The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and twentieth chapter emergency remedial tasks (17)

In love with, the heroine took the villain script

When He Tiantian carried the bamboo building on his back and made a detour to Qiujiaping, he heard a gossip——

"Hey, have you heard that the daughter of the Qiu family is engaged, and she is the navy battalion commander."

"Cut! You are the old Huangli. The latest situation is that the person who wants to be the wife of the battalion commander is not Gu Yu, but Xiaoxue from the second room of the Qiu family!"

"Ah? The older sister has been replaced by the younger sister? This, what is this all about?"

"What else could it be? What about the battalion commander's wife, which girl doesn't want to be?"

"What? I met the old lady of the Qiu family just now at the entrance of the village. They said that the Huo family only settled for the granddaughter of the Qiu family, but they didn't say which one."

"Yes, I also met the eldest daughter-in-law of the Qiu family. She also said that people in the village misunderstood in the past, thinking that Gu Yu is the eldest sister, and she should be close to her when she is married. In fact, this is not the case at all. ."

In order to "refute the rumors", the Qiu family definitely dispatched the whole family.

Especially Qiu's father and Qiu's mother, although they resented their daughter's ignorance, they gave up a good marriage to their cousin.

However, for the sake of their daughter's reputation and the Qiu family, they still bite the bullet, squeeze out smiling faces, and "explain" to the people around them everywhere.

What they meant to say was very clear-

First, the Huo family just made a marriage with the Qiu family, and there was no specific choice of which girl;

Second, there were rumors in the past that Gu Yu was going to be the battalion commander's wife. Everyone misunderstood!

Third, Gu Yu didn't want to marry Huo Yuanzheng, and Huo Yuanzheng and Xiaoxue also liked each other.

Therefore, the Qiu family has no scandal of sister rivalry.

It's just a matter of marriage, it depends on the individual's perspective.

It's more of a fate.

Gu Yu didn't want to marry too far, and it was Xiaoxue who had a fate with Huo Yuanzheng!

The "truth" is just that.

Villagers:  …

Whether outsiders believe it or not, the Qiu family can't control it.

However, the criticism around was not too intense.

There must be people who gossip, and Qiu Guyu and Qiu Xiaoxue's reputation must also be damaged.

But this matter, at least it was barely covered up.

He Tiantian:  …

Mixed in the crowd secretly, after listening to Qiu Jiaping's big news.

He Tiantian is even more certain that Qiu Xiaoxue is a wild writer.

The number of ways is too familiar, grab the opportunity of the heroine, follow the path of the heroine, and finally counterattack as the new heroine.

Qiu Guyu in the original script will shine, that is, her island raising baby.

This is the main thread of the story.

Now that Qiu Xiaoxue has robbed the male protagonist, unless Qiu Guyu remarries a man who is also a soldier, and that man had better be the navy stationed on the island.

Otherwise, the main thread will really be taken away by Qiu Xiaoxue.

However, things are not so absolute.

He Tiantian hid in the corner and listened to gossip for a while before leaving quietly.

She already had a plan in her mind.


If you lose it, you lose it, she just opens up a story line.

As long as her story line is more exciting than the main line, recognized by the world consciousness, and the readers are satisfied, her mission will be a success!

He Tiantian continued to implement her plan step by step, and she temporarily put the Qiu family aside.

The next day, the Qiu family held a big wedding banquet.

No way, Huo Yuanzheng's family leave is about to run out.

They also have a day left to take their children to the island.

Yes, with kids.

Qiu Xiaoxue had decided long ago that she would not be as "useless" as Qiu Guyu.

Naturally, Mother Huo would not be allowed to interfere in her small family at will.

Therefore, she directly said to Huo Yuanzheng, "Auntie is also old, and it is really difficult to take care of three children."

"Since we are married, and I am ready to be a good mother, I will simply take the child away."

"This kind of thing, hurry up sooner rather than later, after all, sooner or later is my responsibility and right!"

Qiu Xiaoxue's eyes were clear and her words were direct, but it was right against Huo Yuanzheng's temper.

Yes, it is a doomed fact that a new wife has been married and the child has a stepmother.

Picking up the children earlier, allowing them to have more contact, is also more conducive to family harmony.

The mother proposed to keep the children with her, and wanted them to go to the island for their own good.

The newlyweds always have to live alone for two days.

It should be better when Xiaoxue gets used to the island, integrates into the military compound, cleans up the house properly, and then picks up the children.

Huo Yuanzheng agreed with his mother's proposal.

However, after listening to Qiu Xiaoxue's words, Huo Yuanzheng felt that her suggestion was not bad.

It has become a family, and sooner or later, it needs to be run in, so come early!

Settle down at home as soon as possible, and solve the worries, Huo Yuanzheng can devote himself to work.

Huo Yuanzheng agreed with Qiu Xiaoxue's proposal, and turned to discuss with Huo's mother.

Mother Huo:  …

Really married a daughter-in-law and forgot her mother!

Of course, Mother Huo proposed to keep the children in the capital, not only to "train" the new daughter-in-law, but also for their own good.

She was a stepmother when she entered the door, and she was a big girl who had never married or had children.

No one can easily adapt to it.

Mother Huo thought about getting the new daughter-in-law to adapt to the married life, and then send the child there.

This is a gradual process, and it will not cause the new daughter-in-law to be in a hurry at the beginning.

How can people not appreciate it.

I also felt that she, the mother-in-law, was deliberately holding her back.

"Humph! A dog bites Lu Dongbin, you don't know a good person!"

Mother Huo refused to admit that she did have the idea of ​​setting rules for her new daughter-in-law, and she only cursed bitterly in her heart.

On the surface, she maintained the kindness and tolerance of her elders, and nodded helplessly: "Alas, I originally thought about it for you. But since you have your own ideas, then let's go with you!"

Qiu Xiaoxue vs Huo Mu, Qiu Xiaoxue wins a game.

With a good start, Qiu Xiaoxue has more confidence in her married life.

The Qiu family also attaches great importance to this marriage.

Huo Yuanzheng has already filed a marriage report, but Qiu Xiaoxue's review has not yet passed.

There should be no problem, the three generations of poor peasants in the Qiu family, and Grandpa Qiu was once a patriotic peasant who actively supported the war of resistance.

A family of people are honest and honest, not to mention breaking the law and discipline, and they don't even dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

But there should still be some procedures.

Huo Yuanzheng had to wait for Qiu Xiaoxue's approval before he could get a marriage certificate from her.

It's a pity he doesn't have a vacation and can't wait so long.

Simply follow the rules of the countryside, hold a banquet first, wait for some time, and then go to collect the certificate.

The rule in the countryside is that as long as there is a banquet, it is a husband and wife.

Qiu Xiaoxue can also follow Huo Yuanzheng to the island with the army.

The Qiu family's wedding banquet was very lively, and most of the villagers came to drink wedding wine.

The in-laws from the two neighboring villages also came back to join in the fun.

As a bride, Qiu Xiaoxue was naturally the center of attention in the new clothes made by her husband's family.

Qiu Guyu did not flinch, nor did he regret or be unwilling.

She was like an ordinary cousin who went in and out with a calm face, and offered to help.

Everyone pointed and pointed for a while, then gave up.

Gossip is just like that. If the parties don't care, the three aunts, six grandmothers, four uncles and eight grandfathers are meaningless.

Looking at the Qiu family's style, no one was wronged or dissatisfied, and there was no evasion or guilt. Everyone was open and calm.

Everything seems to be just like the news released by the Qiu family——

There is no conspiracy, and there is no flesh and blood, just a small misunderstanding!

Well, what you say is what.

And soon, new news attracted everyone's attention.

"I heard that the Huo family gave a dowry gift of 200 yuan and four sets of fabrics!"

"What's this? The Huo family is a wealthy family. What's wrong with marrying a daughter-in-law and spending more betrothal gifts?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter if the dowry is high, the key is that the Qiu family treats all these as a dowry, so Xiaoxue takes them back."

"The Qiu family's husband and mother feel sorry for their granddaughter!"

"Bah! Why do you feel sorry for your granddaughter? It's not that you dare not offend the Huo family!"

"...Oh, it's all in-laws, so you can't offend anything. However, I heard that the youngest son of the Qiu family has passed the recruitment of the county soy sauce factory and has gone to the county as a temporary worker!"

"Qiu Xiaowu became a worker?"

"It's a temporary worker, not a regular worker!"

"It's not easy to be a temporary worker. After all, people have eaten public food!"

"No, ah, the Qiu family is about to get up! I heard that Accounting Su's son also sent a matchmaker to the Qiu family. I just don't know which one he wants to marry!"

"Which one could it be? Xiaoxue is married, and there is only a big girl like Gu Yu left in the Qiu family—"

At the wine table, all the villagers were discussing.

Qiu Guyu told himself to be calm and not to care about other people's comments.

However, when she shuttled to help at the wedding banquet, she still heard a lot of gossip.

Among them, what Qiu Guyu cared about the most was the son of the accountant Su they mentioned.

Su Chuangui!

The richest man in the provincial capital in the dream.

Yesterday, the Huo family came to propose marriage, and Huo Yuanzheng and Qiu Xiaoxue wandered around the village.

Xu Shi had such a change, and the matchmaker of the Su family did not come to the door.

But soon, news came from Sujia Village, saying that Accounting Su had hired a matchmaker and wanted to go to Qiu's house to propose marriage.

Today is the second day, the rumor has just spread, and it has not yet fermented.

However, Qiu Guyu still felt the gazes of some people watching the excitement.

Although the rumors are still not sure who the girl Su Hui is begging to marry for his son, but Qiu Xiaoxue is married, but the matchmaker has not come to Qiu's house, the "fact" is more obvious.

Su Chuangui "also" took a fancy to Qiu Xiaoxue.

On the contrary, it was her Qiu Guyu, who was not photographed once or twice.

Yes, after these two days of gossip, the topic of "sister changing sister" has a new interpretation.

It's not that Qiu Guyu is unwilling to marry, nor is it that Qiu Xiaoxue robbed his brother-in-law, but that Huo Yuanzheng didn't like Qiu Guyu at all.

Qiu Guyu was originally the most outstanding girl in Qiu Jiaping.

At this moment, I was "disgusted", and many people watched the fun.

All kinds of sour words are endless.

It seems that the value of a woman can only be reflected in "a man wants it".

If there is no man to ask for it, the former village flower will become worthless.

"Don't care what other people say, don't live in the mouths of others!"

Qiu Guyu desperately tried to console himself like this.

However, as social creatures, how can humans not care about others?

Unless Qiu Guyu can escape from the current living environment, otherwise, she can't care less.

Qiu's father and Qiu's mother also heard those rumors.

They were secretly anxious, and when the wedding banquet was over, Huo Yuanzheng drove a small jeep to pick up Qiu Gu Yufengfengguang, and the couple hid in the room and began to discuss.

"Or, let Gu Yu stay at my parents' house for two days?"

Qiu's mother's family was on the outskirts of the county.

She is one of the few foreign daughters-in-law in Qiujiaping.

This foreigner does not refer to the village, but to the entire advanced production brigade.

After all, the three villages of Su, Qiu, and He have been intermarriage for decades, and only a few of them are wives from outside the three villages.

Qiu's mother is one of them.

Her family's home is in the suburbs, close to the county seat, but has no urban hukou.

Qiu's mother's niece was very good and married a worker in the county town.

Although the worker was second-married and stuttered a bit, he was neither stupid nor disabled, and his parents still had jobs.

After the marriage, the in-law's family also found a temporary job.

"Exactly, my niece is pregnant, and the pregnancy is not very good. When I went back to my mother's house last time, my sister-in-law was still talking about wanting her niece to raise a baby at home!"

Naihe's niece is a temporary worker. If she asks for leave for no reason, it is easy to lose her errand.

The best way is to find someone to do the work for you.

It's just a matter of acting as a class, it's not easy to find outsiders.

At that time, Mother Qiu's maiden sister-in-law suggested that Gu Yu could do a favor.

Take a shift for a month, pay one-third of the original salary, and also include room and board...

In the eyes of Qiu's mother and sister-in-law, she is already taking care of her cheap nephew's daughter.

Qiu's father and Qiu's mother were moved, and they were about to agree when the Huo family's marriage came.

Grandpa Qiu sent a message and asked Qiu Guyu to stay at home and get married, so he didn't go to the county.

Now that Gu Yu has made such a fuss, his reputation has been affected, so he should find a place to avoid the limelight.

So, Mother Qiu thought of this.

"This is also a way. You go to your mother's house tomorrow and ask carefully!"

Father Qiu squatted behind the door and said in a muffled voice while smoking a cigarette.

"Okay, I'll go early tomorrow morning!"

Seeing that the head of the family had let go, Mother Qiu hurriedly agreed.

In fact, she has other careful thoughts: if her daughter goes to the county, maybe she can find a good partner like her niece.

Not being the battalion commander's wife, it's not bad to be a worker's family member!

The next day, Mother Qiu hurried to the county.

I came back hungry in the afternoon.

Alas, asking people to do things, it's always not good to eat at other people's houses.

Mother Qiu said that she would go home to eat, but her sister-in-law didn't really give in a few words, so she really let Mother Qiu come back under the sun.

Mother Qiu:  …

Mother Qiu was of course sad that her parents' relatives treated her like this.

However, although the sister-in-law is excellent, she agreed to help in the end.

"Gu Yu, you pack up, we'll go to the county tomorrow. Your sister Aimin is not in good health, so you can help out for a few days of work, eat and live at your sister Aimin's house..."

Qiu's mother was an arrangement for Qiu Guyu.

Qiu Guyu:  …

She didn't really want to go, the cousin who married into the city had her eyes above the top.

Even though he came from the countryside, he hated the rural people the most.

Every time I went to her place, she didn't look good.

When meeting a neighbor or colleague, he would say in a playful tone, "Yeah, I'm from the country!"

That "countryside" is really piercing.

Qiu Guyu opened her mouth, seeing Mother Qiu's firm appearance, she still swallowed her refusal.

Alas, it's better to go out and hide for a while, and let the villagers continue to talk about her, she will become a poor little girl no one wants...

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