The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and seventieth chapters re-enter the world of magic sticks (5)

"Old tree, thank you!"

He Tiantian sincerely thank you.

In fact, in He Tiantian's original plan, after she walked out of the deep mountain, she would not directly enter the village, but go to the cemetery first.

Her thoughts are almost the same as the advice given by Ginkgo Tree—

Find an old ghost who has an unfulfilled wish, and help him make his wish.

In this way, its family will naturally give a certain reward.

Even if you don't have money, tickets and other items, you have to get a set of clothes that normal people wear.

It doesn't matter if it's broken or bad, as long as she can get out of the mountain village smoothly and head to the county seat!

She also has two plain gold earrings, which can be exchanged for a few dollars.

I want to solve the problem of salt and food.

She lives in the mountains, and there are treasures everywhere.

As long as He Tiantian takes a little time away from her practice, she will be able to gain a lot in the future.

In this way, the livelihood problem will be satisfactorily resolved.

Of course, this is the most pessimistic idea.

On the other hand, being optimistic is that she has truly helped the people at the foot of the mountain by means of metaphysics, and those people will naturally reciprocate!

He Tiantian paid the labor and accepted the remuneration reasonably, no problem!

However, He Tiantian is still very grateful to the ginkgo tree. People don't know what they think, but they still give very good suggestions.

But for a kindness, He Tiantian should sincerely thank you!

"You little girl, you are an eccentric and eccentric. You were called an old senior just now, but now you have become an 'old tree'!"

The ginkgo tree complained angrily.

However, looking at his brows and smiles, he knew that he didn't really care.

Also, for an old tree that has lived for more than 2,000 years, the title is not important.

The most important thing to him is the human heart.

From his observation, this little girl in front of her, although she always likes to take advantage of her mouth, her heart is truly Chicheng and pure.

That's enough.

It's better than some conspirators who are shouting at the old predecessors and ancestors, but thinking about how to cut down this two-thousand-year-old tree into a magic weapon, or directly refine it!

"The old tree is more kind. I treat you as my own!"

He Tiantian smiled and chatted with the ginkgo tree.

I can't blame her for being too naughty. It's true that she spent more than a month alone in a remote mountain. She could only rely on herself to relieve her loneliness and maintain her ability to speak and think.

It's hard to come across someone who can talk, even if the other party is a tree, He Tiantian is willing to bicker and gossip with him.


The spirit body of that fat white boy in the ginkgo tree, with puffed cheeks, hugged his chest and raised his head angrily, how arrogant and arrogant he looked like.

He Tiantian's hands are so itchy, I really want to give him another hand.

However, reason to remind He Tiantian not to go too far!

Even if you want to RUA, you have to wait until you get to know each other really well.

"Oh, I'm so angry. I'm telling the truth. I will practice in the mountains in the future, and here, besides us, who else can talk?"

They are all neighbors, and they are all friends who can chat, rounded up, that is their own family!

The spirit body of the ginkgo tree wriggled his lips, and he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he still didn't say anything.

Although, he believed in his own vision and determined that He Tiantian was not a bad person.

However, the heart of defense is indispensable.

After all, it was the first time to chat, Ginkgo Tree was not 100% sure that He Tiantian was a good person.

If he easily exposes the existence of Xiao Dai and Xiao Bai, this little girl will have evil intentions, and he will be the murderer who killed Xiao Dai and Xiao Bai.

He Tiantian:  …

Gee, you are still hiding it!

Didn't you realize that you just missed the point?

Um, Dai?

It's a nickname.

I just don't know if this little Dai is a ghost, a ghost, or some other cultivator!

He Tiantian secretly wrote down the name.

There was no expression on her face.

After fighting with the ginkgo tree for a while, He Tiantian said goodbye and left.

"It's getting late, I'm going down the mountain quickly!"

Otherwise, the day will be wasted.

He Tiantian waved her claws at the ginkgo tree, luckily in her dantian, and the wind was blowing under her feet, like a bird, dexterously flying in the mountains and forests.

Different from the difficulties when going up the mountain, He Tiantian, who went down the mountain this time, was like a martial arts master in a martial arts drama. After a few jumps, he crossed a mountain.

A few more leaps and another mountain.

During this period, when He Tiantian passed by the stream or wild fruit trees, he stopped for a while.

Drink water, eat fruit, fill up the stomach, and then continue to fly up the tree, oh no, it's on the way.

In the evening, He Tiantian finally crossed the overlapping mountains and came to a nearby small mountain village.

He Tiantian stood on the hillside and saw rows of houses on the flat ground not far away.

Over the house, the smoke of the birds has risen.

There are also dogs barking and crowing, and the sounds of children playing, also following the mountain wind, faintly penetrated into He Tiantian's eardrums.

What a world of fireworks.

He Tiantian stayed alone in the forest for dozens of days, and finally saw the traces of human life again, and instinctively felt a kind of kindness.

However, now is not the time for her to enter the mountain village and return to the world.

He Tiantian turned around and went directly to the cemetery.

She is not a local, but she can accurately find the cemetery here.

The reason is very simple, she just needs to open her eyes and look for the place with the most yin qi and the most energy air masses of various colors.

According to the clues given by the ginkgo tree, He Tiantian found a burial bag in front of him.

In front of the tomb stands a stone tablet with the inscription "The Tomb of the Kind Father Niu Jizong".

Niu Jizong, hey, that's him!

He Tiantian stood still in front of the grave, silently reciting the soul-calling spell.

Not long after, a white shadow flew erratically from the direction of the village.

"Who? Who is looking for me?"

The white shadow hovered over his grave, watching He Tiantian, who was wearing a Taoist robe, warily.

"Heaven, Tianshi? Are you a Tianshi? Lord Tianshi, you're not here to arrest me, are you?"

"Injustice! Although I stay in the world, I have a reason!"

"I can't rest my eyes, I'm worried, I can't be reincarnated!"

"Tianshi, I beg you, don't accept me, I, I—"

The ghost, who looked forty or fifty years old, seemed to be greatly frightened.

Again and again, they bowed and begged for mercy.

He Tiantian would almost have believed it if it hadn't been stealthily looking for a way to escape while crying.

"Niu Jizong, isn't it!"

He Tiantian simply interrupted the old showman and went straight to the theme, "Don't worry, I'm not a celestial master, I'm just a passing cultivator."

"Looking at the ghostly atmosphere here, I know that there is an old ghost lingering in the world, so I want to find out!"

"You said just now that you're 'concerned', do you have any wishes?"

The middle-aged old ghost named Niu Jizong stopped crying when he heard He Tiantian's words.

He stared at He Tiantian with a pair of gray, innocent eyes.

After a long time, he made a thud and fell to his knees: "Immortal Master! You are an Immortal Master! Woohoo, I finally waited for you!"

"You must help me, in fact, my wish is not troublesome, just help me with a word to my son!"

"...Xianshi, don't worry, I understand the rules! If you help me, I, I will let my son repay you well!"

Niu Jizong's transparent face was filled with distress.

In the end, he still made up his mind, "Well, I'll give you 10% as a reward!"

One percent?

10% of what?

He Tiantian secretly wondered.

She did not rush to ask questions, because she knew that Niu Jizong would take the initiative to tell her.

He Tiantian nodded slightly, "Just bring a sentence? Not illegal, not against morals?"

He Tiantian still has a bottom line.

In case what the old ghost said, it violated the legal and moral bottom line.

If she helped to spread it, she would be jointly and severally responsible for any bad consequences.

"Dang, of course it's not illegal!"

Niu Jizong felt a little guilty, but then, he still stood up!

Well, although what he is going to do is not a good person who collects money without ignorance, it is not illegal.

After all, that incident was more than 30 years ago, and he had waited for more than ten years without waiting for the owner.

It shows that this thing has become an ownerless thing.

He didn't rob or steal, and he kept it for him, so the things should belong to him!

Moreover, Niu Jizong suspected that the package should be missed by bandits or deserters.

Maybe some ill-gotten gains.

He used it for his own use, and it could be considered to eliminate harm for the people.

He Tiantian:  …

After listening to Niu Jizong's words, she was a little speechless.

Uh, how should I put it, Niu Jizong's behavior is indeed not illegal, at most it is not enough to be a moral model.

Besides, when he picked up a bag of gold and silver jewelry in the mountains, it was still a time of war.

This should belong to the historical legacy.

It is estimated that Niu Jizong was in awe of his "immortal master" and did not lie.

If he said that it was something passed down by his ancestors, but for some reason, he was secretly buried in the mountains, He Tiantian could only hold her nose and believe it.

Forget it, no one can explain the issues left over from history.

And He Tiantian, who is used to being a villain, only has a minimum of three views and a moral bottom line.

Niu Jizong's request, He Tiantian readily accepted it.

"Thank you Xianshi, thank Xianshi!"

Niu Jizong thanked him again and again, "I'll entrust this matter to you!"

Saying so, Niu Jizong still closely followed He Tiantian.

Well, he has already told the little Taoist where the things were buried.

If a small Taoist priest gave birth to evil thoughts, he did not tell his son, but went to dig it secretly.

Well, didn't he lose a lot?

Well, although he followed, he couldn't do anything to the little Taoist.

However, Niu Jizong has heard people and ghosts say that if people have great grievances and resentment, they can directly turn into ghosts!

And as long as you become a ghost, you can find someone to take revenge!

Hmph, little girl, if you dare to "eat the black", I will immediately become a ghost and eat you in one bite!

Niu Jizong has the cunning and cautiousness of an old Chinese peasant, with a smile on his face and pleasant compliments, but his heart is secretly cruel.

He Tiantian:  …

She can clearly feel the energy fluctuations of the soul, and then perceive the good and evil of the other party.

However, Niu Jizong, a middle-aged old ghost, should not be really evil, he is just on guard.

For such an old ghost from the bottom, He Tiantian is more tolerant.

Anyway, she won't breach the contract, and the old ghost has no reason to blacken.

It was just a transaction between them, He Tiantian helped and got paid.

Come on, maybe you can get some merit.

He Tiantian stayed in the cemetery for a while, until it was completely dark.

Only then did she enter the small mountain village in the dark.

"Turn left, cross this street, and the third house in the back is my house!"

Niu Jizong was suspended in mid-air, like a navigator, guiding rambles.

According to his words, He Tiantian carefully avoided people and found the "my home" that Niu Jizong said!

This is a common yellow clay embryo house in the countryside. From the outside, the yard seems to be quite large, but there are not many houses, that is, three rooms in the main house and two rooms on the west side.

The main house is a bit shabby, with thatch on the walls and grass growing on the roof.

The two Westinghouses are quite new, with red tiles, which look like they were built in the last few years.

"... Those three rooms were passed down to my son, hehe, I beat them all by myself."

Niu Jizong looked at the real estate he bought with his own hands, and his gray face was full of pride.

"My son is more capable than me. He built these two new houses. They are real red bricks and red tiles. They are the first in our Kuoshan Village. Even the captain's house is a year later than mine."

"This is my grandson's wedding room, hehe, although I only have one son, but my son is very promising, and gave me four eldest grandchildren—"

He Tian dessert nodded. In the countryside, men are both strong laborers and armed forces.

If anyone has four sons, they dare to walk sideways in the village.

However, there are pros and cons.

The son is really capable and can support the family, but when the son gets married, the marriage room, the dowry, the banquet, etc., can be forced to death as a parent.

Niu Jizong's son, Niu Dakui, is really capable. If he didn't want to raise four children, he had to save money for his four sons. His family's life would definitely be the best in the entire small mountain village.

"Fairy Wood"

However, when the sons were young, they almost ate the poor family.

Now that everyone has grown up, building houses, dowry gifts, etc., directly makes Niu Dakui so worried that he can't sleep all night.

When the eldest son got married, the family was in the best condition, and he was the first child. Niu Dakui generously built two brick houses.

Now that the second son and the third son have arrived, the woman's family has said that she doesn't want much, she just hopes to be treated the same as the boss!

Niu Dakui:  …

Two brick houses?

Two sons are four!

This is to kill the old man!

Even if he could hunt big worms and black blind men, it would be a huge risk.

Moreover, the second and third are busy, and there is still the fourth.

The eldest grandson is also seven or eight years old. In a few years, he will be able to say kiss again...

At the dinner table, the second child and the third child made trouble again because of their marriage.

Niu Dakui got angry, threw the fast son directly, and walked out of the yard with the cigarette pot.

Squatting under the wall, Niu Dakui was smoking a cigarette with a sad face.

"Are you Niu Dakui? Niu Jizong's son?"

At this moment, a sound like a silver bell suddenly rang out...

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