The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Seven hundred and ninetieth chapters sadism before the heroine (12)

"You, what did you say?"

The third lady's eyes widened, she didn't believe what she just heard.

He Tiantian didn't even look at the third lady, and didn't bother to repeat what she just said.

Well, now, the third lady is more convinced—

"Stinky girl, how dare you scold me?"

"Do you know who I am? I'm the head and wife of the dignified Helian family!"

"Also, I-I'm still your elder, your mother-in-law, how dare you—"

The more the three ladies talked, the more angry they became.

Yes, she is an elder after all.

Although she didn't want to be a mother-in-law, she was Helian Huang's stepmother.

Helian Huang's wife naturally wanted to call her mother-in-law.

Now, the princess brought back by Helian Huang, not to mention being as obedient as other ugly daughters-in-law who met their parents-in-law for the first time, actually, actually——

The third lady's chest rose and fell violently.

If it wasn't for a sensible reminder, she would have liked to rush to He Tiantian and slap her directly.

When He Tiantian heard the word "mother-in-law", a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She looked at the third lady exaggeratedly up and down, then turned her head and snorted coldly in her nose.

She seemed to be saying: Mother-in-law? Depends on you too!

The third lady was almost turned upside down by He Tiantian's stinging eyes.

In other words, she sees too much of this "noble" appearance that does not shout or scold, but has contempt in her eyes.

Ever since she married He Lianjin, she was clearly wronged, but someone always gave her the look of "you are lucky, you are happy".

Moreover, some people will compare her with Helianjin's first two wives.

The first, Mrs. Morton, the most famous mecha master in the empire, the famous Iron Lady.

Uh, it can't be compared. No matter how confident the third lady is, she would not dare to compare herself with such an awesome person.

In the second term, she was not as successful as Mrs. Morton, but this woman can really give birth.

She gave birth to two sons and a daughter to Helian Jin in one breath.

And regardless of sons and daughters, there is no dandy.

Maybe not a genius or an elite, but they are all remarkable.

100% yield.

On the other hand, the third lady, who was originally from a declining noble family, has no other advantages except for a face that can be seen.

Although she gave birth to a dragon and a phoenix, in the interstellar age with advanced technology, what it gave birth to was already controllable.

As long as people think about it, they can get a twin baby or a twin baby.

The only thing that the third lady boasted was that her twins were born naturally, not by technological means.

But so what?

Results are the most important.

The existence of dragons and phoenixes,

has long been controllable.

Auspicious signs and other things have also become superstitions in the ancient Blue Star era.

Ultimately, it depends on the child's success rate.

It's a pity that the natural birth of twins is already the highlight of the third lady.

Her pair of children did not bring her a miracle—

When the two children were six years old, the third lady secretly found someone to test their mental strength.

One c-level, one d-level.

It can't be said to be a waste of wood, but it is the appearance of an ordinary person.

With such qualifications, he can't drive mechas, and he can't be a mechanic. He can only do ordinary soldiers or logistical work.

If you want to be admitted to the first military academy like Helian Huang and Helian Yan and become famous people, you can only dream.

The third lady still thinks about the position of the head of the Helian family, and her whole person is extraordinarily contradictory and distorted.

Ashamed and arrogant.

The Helian family, as well as many so-called wealthy families, treat the third lady as a clown and a laughing stock.

The third lady didn't say it, she knew it in her heart - they (including Helianjin) looked down on me!

But so what?

The current owner of the house is her. No matter how much those people despise her, they can only ignore her and humiliate her with noble eyes.

No matter how much more, they would not dare to even insult him in person!

The third lady likes the way they don't look good on her, but they can't treat her like this.

Huh, humiliate me?

I'm pissing you off!

The third lady always comforted herself like this, so she wasn't forced to extremes by the disdainful eyes of those nobles and great people.

However, her mentality has been affected.

Therefore, when the princess of the subjugated country, whom she despised at all, also showed her such a heart-piercing noble look, the third lady was angry.

She stood up abruptly, pointed at He Tiantian and cursed—

"You stinky girl, what are you looking at?"

"Think I'm not worthy of being your mother-in-law? Hmph, I'm not worthy? Are you worthy of entering Helian's house?"

"Do you still think you are the little princess of Spirit Beast Star? I bah! Spirit Beast Star has long since become Helian Huang's trophy!"

"And your family...Wait, I remember that the royal family of Spirit Beast Star was killed by Helian Huang."

While talking, the third lady seemed to suddenly think of something.

She exaggeratedly covered her mouth with her hands and stared at He Tiantian with burning eyes.

He Tiantian deliberately showed an expression of shame and anger, but she still wanted to maintain the final dignity and decency of the royal princess.

Although, this decent, at the moment looks so ridiculous and pitiful.

He Tiantian's expression pleased the third lady.

The third lady seemed to have been encouraged, and said even more aggressively: "Aiya, little princess, you really have a deep affection for our family Ah Huang!"

"Parents, brothers, sisters, so many relatives, all died in the hands of A Huang, you are still willing to marry him-"

At the end, the three ladies kept making a "tsk tsk" sound.

On the surface, she was "complimenting" Shi Linger for being a true temperament, but in reality, she was mocking Shi Linger for considering a thief as her husband and sleeping with a wolf.

He Tiantian's face instantly turned pale.

Her body was shaky.

Obviously, for "Shi Ling'er", the slaughter of the whole family is a knot in her heart that she can't solve in her life.

She can deceive herself, she can whitewash peace.

However, when someone exposed all this in front of her, she couldn't bear it.

At least, she can't get over her face!

The third lady became more and more satisfied. She comfortably threw her body into the back of the sofa and folded her arms around her chest. Although she was in a sitting position, she still had to look down and look down.

Smelly girl, dare to scold me?

Hmph, I really think I'm a soft persimmon!

Also, what are you yourself that you don't know?

She's actually embarrassed to call herself a little royal princess!

I bother!

For the sake of a man, an idiot who doesn't even want your family. Fortunately, your mother was killed. If she didn't die, seeing your shameful appearance with her own eyes, she would definitely be pissed to death!

Disgraceful, shameless, cold-hearted, and without conscience!

The third lady was not talking, but her proud eyes had already explained everything.

He Tiantian seemed to be hurt by her eyes.

"You, you are too much!"

He Tiantian suddenly raised the volume and shouted almost madly: "I just love Helian, is it wrong?"

"Why! Why do you all say that about me??"

"I just fell in love with a man, how can it be unbearable and unforgivable?"

"...You, you, it's too much!"

As He Tiantian spoke, her body shook violently.

She seemed to have endured too much, and at this moment, she finally broke out.

He Tiantian's voice was very loud and harsh.

Slowly speaking, the third lady at the scene was startled, and even Helian and his son in the study room on the second floor were also startled.

He Lianjin: ...Damn it, isn't that stupid woman from Xiaosan said something wrong again?

Helian Huang: ...Damn it, I shouldn't have left Ling'er to be alone with the third lady!

The father and son looked at each other, and both saw annoyance in each other's eyes.

Helian Jin sighed slightly, nodded at Helian Huang, and motioned for him to go out and have a look.

Helian Huang did not delay, walked a few steps, came to the door, opened the door, and left the study.

He swung his long legs and stepped over two or three steps in one step.

Helian Huang's speed was fast, but he was still one step slower.

When he came to the living room, he happened to see He Tiantian's back rushing out the door.

"Not me! I, I—"

Seeing Helian Huang rushing to the living room, the third lady hurriedly waved her hand.

She just wanted to give that stinky girl who was skinless, shameless and shameless, but she never expected that things would get to this point.

Although the third lady did not believe that a man like Helian Huang would fall in love with a stupid girl with no use value.

However, "Shi Ling'er" was the first woman Helian Huang brought back.

Helian Huang also kept saying "I love her and want to marry her"!

The third lady didn't want to admit it, but she also understood that "Shi Ling'er" was definitely special to Helian Huang.

Now, "Shi Ling'er" was scolded by himself, and Helian Huang would definitely not forgive himself.

The third lady didn't photograph Helian Huang, er, well, she was indeed afraid.

Due to his status and seniority, Helian Huang did not dare to directly attack her stepmother.

But this bastard, he will clean up his relatives, even the twins.

The third lady didn't want to see her younger brother, or even her sons and daughters being beaten up by Helian Huang.

So, knowing that it might be useless, the third lady tried her best to explain, "I really just had a casual chat with her, but who knows, she actually scolded me and—"

The third lady lost her voice as she spoke, she was frightened!

Helian Huang's eyes are so scary, woohoo, she really wants to find a place to hide!

old man! old man! Come on, your son is going to kill!

The third lady's legs were trembling, and her gorgeous face was so frightened that her face was pale.

Helian Huang:  …

Clenching his fists hard, he wanted to settle accounts with the cheap stepmother.

But he really doesn't care!

After a short pause, Helian Huang chased after him.

However, in such a short time, Helian Huang chased after the door, but He Tiantian was no longer there.

Helian Huang was not in a hurry to look for it, he clenched his fist hard to calm himself down.

Looking left and right, I was sure that there was no trace of He Tiantian.

He raised his left wrist and turned on his brain.


A virtual screen projected from the dial on his wrist.

Helian Huang began to call for surveillance in the courtyard and door of Helian's mansion.

On the light screen, several monitoring images quickly flashed.

Helian Huang entered the photo of "Shi Ling'er".

Several pictures began to be compared and screened, and then only three or four were left.

These three or four surveillance images captured He Tiantian's figure from different angles.

Helian Huang saw her running out of Helian's mansion with her face covered, and came to the door, just when she didn't know where to go.

Suddenly, an anti-gravity car appeared in front of her.

The car window was opened, and the person in the driver's seat said a few words to He Tiantian.

Then, He Tiantian got into the other party's car directly.

Because of the angle, there is only the appearance of "Shi Ling'er" on the monitoring screen.

The guy driving the anti-gravity car was not photographed.

Helian Huang took a photo of the car's license plate and started searching.

Soon, he locked the target——

"Xuanyuan He!! You actually took Linger away!"

Helian Huang found someone, but he was not happy at all.

Instead, he had a bad feeling.

As soon as he came back, Xuanyuan He knew.

And looking at his attitude towards Linger on the surveillance screen, Xuanyuan He should have known about the existence of "Shi Linger".

Helian Huang couldn't help but wonder:

One, what did Xuanyuan He say to Linger?

Although Linger is naive, she is not a fool.

If what Xuanyuan He said could not impress her, she would never foolishly follow a stranger away.

Second, why did Xuanyuan He take Linger away?

Did he already know about the red lanthanum mine? !

No, Helian Huang has not disclosed the news that there is red lanthanum on the spirit beast star.

It was Helian Jin's biological father, and Helian Huang knew that just now, in order to increase the bargaining power on "Shi Ling'er", he had to tell his biological father the secret of Spirit Beast Star.

How did Xuanyuan He know about it?

Could it be that he really succeeded in infiltrating the First Army? !

Helian Huang looked at the picture of Xuanyuan He lying on the car window laughing with "Shi Ling'er" on the light screen, and various guesses flashed in his mind.

Of course, these guesses still need to be verified by him one by one.

In particular, the question of "whether Xuanyuan He has placed eyeliners in the First Army" is the top priority.

However, the most important thing is to find Linger and bring her back.

Mad, she is not only related to the red lanthanum ore of the spirit beast star, she also has a spirit beast bag and many other secrets!

Helian Huang reached out and wiped his face, and tapped the light brain on his hand.

With a swoosh, a retro anti-gravity convertible car appeared in front of Helian Huang.

He jumped up and jumped directly into the carriage.

There is no steering wheel, all rely on intelligent operation.

"Three Princes Mansion!"

Helian Huang said no nonsense, and directly stated his destination.

The intelligent system of the anti-gravity convertible was awakened, and the cold male voice repeated: "Admiral, you are going to the Third Prince's Mansion, right?"


Helian Huang responded.


Almost at the same time as the mechanical sound, this unmanned anti-gravity convertible quickly started, and went straight to the mansion of the third prince according to the optimal route planned.

He Tiantian had just entered the living room with the third prince, and the coffee in her hand was still steaming when she heard the communication from the smart housekeeper——

"His Royal Highness, Admiral Helian is visiting!"

Xuanyuan He's hand holding the silver spoon paused slightly, and a small smile appeared on his young and handsome face.

"As expected of Helian Huang, it came so quickly!"

While boasting, Xuanyuan He's eyes flashed a cold glow.

His dignified third prince, Helian Huang could actually check if he wanted to, and he checked it so quickly!

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