The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and sixtieth chapters re-enter the world of magic sticks (2)

"Sweet, what do you want to buy?"

Xiao D students are purely curious.

He Tiantian's fingers paused slightly and did not continue to search.

Cough, before letting Xiao D know her intentions, she still needs to fudge the other party.

"Let me consider!"

He Tiantian coped with the lake, and then asked: "Xiao D, custom task, I can choose to traverse nodes, and traverse identities, right?"

"..." Little D was about to say the right thing, but he quickly thought that he had just been spat out by the main system, and 5 points had been deducted.

It hesitated immediately.

Seeing Xiao D's babble and hesitant appearance, He Tiantian knew that the flickering might not go well this time.

She hurriedly took out the last task as an example, "I can choose my last task by myself!"

"Little D, it's also a custom task. It was possible last time, and it should be possible this time."

Xiao D subconsciously wanted to nod again, but at the critical moment, it still reacted, "...Sweet, it's different!"

He Tiantian:  …

Oh wow! Little D has become shrewd.

She pretended to be puzzled, "Why is it different? It's all custom tasks—"

Before He Tiantian could finish speaking, Xiao D shook his head and said, "Of course it's different! The last task was greatly appointed by the readers as a writer to complete, and it is a customized task exclusively for you!"

"And this time the task is a new task triggered by the novel world you have completed, and it is not necessarily exclusive to you!"

Burning text

The former is unique and cannot be replaced, while the latter can be done by other writers.

...The importance of the system is different, and the "inclusiveness" of the system to He Tiantian is also different!

For the former, the system can release water a little to give He Tiantian some privileges.

And this time, it's not so "lucky"!

The system also pays attention to principles.

He Tiantian:  …

She knew it would be like this. Originally, she wanted to fool Xiao D into agreeing on her own accord before she could react.

Unexpectedly, this time, Xiao D's brain suddenly became so bright!

Geez, it turns out that the worse it is to lie.

"Sweet, in fact, whether it's your ability or your achievement points, you can already level up!"

"You can simply be promoted to Samsung Contributor. In this way, you can choose the script and decide on your own which nodes to traverse!"

Seeing that He Tiantian was silent, and his whole body was full of dissatisfaction, Xiao D hurriedly made suggestions to He Tiantian.

"..." He Tiantian sighed, it seems that it is impossible not to upgrade.

For the autonomy of this and future tasks, she must have a certain amount of initiative.

And upgrading to become a Samsung contributor is imperative.

"Okay, let's upgrade then!"

He Tiantian sighed, and there was a bit of resignation in his tone.

Xiao D hurriedly agreed, lest He Tiantian go back on it, "Okay! Upgrade to Samsung—"

"Uh, wait, sweet, your achievement points are still 1,000 points away. If you want to upgrade to Samsung, you must have more than 20,000 achievement points."

He Tiantian subconsciously opened her personal panel and carefully checked her account.

Also, what a coincidence, she now has a total of 19,000 achievement points, which is just 1,000 points away from 20,000 points.

He Tiantian looked suspiciously at classmate D. She didn't speak, but her eyes had already explained everything——

Honey, are you sure you didn't mean to?

Why do I smell conspiracy?

Classmate D: "You're wronged! Sweet, I, I'm a mentally handicapped assistant, how can I count you?"

"The achievement points required to upgrade Samsung contributors are the dead rules of the system, and I can't change this!"

"And the achievement point rewards you get every time you complete a task are also recorded in the book. As long as you check a little and add up the total, you can get a definite answer!"


Little D classmates are unable to intervene.

He Tiantian still didn't speak, she silently opened the reward details of achievement points, and began to calculate silently in her heart.

After a full five minutes passed, He Tiantian secretly added and added a series of numbers, and then found silently: 19,000 points are really on the horse.

"It's still 1000 points away, what should I do?"

Although He Tiantian believed in Xiao D's innocence, she still had an inexplicable feeling.

So, she deliberately asked this question.

Xiao D hurriedly ran the kernel, desperately checked the data, and followed the old example. After a while, it said a little unnaturally, "Yes, there is a way!"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows and hugged her chest, in a "I listen to you flickering" gesture.

Xiao D swallowed a mouthful of spit, and with the half-step villain's eyes intimidating, he said cautiously, "According to the system regulations, you can use some mother coins to buy achievement points. The exchange ratio between the two is 10:1."

He Tiantian calculated silently, nodded and said, "Oh, I see. In other words, I have to spend 10,000 points to exchange for 1,000 achievement points?"

"Yes!" Braving the scalp, Xiao D spit out the word with difficulty.

He Tiantian fell into silence again.

She didn't speak, but the aura around her was very strong.

Classmate D shrank desperately, wishing he could shrink his hairballs even smaller, so small that He Tiantian couldn't see them!

Woohoo, sweetness is getting stronger and stronger.

She is used to being a villain, and she has a kind of arrogance and arrogance.

He Tiantian:  …

These are all outrageous adjectives.

Seeing that Xiao D's classmate was clearly shivering with fear, but still refused to let go, He Tiantian knew that this matter was not negotiable.

never mind! never mind!

Let the system take advantage of it this time.

"Okay! Then redeem achievement points and level up!"

At the moment when classmate D was about to be unable to bear it, He Tiantian spoke up.


The little D classmate of "the rest of the life" exhaled a sigh of relief.

Then, it turned into a happy hair ball, "Okay! Redeem 1000 achievement points!"

"Successful exchange!"

"Upgrade Samsung Writer--"

"update successed!"

"Haha, sweet, you're already a Samsung writer, it's amazing, you've only signed a contract for less than three years, and you have such a breakthrough!"

Little D classmate saw two more little stars next to He Tiantian's ID, and was immediately proud.

Hey, such an excellent writer is a friend of his little D classmate.

Its little classmate D has witnessed He Tiantian's growth and rise with his own eyes. Rounding up, Tiantian's achievements also have a little credit!

"Okay, can I choose to traverse nodes and traverse identities on my own?"

He Tiantian doesn't really feel bad for those rewards, she enjoys the process of fighting wits and courage with the system even more.

"Yes! Sweet, as a Samsung contributor, of course you can choose these!"

Xiao D students hurriedly answered.

He Tian dessert nodded and didn't speak any more, but continued to open the Dianniang mall and began to search for products.

"Return to Yuanyuan?"

Xiao D came to He Tiantian's side, blinked her big eyes, and watched her operate.

When it saw what He Tiantian was looking for, it couldn't help but blurt out a shout.

"Tiantian, what are you doing in exchange for this? Wait, are you still obsessed with this exercise?"

Little D classmate thought that when He Tiantian first entered the world of magic sticks, he was quite critical of Tiandao (both novel consciousness).

This set of exercises is an opportunity specially reserved for the heroine by Heavenly Dao.

He Tiantian dispatched hundreds of ghosts to help, and searched every corner of Guiyuan Temple, but couldn't find it.

But the female ghost in red who contracted by the heroine was easily found.

Although, He Tiantian took the opportunity to obliterate the female ghost in red and took back the Guiyuan Jue.

However, due to the suppression of heaven and the constraints of the plot, He Tiantian, He Qingfeng and others could not start cultivation.

In the heroine's place, it is the return to the origin of the god-level exercises. In the hands of the He's father and daughter, it is like a tasteless existence.

At that time, little D classmate felt He Tiantian's anger towards the way of heaven, and his dedication to the practice of Guiyuan Jue.

Unexpectedly, so many small worlds have passed, and He Tiantian's feelings of belonging to the characters in the play have also been pulled away, but now He Tiantian still wants to get the return to the Yuan Jue.

"Yeah! I just never forget this exercise!"

He Tiantian didn't explain her purpose, and followed Xiao D's words, Han Hu's perfunctory.

In fact, He Tiantian is more accustomed to Wuji Jue, and does not have to buy it herself.


First of all, Wuji Jue is a practice method created by the young master. He Tiantian re-enters the world of magic sticks to do tasks, and rashly cultivates, it is easy to cause trouble.

Hehe, is it really a fool who is good at talking?

Can she make it through the lake with any excuse she makes?

Little Martial Uncle is just a modest gentleman, gentle and kind, not easy to fool.

Second, He Tiantian wanted to further verify her guess. She had never practiced Guiyuan Jue, so it was the most suitable for her to use it as an experiment!

However, Guiyuan Jue is a god-level exercise, and its price in the system mall is also very "god".

"286 points?"

He Tiantian's eyes were fixed on those numbers.

She had a discount card, which was automatically converted: 28.6 points.

Dianniang Mall follows the principle of rounding, that is to say, if He Tiantian wants to buy this exercise, the final price is 29 points!


It hurts so much!

Her last mission was a custom mission exclusively for her, and the reward was super high, and she only got 30 points.

Now it's better, a set of exercises, let her do the last task in vain.

"Tiantian, Guiyuan Jue is a god-level exercise, and it's no worse than Little Martial Uncle's Promise Decision!"

Seeing that He Tiantian's face was full of pain, Xiao D hurriedly explained carefully, "This set of exercises can also be practiced from entry to ascension!"

"In addition, Guiyuan Jue is not a single cultivation method. In addition to Guiyuan Gong, it also has a complete collection of Talismans."

"Tiantian, don't forget, the patriarch of Guiyuan Temple was famous for his talisman, and he used the Guiyuan Art to fly to the Immortal Realm."

So, this exercise is really good.

Moreover, He Tiantian is lucky enough, she has a discount card and a discount card.

If you change to other writers, if you want to buy this exercise, you can only get 286 points at the original price.

That is so expensive!

He Tiantian:  …

Well, if she thought so, her aching heart was indeed comforted.

"Okay, don't talk about it, exchange it!"

He Tiantian waved her hand and said resignedly.

"Okay, exchange the return to the original formula!"

Xiao D's cheerful mechanical sound sounded, and then, He Tiantian's points were deducted by 29.

And in her hand, there is an extra scroll.

He Tiantian did not rush to take it out.

She first left the library space and returned to reality to take a look.

It was still her bedroom in the Beijing Central Courtyard, where He Tiantian appeared out of thin air, but the surroundings were silent, and no one noticed anything unusual in the room.

He Tiantian turned around, confirming that only a few minutes had passed, and Yuan Mei in the next room was still in deep sleep.

He Tiantian was relieved, she dug out a new set of Taoist robes from the closet, and put on her gold earrings with plain circles.

At this time, He Tiantian exchanged the Guiyuan Jue, and then held it tightly in her hand.

Getting ready, He Tiantian said to classmate D, "Okay, I still choose to wear it this time!"


Classmate D obediently agreed.

After another turbulence, He Tiantian once again experienced the crazy speed of a supercentrifuge.

As if passing through the turbulent flow of time and space, He Tiantian's soul was shaken to the point of being thrown out of his body.

After a while, the violent shaking suddenly stopped.


He Tiantian was thrown from the air.

He Tiantian has had one and a half experiences, and she is ready.

At the moment when the body is in the air, try to adjust the posture of the body, bend, hold the head with both hands, and after the body touches the ground, she rolls on the spot.

After removing most of the strength of the downstroke, He Tiantian rolled around on the ground in embarrassment, and finally landed smoothly.

He Tiantian did not dare to stay too long, because the time node she chose was 50 years ago.

And at this time, everyone knows it.

He Tiantian was afraid that someone around her would find her in a weird costume, and she stood up numbly, ignoring the pain of her body being rubbed against the ground.

I looked around, not bad, not bad, the crossing location was also chosen by He Tiantian in advance—in the deep mountains of Nanshan.

The straight-line distance from Guiyuan View here is not too far, only a few dozen miles away.

However, this piece is a mountainous area, the small mountains are connected to the mountains, and there are deep mountains in the mountains.

It's inaccessible, it's wild with wild beasts, and it's... a perfect place to hide.

He Tiantian was sure that the environment was safe, so he started to check his "equipment"——

The plain gold earrings worn in the pierced ears are still there!

The exercise scroll that he has been holding tightly in his hand is still there!

Gently stroking the scroll, He Tiantian showed a satisfied smile: "Not bad! Really good! I guessed right!"

Commodities purchased from the system mall can escape the screening of the system and can be brought into the world of novels with the real body.

"Very good! With the scroll, I can practice well!"

As for the real body transmigration or something, even in the novel world, the skills learned will become her own.

This means that she has one more copy of learning skills and improving herself.

Having thoroughly mastered the Yuanyuan Secret Art, she will have sufficient confidence.

In the future, even if the system changes and all the skills given by the system are erased, she still has these things that she understands and masters.

At present, she has mastered Chinese medicine.

Next, she has to practice the Yuanyuan Secret Art.

Just like what Xiao D said, Guiyuan Jue doesn't have to be Wuji Jue, it has one more Talisman Daquan than Wuji Jue...

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