The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and thirtieth chapter emergency remedial tasks (27)

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After coming out of the aunt's house, He Tiantian deliberately went around the brigade.

Sure enough, He Tiantian "coincidentally" met Liu Zhiyuan, who had just finished discussing things with the captain, and had a proud look on his face.

He Tiantian greeted Liu Zhiyuan casually, and politely greeted him.

While chatting, He Tiantian carefully observed.

Soon, He Tiantian can judge: this person has not been replaced.

Speaking of which, He Tiantian is not the closest person to Liu Zhiyuan, and it is impossible to know everything about him too much.

So it is difficult to determine whether this person is the original product.

However, He Tiantian has an intuition.

Her feelings told her that this person was the real Liu Zhiyuan.

A native, an urbanite who was cautiously living in the countryside, an old educated youth who suddenly became smug!

"Someone is behind his back to him, secretly manipulating him to do everything!"

Looking at Liu Zhiyuan's straight back, He Tiantian thought of these words.

As for who was instigating him, He Tiantian also had suspicions.

And why that person made Liu Zhiyuan come forward, He Tiantian also has a guess——

Why else?

Of course, it was pressing Su Chuanxin.

Don't let him become the leader of the production team, don't let him do business reasonably and legally, and give full play to his business expertise... Don't let him become the new male protagonist!

The original female protagonist did not marry the destined male protagonist Huo Yuanzheng according to the plot, but married a scene board character who flashed by in the plot.

Among the big female protagonists, whoever the female protagonist marries has a very high possibility of counterattacking and becoming the new male protagonist.

And Su Chuanxin is not really an unknown person, he may not be an important role, but he is indeed a real successful person.

The big heroine + the richest man, a cool article of the era.

Even if it is not the original story of the military wife of the island army, it can still make readers feel happy.

This book can also change from the counterattack of the female supporting role to the rise of the original heroine!

As an orthodox writer, He Tiantian is naturally happy to see it.

Although her mission this time is to become a new heroine, a book can have two heroines.

The writing of the two heroines is equally wonderful.

The only, oh no, the only two who don't want to see such a result, are only wild contributors.

Qiu Xiaoxue had already married to the island, and even if she wanted to destroy it, she was beyond her reach and powerless.

There is also a person who is hidden very deeply. This person feels very "familiar" to He Tiantian.

Just like Helian Ye from the previous world, he was inconspicuous and had no flaws at all.

Even a cautious person like He Tiantian said.

This time, it feels like this again-

An inconspicuous little person, with no out-of-the-ordinary words and deeds, can be a steady senior brother if you change to a man with frequent texts.

He Tiantian has done so many tasks, the only one defeat is to lose to this boss.

What a profound lesson!

It is not an exaggeration to say unforgettable.

So, this time, He Tiantian is extra careful, no one will let it go!

Suspicious or not, first suspect, and then verify a little bit, you can always catch that super hidden guy!

And Liu Zhiyuan is an important clue to He Tiantian.

"Are you Aunt He? I'm Banxia from Sujia Village. Your sister's daughter went to me yesterday. You said that you twisted your waist. Let me help you out!"

He Tiantian found the neighbor of Liu Zhiyuan's house, smiled and said very politely.

"Oh, it's Dr. Banxia! My niece and daughter are looking for you? Oh, this child is really attentive. I just complained casually, she really took it seriously!"

Aunt He looked in her forties, she was thin, but she was very energetic.

He has short, ear-length hair secured with iron headbands, and he wears blue sackcloth clothes that have been washed white but very clean.

The whole person is neat, and he speaks loudly.

Of course, when she said so loudly, she also meant to show off.

A woman, her family's relatives care so much,

It's decent in my in-law's house, isn't it? !

"My sister-in-law also misses you. I'm afraid that if you don't pay attention, you will turn a small illness into a serious one!"

He Tiantian echoed with a smile, and entered the door with Aunt He.

Let Aunt He lie on the bed, and she checked the other's waist.

Well, it was indeed a sprain. I guess it was because Xia Harvest worked too hard and injured his muscles.

He Tiantian rubbed hard, trying to loosen the stiff muscles.

Aunt He cried out in pain.

In order to relieve the pain, Aunt He started a short chat between the East and the West.

He Tiantian, while doing massage, consciously rhetoric.

"...Liu Zhiqing, who lives next door to us, you also know him, the big brother who sent Zhao Zhiqing to the county hospital last time!"

"He's an honest man, and he's kind. He's good to his daughter-in-law, and he also takes care of the newcomers who are educated youths!"

"Let's not talk about anyone else, it's that Zhao Zhiqing, tsk tsk, who only came to our advance team last year, alas, what a young master who can't be carried on his shoulders and can't be lifted by his hands!"

"My daughters are more capable than him, but think about it, no one in our brigade cuts his own legs with a sickle directly during summer harvest!"

"Speaking of it, it's still Banxia, ​​your girl's medical skills are amazing. I didn't see it at the time, but I heard people say-"

"Ah yo yo, Zhao Zhiqing's leg was bleeding, and it stopped after you put a few needles in!"

"Oh, and the little daughter-in-law of Hejia'ao, tsk tsk, she also has a big life. If I meet you, otherwise, a big hemorrhage can kill her."

"If she leaves, her son will be pitiful. Without his mother, he is just like the weeds in the field. I heard that Zhao Zhiqing was also raised by the stepmother..."

Mrs. He is agile, and her lips are even more agile.

He Tiantian massaged her for half an hour and found out everything she wanted to know.

Zhao Qingping came from the capital and is 20 years old this year. His father has some skills, but he still has a stepmother.

When he went to the countryside, his stepmother's own son stayed in the capital, but he, the unfortunate bastard, was driven to the countryside.

However, my father was not scumbag to the end, or in other words, not "stupid" at home.

He also knew that in the end he could only rely on his own son, not the cheap stepson with a eloquent lotus.

At the beginning, he was fooled by his wife, and his own son talked back. When he was in a hurry, he sent his own son to the countryside.

When things are settled, the scumbag reacts and regrets it a little.

No matter how regretful he can't change anything, he can only compensate his son in terms of money and tickets.

Therefore, although Zhao Qingping is pitiful, he is not the most pitiful.

After he came to the advance brigade, his family always sent him money and things.

Relying on these, Zhao Qingping, who was not able to work very much and was unwilling to work, had a pretty good life.

If it weren't for Xia Shou who couldn't hide, he wouldn't follow him, and he wouldn't slash his feet with a sickle.

After the injury, Zhao Zhiqing did not change much.

Still squeamish, like to be lazy, still silent, not like to communicate with people.

However, Xu is that Liu Zhiyuan took care of him a lot after he was injured, and stayed with him in the hospital for two days. The relationship between Zhao Zhiqing and Liu Zhiyuan was a lot closer.

Only Aunt He has seen the two of them chatting together several times.

He Tiantian:  …

Very good, another corroboration!

He Tiantian has seven or eight points of affirmation.

Even if Zhao Qingping is not a wild writer, Liu Zhiyuan's emergence has something to do with him.

And why he secretly instructed, the reasons are really worth pondering.

[Sure enough, he is a "stable" person, he can hide, he is low-key enough, he is a real boss who can go all the way to victory! 】

He Tiantian commented like this, but was not frightened by the other party.

The other party can be stubborn and hide, and she is not bad at all.

This time, let them fight again.

Hide "behind the scenes" and make their own moves to see who is better!

He Tiantian returned to Sujia Village, discussed with Mrs. Qiu, and went to find Su Chuanxin.

"Raise chickens collectively, sell eggs, etc., and let Liu Zhiyuan toss it. Let's change business."

In business, there are many projects.

He Tiantian said so.

Su Chuanxin nodded, "I have a recipe for soy sauce, and I can open a soy sauce workshop in the name of the production team!"

Su Chuanxin was very reluctant to give up, but Liu Zhiyuan grabbed it first, so he could only use this trump card.

"No! There is a soy sauce factory in our county, and the demand for daily soy sauce is not very large. If the production team opens a soy sauce workshop, the villagers and team leaders may not agree!"

He Tiantian shook her head.

This county is not big, and a soy sauce factory can meet the daily needs of residents.

If the production team at the bottom opens a workshop again, it will inevitably be suspected of wasting resources.

Even the captain will not nod easily.

Unless the soy sauce factory in the county can no longer do it, or the demand of residents increases, there is a market and there is a chance to open a workshop!

"Growing herbs, picking herbs, and concocting! I can provide pictures of herbs, teach the big guys how to identify them, and recruit a few apprentices to concoct—"

Western medicine is in short supply these days, and people still drink traditional Chinese medicine to save their lives.

Therefore, the market for herbal medicines is still quite large.

Going forward to the production team, the mountains are connected to the mountains, which is very suitable for growing some herbs.

In addition, you can also organize members to go to the mountains to pick.

He Tiantian is in charge of all technical support, while Su Chuanxin is in charge of sales.

In this way, not only can you benefit yourself, but you can also make the villagers thank you for your money.

Of course, the most important thing is to improve the status of He Tiantian and Su Chuanxin in the forward team.

He Tiantian had a hunch that Zhao Qingping would not only target Su Chuanxin and Qiu Guyu.

"Panxia", a character that suddenly appeared and never appeared in the plot, even if there were no loopholes, the "stable" Zhao Qingping would instinctively be on guard.

There are jujubes and no jujubes to fight three poles.

For this kind of person who has no last resort, there is only wrong killing, not letting go!

Besides, people don't directly move the killer, at most they move some hands and feet behind their backs.

Therefore, He Tiantian must be prepared in advance.

Subsequent facts proved that He Tiantian did not guess wrong—

"Banxia, ​​the training class is full, alas, it's my fault!"

At the appointed time, He Tiantian ran to the county hospital to find the enthusiastic old doctor.

Two days ago, He Tiantian had been to the county.

At that time, the old doctor smiled and said to her, "Don't worry, I have done everything about the quota. You can come directly to the class in two days!"

Two days later, when He Tiantian came back, the old doctor was ashamed.

Alas, it's obviously a sure thing, and it's not a big deal, but when things come to an end, there are variables.


The key is that the old doctor feels very sorry for He Tiantian.

If you can't actually do it, don't make a random promise.

Giving people hope, and then dousing it at the last minute, it really is—

The old doctor is almost 60 years old, and he just feels shameless to see He Tiantian.

A flash of disappointment flashed across He Tiantian's face, and soon returned to normal.

She hurriedly smiled and said, "Doctor Chen, I don't blame you. I know that you are kind enough to help me. There must be a reason why things didn't work out, but it must not be your fault!"

He Tiantian didn't mean to say nice things.

She had already had such a hunch in her heart.

In fact, He Tiantian had already figured it out.

She came to the county hospital two days ago, and Zhao Qingping also came to the county seat the next day.

The external statement is that the injury on his leg has healed, and he will come to the hospital to remove the stitches.

Maybe he really came to remove the stitches.

But after removing the line, there is no problem with doing some small actions by the way.

He Tiantian had every reason to suspect that Zhao Qingping couldn't put it aside.

" don't blame me."

When the old doctor saw He Tiantian, he smiled sincerely, not acting at all.

He let out a little breath.

However, seeing He Tiantian being so sensible and well-behaved, the old doctor felt more and more sorry.

next time!

Next time there is an opportunity to train a barefoot doctor, he must reserve a place for Pinellia!

However, with the previous failure, the old doctor did not dare to say it in advance.

He silently recorded this in his heart, and took out a thick booklet——

"I have also studied Chinese medicine. These are some cases I encountered in the early years. Take a look!"

It is also a great wealth of knowledge for the medical records and manuscripts used by doctors.

Even if it's not a treasure at the bottom of the box, it is very useful.

He Tiantian refused for a while, but she refused, so she took it.

"Thank you, Doctor Chen! Don't worry, I will study hard!"

"By the way, do you know what are the requirements for the purchase of traditional Chinese medicines by the Chinese Medicine Department of our county hospital?"

He Tiantian is not a person who can't let it go. If the training thing is yellow, then he will be busy with other things.

That Zhao Qingping is the most "gou", so he doesn't dare to make a high profile.

Secretly mixing up the opportunity to learn "Panxia", it has already exposed the risk again.

He shouldn't do anything more than that!


Besides, Su Chuanxin had He Tiantian's technical support, and ran to Qiu Changshun to discuss.

During the period, Su Chuanxin also said in a condescending manner: "If the captain feels that it is not safe enough, let us give Sujia Village a try first..."

On the surface, it seems to be thinking about Qiu Changshun, but in fact Su Chuanxin is "forcing the palace"——

The production team does not support the traditional Chinese medicine business, so they will do it themselves in Sujia Village.

Even though the three villages belonged to one brigade, they had been married to each other for many years, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

In fact, the open and secret battles between the three villages have never stopped.

Qiu Jiaping has the largest number of registered permanent residences and the largest number of strong laborers, so the team leader is Qiu Jiaping.

He Jia'ao was second only to Qiu Jiaping, so He Jia'ao selected a person to be the deputy captain.

And Sujia Village, the weakest of the three villages, had to be an accountant!

It's been so many years, and Sujia Village is holding a sigh of relief, trying to surpass the two previous villages.

Qiu Jiaping and He Jiaao are also well aware of this.

Therefore, after hearing the meaning of Su Chuanxin's words, Qiu Changshun couldn't help but think more and consider more...

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