The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 833 Emergency Remedial Tasks (30)

"Xiaoxue, I just received a telegram from my mother, she will be here in two days!"

Huo Yuanzheng came in from the outside, he was full of exhaustion, and his cold and arrogant temperament was full of depression.

The few months of marriage were definitely the most painful and embarrassing period of his life.

He never thought that his Huo Yuanzheng's life would be so chaotic and chaotic.

Not afraid to say something unpleasant, he might as well not get married.

During the period when he was not married to Qiu Xiaoxue, the children were all in the capital and he was alone on the island.

Although there is no popularity in the family, he has to rely on him for meals and laundry.

Tired is tired, but the heart is pure.

Since he married Qiu Xiaoxue, he is not only tired physically, but also mentally——

Especially the sympathetic and sympathetic eyes of the people around him almost made a proud and reserved young hero go berserk!

Once upon a time, he, Huo Yuanzheng, became the pitiful object of others!

This, this is not funny.

Even when his ex-wife was arguing with him for a divorce and went missing directly after the divorce, everyone had never sympathized with him like this.

Because everyone knows that all kinds of things about his ex-wife are not his responsibility. At most, he is implicated.

As for Qiu Xiaoxue, it was different.

Alas, the family is in a mess, and the children are used to being disrespectful.

Their home has become a joke in the military compound.

Now, the political commissars have come to talk to him and ask him if there is any difficulty at home!

God knows, Huo Yuanzheng was ashamed and embarrassed when he came out of the office.

Can't do this anymore! Qiu Xiaoxue can't be left alone! 】

She and the child must be separated, at least for a period of time, and the contradiction cannot be intensified and escalated! 】

Huo Yuanzheng secretly had an idea.

He called his family without the knowledge of Qiu Xiaoxue and asked his mother to pick up the three children.

Mother Huo:  …

Humph, I knew Qiu Xiaoxue couldn't handle it!

When she wanted to keep the children in the capital, she was thinking of their little husband and wife.

As a result, Qiu Xiaoxue was careful, she only felt that she, the mother-in-law, was deliberately embarrassing others.

I have to take it with me. Is something wrong now? !


Really deserve it!

Huo's mother felt a joy in her heart.

But soon, Mother Huo began to feel sorry for her son and grandson again.

Alas, I really shouldn't be in such a hurry to arrange a marriage.

It ruined the expedition, and it also hurt the grandchildren.

Although Mother Huo wanted to hide from Jingjing, she still felt sorry for her son and grandson.

Especially the two grandchildren, whom she kept by her side for more than a year, also had some feelings.

Mother Huo is a woman herself. She has been a daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than 30 years. She doesn't know much about women's methods!

And she has read books and knows the story of Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan.

Routines such as holding and killing, she is clear in her heart!

"Okay! I really didn't see that Qiu Xiaoxue had such careful thoughts!"

"How dare you spoil my grandson, she really is a vicious and bad woman!"

Huo's mother felt a hatred in her heart, and she felt a little regretful.

Fortunately, the child is still young, and I have only been with her for a few months, so many things can be salvaged.

Mother Huo wanted her son to divorce Qiu Xiaoxue, but her son is a soldier, marriage is not a child's play, and divorce is not so easy.

Unless Qiu Xiaoxue made a serious mistake.

However, Qiu Xiaoxue was not as honest and kind as her cousin Qiu Guyu.

Smart and cunning, how could she easily give people a handle?

Furthermore, if Qiu Xiaoxue made a mistake, there must be victims.

Mother Huo didn't want to get rid of a woman and get on with her son or grandson!

It's so difficult!

Mother Huo thought about it, and actually felt that her son's decision was the most feasible - to bring the three children back to the capital first.

Separate them and keep the conflict from becoming irreconcilable.

Let the children stabilize their temperament, and also make Qiu Xiaoxue and Huo Yuanzheng a real husband and wife.

The relationship between husband and wife is better, the small family is more stable, and the children are grown up, and then they are sent to be reunited with their parents.

Huo Yuanzheng's plan was based on the stability of the entire small family, and also for Qiu Xiaoxue's well-being.

Although Mother Huo didn't like Qiu Xiaoxue, even a little disgusted, she also knew that this arrangement was good for everyone!

However, Qiu Xiaoxue did not appreciate it!

She and the two bear children are already on the same page, and the whole island knows that she is a "vicious" stepmother.

If at this time, the cheap mother-in-law picks up the children again, then the crime of her vicious stepmother will be fulfilled.

It will be hard to recover later!

In the past few months, Qiu Xiaoxue has not been going well.

However, she still did not give up her mission - to counterattack and become a big heroine!

Isn't it because the bear child made trouble and gave her a very bad start to her newlywed life.

Qiu Xiaoxue felt that she could still be saved.

First of all, she wants to save her reputation!

The two bear children want to pat their butts and follow Mother Huo back to the capital?

Putting the charge of "squeezing away the stepson" on her head, Qiu Xiaoxue?

No way!

Qiu Xiaoxue clenched her fists hard, but she smiled when facing Huo Yuanzheng.

"Okay! I'll listen to you!"

Mother Huo wants to come and pick up the two bear children, it's a good thing, let them do as they please!

However, before leaving, Qiu Xiaoxue wanted to give them a "big gift".


During dinner, Qiu Xiaoxue went to the cafeteria to catch a fish.

As soon as she came to the table, she was about to pretend to feed Xiaoya, as if she smelled something bad, and she retched one after another.

Huo Yuanzheng is another big man, and he is also the father of three children.

Moreover, he had a good relationship with his ex-wife, who had three pregnancy and births, and he tried to keep him close.

Therefore, he knows the relevant manifestations of a woman's pregnancy.

Such as unbearable fishy and other irritating tastes, vomiting, and so on.

And a month ago, Qiu Xiaoxue finally sent the two bear children to the nursery.

Without them making trouble, Xiaoya has a good temperament.

Qiu Xiaoxue seized the opportunity, and on a certain day, when Huo Yuanzheng came back to change his clothes, he was very provocative.

The two finally became a real couple.

It's just that it's like this in the daytime, and I can't accept the upright and traditional Huo Yuanzheng.

He did not anger Qiu Xiaoxue, but blamed himself for not being stable enough!

He blamed himself so much that he was too embarrassed to tell his mother about it.

Therefore, apart from the pair of them, even the clever Dabao Xiaobao didn't know that their bad stepmother had successfully "won" their own father.

Once the house is rounded, pregnancy becomes a matter of course.

Seeing Qiu Xiaoxue retching, Huo Yuanzheng, who was experienced and responsive, guessed the "truth".

His gaze towards Qiu Xiaoxue was a little complicated.

On the one hand, he was a little surprised.

The two of them did it once, and they won the lottery.

Of course, Huo Yuanzheng didn't want to question anything, he was just instinctively surprised.

On the other hand, he didn't like Qiu Xiaoxue, but he didn't have too much resentment.

Although the days after marriage were not as relaxed and harmonious as he imagined.

However, Huo Yuanzheng can understand.

Qiu Xiaoxue was a girl who had never married, and suddenly she became the mother of three children. She would definitely not adapt.

Furthermore, Huo Yuanzheng can still see whether Qiu Xiaoxue has bad intentions for the child.

Qiu Xiaoxue is definitely not bad, but has a problem with her ability.

She wasn't ready to be a stepmother at all.

She has worked hard, but her temperament is not calm enough, and people are more selfish, so the whole family is disturbed.

Huo Yuanzheng didn't blame Qiu Xiaoxue. Sometimes, he felt a little guilty when he saw her wipe her buttocks for Dabao and Xiaobao and apologized everywhere.

If possible, Huo Yuanzheng also hopes that he can live a good life with Qiu Xiaoxue.

And for halfway couples like them, the two can have a common child, and the relationship between husband and wife can be more stable.

Therefore, from this perspective, Huo Yuanzheng is happy that Qiu Xiaoxue is pregnant.

However, Dabao and Xiaobao may not be able to understand.

They were still young, very naughty, and were originally hostile to their stepmother.

If the stepmother is pregnant again, she will soon have a little brother or little sister, and the two children will have a sense of crisis.

...Fortunately, I called my family in advance, and my mother agreed to come and pick up the children.

Otherwise, their family, ah, will definitely be troubled.

Huo Yuanzheng's mind was full of these messy thoughts.

There are a lot of emotions and some contradictions, which makes Huo Yuanzheng particularly emotional, and he also has a little more warmth and compassion for Qiu Xiaoxue!

Dabao is indeed a bear, but he is also very smart.

Motherless children are extremely sensitive.

He saw the pretentious vomiting of his stepmother, and also noticed that his father, who was always strict and cold, took extra care of the bad woman.

The alarm bell in Huo Dabao's heart shook.

After dinner, it was not completely dark.

The bear children naturally ran out and continued wild.

Huo Dabao did not run wild in the military compound as usual.

He deliberately ran in front of a few chatting women and said in a "schadenfreude" tone, "Hey, the bad woman in our family always vomits when she eats, is she sick!"

These women are all military wives, and basically have given birth to children.

So, they have a lot of experience.

As soon as they heard "vomit while eating", several women looked at each other and exchanged glances silently.

In the end, she was still a woman who had a good relationship with the Huo family. She sighed to herself and said softly to Huo Dabao, "Silly child, your stepmother is not sick, but pregnant."

"Oh, she has a baby in her belly, and she will give birth to a little brother or little sister for you!"

Huo Dabao is young, but he doesn't understand everything.

At least, he knew what pregnancy meant.

Also know what pregnancy means to a woman.

At first they lived in Beijing with their grandparents, and their neighbor had a new daughter-in-law.

When I first passed the door, I was often disliked by my in-laws, and I heard that my mother-in-law often set rules.

However, since she was pregnant, she started shaking.

The mother-in-law did not dare to bully her any more, and she even turned around, relying on the child in her womb to make trouble at her mother-in-law's house!

At that time, my grandmother couldn't help but mutter: "This woman, she really has to rely on her stomach! Only by fighting for her stomach can she gain a firm foothold in her husband's house!"

Mother Huo was just chatting with the old ladies in the compound.

In the eyes of adults like them, children don't understand anything at all.

Therefore, when they gossip about people, Mother Huo never avoids Dabao.

How does Huo's mother know that Huo Dabao has long become sensitive and precocious because of his mother's abandonment.

Dabao heard all those gossips in his ears and remembered them in his heart!

At this moment, when the enthusiastic aunt said that her bad stepmother was also pregnant, Huo Dabao's first reaction was to be on guard.

He has deep unease, even fear - if my father has a new son, will he not love me and my brother as much as before?

They all said, "If you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather." Will my dad also become a stepfather in the future? !

And that child, with him, is the father more inclined to that bad woman? !

As for the bad stepmother, she was already very bad. With "dependency", she will be even more unscrupulous!

Huo Dabao was so confused, his whole face was bloodless.

In the past few months, he dared to toss like that because he was his own father's son, and his stepmother was just an outsider.

But now, it's different. The stepmother is pregnant, and the child she gives birth is also the child of her own father.

She, she will be the Huo family in the future!

what do I do? And Xiaobao, will we become the poor little ones who have no father or mother to love? 】

Do not! I do not want! Dad is ours and must not be shared with others! Especially that bad woman, she is the worst! 】

Huo Dabao's little head is full of messy thoughts.

Those women who like to gossip are very excited when they have a new topic.

They gossip, they make comments...and they talk a lot.

Huo Dabao didn't hear everything clearly, but he still captured some information——

For example, in the first three months of pregnancy, a woman needs to be most careful.

If you accidentally fall, you can lose the child in your stomach!


This doesn't seem to be difficult!

When Huo Dabao came home, he walked into the house from the yard.

When he came to the door of the house, he raised his foot subconsciously, and when his foot stepped on the steps, he reacted——


There are steps in front of my house!

And with the steps, it is possible to step on the empty!

Once you step in the air, people will fall!

The steps in front of Huo's house are not high, only three or four.

Huo Dabao rushed to the steps in three steps and two steps, stood up, and looked at the three or four steps again.

He raised his foot and tried to slap it on purpose. Then, his little body fell, and Gulu rolled into the yard!

It hurts!

However, there is an inexplicable feeling of stability in my heart!

Huo Dabao's immature face flashed a fierce light that did not match his age: Great! I have an idea!

Standing in the kitchen, across the window, I happened to see this scene in the yard.

The corner of Qiu Xiaoxue's mouth raised a strange arc. She held an iron spoon in her hand and scooped out a little white and delicate lard from the enamel basin.

The lard was heated in the pan, and the snow-white grease turned into a transparent liquid.

There was a slight smoke in the pot, and the unique aroma of lard permeated.

Qiu Xiaoxue picked up the iron pot and shook it gently. The hot oil covered the whole bottom of the pot, making the big iron pot look shiny, not to mention "lubricated"!

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