The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 835 Emergency Remedial Mission (End)

In the autumn, the side business of the advance brigade is in full swing.

The people of the entire production team were very busy. Some joined the first team to raise chickens and ducks, while others collected and planted herbs in the second team.

The two captains, Liu Zhiyuan and Su Chuanxin, quickly became the focus of public attention and praise.

Slowly, everyone's impression of these two people began to change——

Liu Zhiyuan is not as cautious as he has shown in the past, and he can also be complacent;

Su Chuanxin looked at the messenger, but he really had the ability to find the acquisition channel of the provincial capital.

The breeding of the farm requires a growth cycle. In the short term, it is difficult to see benefits, and the production team needs to pay a lot of expenses in advance;

However, the herbal team can pick wild ones first, and then wait for the herbs they plant to grow.

The sideline second team will be able to share dividends that year.

The villagers are not so short-sighted, but the contrast between the two teams is too obvious.

Slowly, there was some gossip in the brigade.

The second sideline team gradually surpassed the first sideline team and became the most valued sideline team in the production team.

The captain Su Chuanxin has risen even more, surpassing Liu Zhiyuan, who is safe and kind, and has become one of the "capable people" in the production team.

Su Chuanxin has a tendency to be on par with the captain.

Not to mention whether the captain Qiu Changshun has a lump in his heart, he can't sit still when he talks about Liu Zhiyuan, who was used as a comparison.

In order to build a farm, he applied for a lot of money from the brigade captain.

If you want to see benefits, at least you have to wait for the spring.

It can be several months at once, and breeding or something is too risky.

As the saying goes, "the family is rich, and those with hair are not counted".

All the horses on their farms are hairy.

When the weather is warm, a chicken plague can be finished.

As the person in charge, Liu Zhiyuan should take full responsibility.

He has always been cautious, and he seldom appeared in the past, just because he was afraid of accidents!

This time, he was fooled by Zhao Qingping, his mind became hot, and he really took such a big job.

When he first became a team leader, he was naturally proud and contented.

However, a lot of money was invested, but no results were seen in two or three months.

"Next door" there is another Su Chuanxin who compares with him. Liu Zhiyuan's heart hurts like being fried on an iron pan.

Without a clue in his heart, Liu Zhiyuan could only come to his "strategist".

Zhao Qingping:  …

Damn, the agent chosen this time is really a bit misleading.

Of course, he can also quibble: his opponent Su Chuanxin is too powerful.

Tsk tsk, as expected of the future richest man in the original plot.

This way of doing business, this vision, strategy, management, etc., is far surpassing ordinary cannon fodder!

It's a pity that he was a step late and let "Banxia" take the lead.

Now that things have developed to this point, Zhao Qingping has a vague guess—

The identity of "Panxia" seems to be no problem, but in fact it is a big problem.

And this person feels a little familiar to him, well, very much like a certain person.

The last game, he won;

And this game, he seems to lose it!

Soon, Zhao Qingping's hunch came true——

Qiu Xiaoxue got divorced and returned to the advance team.

Just in the twelfth lunar month, just a few days before the Chinese New Year, Qiu Xiaoxue returned to Qiujiaping alone.

At this time, it has entered the winter leisure season, and even the two sideline teams have temporarily suspended work.

Except for the people on duty who take turns to guard, most of the villagers are at home and busy with the New Year!

The return of Qiu Xiaoxue has suddenly become the focus of the villagers who are in a hurry.

Not to mention the Qiu family—

"What's the matter? Okay, why did the Huo family leave you?"

Mr. Qiu's face was gloomy. He finally got involved with the Huo family.

Over the years, relying on the Huo family, the old Qiu family has gained a lot of benefits.

This year, I finally relied on marrying my granddaughter,

It turned Qiu and Huo from "life acquaintances" into closer in-laws.

Mr. Qiu was thinking about how to make a future for his grandchildren, but Qiu Xiaoxue was, just like that, dismissed? !

"Grandpa, it's not Hugh! It's divorce!"

Hearing the word "Hugh", Qiu Xiaoxue's heart seemed to be stabbed.

What is going on, it makes it seem like she was kicked out by the Huo family.

Uh, well, it does.

However, the self-respecting Qiu Xiaoxue refused to admit that she had become the expelled concubine.

She pinched her neck and corrected Mr. Qiu's words.

Then, she obfuscated her own fault, and deliberately pointed the contradiction to the eccentricity and worldly prejudice of the Huo family.

"It's hard for the stepmother! I took all my heart and heart to the three children. Xiaoya is okay, she has always been obedient!"

"Dabao and Xiaobao listened to the instigation of outsiders and decided that I was a bad woman. From the day I married Huo Yuanzheng, they began to pick on and make trouble..."

"I don't care, no matter what, no matter what I do, there are people gossiping!"

"...I'm just too stupid, or my sister is smarter. People knew from the beginning that the Huo family was a fire pit, and would rather regret the marriage than marry!"

"It's not like me, I only know how to listen to the elders..."

Qiu Xiaoxue didn't mean to throw the blame, she really felt wronged.

The old man Qiu and the Qiu family felt very harsh.

Especially Qiu's father and Qiu's mother——

"Xiaoxue, what do you mean? You mean that you were kicked out by the Huo family to endure hardship for our Gu Yu?"

Mother Qiu has been living quite happily recently.

The daughter has married a good husband who loves her daughter-in-law, and the second-rate child in the past has become a well-known capable person in the production team.

I don't know how many people in the brigade praised Guyu as "Wang Fu".

Isn't it "Wang Fu"?

Before Gu Yu married Su Chuanxin, how bad was his reputation?

Second-rate, small gangsters, not doing their job properly, not doing their duty... So many infamy, all of which have been added to Su Chuanxin's head.

But since Gu Yu passed through their house, Su Chuanxin seemed to have changed.

He built a new house, bought a bicycle, and became the captain of the sideline team.

When I became the captain, within three months, I started to distribute money to the villagers.

When I went to the brigade to collect money that day, Mother Qiu was surrounded by a group of people.

The praise and kind words I heard were countless.

It can be said that that day was the most beautiful and proud day of Mother Qiu's past half life!

And these were brought to her by her good son-in-law.

The current Mother Qiu is not too satisfied with Su Chuanxin.

Huo Yuanzheng or something was thrown behind by Mother Qiu.

However, Mother Qiu didn't care, but she couldn't let Qiu Xiaoxue talk nonsense.

Her family's Gu Yu is able to have today, all because Gu Yu is lucky.

Mother Qiu didn't forget that after Qiu Xiaoxue married Huo Yuanzheng, the pride of the second room, as well as the accusations and rumors Gu Yu suffered.

At that time, why didn't Qiu Xiaoxue say that he "snatched" his cousin's good marriage?

Now that he was driven back by the man, he began to accuse Qiu Guyu of not regretting the marriage!

She, what does she mean?

Qiu Xiaoxue:  …

She didn't want to dump the blame, she just wanted to talk nonsense and didn't want to tell her family that she was forced to divorce by her husband's family because she made a big mistake.

Qiu Xiaoxue refused to tell the truth, and the Qiu family were not fools.

Mr. Qiu's face was even more ugly. He had a hunch that it was his bastard granddaughter who made a fool of himself.

The Huo family couldn't bear it anymore, and this was how--

Alas, what a wrong move, Xiaoxue should not be allowed to marry into the Huo family.

Well now, Xiaoxue has been suspended, and it is estimated that their relationship with the Huo family will be difficult to restore to the past.

Qiu's father and Qiu's mother secretly exchanged glances, "I can see it, Xiaoxue must have done something wrong, and then he was kicked back!"

Even Second Uncle Qiu and Second Aunt Qiu are also full of bad feelings.

However, no matter how much you guess, it is a fact that Qiu Xiaoxue was driven back.

And for the reputation of Qiu Xiaoxue and even the entire Qiu family, the Qiu family must cooperate with Qiu Xiaoxue.

"Oh, we are country people, we are not worthy of others!"

"The stepmother is embarrassed. Two six- or seven-year-old children were at their most disobedient, and we Xiaoxue suffered great grievances!"

"...I can't bear it anymore, so I got divorced! Yes! Divorce, it wasn't because I was driven back. Xiaoxue also brought a lot of things back!"

The Qiu family began to go out of the house and took the initiative to complain to their neighbors and villagers about their grievances.

So, soon the entire production team knew the "truth":

Being a stepmother Qiu Xiaoxue was very difficult, being looked down upon and bullied by others.

Qiu Xiaoxue couldn't bear it anymore, so she resisted and divorced!

Crowd: ...

Believe it or not, it doesn't matter.

No matter what Qiu Xiaoxue did, it was an unchanging fact that he became the second marriage head.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with the second marriage.

Qiu Xiaoxue is not yet twenty years old, young, beautiful, and has no children.

They also went to high school and went to a big city to gain experience.

And perhaps after a divorce, Qiu Xiaoxue let go.

She now has the charm of a ripe peach from her bones.

Not to mention the young people in the three villages, they are the educated youths who are educated youths, and they are a little fascinated when they see her.

Less than three days after Qiu Xiaoxue returned, matchmakers began to come to propose marriage.

When Qiu Xiaoxue goes out, there will be some young or mature men who "ran into" with her.

It has become the focus of attention of the opposite sex again, and Qiu Xiaoxue's vanity as a woman has been fully satisfied.

"Oh, it's a pity, my mother has already had a goal, you natives, you are not worthy of this writer!"

Qiu Xiaoxue rejected those matchmakers who proposed marriage because she had just returned and needed to take care of herself.

Her goal is Zhao Qingping!

Don't get me wrong, Qiu Xiaoxue didn't want to pursue Zhao Qingping, but to defeat him.

The task of becoming a big heroine is almost a failure, Qiu Xiaoxue can still save it by "expelling wild writers"!

Zhao Qingping:  …


Qiu Xiaoxue, are you being stupid?

You and I are of the same kind, yes, "colleagues".

Why don't you talk about finding a real wild writer, but you came to oppose me? !

However, Zhao Qingping's character is timid, cowardly, and a proper transparent person.

The previous wave of rumors caused by Liu Zhiyuan has exposed him to some extent.

Now coupled with a crazy critic of Qiu Xiaoxue, how can he still hide himself? !

If he didn't do anything, Qiu Xiaoxue would do anything to target her.

If he fights back, he will collapse.

The world consciousness will surely find these two "stowaways".

If that time comes, he and Qiu Xiaoxue will both be ejected from this small world by the world consciousness without the need for "wild writers"!

Hemp egg!

Simply incomprehensible!

The current Zhao Qingping, slow to continue to attack his suspected target "Panxia", he can't even "self-protect".

Zhao Qingping was extremely irritable, but Qiu Xiaoxue increased her horsepower to "chasing after victory".

She even prepared to sacrifice herself and "hammered" Zhao Qingping to death.

Hmph, you have become a hooligan who bullies girls, I see how you can "counterattack" and how to complete the task? !

Zhao Qingping felt Qiu Xiaoxue's madness, and he didn't want to be entangled with such an idiot anymore.

Anyway, failure once is not an unbearable consequence for him!

Riding the horse, labor and capital admit defeat! 】

Zhao Qingping made a decisive decision and pulled Qiu Xiaoxue, who was about to frame him, out of the novel world together.

"Ding! The mission to obliterate the wild writers was successful!"

He Tiantian was at home, chatting with Mrs. Qiu while shaking the Lantern Festival.

In the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, such a prompt sound suddenly sounded?


"Successful erasure"?

He Tiantian refused this murder mission.

The system re-issued her a task of becoming a big heroine.

Also, she, she didn't do anything, how could the annihilation succeed? !

Just then, a gong sounded outside—

"Boom! Boom! Zhao Zhiqing and the niece of the Qiu family went into the mountain and didn't come back for two days. The big guy helped go up the mountain to find it!"

"Gather, gather, go save people!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Along with the sound of the gong, Village Chief Su also shouted in a loud voice.

He Tiantian and Mrs. Qiu both stopped and turned their ears to listen to the movement on the street.

Qiu Guyu, who was next door, also stuck her head out, and she heard "the daughter of the Qiu family" in a trance.

who is it?

Qiu Xiaoxue or another cousin? !

He Tiantian put down the basket in her hand, and inside the basket were Yuanxiao.

Well, in the north, the Lantern Festival is not wrapped, but shaken with a basket dipped in water.

He Tiantian didn't know much, and it was Mrs. Qiu's disgusting nagging while guiding her, and she did it step by step.

At this time, she didn't care to continue shaking the Lantern Festival, and she came to the yard.

Prick up your ears and continue to listen carefully.

"Boom! Boom! Assemble, go to the mountains to find someone. Everyone, help, help!"

Village Chief Su's voice went from far to near, and from near to far.

He Tiantian finally heard clearly, and roughly guessed the truth.

For some unknown reason, Zhao Qingping and Qiu Xiaoxue went to the deep mountains together.

He didn't come back for two days and two nights. The educated youth from the educated youth point and the Qiu family searched around the periphery, but they couldn't find any trace, so they had to run to find the captain.

The captain sent a message and asked people from the three villages to go into the mountain to help find someone.

Thinking of the prompt sound he heard just now, He Tiantian's expression was gloomy and inexplicable—

Zhao Qingping and Qiu Xiaoxue should be "dead"!

Their deaths, He Tiantian didn't do it personally, but he couldn't get rid of it.

After all, the secret rumors and the "wild writer" Zhao Qingping "discovered" by Qiu Xiaoxue were all written by He Tiantian.

They perished together and rounded up, which is also the credit of He Tiantian...

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