The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The ninth hundredth chapter re-entry into the world of magic sticks (33)

"Huh? This is—"

The little uncle, who was chatting with the little nephew, suddenly felt a wave of spiritual power that seemed to exist.

Could this be the divine consciousness in the legend? !

Can the consciousness really be released? Can it radiate to a certain extent? !

Little Shishu thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, he directly asked Su Wenbo:

"Wenbo, let me ask you, when you met the master of Guiyuanguan, that master didn't show up, and when you arrived at the mountain gate, he found you?"

Su Wenbo saw that the little uncle asked solemnly, although he didn't understand why the other party asked, he still answered obediently: "Yes!"

Having said that, Su Wenbo couldn't help but think carefully.

"Little Martial Uncle, speaking of which, that expert is really amazing! She seems to have installed surveillance cameras in the forest. She is not in the immediate vicinity, but she can still 'see' all this and deal with it from a distance!"

Su Wenbo admired it very much.

In his mind, that little sister-in-law has become a fairy-like existence.

That's why he said, "It's as if surveillance is installed in the forest," instead of directly suspecting that Guiyuanguan is equipped with surveillance.

After all, it is a new era, and Xuanmen is also advancing with the times.

Not only those ancestors have learned to V letter, shoot video, but also some hidden sects, also use the most advanced electronic equipment.

Just like their Su family, their Taoist temple is equipped with a complete set of monitoring systems.

Three hundred and sixty degrees have no dead ends, day and night shots are very OK... Almost by means of technology, the legendary clairvoyance and downwind ears are realized!

However, in Guiyuan View, Su Wenbo personally experienced the scene of encountering the little sister-in-law, but he subconsciously determined that——

This is the high-level cultivation of the little sister-in-law, not some high-tech means!

With such a determination in his heart, Su Wenbo spoke with great determination.

Little Martial Uncle nodded slowly, "As expected!"

This little sister-in-law's cultivation has really reached the point where she can release her consciousness.

Then has she broken through the acquired and entered the innate realm? !

The cultivation levels in Xuanmen are roughly divided into four levels: yellow, mysterious, earth, and sky.

However, the little uncle learned from the ancestral manuscripts that, in fact, above the heaven level, there is still realm——

That is, innate, above innate!

If you break through the innate realm, you can officially step into the threshold of cultivation.

There is also a chance to become a real fairy.

In their lineage of linen, their ancestors had masters who broke through the innate realm.

Unfortunately, the age is too rescue, and the records left by the ancestors are also incomplete.

Based on these manuscripts and fragments of exercises, the little uncle created the Wuji Jue by himself.

He had a hunch that if he could keep practicing this technique, he would be able to achieve or even surpass the achievements of his ancestors——

Enter the innate realm, truly embark on the road of cultivation, cut through the void, and become a fairy!

He Tiantian:  …

You can indeed! Why did I enter the wrong channel!

This is not the world of immortal cultivation, but a supernatural novel.


Xu was thinking too much, and the little uncle forgot to use his spiritual power to suppress the corpse poison for a while.

The black mist wandered recklessly on the body of the little uncle like a horned dragon, with "black tendons" all over his body.

The soul of the little uncle was severely damaged, and the pain that went deep into the bone almost forced the uncle to scream.

Fortunately, the younger uncle was extremely tenacious, and at the critical moment, he forcibly swallowed the pain back.

It's just that his body is slightly swaying, and his face has become gray.

Su Wenbo couldn't see the black mist, but he could keenly perceive the abnormality of his little uncle.

He held up the little uncle and shouted eagerly: "Little uncle! What's wrong with you, little uncle?"

Is the little uncle really hurt?

He lied to himself. In fact, when he was in the ancient tomb in the southwest, the little uncle was severely injured by the flying zombie!

It's just that that kind of injury is not in the flesh, but in the soul? !

Su Wenbo is really not stupid. Based on these clues, he thought desperately.

It really allowed him to restore most of the truth.

"No problem! It's just that something went wrong with cultivation!"

Little Martial Uncle desperately ran a circle of Wuji Jue, and used his spiritual power to barely suppress the surging corpse poison.

Alas, the frequency of corpse poison attacks is getting higher and higher.

The days he was able to "wake up" were getting shorter and shorter.

If he still can't find someone to save him, he will carry out that plan——

Go back to the ancient tomb and die with the flying zombie.

Even if he dies, he must solve that calamity.

Otherwise, once Fei Zong breaks through his seal, it will be a disaster for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people!

"Little Master--"

Su Wenbo didn't believe the little Shishu's rhetoric at all.

He knew that the little uncle must have been injured by the flying stiff.

And it's all because of him!

It's him that's not good, it's him that implicates the little uncle!

Su Wenbo's heart was filled with negative emotions such as regret, self-blame, and annoyance.


The little uncle patted Su Wenbo's forehead lightly, and said with a smile, "Don't think about it! I said it, it's my own problem, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"Okay, let's not talk about that, let's go visit that expert."

This was his last ray of hope.

If this Guiyuanguan's little aunt can't save him, then he really can only choose a better way to die.

"...Comrade police, walk slowly! Walk slowly!"

He Qingfeng politely sent a few constipated police officers out of the yard.

Policemen: ... Slow down?

They don't dare to walk slowly, they have to leave this absurd place quickly.

They don't want to experience this feeling of speechless congealing anymore.

He Qingfeng stood at the gate of the courtyard and watched a few policemen hurried down the mountain.

Ahem, the mountain road is narrow, cars can't get on, and everyone can only walk.

However, these policemen, although walking, were dissatisfied with their speed.

In less than a few minutes, the backs of several people disappeared into the forest.

He Qingfeng raised his hand and waved politely: "Go slowly! Again, oh no, I'll never see you again!"

Yao Yaoling or something should be as rare as possible.

Although He Qingfeng is no longer cheating, he has a guilty conscience!

Reaching out his hand to wipe the nonexistent sweat on his forehead, He Qingfeng turned around and prepared to continue today's work.

As soon as he turned around, he saw two young people appear in front of him.


Almost startled him.

He Qingfeng breathed out a lingering sigh of relief, and put on the signature expert smile on his face: "What are you two?"

"My name is Xuan Mo, I come from the line of Mai, this is my nephew Su Wenbo."

The little uncle didn't have any politeness, but went straight to the theme.

However, before the little uncle could finish speaking, He Qingfeng's eyes lit up, as if he saw a big dog, ah, no, it's a big customer.

"Are the two daoists here to buy magic talismans?"

He Qingfeng followed He Tiantian not only to practice, but also learned some common sense of Xuanmen and the current status of Xuanmen by the little teacher.

For example, Longhu Mountain and Fayuan Temple are famous schools of Taoism and Buddhism.

Another example is linen, Maoshan and so on.

Even for such an official organization, He Qingfeng knew its origin and rules.

Not to mention, I met Ge Fuli and Zhang Duoduo a few days ago, and the two helped He Qingfeng introduce many clients.

He Qingfeng's V letter friends in Xuanmen are growing at a geometric rate.

What, yesterday, there was a Taoist priest who claimed to be Wudang Mountain took the initiative to add his V letter, and spent one million for a mysterious thunder talisman.

Now let’s have another line of linen, huh, it’s not unusual!

He Qingfeng said that we can be regarded as people who have seen the world, so naturally we will not make a fuss.

Furthermore, he has a cultivation base and is able to draw magic talismans.

The little sister-in-law said that he was the only one who could walk sideways in the Xuanmen.

Even if the other party's background is awesome, you have to come to him to ask for a magic amulet!

How much money should be paid.

Therefore, when He Qingfeng sees "people in the same path", he will only be excited, and will not think too much at all.

"You two know the price of the amulet, right? The price is clearly marked, one million yuan! Large quantities are favored, and you can become a member, dear!"

When He Qingfeng was talking, he couldn't help but put on a customer service voice.

Little Master \u0026 Su Wenbo:  …

When he was facing ordinary people just now, he still had the demeanor of an expert.

Why has he turned into a dead profiteer with a philistine face?

Look at the eager eyes, listen to the nonsense, inexplicably look like a wretched villain.

He·Wuxiao·Qingfeng continued to introduce enthusiastically, "Our members of Guiyuanguan are absolutely worth the money, and the annual membership fee-"

This time, without waiting for He Qingfeng to finish speaking, Su Wenbo, whose face was inexhaustible, hurriedly interrupted: "I know! We all know!"

"However, this time we are not looking for a magic charm, but to see the little sister-in-law!"

When He Qingfeng heard that the other party was not here to "consume", the enthusiastic smile on his face suddenly stopped.

"I want to see the little aunt? My little aunt has no guests!"

He Qingfeng said a little coldly.

He secretly complained in his heart: He actually opened his mouth and closed his mouth, little sister-in-law, is it your name? Hmph, the little sister-in-law is from our Guiyuanguan, so you are worthy of it?

Su Wenbo couldn't hear He Qingfeng's voice, but he felt the profiteer's pulse, "Spiritual Talisman, I'll buy it! One million yuan, no problem!"

"It's just that we really have something to ask to see the little sister-in-law, and we also ask the spectator to help spread the word!"

Su Wenbo tried to break He Qingfeng's insistence with money.

He Qingfeng:  …

Huh, I really don't think I've ever seen money.

In the past few days, Lao Tzu has made a small goal just by selling magic charms.

A mere one million, Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu... He Qingfeng subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit.

No way, I've been poor since I was a child.

Even if there is a huge amount in the account that he never dared to think about in the past, He Qingfeng still places great importance on money.

Slowly speaking, one million is one hundred yuan, and He Qingfeng is also reluctant.

However, compared with money and the younger sister, the younger sister is more important!

Suppressing the eagerness in his heart, He Qingfeng shook his head firmly, "I'm sorry! If you buy a magic charm, we can trade it directly!"

"However, the little sister-in-law is an elder of my sect. She has been practicing in seclusion all the time. Without her elder's permission, I would not dare to disturb her easily!"

As for the casual outsiders, don't even think about it.

Su Wenbo listened to He Qingfeng's firmness, and there was no room for manoeuvre, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

He was about to say something, but was stopped by the little uncle: "Okay, Wenbo, let me do it!"

He Qingfeng: ...for you? That doesn't work either!

Although this little uncle looked at Fengshen, handsome and like an immortal, he was definitely not an ordinary mortal.

However, the little sister-in-law was too important to him and Guiyuan Guan, and he would never dare to despise her old man.

He Qingfeng was about to shake his head, but saw the little uncle pinched a hand, and then, a thunder sounded in the air.


On a sunny day, thunder suddenly sounded.

The people inside and outside the Taoist temple were a little surprised.

Even He Qingfeng was frightened—

Without using a talisman, only relying on mana, it attracted a mysterious thunder!

The cultivation of this little uncle is really not low.

Su Wenbo raised his chest proudly, his little uncle was the most powerful.

Only the little uncle, after attracting Xuan Lei, his face became even more embarrassing.

If he hadn't insisted desperately, he might have fallen to the ground.

The body was running wildly with Promise Jue, barely suppressing the raging corpse poison, and the little uncle's body became weaker and weaker.

However, he is good at disguising, or in other words, he is used to pretending.

No matter how unbearable his body is, his face is still calm and reserved.

"...Good trick!"

In mid-air, a crisp female voice sounded.

This voice hit the soul directly.

Ordinary people who have no cultivation base can't hear it at all.

Even if there is a cultivation base, if it is not the designated object, it will not be heard.

And the little uncle, Su Wenbo, and He Qingfeng all heard it, indicating that they were talking to the three of them.

"Secret sound transmission!"

The little uncle was shocked.

This little sister-in-law's cultivation is even more profound than he predicted.

As the recognized number one person in Xuanmen, at this moment, he met a person whose cultivation base was higher than his own.

Not only did the little uncle not feel lost or jealous, but he was very happy.

He is saved!

Before, I just guessed that the little sister-in-law's cultivation base was high, but I never saw it with my own eyes.

At this moment, although there is still no "see", but just relying on the opponent's "secret method of sound transmission", the little uncle knows that the opponent's cultivation base is really high and very high!

The legendary Innate Realm that has already broken through has become a Qi refiner, a true immortal cultivator!

Little Master Uncle's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, if it wasn't for his good self-control, he would almost be overjoyed.

"Don't dare! It's my class who made the axe!"

Little Martial Uncle was in control of his emotions, but he still looked like a light cloud and wind. He bowed his hands in the direction of the voice, "Maiyi Xuanmo, I have seen senior!"

"So you are Xuan Mo, the first person in Xuanmen!"

He Tiantian is still very close to the little uncle.

There's no way, it's not too easy to use other people's Wuji Jue yourself.

Even if the little uncle did not teach her personally, but in a sense, this person is definitely half of her master.

He Tiantian is instinctively close, and even has a faint respect.

Her cultivation base is high, she is cheating.

But Xuan Mo is really a genius against the sky. He created his own god-level exercises. This alone is enough to kill everyone in seconds.

If it weren't for the eccentricity of Heaven, Xuan Mo would have been killed directly in order to make the male protagonist come to power.

With his own ability, he definitely has the opportunity to fly to the upper bounds.

Therefore, when He Tiantian said that Xuan Mo was "the first person in Xuanmen", he definitely didn't mean to be ironic, but sincerely admired it.

Su Wenbo had some misunderstandings. He instinctively wanted to say a few words, but thinking of the "trouble" of his little uncle, he forcibly endured it.

Even He Qingfeng felt that his little aunt was deliberately speaking ironically, and an embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

Only the young master, Xuan Mo, who still looked like a refined gentleman, raised his lips slightly and said politely, "It is the love of the people in Xuanmen. Xuan Mo should never claim to be 'first'."

"...As expected of the amazing, yet humble and gentle uncle Mai! I can cure your illness!"

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