her own experience and thinking of the respected Principal Zhang, He Tiantian felt that she could also contribute to those girls in remote and poor areas.

Run a school!

Open a girls' school!

Let girls have the opportunity to be educated and change the fate of three generations...

------off topic-----

Mmmm, for a transition in reality, a certain Sa has to sort it out.

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