The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter eight hundred and fortieth new drama

"Smart bracelet! I am your 'guardian'!"

He Tiantian posted a video on her meager account.

Her fans and netizens are a little confused——

what's going on?

Either do the missing business, or just like an advertising account spamming advertisements and making bad money? !

This, this really doesn't match the identity of the new movie Xiaohua.

It's very demeaning, isn't it?

However, out of curiosity, everyone still clicked on the video ad.

Then, they were even more confused——

who I am?

where am i?

What did I just see?

"Today doesn't seem to be April Fool's Day, so why publish such a deceiving video?"

"9494, the special effects are well done, and it's worth fifty cents!"

"The upstairs said that the special effects are fifty cents. It's not a loss? He Xiaohua's video special effects are worth at least one dollar."

"...Is there a possibility that this is the promotional flower for the new drama?"

"Huh? There are so many brains upstairs, it's not impossible!"

"Bah! He's a hothead again. Speaking of which, in the current entertainment industry, don't people have a minimum bottom line?"

"Yes, even if you send a message of cheering or donating money to the injured girl, it is much better than sending such a bad video!"

"Fan turns black! Fen turns black! God hates this kind of hype that has no bottom line!"

"It's well said upstairs, I always only give praise to soldiers and scientists, those actors are not worthy of it at all!"

He Tiantian's comment area exploded.

Some were surprised, some doubted, and some accused and abused.

And brainless black.

Anyway, just relying on these netizens, He Tiantian's meager article was actually put on the hot search list.

Although it was just hanging on the tail, it became a hot topic anyway.

He Tiantian's reputation has changed from being red at the beginning to black and red.

Before, some people praised He Tiantian for her good acting skills and high education. She is a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

Now, some people are questioning He Tiantian's fraud, and it is also dedicated to the official account of @京大大学.

"Tiantian, what's your situation? Why did you suddenly post such a video?"

The first "friend in the circle" to call He Tiantian, no surprise, was Director Feng Jing.

Director Feng had already felt He Tiantian's energy and wanted to have a second cooperation.

His royal editors are all picking up bald-headed liver scripts. He Tiantian, the movie Xiaohua, who has been appointed as the heroine by him, actually made such news.

Feng Jing was not worried that He Tiantian would "overturn", he was just curious and doubtful.

"I have a technology entertainment company, which is a new product developed by the company."

He Tiantian is succinct: Dear, I just advertise my own products!

Feng Jing: ...

All right!

You are a boss, you are self-willed, and you cheat!

Feng Jing didn't say a word, directly forwarded He Tiantian's meager, and deliberately added three words: "Give the link!"

Feng Jing made a statement, he supports He Tiantian!

The person next to Feng Jing is Cheng Yiming.

In fact, Cheng Yiming was only a few seconds slower. When he called He Tiantian, the phone display showed.

After He Tiantian finished chatting with Feng Jing, Cheng Yiming's phone number came in immediately.

"Sweet, if you are short of money and endorsements, I can help you find a way!"

Cheng Yiming deserves to be a well-known person in the circle.

Don't look at the sudden ups and downs of his acting skills, and he was once hacked by the whole network, but he has a very good reputation in the circle.

The popularity and connections are not bad at all!

The circle does not say what his character is, but Cheng Yiming is really kind and warm-hearted.

"Brother Cheng, I'm not short of money or endorsements. This is a product of my own company, it's real black technology, not false advertising!"

He Tiantian felt Cheng Yiming's kindness and naturally would not hide it.

Cheng Yiming: "Huh? You, your own company's products?"

It's not random advertising, nor is it just bad money.

But, but,

It's more dangerous, isn't it?

If you just received an unreliable advertisement, it is unknowing that the star can still shirk.

At most, it's a loss of a good reputation.

If the marketing is done well, maybe you can buy a miserable one and earn a wave of sympathy.

But if it produces counterfeit and shoddy products at home, then, it can't be washed away.

This is directly stepping on the red line, properly digging one's own grave.

"Brother Cheng, don't worry, my product is fine!"

He Tiantian heard the worry in Cheng Yiming's words and said with a smile, "You'll find out later!"

Cheng Yiming:  …

He is indeed kind and willing to take care of and support the younger generation.

But, if he encounters someone who doesn't listen to persuasion, he can't do anything about it.

It's not a very close relationship after all, it's just a friend who has cooperated once and can still talk to each other.

Cheng Yiming can remind again and again that he is already caring about friendship.

As for what He Tiantian said, Cheng Yiming didn't quite believe it.

How can there be "no problem"?

Cheng Yiming watched that video several times.

Every time he watched it, he suspected it was a special effect.

Where is the "light" that can control the mob?

Smart alarm? Global Positioning?

Today's technology is indeed advanced, but it should not be so advanced.

Although he was suspicious in his heart, Cheng Yiming couldn't help but be worried and curious.

He opened Meager again, thinking about helping He Tiantian stand on the stage.

Even if you don't explicitly support it, you can "swipe" to give a like.

However, when a meager page flashed on the screen of the mobile phone, Cheng Yiming was attracted by the new hot search at first sight——

"The Chinese Academy of Sciences officially praised He Tiantian!"

"Official media: smart bracelets do exist and apply for patents!"

Cheng Yiming:  …

What the hell!

what's going on?

He hurriedly clicked on the top of the hot search, and then he was completely stunned.

Also, it is really like the official accounts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other official accounts, and reposted He Tiantian's meager.

Are smart bracelets really useful?

Maybe not as magical as in the video, but it also has a certain protective effect?

Of course, as a first-line star who has cooperated with security companies for a long time and has bodyguards when traveling, Cheng Yiming is not worried about his own safety.

He also suspects that the video exaggerated the "advertising effect".

However, with the official voice, Cheng Yiming believed it a little bit.

Follow the prompts and find the official mall of he entertainment technology company.

Ahem, the huge official mall has only one product—

Guardian One!

Cheng Yiming felt more and more that He Tiantian's technology company was unreliable. Look at this website, it's full of copycat style.

Where is the high-end atmosphere of a technology company? !

And the price of this product is only 99.

Please, dear, you are a high-tech product, special effects, ah, no, because the advertising is so awesome, you should set a price of 9999 for the promotion fee.

It's not that the price is deliberately high, but the price is too low, people will not believe it.

99 yuan, the kind of sports bracelet that can only record a calorie, is not only the price.

"Forget it, the little girl is quite assertive. If I talk too much, I'll be annoying!"

Cheng Yiming shook his head, ready to take a random photo, as a support for a friend.

As for helping with forwarding, advertising, etc., let's wait.

Cheng Yiming thought that such a fake website with such a low price should be easy to buy.

But soon, Cheng Yiming discovered that just such a gadget that sells for 99, it actually needs to authenticate the ID card.

The purchase instructions also emphasized that only one ID card can be purchased, and those with forged or false information will all be disqualified from purchase and will be blacklisted!

Cheng Yiming:  …

This is a bit of a black technology product.

It just feels a little overkill.

Who would forge identity information for such an unreliable thing?

In other words, just binding the ID card as a relief can dissuade many netizens who try it out of curiosity.

Even Cheng Yiming himself, if he didn't want to help his friends, would not continue to register the relevant information of his ID card.

Ahem, he is someone who has installed the national anti-fraud app, and he has heard and seen a lot of scams in society.

"Forget it, let's help her this time—"

Cheng Yiming comforted himself like this while entering his ID number.

However, when he finally persuaded himself to fill in his ID number and prepare to submit it, he found that he had failed.

what's the situation?

Cheng Yiming exited the purchase page, refreshed it, and found that the 100,000 items that had been marked in stock just now were sold out in a few minutes.

I have to say that the timing of He Tiantian's release of the smart bracelet is really good.

It is no wonder that some netizens denounced her for "rubbing traffic".

The incident with the girl who ran in the morning was too big, and netizens thought of themselves and felt a sense of crisis.

Some people buy rings with needlepoints on the Internet, not to mention high-tech products with official help platforms.

Anyway, the price is not expensive, even if it really can't be protected, it can be used as a sports bracelet.

One word, buy!

An inventory of 100,000 sounds like a lot, but for China, which has a huge population base, it simply cannot withstand "looting".

"Notify the factory, work overtime, and make up the inventory in the shortest possible time!"

The boss Tan Rou, who finally got the product, has been sharpening his knife for a long time.

In particular, she experienced the magic of a Guardian No. 1 first-hand, which made her even more confident.

There is also the support of the state Baba behind it.

Factories, raw materials... Tan Rou's negotiation is not too easy.

In just one week, Guardian One was successfully put into production, and 100,000 pieces were in stock.

He Tiantian had already gone to Beijing University to participate in the freshmen enrollment and conducted military training. The production and sales of Guardian No. 1 were all handed over to Tan Rou.

Tan Rou has lived up to He Tiantian's trust, and her marketing, promotion, and management work is orderly.

In addition to online sales, she also plans to build flagship stores and specialty stores in first-tier and quasi-first-tier cities.

He entertainment technology company is developing at a speed unimaginable to ordinary people.

And then, one video after another suddenly broke out on the Internet, which even pushed he and the Guardian No. 1 to the forefront.

Encountered by a pervert on the bus, the smart bracelet attacked directly. An honest man who looked like a decent man was actually a habitual offender and was "executed" in public.

The old lady who was walking in the park with her child came across a human trafficker who robbed the child. A light circle flew out and directly subdued the trafficker. The demon spirit was called to the police in time, and it took a few minutes to arrive at the scene.

The girl who carpools with people late at night...

A well-behaved boy who does homework with a teacher trusted by his parents...

Introverted student bullied by classmates...

The appearance of one video and the reports provided by the police all prove the powerful role of Guardian One.

Of course, while everyone was amazed, praised, and touted, some people expressed "worry"——

The smart bracelet is not a human, and its judgment of "good and evil" is accurate or not?

Even human beings cannot guarantee that their judgments are accurate.

After all, the human heart is too complicated, and the boundaries between good and evil are sometimes not so clear.

Children think that the teacher is too strict and is a kind of "evil".

For teachers and parents, strict teaching is the real consideration for children.

As a rigid program, the smart bracelet can be so smart, oh no, it can be "universal" to be exact.

If you catch a good person by mistake, although you won't be hurt, your reputation will definitely be affected.

If one does not get it right, he will be attacked by the Internet and will be killed by the society.

He Tiantian was well prepared, and before going to Beijing University to apply, she left Tan Rou with sufficient information.

The "controversies" on the Internet such as Tan Rou are almost fermented. Many celebrities and experts have jumped out to speak out. The Guardian No. 1 has occupied the hot search for three consecutive days, and then the information is released one by one.

"Guardian One has the most advanced and complete micro-expression recognition system, and it can also monitor heartbeat, body temperature, and all the subtle changes in the body!"

And these, can determine whether a person has evil thoughts.

After all, no matter how strict a teacher is, when he disciplines his students, it is impossible to have abnormal hormone changes.

Perhaps this kind of identification is not foolproof, and there are always so few and very individual.

But there is a high probability that the real villain can still be identified.

Compared with the role it can play to protect the weak, the negligible probability of failure is simply not worth mentioning.

Compared with the actual effect, the "worry" of those so-called experts is more like standing and talking without back pain, and it is the modern version of "why not eat minced meat".

All the netizens, as well as those consumers who have purchased the Guardian One, and even the beneficiaries, all support the Guardian One, and then support he.

Even He Tiantian, a little star who was once scolded for bad money, was liked by netizens.

Her meager fans have directly exceeded 3 million, and she has become a new flower in the second and third tiers.

Feng Jing became more and more anxious. He Tiantian had already mastered the traffic password, which was the time of prosperity.

"Breaking Dawn also successfully painted, giving the director Feng Jing another dazzling record.

With persistent efforts at this time, he and He Tiantian will definitely be able to achieve each other.

It's just that the new script is always so unsatisfactory.

He Tiantian also started college life, and Feng Jingchou's forehead became brighter.

On this day, it is estimated that He Tiantian's military training is over, Feng Jing dialed He Tiantian's mobile phone——

"New script? Anti-drug theme?"

After hearing Feng Jing's words, He Tiantian couldn't help but develop a little interest...

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