The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and ninetieth chapters re-enter the world of magic sticks (27)

The angry voice was thick and low, the breath was long, and there was some restraint.

Obviously, the other party has suppressed his anger, otherwise, his roar will be even more frightening.

Yes, "he"!

He Tiantian was slightly embarrassed, she was a step late, and was robbed of the limelight by her cheap nephew!

"Who? Who's talking?"

Hearing this male voice, both Zhang Duoduo and Ge Fuli were taken aback.

Ge Fuli looked around, looking around, trying to find the source of the sound.

Zhang Duoduo also took out the life-saving talisman given by his father on alert, and he still kept his speculations in his mouth: "Could it be that the spectator of Guiyuan Guan? What is Qingfeng Zhenren?"

But, it shouldn't!

Zhang Duoduo has found some buyers who are buying Guiyuan Guan Talisman online.

Although she couldn't get the talisman from the other party's hand, but just by looking at it, she knew that those talismans were all lies.

There is no energy fluctuation at all, and there is no effect.

It is precisely because of such evidence that Zhang Duoduo believes that He Qingfeng is a genius, and Zhang Duoduo has the courage to explore Guiyuanguan at night.

A wild Taoist temple, a liar, even if he breaks in rashly, how can the other party help her? !

Just now, Hongyi wandered freely in the Taoist temple, and found a broken ancient scroll, which further confirmed Zhang Duoduo's previous judgment.

Therefore, Zhang Duoduo's original vigilance slowly let go.


"Senior, you, you misunderstood, we, we are just curious—"

Ge Fuli is a model of counterattack all the way from the grassroots. Although he is young, he knows the truth of being able to bend and stretch.

He looked around, but couldn't find the figure of the man, he knew that the other party must not be an ordinary person.

And his cultivation base should be higher than himself and Zhang Duoduo.



For such an existence, Ge Fuli will only "follow his heart".

He hurriedly accompanied the smiling face and explained it carefully.

At the same time, he desperately gave Zhang Duoduo a wink: "Quick, quickly put that ancient book back!"

Ma Dan, it's not a desolate Taoist temple without an owner. If you find something, you dare to take it for yourself?

This, this is already shameless theft.

Now there is an expert who is suspected to be the master, and he is holding it tightly, not to mention to put it down quickly.


Do you still want to grab it? !

Yes, in Xuanmen, it has always been the law of the weak.

In order to cultivate resources, secretly stealing and stealing is nothing new.

However, you also said that it is "the strong eat the weak", and the strong bully the weak!

But now, the mysterious person who can transmit sound through the air is obviously more cultivated than Zhang Duoduo, and this woman still can't recognize reality.

Ge Fuli was anxious and angry, and couldn't help but secretly swear.

For the first time, he felt that the woman he liked was so greedy and stupid!

Ge Fuli only knew how to complain, but he completely forgot that when he saw Hongyi finding the fragment of the exercise, he didn't feel wrong.

Not only did he not remind him, he was secretly envious——

Zhang Duo is so lucky, the ghost servant who subdued is so capable.

In such a remote Taoist temple, you can find inheritance secrets that are very unusual!

Zhang Duoduo: ...

She was frightened by the sudden sound and forgot to respond for a while.

And her red clothes are used to being domineering.

And because he failed to devour those lonely and wild ghosts, he was full of anger.

It has a master-servant contract with Zhang Duoduo, so naturally it can't get angry with its master.

Ge Fuli is the master's companion. The key is that this person can make pills, and he also promises to make Yin evil pills specially suitable for ghost cultivation.

The red clothes did not dare to offend easily.

At this moment, a guy who is suspected to be the master suddenly appeared, and Hongyi didn't transfer all his anger to this person.

"Who? How dare you pretend to be a ghost in front of your aunt!"

Hongyi was surging with anger, and the yin all over his body began to show his teeth and claws.

"What a savage ghost, who devoured the souls of so many innocent beings, was stained with sins, didn't want to repent, yet dared to be presumptuous in my Guiyuan Temple!"

It was the same strong male voice. After he finished this series of words, he said the word "broken" again.

Immediately afterwards, a talisman flew from a distance, aiming directly at the red clothes.

"Mysterious Thunder Talisman? Or a first-class Spirit Talisman?"

The Tianshi Mansion where Zhang Duoduo is located is also a talisman.

Therefore, she recognized the goodness of this talisman at a glance.

She exclaimed, and then desperately reminded her ghost servant, "Red-clothed, run away! Run away!"

Zhang Duoduo is really in a hurry, and Hongyi is the ghost servant she finally conquered.

Ghost general level, and began to practice.

It won't take long for the red shirt to advance.

At that time, a red shirt can be worth a prefecture-level master.

As for her Zhang Duoduo, she is only at the Xuan level now, and she still has many years of hard work from the earth level.

With a helper like Hongyi, she is more than even more powerful, she is simply a big killer.

In addition, Zhang Duoduo also invested a lot of effort in the red shirt.

Again, I asked Ge Fuli to refine the Yin Demon Pill for it, and it was because I spent all my contribution points and exchanged it for the ghost cultivation technique...

She has paid so much, and she has not received anything in return.

How could he just watch the red-clothed clothes being struck by Xuan Lei and go to pieces? !

In a hurry, Zhang Duoduo didn't think much about it, he reached out and took out a lot of talismans.

She completely forgot that although the talisman was also a talisman, it was very different from the spiritual talisman.

One hundred magic talismans may not be able to resist one magic talisman.

Not to mention, other people's magic talismans are still high-grade.


A lot of magic talismans swayed out like a goddess scattered flowers, but they had no effect at all.

Before even touching the edge of the talisman, it was shaken into pieces by a layer of invisible energy fluctuations, and then scattered in the slight mountain wind.

The Profound Thunder Talisman continued to move towards Hongyi according to the normal speed and the established trajectory.

"Fu Li, what should I do? Hurry up and save the red clothes!"

Zhang Duoduo's eyes were red with anxiety, but all the spells in her hand were used up.

There is only one high-quality magic talisman for life-saving, she, she is reluctant!

She directly pulled Ge Fuli's sleeve and begged.

Ge Fuli:  …

Save the red clothes?

How to save?

That is the first class Xuan Lei Talisman!

Do you want me to run over and help a ghost in red to beat the thunder? !

Ge Fuli is not a holy father, let alone sacrifice himself for a ghost.

Besides, the red clothes will be like this, even if they can't be called "deserved", they are not innocent.

Devouring the souls of innocent beings, breaking into Taoist temples with high-ranking people without authorization, and intending to steal other people's treasures...deserved to be struck by lightning!


Just when Ge Fuli was secretly slandering, the Xuan Lei Talisman had already reached the front.

With a bang, the Xuan Lei Talisman was touched, and then a blast of thunder sounded in the air, and it slashed straight at the red clothes.


Red-clothed let out a shrill scream.

Immediately afterwards, it was split by Xuan Lei until only a puff of smoke remained, and as the mountain wind blew, it disappeared without a trace.

Soul fly away!

There is no possibility of reincarnation!

"Red clothes!"

Zhang Duoduo was frightened and angry, and lost his mind for a while.

She shouted angrily around, "Who is it? Who are you? Why did you kill my red clothes?"

"Me! He Qingfeng! The spectator of Guiyuan View!"

He Qingfeng, dressed in a Taoist robe, floated over like a land fairy.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his expression was solemn, his eyes were deep, and his voice was extremely cold, "Why do I want to kill that Specter, this girl, don't you understand?"

"I have already said it very clearly. First, it is a specter who devours the souls of innocent beings for no reason; second, it trespasses on my Guiyuan Temple and tries to steal the inheritance secrets of my Taoist Temple!"

When He Qingfeng said the second point, a pair of eyes looked at Zhang Duoduo and Ge Fuli with special meaning.

Zhang Duoduo \u0026 Ge Fuli:  …

They knew very well that He Qingfeng was referring to Sang and scolding Huai and killing chickens to warn monkeys!

In fact, there is more than a female ghost in red who trespassed on the Taoist temple?

If He Qingfeng wasn't restrained enough, it would be reasonable for him to kill Zhang and Ge directly.

Even on the side of the Tianshi Mansion, it is not good to blame He Qingfeng unreasonably.

Hehe, they are all people from Xuanmen, and they are all sects with industries.

If the Tianshi Mansion dared to say that He Qingfeng should not punish Zhang Duoduo for trespassing on his Taoist temple today, there would be countless people going to visit Longhu Mountain at night tomorrow!

Of course, direct murder is definitely too much.

It is the rhythm of directly forming a deadly revenge with Tianshifu.

It will also make He Qingfeng, who was originally responsible, become an aggressive and ruthless loser.

Therefore, He Qingfeng did not directly confront Zhang Duoduo and Ge Fuli, but killed a female ghost in red!

He Qingfeng is already very lenient, and the lawsuit is very difficult, and it is also He Qingfeng who wins the case.

"I'm sorry, He Guanzhu, we were rude and offended the Taoist Temple!"

Ge Fuli's mind turned fast, and he weighed the pros and cons in the shortest time. He grabbed Zhang Duoduo with great force.

Feeling the pain from the wrist, Zhang Duoduo, who was temporarily irrational, woke up again.

Zhang Duoduo realized how he was courting death just now!

A layer of cold sweat broke out on her back, and she completely reacted.

That's right, she's in the wrong, let alone killing a ghost, even if she is seriously injured, outsiders can't blame her.

"Yes, I'm sorry! He Guanzhu, it's all my fault, all my fault!"

Zhang Duoduo tried his best to apologize, and the book of Talismans in his hand was more like a hot potato.

She hurriedly held the Daquan of Talismans in front of He Qingfeng, and she was reluctant to give up, but she still had to express respectfully and humbly—

"This is your precious cultivation method. Now that it is returned to the original owner, please forgive me for my rashness and rudeness!"


He Qingfeng raised his hand, he didn't want to do anything to the young man and woman.

Killing a Specter, stunned and let them know that Guiyuanguan is not easy to mess with, that's all.


He Qingfeng was secretly lucky, an invisible big hand grabbed it in the air, and directly took the talisman Daquan that Zhang Duoduo was holding in his hand.

Zhang Duoduo was shocked again.

Ge Fuli's pupils also shrunk instantly, what a high level of cultivation!

This Guanzhu He has reached the earth level, and is even about to break through the heaven level.

According to the level of Xuanmen, if it breaks through the earth level, it is already a half-step immortal.

If it reaches the heaven level, it is a proper immortal, and maybe it can cut through the void and ascend to immortality!

What a real Qingfeng, a good Guiyuan Guan, really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, really extraordinary.

While Ge Fuli's heart was shaking, he also had endless longing and envy.

He Qingfeng's today is his Ge Fuli's tomorrow.

One day, he will surely be able to be like this real Qingfeng, turning clouds and rains, unpredictable.

Oh, by the way, there is also a little fairy, who is also the goal of Ge Fuli's struggle.

Clenching his fists hard, Ge Fuli's chest ignited a raging fire.

Of course, these are all later stories.

For now, they haven't fully passed this hurdle.

Ge Fuli has great ambitions. He not only wants to reconcile with He Qingfeng, but also wants to turn the crisis into a good opportunity and "turn an enemy into a friend" with Qingfeng Zhenren.

"My friend is right, this time it's really us Meng Lang. When I was young and frivolous, and after learning some fur, I thought that the world was invincible.

"We saw the video of Guiyuanguan on the Internet, and also saw the talismans sold on the online store, so we thought that Guiyuanguan was a wild Taoist temple, and Qingfeng Zhenren, you are a magic stick..."

"...We thought we were here to uphold justice, but in fact, we violated the Taoist temple and offended the temple master. We were wrong! We also ask the temple master to atone!"

Ge Fuli kept his attitude low, but when he apologized, he did not forget to explain a thing or two.

He Qingfeng:  …

Ahem, a little guilty.

The former self was a liar, and he also turned the good thousand-year Taoist temple into an Internet celebrity wild Taoist temple!

I have to say that Ge Fuli's remarks really hit He Qingfeng's pain point.

He also succeeded in making the angry He Qingfeng calm down in the fastest time.

Well, the past is indeed wrong.

If it weren't for the fact that in the past two months, my little aunt had planted spiritual seeds for their husband and wife, and taught them how to practice.

Tonight, the young couple really succeeded in "acting chivalry and fighting for justice".

Even if the two of them stole the Talisman Daquan, He Qingfeng, as a magic stick without any cultivation, might not be able to find it, let alone stop it!

...Forget it, it's the trouble I've caused before.

Anyway, there is no real loss, so these two young people will be spared!

Ge Fuli was very keen, and immediately noticed He Qingfeng's emotional changes.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but it's okay, finally I can speak well, and I know how to bow my head.

In order to go a step further, Ge Fuli took out a small porcelain bottle from the placket.

"We really did something wrong, Gentleman Qingfeng, you should tell us that we should, but you are magnanimous if you don't punish us!"

"We can't be ignorant, so let's just say that this kid is good at refining medicinal pills. These are two Yuan-boosting pills. They are not very good medicinal pills, but they can also be beneficial to cultivation—"

Ge Fuli said modestly, but he couldn't help but show a proud look on his face.

"These two medicinal pills should be regarded as the two of us as an apology for Qingfeng Zhenren, and please don't dislike them!"

Ge Fuli raised his hands high and brought the small porcelain bottle to He Qingfeng.

He Qingfeng grabbed it again with empty hands, and the small porcelain bottle fell into his hand instantly.

Opening the lid and smelling it lightly, He Qingfeng was slightly disappointed, and following Ge Fuli's words, he said, "It's really not that good!"

Ge Fuli:  …

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