The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter seven hundred and ninety seventh sadomasochistic female protagonist (15)


A series of laser cannons were fired, and the dilapidated and dilapidated buildings instantly turned into ruins.

Among the broken bricks, two or three monsters with giant insect feet or wings fled quickly.

And they are followed by a few cool or gorgeous mechas.

He Tiantian followed Xuanyuan He to the front, just in time to see two or three worms escaping in front of him.

"Insect man! It's a bug man! My God, that man has no limbs, he's all gigantic worm feet."

He Tiantian seemed to be frightened first, then inexplicably excited.

She yelled at the communicator, "Three princes, should we catch up!"

Her tone was full of eagerness to try, as if to say: I haven't killed a bug man yet! My mecha's laser sword is hungry and needs blood to sacrifice.

Xuanyuan He had long recognized that "Shi Ling'er" was of the same kind.

And all of He Tiantian's performance made Xuanyuan He more and more sure that he was the same as "Shi Ling'er".

For example, when he was on the battlefield for the first time, he encountered Zerg and Zerg for the first time. He had an instinctive fear in his heart, but he was more excited.

He is a noble royal family, and he will use these monsters to prove his strength and value.

Xuanyuan He should not be too familiar with the state of "Shi Ling'er" at the moment.

"Chase! Let's chase and kill the buggers too!"

Since Xuanyuan He understood the mood of "Shi Ling'er", he naturally wouldn't pour cold water.

Of course, he would not let "Shi Ling'er" be in danger alone.

He motivated his mental power, drove the mecha, and rushed up first.

"it is good!"

He Tiantian is full of fighting spirit, like a little rookie. Although she is a dish, her mood is very high.

One pink and one silver blue, two mechas grabbed ahead of Helian Yan and the others, catching up with the three bugmen.

Actually, it's not too early.

They and Helianyan and the others are nothing but front and back feet.

"Who?! Who dares to take our heads?"

"That's right. Is it easy for us to encircle and suppress these three worms? We finally blocked them to the Junk Star and consumed most of their physical strength. These two people who came out of nowhere came to pick it up?"

"...Fuck, pink mecha, coaxing the child!"

"That silver-blue mecha looks familiar—"

Helianyan, Charlotte, and a few playboy disciples frantically complained through the communicator.

But after talking, they found the problem-

"Fuck! The third prince! The third prince's mecha is silver-blue, and it is said to be the proud work of the SS-level mecha master!"

As soon as these words came out, the communication group was instantly silenced.

Even Helianyan and Princess Charlotte who were at the head were hesitant.

To chase, or not to chase?

If you chase,

It will be against the three princes.

But if they don't chase, most of their hard work will be in vain.

And their "hunt and kill" plan will also become a joke.

You know, on Xingwang, they have all spoken out.

Also, a leaderboard has been set up, and corresponding gambling games and rewards have been set up...

In addition, in order to find out these worms, they did a lot of investigation and preparation.

It took nearly a month, not to mention the hard work and points of betting.

If you say give up, give up, no one will be reconciled!

"... Catch up! The third prince is a reasonable person and won't rob people!"

After a moment of silence, Helianyan said.

"Yes! What happened to the third prince? He also has to be reasonable!"

Princess Charlotte is in her twenties, with dark brown hair and rare purple eyes.

Her facial features are exquisite, and with the beautiful pupil color, she looks like a princess doll in the window.

Although her planet was forced to join the Empire Star, she was not considered a princess of subjugation.

Her family, still armed to a certain extent, is also revered as a royal family on Imperial Star.

Therefore, Princess Charlotte is far more confident than Shi Linger.

Even if she is far away from her homeland, she is still a arrogant little princess on the Empire Star.

Her relationship with Xuanyuan He was not bad or not. The most important thing was that she was not so jealous or afraid of the prince.

What if you are the third prince?

I'm still Princess Charlotte, who was appointed by the emperor.

It's not that I bully you, it's that you want to rob me of the spoils of war. When the lawsuit hits the emperor, I also take care of it.

Charlotte made a statement, Helianyan was also supportive, and all the other male and female dudes agreed.

Charlotte and Helianyan's mechas took the lead, and the other mechas followed closely.

On He Tiantian's side, Xuanyuan He had already made his move.


boom! boom! !

The mechas made by SS-class mecha masters are powerful.

A few laser cannons were fired, and two of the three bugmen died on the spot.

The other one was also seriously injured, and one and a half of the three pairs of insect feet were blasted off, leaving only three to barely support it to escape.

"Running again! This time it's my turn!"

When He Tiantian saw Xuanyuan Hexuanku's move, her heart was itching.

She piloted the mech and swung the laser sword.

As a "country bumpkin" who came out of the backward planet of the second-level civilization, "Shi Linger" should use cold weapons such as swords.

Well, the original owner is a pampered little princess, and she doesn't know how to use knives and guns at all.

However, people subconsciously still think that if "Shi Ling'er" must use force, he will definitely choose cold weapons.

He Tiantian perfectly interprets the original owner, and naturally he will not miss these small details.

When Xuanyuan He Tiantian ordered a mecha and asked her what she wanted, He Tiantian said "excitedly", "I don't want a laser cannon, I want a laser sword!"

Xuanyuan He nodded clearly: It was not what I expected.

Therefore, the pink mecha received by He Tiantian, the only weapon is a laser sword.

Large-scale combat is definitely not feasible, and the lethality is not enough.

However, there is absolutely no problem in chasing and killing a worm who is seriously injured and has almost no resistance.

Xuanyuan He let He Tiantian take the shot alone.

Helian Yan, Charlotte and others also caught up.

They became more annoyed when they saw the shards of bug-human corpses in the ruins.

"There's only one left, and we must not let the third prince and the others snatch it away!"

"...I called in satellite surveillance, and the worm escaped towards the location of Junk 102. Let's chase it from the other direction!"

Charlotte and Helianyan discussed in this group chat.

Then, the two drove the mecha and ran in the other direction.

On He Tiantian's side, he has successfully blocked the worm in the No. 102 garbage dump.

This is a garbage dump where the Empire Star has designated garbage.

There are mountains of garbage piled up in the huge open space.

There is everything on the "mountain"—

Abandoned machine parts, mecha parts, expired or substandard nutrient solutions, and various waste energy wastes...

In the hot summer, even in the afternoon, the temperature of the dump is very high.

The high-temperature roasting softens and corrodes some wires and discarded batteries, giving off an unpleasant odor.

There are also some Zerg corpses, or the skins, bones and other garbage of star beasts, which have also undergone "chemical reactions" in the high temperature.

All kinds of stench are mixed together, the whole garbage dump, only the smell can scare people away.

Fortunately, He Tiantian and the others were all sitting in the mecha, temporarily isolating the stench outside.

Besides, He Tiantian is busy slashing people with lightsabers, how can she take care of so much?




He Tiantian is like a rookie who has just learned to swing his sword. He swings a lot, but rarely hits the target.

Insect man: ... you're meowing on purpose, right?

Cat and mouse? !

The worms were grieved and indignant, but there was nothing they could do.

It has no strength to escape.

And at this moment, a starship flew from the sky.

"Ling'er, make a quick decision! The garbage ship is here to release the garbage!"

Xuanyuan He hurriedly reminded He Tiantian.

In the other direction of the junkyard, Helianyan and the others also chased up with the mecha.

Charlotte saw the angry pink mecha wielding a laser sword. She was afraid that the last worm would also be killed by the other party. In a hurry, she ignored the garbage ship in the air and shot a laser. gun.

Almost at the same time, the garbage ship turned on the release mode.

A large pile of wastes slanted down from the air.

A mighty laser cannon exploded in mid-air, blowing away countless rubbish.

The sky is full of rubbish and debris, almost covering the entire garbage dump.

He Tiantian's vision was blocked, but she still swung a sword with all her might.

Amidst the explosion and the flying garbage, there was a scream that clearly did not belong to a bug-


He Tiantian's face changed slightly, and she shouted directly in the communicator: "I, I cut the wrong person?"

Charlotte and others were also a little surprised.

They mistakenly thought the laser cannon had accidentally injured the junk ship.

Even Xuanyuan He was a little worried.

Everyone was staring at the junkyard.

After a long while, the waste in the sky was scattered.

The garbage ship in mid-air has disappeared, and on the new garbage ruins on the ground, there is a long-haired man dressed in white...

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