The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and ninetieth chapters re-enter the world of God stick (25)

"Little Martial Uncle, he tempted Zhao Liu to cheat on me, this can't be the case!"

"I wasn't killed by Fei Zong, it's my fate, and I'm lucky to have a little uncle like you to come to the rescue! It has nothing to do with them!"

When it comes to this matter, Su Wenbo is full of hatred.

Of course, Su Wenbo also knew that Zhao Liu should not lie to himself.

Even Ge Fuli probably just wanted him to suffer a little in the ancient tomb by himself, not really want him to die.

But, things have been done, and they do have bad thoughts about themselves.

Accidentally encountering Fei Zong and getting away with luck, these are not subjectively controlled, and have no direct relationship with the two villains Ge Fuli and Zhao Liu.

However, in the final analysis, the two are not innocent at all.

It is more reasonable for Su Wenbo to want revenge.

So, he hammered Zhao Liu and looted him.

Especially the Peiyuan Dan, which was obtained by framing Su Wenbo, was taken away by Su Wenbo.

Zhao Liu was originally a helpless cultivator. Without these hard-earned resources, his cultivation would probably be stagnant for a while.

It may not be able to turn around for several years.

Su Wenbo: Hmph, it's cheap for you. If my uncle taught me not to be too extreme, I would want to find an ancient tomb and throw you in there alone.

Zhao Liu's account was settled, and the next step was Ge Fuli.

Ge Fuli is similar to Zhao Liu in that he basically has no family or sect as his backing.

But Ge Fuli is different from Zhao Liu, he is really capable.

Not to mention Feng Shui, Xiang Mian and other skills, just the alchemy of Maoshan's lineage is enough to make him prosperous in the Xuanmen world.

Ahem, although Ge Fuli's alchemy is just getting started, he still can't make a real elixir.

However, talk is better than nothing.

And Ge Fuli is only in his twenties, how young, his room for growth is enormous.

The major families, sects, and the extraordinary office are all looking forward to his future.

Such young elites, as long as they don't have a deadly vengeance, can only recruit.

It was Su Wenbo, who was often reprimanded by his own father and elders in the family because of his daily provocation of Ge Fuli.

This time, Su Wenbo wanted to take revenge on Ge Fuli, not just playing tricks, maybe even fighting.

Su Wenbo would bet that the Mai lineage, as well as the Su family, would not support him.

Perhaps, the little uncle is the only one who is willing to stand on his side.

However, if this is the case, it will make the little uncle embarrassed, and it will also affect their lineage.

Su Wenbo wanted to come by himself, even if the trouble broke out, the juniors were ignorant and belonged to personal grievances.

Once the little uncle is involved, things will become complicated. Their Su family and the entire line of Mai will be criticized.

Su Wenbo is just a bear, he is not stupid!

Therefore, he didn't tell anyone, and secretly paid attention to everything about Ge Fuli.

Su Wenbo was moved when he found out that he was actually interested in an Internet celebrity Taoist temple and accompanied Zhang Duoduo from the Tianshifu to City B.

He took advantage of the time when the two were exorcising ghosts in the city and taking the opportunity to fall in love, and he came to Nanshan first.

It's a pity that, before Su Wenbo could make a plan, because of his greed, he provoked the experts of Guiyuanguan.

Now he has no other way than to go down the mountain temporarily.

At this time, chatting with the little uncle, before he said anything, he was seen through by the uncle who seemed to be able to see through everything.

"...I don't blame Ge Fuli for being mean and cunning. I provoke him first. He wants revenge, which is reasonable!"

"I was hit and almost died. It's also my stupidity. It's because I'm not good at learning. I deserve to suffer all this!"

"But, this is not the end. He retaliates against me, I understand, so it is reasonable for me to retaliate against him."

This is the way of walking in the rivers and lakes, murderers and people are always killed.

If the design harms others, be prepared to be revenge by others!

Su Wenbo didn't blame others, only that he wasn't strong enough.

As for the others, you can't blame him for being narrow-minded and vindictive, let alone hindering him.

The grievances and grievances of the rivers and lakes are naturally resolved by the rules of the rivers and lakes.

Su Wenbo said angrily, but his words were fairly clear.

Little Shishu thought silently while running the exercises to suppress the corpse poison.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Okay, I won't interfere in the matter between you and Ge Fuli! However, I still have to go to Guiyuan to see it!"

He wanted to meet the tall man for a while.

His time is running out, even if there is only a slight possibility, he wants to try.

"Ah? Little Master, you really want to come. Uh, what, little Master, after you come, you won't be looking for that expert to 'discuss', right?"

Su Wenbo really didn't want to cause trouble for his little uncle.

"...Okay, let's not talk, I want to practice, see you tomorrow!"

The little uncle has made up his mind, and he doesn't want to waste any more words with the bear child.

He said the decision directly, and conveniently hung up the phone.

"Little Martial Uncle? Uh, actually hung up!"

A beeping sound came from the receiver, and Su Wenbo's face collapsed.

After a long while, he regained his strength, "No way! I can't grow other people's ambition to destroy my own prestige. Maybe that expert is just bluffing, maybe my little uncle is better!"

Su Wenbo came to the foot of the mountain babblingly, called an online car-hailing car, and returned to the city.

Ahem, little uncle is coming, he can't stop him, he can only find a way to arrange and cooperate.

As for Ge Fuli, he was temporarily tossed aside.

Tsk, the real Xuan Mo is coming, why is he still paying attention to a villain who touches porcelain? !

"Ah! Ahh!"

Ge Fuli sneezed twice in succession, and his nose almost came out.

"Huh? Fuli, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Just completed a task with Ge Fuli, Zhang Duoduo is happy and excited.

He suddenly heard Ge Fuli sneezing, and hurriedly asked with concern.

"It's okay! Maybe someone is scolding me."

Ge Fuli wiped his nose with a tissue, and said casually with a smile.

He wasn't talking nonsense, but someone who thought he was smart enough to stalk and follow, but he couldn't hide it from his eyes at all.

This Su Wenbo is really annoying, like a fly.

It doesn't bite or hurt people, but it responds to people.

A few days ago, he still felt a little guilty, and felt that he set up a situation, so that Su Wenbo encountered a flying stiffness and almost died.

Speaking of which, Su Wenbo was hateful to hate him, and he just moved his lips and didn't really do anything to hurt him.

But if you take revenge yourself, you are almost at risk—

Alas, it is really not kind, nor is it tolerant and generous enough.

Ge Fuli was still thinking about whether to prepare two medicinal pills and give them to Su Wenbo as an apology.

He made enough gestures here to give Su Wenbo and the Su family a step up.

As long as Su Wenbo wasn't stupid, he should have come down the steps.

In this way, two people can be regarded as "do not fight and do not know each other", come to a reconciliation.

However, Su Wenbo is a bear child.

He doesn't care about the overall situation at all, he still acts recklessly according to his own wishes.

Beating Zhao Liu violently, and looting Zhao Liu, people can only flee in sorrow;

Afterwards, he even more aggressively targeted Ge Fuli, and even secretly stalked him.

Ge Fuli knew that he and Su Wenbo would no longer have the possibility of "turning war into jade and silk".

It can't be said that they will never die, but they have also become enemies.

Realizing this, Ge Fuli stopped thinking about reconciliation, but was on guard, waiting for Su Wenbo to make a move.

As a result, Su Wenbo's trick didn't come, but a series of sneezes came.

Tsk tsk, this dead bastard is really useless, except to move his lips, he has no other skills.

Rubbing his itchy nose, Ge Fuli secretly complained of disgust in his heart.

"It's fine!"

Zhang Duoduo replied with a smile.

As for Ge Fuli's words "maybe who is scolding me", Zhang Duoduo didn't care too much.

She is smart and pays close attention to Ge Fuli.

Therefore, who Ge Fuli had a holiday with, who would be rubbed and cursed behind his back, Zhang Duoduo knew with his toes.

Apart from that arrogant child Su Wenbo, there will be no one else.

too childish!

Cursing people if they can't beat them is really a shame for Mai's lineage.

He still opened his mouth and closed his mouth to fight for the face of the little uncle, tsk, just like this, it's a shame!

Zhang Duoduo fell in love with Ge Fuli, and he became more and more despised by Su Wenbo, who always targeted Ge Fuli.

However, hating Su Wenbo has nothing to do with respecting little uncle.

Zhang Duoduo can't guarantee that he will like Ge Fuli. Is there a reason why this person has the nickname of "Xiao Xuanmo".

"Okay, it's getting late, we should go back!"

After cleaning up the evil ghosts and getting the contribution points smoothly, Ge Fuli was quite satisfied.

He took out two medicinal pills from his jacket, ate one by himself, and distributed one to Zhang Duoduo: "During the fight just now, I lost a lot of spiritual power, so let's supplement it a little."

"Is this Peiyuan Dan?"

Zhang Duoduo's eyes lit up instantly.

Hey, there is a male ticket for an alchemist, it is so perfect.

There is a priceless elixir outside, she can eat it like a jelly bean!


Ge Fuli was a little unnatural.

Ahem, the medicinal pills made by myself are still far from the real Peiyuan Dan.

There is no way, the spiritual energy is thin, the inheritance is incomplete, there is no real spiritual grass and spiritual plant, and there is no pure mysterious fire.

Ge Fuli didn't even have an alchemy stove, so he could only find a copper hot pot instead.

In this case, the refined medicinal pills will naturally be greatly reduced.

His Peiyuan Pill could have one-tenth of the efficacy of the real Peiyuan Pill.

However, even so, Ge Fuli's medicine pill is also regarded as a must in Xuanmen.

This is the age of the end of the law!


Zhang Duoduo said politely, but his hands did not hesitate, he quickly took the medicinal pill and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Although the medicinal pill has not yet reached the point where it melts in the mouth, it is also extremely digestible.

Peiyuandan was drawn down the mouth into the esophagus, and finally into the stomach.

Threads of spiritual energy slowly spread along the internal organs, slightly replenishing the damaged blood and spiritual power.

Ge Fuli was right, he really "added a little bit".

He couldn't be self-effacing, because the efficacy of the medicine was here.

However, it would be nice to be able to add a little bit.

Zhang Duoduo was very satisfied.

After she took the medicine pill, she immediately ran the exercises, trying to convert all the spiritual energy into spiritual energy.

After more than half an hour, Zhang Duoduo stopped, her complexion was much better, and the whole person seemed to recover.

With spirit, Zhang Duoduo also has "fighting spirit".

She looked at the night, suddenly thought of something, took Ge Fuli's hand, and said softly, "Fu Li, let's go to Nanshan."

Ge Fuli was taken aback, "Nanshan Guiyuan Temple? Going at this time?"

It's seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and the two of them have cultivation bases and can use their exercises to gallop.

In an hour or two by car, they can arrive in an hour.

By the time we arrive at Guiyuan View, it is estimated that it will be almost ten o'clock.

In the middle of the night, go to the Taoist temple, what is this for?

Zhang Duoduo is his girlfriend after all, and Ge Fuli can't say such ugly words as "being a thief".

However, Zhang Duoduo's behavior is really strange.

I feel that there is a problem with the Guiyuan View, and I want to expose the identity of He Qingfeng's magic stick, so I can pass it during the day.

The sky is clear and the sun is in full view. They are frank and fearless, and they will definitely get good results.

Maybe it can also be made into a video and become popular on the Internet.

Of course, Ge Fuli was a member of Xuanmen and didn't care about the opinions of ordinary people.

He, he doesn't care about these false names.

Su Wenbo: Bah! You put P! If you don't care about your false name, why do you call yourself "Little Xuanmo"?

Ge Fuli:  …

He never paid attention to Su Wenbo's unreasonable provocations, and naturally he didn't think that he was touching senior Chinese.

He is a light-hearted man who regards fame and fortune as nothing.

However, the bigger the scene, the more propaganda effect it will have.

Only in this way will more people know about the scam and stop being deceived.

Zhang Duoduo went to investigate in the middle of the night, even if Ge Fuli was Zhang Duoduo's close boyfriend, he couldn't say in his conscience that a secret visit was better than an open and honest reveal!

"Yes! Let's go quietly so that we can see a more real situation."

Zhang Duoduo nodded, pretending to be righteous and awe-inspiring.

Ge Fuli stared at Zhang Duoduo quietly, his eyes seemed to say: You make up, you make up!

Zhang Duoduo pouted, well, they are already close lovers, and it seems inappropriate to say some high-sounding words.

"Okay, I admit, I'm selfish!"

Zhang Duoduo said calmly, "When the night passes, it will allow the red clothes to exert their greatest power!"

Ge Fuli was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately.

Having established the relationship, Ge Fuli naturally knew that Zhang Duoduo was a "secret".

For example, she subdued a red-clothed ghost.

The "red-clothed" she referred to was this Specter.

At the level of a ghost general, he has also started to practice, and even Ge Fuli dare not underestimate his strength.

With such a ghost servant, Zhang Duoduo is naturally even more powerful.

"...Isn't it just a wild Taoist view, the view masters are all liars—" Why should you be so wary.

Ge Fuli did not understand.

Zhang Duoduo shook his head, "No, this Taoist temple is indeed a wild Taoist temple on the surface, and the Qingfeng Zhenren is also a god, but I always have an inexplicable feeling-"

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