The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 809 Emergency Remedial Tasks (6)

He Tiantian stuffed the straw into the stove hole and picked up the matchbox on the stovetop.


Little flames jumped on matchsticks.

He Tiantian threw the match in, and the dried straw was instantly ignited.

Then, He Tiantian stuffed a few more branches.

After the fire was done, she scooped a spoonful of water from the bucket and cleaned the cauldron.

At this time, the fire in the stove was already burning very vigorously.

He Tiantian waited for the water in the large pot to dry, then dug a spoonful of lard into it.

I have to say that Mrs. Qiu's life seems to be simple, but in fact, there is no shortage of things in her home.

Also, there are three martyrs in the family, various pensions and subsidies, and the care of the county and village.

The old lady's family background is definitely one of the best in Sujia Village and even the entire advance team.

Over the years, there have been clansmen licking their faces to adopt their children to Mrs. Qiu.

In addition to those good names mentioned on the surface, Qian, and the legacy left by the three martyrs are all those people who pay the most attention.

Mrs. Qiu is so withdrawn and weird, and she also wants to scare off some people with ulterior motives.

In her heart, she longed for a family.


When the oil was hot, He Tiantian poured the beaten egg into the pot.

Agitated by the hot oil, the scent of eggs and green onions instantly filled the entire kitchen.


Su Guoqiang swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Well, he is either hungry or hungry.

Today, he ran back and forth to the county town two times, and dragged a big girl who weighed more than 80 pounds. He was already tired and hungry.

When he came to Mrs. Qiu's house, Su Guoqiang was both respectful and afraid of the third aunt, and he didn't even dare to ask for it.

After sitting for more than an hour, his throat was dry and his stomach was empty.

At this moment, he smelled the fragrance of scrambled eggs with green onions, and his mouth was desperately secreting liquid.

Not to mention Su Guoqiang, even Mrs. Qiu couldn't help swallowing her saliva.


So fragrant!

It's not that the old lady doesn't have eggs at home, but that she is alone and has no intention or energy to eat.

For her, it is enough to eat, not to be hungry.

Whether it's good or not, fragrant or not, she really doesn't care.

In the past, the old lady felt that she had enough to live and waited for her relatives to pick her up.

Now, the old lady's taste buds are awakened, and she suddenly has a feeling that she has never had before - the days seem to have a head start!

After scrambled eggs, He Tiantian stewed the chicken again.

She does not have the blessing of "Huang Rong's cooking skills", but in reality, when she is on the island, she also cooks by herself.

Cooking is not very good, but not too bad.

She still has no problem with home-cooked food.

Of course, it was mainly He Tiantian who was willing to put ingredients.

The old lady's house is complete and not locked at all.

Sauté the lard until fragrant, and put all the aniseed, star anise, cinnamon and dried chili peppers in it.

Not long after, the domineering aroma of stewed chicken came out from the stove.

After simmering for half an hour, He Tiantian pasted a few tortillas on the edge of the cauldron.

Soon, the fragrance of cornmeal also wafted out.


Su Guoqiang couldn't help it again.

There was also light in Mrs. Qiu's eyes.

He Tiantian quickly moved the small wooden table to the yard and brought three small stools.

Set the dishes and chopsticks, and the meals are also cut off one by one.

Madam Qiu stood up directly and moved her feet to the table.


Quite rich.

A plate of scrambled eggs with green onions, the egg yolk is clear and the green onions are tender and white, the key is the fragrance, which is called a hook.

A small pot of potato stewed chicken pieces, oily chicken, and potatoes are stewed softly.

There is also a small basket of golden corn paste pancakes, with traces of heat with a sweet smell.

Mrs. Qiu was already a little moved, but she still had a straight face and snorted coldly: "Use my lard, my firewood, my iron pan..."

Before Madam Qiu could finish her sentence, He Tiantian stretched out her hand in front of the old man.

Her white and tender palms were spread out, revealing two gold earrings.

Mrs. Qiu:  …

What's the meaning?

Her face was a little unsightly.

Although she doesn't want to be taken advantage of by others, but she won't take advantage of others.

A little lard, firewood or something, not worth the money at all.

But the gold earrings in this little girl's hand looked thick and in good condition.

Take it to the county, and at least it can be sold for dozens of dollars.

This girl, just give it to her?

"Grandma, my master is gone, and I am left alone. You are also alone. Let's live together."

"It's not that I recognize my relatives, or I'll lend you a room and a stove."

"You don't have to worry about what I am planning for you, I will hunt, I will also gather herbs, and I can always support myself!"

"These two gold earrings were left to me by my master. I know what he meant. The old man gave me these because he was afraid that I would go down the mountain without a trace!"

"I'll give it to you, not just for this meal, but as my rent for the house. I'm young, you take care of me and give me half a year's rent, okay?"

In the end, He Tiantian deliberately showed a coquettish look.

She was already soft and glutinous, and this act of coquettishness made the famous lonely old lady in Sujia Village a little bit unbearable.

Mrs. Qiu waved her hand in disgust on purpose, "It's alright, don't do this with me!"

Su Guoqiang watched the two women, one old and one young, "fighting".

For some reason, there is an inexplicable sense of harmony.

It seemed that the two people in front of them were not the landlord and the tenant, but the stern grandmother and Aijiao's little granddaughter.

In fact, it is not just Su Guoqiang who has such an illusion.

Even Mrs. Qiu, He Tiantian became more pleasing to the eye.

Humans, instinctively, are somewhat close to those who look a bit like themselves.

In addition, this girl is really interesting, listen to what people say-

Not acquaintances!

It's just two lonely people, getting together to make a buddy.

People took out the only valuable thing on their body.

This kind of behavior is much better than those cheap relatives who came to "recognize grandma" with their children.

And, most importantly, the little girl used her own actions to prove one thing.

People can eat meat on their own!

"...Hmph, since you're pretty smart, I'll accept you as a tenant."

"House money or something, just do what you said, and I'll accept the pair of gold earrings."

"I don't need you to do the work at home. The village takes care of me. Every day, someone helps to fetch water and chop wood."

"However, since you want to borrow my kitchen and cooking, you can't shirk—"

Mrs. Qiu still had a straight face and said angrily.

He Tiantian saw that the old man had softened his heart.

She, this is her own embarrassment.

Old child, old child, this is really true.

Of course, whether it is a child or the elderly, their eyes are the brightest.

Only by treating it with sincerity can it be exchanged for sincerity.

He Tiantian does have the intention of taking advantage, but she also really wants to take care of such a poor and great old man.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the cooking! I don't have any food, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar. I'll give you the money, okay?"

He Tiantian hurriedly agreed, and put on a posture of "brothers settle accounts clearly".

She will never be cheap with the old lady.

The more He Tiantian is like this, the old lady is relieved.

She really doesn't lack this little thing, but she just doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

He Tiantian is very interesting, and the old lady is also happy and generous.

She waved her hand, "You cook for me, even if you lose those things. Oh, yes, you said you could hunt, and the family—"

"Old lady, don't worry, you will definitely be stinky in the future!"

He Tiantian smiled with brows and eyes, and directly made the package.

Su Guoqiang: it appropriate for you to discuss hunting in front of me?

Uh, well, I'm a village chief, not the leader of the production brigade, so I really can't care about some things!

In this way, He Tiantian became a tenant of Mrs. Qiu's house.

The hukou did not belong to the name of Mrs. Qiu, but to Sujia Village, which was a collective hukou just like those educated youths.

Su Guoqiang had a big meal at Mrs. Qiu's house and left He Tiantian directly.

With a round stomach, he pushed his bicycle and walked towards his house.

"The village chief! The village chief is back!"

"Oh, village chief, where is my daughter, doesn't it mean that my daughter has come back to recognize her relatives!"

"What is your daughter? It's clearly my daughter!"

"Su Yezhu's family, when did your family have a daughter?"

"...Oh, why is that child from your Sujia Village? My daughter was just born and was carried away by a wolf. That's my daughter!"

"Fuck! You are from Hejia'ao, why did you go out to Sujia Village to find your daughter?"

"You just fart! That's my daughter, I'll recognize it, what's wrong?"

Su Guoqiang was immediately surrounded by a group of middle-aged and elderly women.

Married women in rural areas, as you know, are aggressive and sturdy. After a few quarrels, they want to spit and scratch their hair.

Su Guoqiang glanced around coldly, all the girls around him.

However, in the outer circle, there are more than a dozen big men standing.

Whenever the women fight, the men will rush up.

This is not the usual egg and two greens, but a 17- or 18-year-old girl.

In a hurry, this group of people can really fight!

"Stop! Shut me up!"

Su Guoqiang didn't want to see their ugliness, so he shouted loudly.

Su Guoqiang is the village chief, and he still has some prestige in Sujia Village.

The key is that he is the "participant", and if he wants to successfully recognize his daughter, he must pass through him.

More than a dozen women immediately stopped, and they stared at Su Guoqiang.

Su Guoqiang was very satisfied with the effect, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "During the day, I went to the Public Security Bureau to verify that this child is indeed from our neighborhood—"

Before Su Guoqiang's words were finished, a group of women began to shout again.

"Yes! It's my daughter!"

"Put your mother's fart, it's obviously my daughter!"

"...My daughter, you were taken away by the wolf as soon as you landed. Your father and I have been thinking of you for more than ten years!"

The women quarreled.

Su Guoqiang was too lazy to stop it.

Shout it out!



When you are tired of tossing, labor and capital will tell you again.

Su Guoqiang didn't say anything, but the crowd's clamor slowly stopped.

The surroundings became quiet again.

One of the women looked to the left and right, and then she spoke on behalf of everyone: "Village Chief, what's the point of this?"

They can also see it, not only their own family wants to pick up this leak, Sujia Village, and even the people in the two surrounding villages also want to pick up a girl for nothing.

They did have daughters, and they did lose children.

But they themselves are not sure whether the girl who came back to recognize her relatives is from their own family.

It's been more than ten years, who still remembers what happened back then?

They just want to fish in troubled waters and pick up a cash cow for nothing.

"A dozen of you all said that you are looking for a daughter! But there is only one daughter, how do you divide it?"

Su Guoqiang didn't even bother to ask who it belonged to.

Because whether it is Pinellia's biological parents or those who came to fish in troubled waters, it is not a good thing.

For such a person, it is difficult for Su Guoqiang to have a good face.

"Of course it's mine!"

"Bah! Qiu Yuejin, you are so shameless, you came to our Sujia Village to grab a girl!"

"Who are you calling shameless? You are so shameless. How old are you this year, can you give birth to a child eighteen years ago?"

"...You don't care if I can give birth or not, the girl is my family anyway!"

A group of people quarreled again, and after arguing, they began to scold, scold and scold—

Cough, seeing that Su Guoqiang neither stopped nor opened his mouth, these people slowly stopped again.

"Stop arguing? Humph! Look at how embarrassing you are?"

"There is only one girl, but you all came to recognize your relatives? I know exactly what you are thinking!"

It was because he knew that Su Guoqiang was disgusting and disgusted.

They are all shameless things. For the sake of money, even daughters dare to recognize them randomly.

"Okay, stop arguing, that child has settled in our Sujia Village, and she lives with Mrs. Qiu now!"

Su Guoqiang didn't want to continue to watch these people make a fool of himself, so he simply told his decision.

"Mrs Qiu? Did she recognize that girl?"

When everyone heard the name of Mrs. Qiu, their arrogance suddenly dropped a lot.

This is a celebrity in their Sujia Village and even the entire production team. There is a row of red cards at the door!

Full of loyalty!

In addition to this supreme honor, the comrades of the old lady's three sons are all over the country.

In their county seat, there is a comrade-in-arms of the younger son.

During the festivals, he would come to the countryside to visit in person.

Every time they saw that little jeep, the villagers would sincerely sigh:

Although Mrs. Qiu is a lonely old lady, even if her son dies, she can still take care of the old lady!

Relying on the legacy of her sons, no one dared to provoke Mrs. Qiu even if she was alone.

The gangsters and bastards in the village did not dare to go to the old man's house to steal chickens and dogs.

As for these pungent middle-aged and elderly women, ahem, Mrs. Qiu is not a bully either.

A widow pulls up three sons and sends them all to the battlefield. Do you think she will be a weak woman?

Some people dare to gossip about Mrs. Qiu, this old lady can sit at her door and scolded for three days and three nights, and the swearing is not the same!

"..." Su Guoqiang couldn't talk nonsense with his eyes open, but he wanted to intimidate these people.

He simply said vaguely, "The child is at Mrs. Qiu's house now, and will live with Mrs. Qiu in the future!"

"You all know who Mrs. Qiu is. You all know what the daughter's life experience is like!"

"You guys, don't think about it, and be honest in the future!"

Everyone looked at each other and slowly stopped...

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