The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 806 Emergency Remedial Tasks (3)

Before crossing, He Tiantian specially prepared some gold jewelry.

All are plain circles, no patterns, no special craftsmanship, purely to be something that can be exchanged for money.

After traveling once, the four gold rings on his fingers and the two gold bracelets on his wrist were all gone.

Only the two gold earrings pierced through the piercings remain.

He Tiantian touched her earlobe and confirmed her previous guess——

What you wear, except for the clothes on your body, and the things that pass through your body or are embedded in your body, you can't bring everything else!

He Tiantian took off the two earrings, both of which were solid plain hoop earrings, each weighing about three grams.

The price of gold is different in every era.

But without exception, it is hard currency.

Just these two large and small plain gold earrings can provide some financial support to He Tiantian, who has come through the real body and has nothing at all.

It's just, this time through the chronology -

He Tiantian took off the two earrings and hid them in the hidden pocket of the robe.

Oh, yes, and the robes on him.

He Tiantian turned her head and looked around, here is the foot of a big mountain.

Looking down, it is a patchwork of farmyards and large tracts of farmland.

Looking up, it is a continuous mountain.

Great, there are mountains!

A mountain means a temple or a Taoist temple.

However, the robe on his body is too new.

Although He Tiantian deliberately bought a rough sermon robe online, although when it landed just now, the robe was covered with a layer of soil and grass clippings, and it was torn a few times.

But, overall, the robe is still very new.

Not even a patch!

Totally out of line with the current era.

It also does not conform to a certain version of He Tiantian's life experience prepared in advance.

He Tiantian thought for a while and limped to a big tree.

Why limp?

When she rolled, she hit her right knee, and it hurt a lot.

Don't look at it, the knee must be scratched, maybe even red and swollen.

He Tiantian sucked in the cold air, raised her sleeves and hem, and rubbed hard on the rough bark.

The good blue robe was worn out one hole after another.

The pair of black farmhouse handmade cloth shoes on her feet, He Tiantian did the same, with holes in both big toes.

He Tiantian was busy all the time, her clothes were torn and her shoes were rotten.

Coupled with her dirty appearance, the whole person looks very embarrassed.

He Tiantian still did not enter the village directly.

She looked up at the sky, it was amazing,

It was a dark sky before she crossed, but it was early morning when she came to this world.

[Since it's morning, you can do activities again! 】

He Tiantian thought to herself, she turned around and went up the mountain without hesitation.

The mountain road is not easy to walk, and He Tiantian cannot easily climb without the blessing of force.

He Tiantian had to be careful, but when climbing, she still used both hands and feet, and accidentally scratched and bumped.

She managed to make herself, who was already embarrassed, look even more embarrassed.

When He Tiantian was climbing the mountain, when he saw the stones on the side of the road, he would pick them up.

Her archery skills were obliterated, and she lost the plot blessing.

She can no longer be like a sharpshooter.

However, the things that have been learned, the basic knowledge is still there.

What He Tiantian has to do now is to study again.

She practiced with stones and kept projecting in the forest.

At first, there must be no accuracy, and even the strength is poor.

He Tiantian is not discouraged.

Although it is said that the urgent remedial task is to return her to her original state.

However, she has traveled through so many times and experienced so much. Even if the technology is obliterated, the tempered mentality and will will not change.

She didn't completely return to the former He Tiantian.

She will not be cowardly, will not feel inferior, and will not give up easily.

At noon in the morning, He Tiantian climbed over a mountain and came to the top of the higher mountain.

She was so tired that she was panting, sweat dripping from her forehead and back.

The robe that was deliberately destroyed by He Tiantian just now became even more tattered.

She sat under the tree and rested for a while, nibbling on some wild fruits picked on the road.

Tsk, sour and astringent, no wonder it was left on the branches by the villagers.

He Tiantian didn't care about the taste, she ate a full meal before crossing.

After coming to this world, it is absolutely no problem to be hungry all morning.

But, He Tiantian will be thirsty.

The water source seen on the road is only a small pool.

The water pool doesn't look like stagnant water, but her experience in the wild told her that she should not drink these raw water outdoors easily.

Let’s eat the fruit, it’s not good if it’s not good, but it won’t poison people.

After all, there are some fruits that have been gnawed and pecked by birds and beasts scattered under the fruit trees.

After eating the fruit, the empty stomach was filled up a little, and the thirsty and smoking throat also got a little moisture.

He Tiantian took a deep breath, rolled up her sleeves, and started climbing the tree.

He Tiantian must be thankful that not all of her skills come from the system.

Such as wild survival skills!

At the beginning, in order to do better tasks, she went to the outdoor club in the county for a period of training.

Rock climbing, jumping, swimming, diving, even skydiving and more, she will!

Now it's just that there is no internal strength and less plot support.

But she still has the level of a wilderness survival expert.

[It seems that you really can't rely too much on the system! 】

He Tiantian realized this very deeply.

Originally, she thought that the skills obtained through the system were not directly instilled, but that she worked hard to learn in the learning space.

However, these are ultimately given by the system.

Therefore, when it is necessary, the system says that it will be obliterated.

Fortunately, because of the mission this time, He Tiantian was willing to have all her skills erased.

But if there is an "accident", even if He Tiantian is unwilling, will they be forcibly obliterated?

He Tiantian can only accept it passively.

This is the so-called "final interpretation right belongs to this system"!

He Tiantian was extremely fortunate that she had taken over this remedial task.

Only by feeling the overbearing power of the system, He Tiantian can recognize everything more clearly.

She is not a real full-level all-around boss, she still needs to learn and strengthen herself in reality!

Otherwise, everything is nothing and can be lost at any time.

He Tiantian thought secretly, but the movement of climbing the tree became harder and harder.

About half an hour later, He Tiantian finally climbed to the highest tree branch.

Further up, the branches are too thin to bear the weight of an adult.

He Tiantian would not take risks, she stood on the tree branch cautiously and began to look into the distance.

On one side, there are still continuous mountains.

If you listen carefully, you can vaguely hear the roar of the beast coming from the depths.

On the other side is the hill that He Tiantian had just climbed over, as well as the villages and farmland under the hill.

Looking further down the village, it is still a mountain.

This is a relatively remote small mountain village surrounded by mountains.

He Tiantian confirmed this and felt a little more at ease.

Remoteness is better, and mountain villages are better, so that her identity problem can be solved.

He Tiantian observed almost, and was not in a hurry to climb down from the tree.

Sitting on a branch, enjoying the cool breeze, she continued to refine her plan in her mind.


There was a rumbling sound in the stomach.

Climbing mountains and trees again, before Rao Shi came, He Tiantian had a feast.

The contents of the stomach are almost consumed.

However, for those who have experienced famine in the novel world, her tolerance for hunger is still quite high.

Needless to say, if you don’t eat for a day or two, even if you don’t eat for a day or two, you won’t be desperately hungry.

He Tiantian rubbed her stomach, intentionally soothing her rebellious stomach.

She climbed down from the tree.

Then, she looked left and right, found the direction from which she came, and began to turn back.

When going down the mountain, He Tiantian did not forget to search around.

She found a clump of plantain, picked some, squeezed out the juice, and applied it to bruises such as knees and elbows.

She also dug up a few wild yams and picked up a few wild bird eggs.

Oh, by the way, after most of the day's practice, He Tiantian became more and more accurate at throwing stones.

While climbing over the hill, He Tiantian hit a wild rabbit with a rock.

He Tiantian swallowed subconsciously.

But, look at the sun, it's already starting to drift west.

She had no ignition device on hand.

If you want to get the fire source, you can only use the most primitive drilling wood to make fire.

It's too time consuming.

If He Tiantian still possessed martial arts, she would not be afraid to spend the night alone in the mountains.

Unfortunately, she is now an ordinary girl with wild survival skills.

There are wolves in the mountains, and there may be large beasts such as bears and tigers in the deeper forests.

He Tiantian didn't dare to try it with her own little life.

He tore off a sleeve to make a small bag, and He Tiantian stuffed the wild yam, wild bird eggs and rabbits into it.

He Tiantian at this time was completely different from when she first entered the world of novels.

She looks like a poor, embarrassed little girl who has traveled through mountains and rivers.

The fair little face was covered with mud, and after being infected with sweat, the eastern and western pieces almost covered the small face.

The shoulder-length hair, originally combed with a ball, has now become very messy.

The ball on the top of the head is also loose and loose, as if it can be scattered at any time.

Not to mention the robes on his body, the original color can no longer be seen.

All the sleeves were torn off, revealing a dusty sackcloth.

The shoes on the feet are completely invisible.

Dusty and dirty, big toes exposed, soles badly worn.

When He Tiantian passed by the small pool, she deliberately took a photo of the water.

The rippling water surface reflects her like a beggar.

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, this is in line with this era and the character background I set for myself!"

The setting sun dyed the mountains and forests red, and faint wolf howls could be heard from the deep mountains behind.

He Tiantian did not dare to delay, and accelerated the pace of going down the mountain.

She finally arrived at the small mountain village before dark—

"Who are you? Where are you from? What are you doing in our Sujia Village?"

Under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village, there are several old people squatting, eating tobacco pouches and talking about idle articles.

Seeing a girl with a look coming down from the mountain, they all raised their heads.

One of them looked at the slightly dignified old man, looked up and down at He Tiantian, and asked.

He was very vigilant and subconsciously raised the long smoke pot in his hand.

The old man didn't want to use the long smoke pot as a weapon, but used it as a hammer.

Above him, on the branches of the big locust tree, hangs an old bronze bell.

The old man's movements were very obvious, Da He Tiantian couldn't say why, so he just rang the bell and called someone.

"I knew that people in this era are very vigilant!"

Seeing the old man's guarded appearance, He Tiantian secretly said, "Sure enough."

Fortunately, during the day, she ran to the mountains to visit.

At this time, when she said her own set of rhetoric, she was extraordinarily confident.

"Poor, poor, oh no, it's me, my name is Pinellia, I-I'm from the mountains!"

He Tiantian stammered, she was shy and timid.

Like a little girl who rarely interacts with people.

He seemed to be frightened by the old man in front of him.

"Poor Dao?"

The old man couldn't help frowning when he heard these two words.

These days, the Taoist temples and nun temples near their production brigade have been abandoned.

Taoist priests and nuns also returned to the customs.

How come there are still priests.

Looking at the appearance of this girl, she should have stayed in the deep mountains and forests all year round, afraid to see people, and not speaking very well.

Could it be that a certain Taoist priest hid in the mountains and accepted a little apprentice?

The old man, Su Guoqiang, the village chief of Sujia Village, couldn't help but guess.

Over the years, people have been fleeing to the mountains.

Many of the Taoists seemed to be normal.

"You come from the mountains? Girl, have you always lived in the mountains?"

Su Guoqiang knocked the smoke pot out, knocking out all the sparks inside.

Then he rolled up his cigarette bag and tucked the long smoke pot into his trousers.

He walked up to He Tiantian and continued to ask.

"Yeah! I, my master said that he picked me up in the mountains, when I was just born—"

He Tiantian seems to be very simple and has no snacking machine.

What Su Guoqiang asked, she answered honestly.

"Just born—" Was thrown into the mountains?

Su Guoqiang was stunned, but soon, he thought of it.

Alas, there is no way, in their rural areas, girls are worthless.

Some ruthless people, seeing that the child is a girl, threw it directly to the back mountain to feed the wolves.

Especially in difficult times, there are a few girls who are drowned, thrown away, and given away every year.

Could it be that this child was also a baby girl who was thrown away by the villagers back then?

It's just that the child was so dead that she did not encounter a wolf, but met a Taoist priest who was passing by (or was about to escape into the mountains) and rescued her.

"Well, my master said that when he picked me up, the blood on my body hadn't been wiped clean."

"There's a pinellia around me, so the master named me Pinellia!"

"...Last month, my master fell ill. He said that he was about to die. If he was worried that I was alone in the mountains, he let me go down the mountain!"

"He said that my relatives should still be around, around this forest!"

He Tiantian opened her clear and bright eyes and said seriously.

Su Guoqiang had a headache.

There are several villages around this forest.

Even if they were the only ones in Sujia Village, they had lost a baby girl when they were in trouble in the early years.

So, who does this child belong to?

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