The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Eight hundred and ninetieth eight chapters re-enter the world of God stick (31)

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"Yes, I did say that!"

But the old lady was not frightened by the national character face.

She looked stubborn, "I'm just uncomfortable, look at my eyes, I'm about to catch up with the panda!"

"Chengju can't sleep. It's useless to go to the town hospital to get sleeping pills. I always feel that something is pressing me..."

When the old lady talked about her situation, she became more and more involved, and she forgot that she was still arguing with the police just now.

She was vivid and dancing, "Maybe it's a ghost press! I guess I got dirty things—"

Guoziface and other police officers twitched their foreheads when they heard it.

What age is this, and the old lady in front of her doesn't look seventy or eighty.

Counting the age, it should be the post-70s.

In other words, people born in this era have long since popularized scientific common sense and accepted nine years of compulsory education.

As long as you read the book and know the real science, you will not be so superstitious.

Is it a nine-leaf fish?

Of course, contact their environment, a remote small mountain village.

The villagers will be more ignorant and ignorant, so they will give these gods and goddesses the soil to grow at will!

In the past, these police officers were not reported, and they didn't know that Guiyuan Guan, which was popular on the Internet, was actually a deceiving and wild Taoist concept, so they couldn't control it.

Now, since they know it, they were caught by He Qingfeng, and this matter cannot be easily concluded!

"He Qingfeng, you haven't said that you are promoting feudal superstition?"

The national character face no longer listened to the old lady's nonsense, but turned his head and said to He Qingfeng directly and seriously.

He Qingfeng:  …

excuse me?

The old lady said that she had encountered something unclean and had something to do with him, He Qingfeng?

The policeman Shu Li's brain circuit is really strange.

Even if someone is engaging in feudal superstition, it should be the old lady in front of her.

He Qingfeng has always reminded the old lady: believe in science and reject feudal superstition!

He Qingfeng was full of grievances.

Seeing this, the old lady hurriedly said to help: "Oh, young man, don't wrong people!"

"He Guanzhu has never preached feudal superstition. Just now, he said to me: Believe in science, there are no ghosts in this world!"

This time, the face was stunned.

He looked at the old lady and then at He Qingfeng, his mouth moved, but he couldn't say a word.

It's ridiculous!

A god stick with his hair in a bun and wearing a Taoist robe actually said "believe in science" to believers!

Did you go to the wrong channel, or did the world become too absurd? !

"Yes, I have always told everyone that there are no demons and ghosts in this world, you must believe in science and reject feudal superstition!"

He Qingfeng got the perfect assist from the old lady. Seeing the dumbfounded appearance of several policemen, he was in a hilarious mood.

He still had a light-hearted look, and said softly, "Our Taoist temple is only promoting traditional Taoist culture, and we will never sell talismans, talismans, or other instruments or ornaments to tourists and believers!"

"So, comrades, if you are catching gods and liars, you are really looking in the wrong place!"

"That's right! Zhenren Qingfeng is a serious Taoist priest, certified by the Taoist Association, and has a formal ultimatum!"

"Yes, I came to ask for a talisman yesterday, and He Guanzhu also said not to make me superstitious, and go to the hospital if I am sick."

"Yes, yes, Qingfeng's mantra is 'believe in science'. We do believe in science, but there are some things that science can't help!"

"That's right, my little girl was crying a few days ago. She went to the county hospital and the city hospital, and she couldn't find the cause at all. She still went to the He's house and asked Su Xiangu to help take a picture, hey, guess what? , Xiaoya stopped crying on the spot!"

"...Oh, young man, let me tell you, He Guanzhu and Su Xiangu are really capable people. You, you can disbelieve, but you can't disrespect..."

When He Qingfeng spoke,

A group of villagers and believers who came, either revoked their vows, or asked questions, all gathered around.

They were talking nonsense.

At first, they still tried hard to prove that He Guanzhu did not engage in feudal superstition, let alone a liar.

But as he talked, the style of painting became very strange.

In particular, several enthusiastic old ladies faced the Amway and He Qingfeng couple who were desperately waiting for the policemen with their national character faces.

Guoziface and other police officers:  …

Silent condensate choked, plus helpless sigh.

Alas, there is a long way to go to completely eradicate feudal superstition.

Look at what these aunts and aunts are doing.

They actually advocated feudal superstition to the law enforcement police who came to catch the magic stick? !

What's even more bizarre is that the guy who really pretended to be a ghost didn't leave any clues.

All these people can prove that He Qingfeng did not promote feudal superstition, and they also persuaded everyone not to be superstitious!

This this--

My head hurts!

What should they do?

Keep arresting people?

Who to catch?

Are these superstitious old men and women arrested?

Hehe, with so many "living ancestors", they went to the county, and they didn't turn their police station into chaos?

Catch He Qingfeng?


People are serious Taoist priests, they just carry forward traditional culture, they have never said anything about exorcising ghosts and subduing demons.

As for burning incense, praying for blessings, ahem, this is religious culture.

Even if it is not respected, it cannot be obstructed or contained!

"Comrade police, you really misunderstood. I, He Qingfeng, really did not advocate feudal superstition, nor did I deceive people!"

He Qingfeng saw the embarrassment of several policemen, and he said seriously.

"Yes! Right! He Guanzhu is right, he really advised me not to be superstitious!"

Just now, the old lady rushed to the front again and tried her best to help He Qingfeng testify.

He Qingfeng: Sure enough, it's her own folks, the third aunt is awesome!

However, just after He Qingfeng finished praising Grandma Sangu in his heart, the old lady turned her head and said to He Qingfeng: "He Guanzhu, I'm really not feeling well, why don't you read a scripture to me and drive that dirty thing away? Bar!"

He Qingfeng \u0026 all the policemen:  …

"Cough cough!"

He Qingfeng coughed a few times, and said helplessly, "Grandma San, I already said—"

"Oh, I know! Your rhetoric, let's not talk about me, even all of us in ten villages and eight miles know it!"

"Good! Good! Believe in science, there are no ghosts in the world! I didn't say there are ghosts, I'm just uncomfortable, please help me see!"

The third aunt said eagerly, and her eyes were full of expectations.

The surrounding villagers and believers also looked at He Qingfeng eagerly.

Oh, by the way, there are also a few policemen, who are also eyeing.

It seemed that as long as He Qingfeng opened his mouth to chant a spell, or pretended to pinch his hands, they would catch people on the spot!

He Qingfeng:  …

What is this called?

He inexplicably has a weird feeling of "the atmosphere is all set here, if I don't pretend to be a ghost, I will be sorry for the audience".

Taking a deep breath, He Qingfeng threw these strange thoughts out of his mind.

Under the watchful eyes of all, He Qingfeng raised his hand.

However, he didn't clench his hands, let alone make some weird gestures.

He just helped the third aunt to remove a grass clipping from her hair.

Of course, from an angle that no one could see, He Qingfeng flicked his fingers lightly.

what! !

A shrill scream that humans could not hear sounded instantly.

And the black air mass attached to the shoulders of the third aunt was shattered by a transparent spiritual force, and completely vanished.

【Good way! The cultivation of this real Qingfeng is so high, it is slightly better than me! 】

In another corner of the Taoist temple, there is a young man in light-colored casual clothes.

He stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the noise in this corner.

Originally, he also thought that if Guiyuanguan was in trouble, he could come forward to help solve it.

In this way, it can be regarded as a good relationship with Guiyuanguan.

Unexpectedly, there is no need for him to take action, let alone to use official power, and Guiyuanguan will solve it himself.

If these superstitious old people are placed on other occasions and occasions, the young people will definitely have a kind of grief and indignation of "mourning their misfortune and angering them indisputably".

But at this moment, seeing that they were so active in protecting He Qingfeng, he was inexplicably relieved.

Because the young people know that He Qingfeng is not a magician, but a real practitioner.

"Little Martial Uncle, why don't you go in! Hey, it's so lively ahead, what happened?"

Just as the young man was thinking to himself, a familiar screeching noise sounded behind him.

The young man, that is, the little uncle Xuanmo, tickled the corner of his mouth, revealing a signature smile.

He turned his head and said softly to Shi Ji-nephew, "What? Did you find anything unusual?"

Yesterday evening, Xuan Mo rushed to City B and met Su Wenbo at the hotel.

That night, for most of the night, Su Wenbo kept talking about his experience in Guiyuan View.

What about protecting the mountain, what casting spells out of thin air, what about the hoopoe and the white fox that opened the intelligence...

In Su Wenbo's mouth, Guiyuan Guan has become a mysterious and unpredictable sect.

And the masters of Guiyuanguan are even more mysterious and peculiar people with profound cultivation.

"Little uncle, why don't we go to Guiyuan to watch it early tomorrow morning, I think, for your trouble, the expert from Guiyuan Guan should be able to help!"

Su Wenbo said a lot, with only one purpose.

Xuan Mo was a little surprised, "My trouble?"

I never disclosed to Su Wenbo that I was poisoned with corpse poison.

In this world, apart from his brother and the owner of the Valley of Immortal Medicine, there is no other person who knows about it.

And those two are very strict people, without his permission, they will never reveal his secrets.

How did the child Su Wenbo know about it?

Or, he cared too much about himself and noticed some anomalies in him, so he speculated that he was in trouble.

Yes, that should be it!

Otherwise, Su Wenbo should directly say "your illness" instead of "your trouble"!

Alas, this child, the bear is a bit of a bear, but it's also really caring!

Only Su Wenbo really cared about his Xuan Mo, would he pay such attention.

Xuan Mo was always cold, but he always cared a little more about Su Wenbo.

Feeling Su Wenbo's caring, Xuan Mo increasingly regarded Su Wenbo as his close relative.

"Yeah, little uncle. If you don't want to say it, my dad seems to have turned into a gourd with a saw mouth, and he won't reveal a word."

"Oh, no, not only did he not tell me, but he always looked at me with a look that hated iron and steel, as if I had caused a catastrophe!"

"Little Martial Uncle, I thought about it carefully. I haven't gotten into any trouble recently, except for the one in the Southwest Ancient Tomb..."

"So, little uncle, did you cause trouble in the ancient tomb, and that trouble is still haunting you?"

When Su Wenbo mentioned this, his eyes became cautious.

When he spoke, he was filled with guilt and worry.

He was afraid to hear the answer from his little uncle that made him hate himself.

Seeing Su Wenbo's performance, Xuan Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's really a little troublesome, but it has nothing to do with you!"

It was because of his lack of skill and insufficient cultivation that he was hit hard by the flying zombie!

"..." Su Wenbo didn't believe what Little Master said at all.

But the little uncle refused to tell the truth, and there was nothing he could do.

In the end, he could only suggest like this, "Little Shishu, let's go to Guiyuan View tomorrow morning!"

That mysterious expert, since he was able to set up such a powerful formation, and regarded the hoopoe and the white fox as spiritual pets, must have a very high cultivation base.

She will definitely be able to help the little uncle!

As for whether he will encounter danger when he arrives at Guiyuan Temple, Su Wenbo is no longer concerned about it!

Of course, in addition to caring about chaos, Su Wenbo also has the confidence to believe in his little uncle——

With the little uncle here, I will be fine.

Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, the two uncles and nephews came to the gate of Guiyuan Temple. Before Su Wenbo could remind him, Xuan Mo stopped first.

"Well, it's interesting! It's actually a protective formation arranged with a talisman!"

"...I could try to get rid of it, but—"

He is here to ask for help, not to play in the gym.

Just when Xuan Mo was thinking about how to communicate with the expert, Su Wenbo, who noticed his subtle reaction, shouted at the top of his voice: "Senior! Senior! It's me, it's me!"

"I injured your spirit bird a few days ago. Although I have paid compensation, my parents still feel that it is not right!"

"Today, my uncle came to accompany me to apologize to you, and please allow us to enter!"

The voice echoed in the woods.

Tourists or believers who came and went couldn't help but cast strange glances at the pair of uncles and nephews.

However, they looked sideways, but did not ask aloud or stop to watch.

Here is Guiyuan View. Some believers always have various practices in order to make a wish or pray for blessings.

For example, some people will start from the foot of the mountain and go up the mountain three times.

For another example, some people will chant in the hall, or cry and crawl on the ground.

They only have one idea, and as long as they are sincere, they can achieve their wish.

Even if they can't, they have made their last efforts and have no regrets and guilt in their hearts.

... Standing on the mountain gate and shouting, maybe it is also an alternative way of praying.

Everyone expressed their understanding and did not stop to watch.

Su Wenbo \u0026 Xuan Mo:  …

Well, misunderstanding is misunderstanding.

Anyway, as long as you express your meaning clearly, it will not arouse the disgust of the seniors, or even anger the other party!


As soon as Su Wenbo finished shouting, Xuan Mo was keenly aware that the transparent barrier in front of them had disappeared.

"Go! Let's go in!"

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