The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 920th chapter exiled villain (1)

"No prizes, no prizes, sweet, you are really excellent!"

"Not only is he good at acting, but he is also an academic bully. Beijing University guarantees students, how many people dream of it?"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you also opened a company, Guardian No. 1, which was developed by your company?!"

"Amazing! It's really amazing!"

Lian Ye gave a thumbs up, his admiration for He Tiantian was beyond words.

Seeing this, Chen Lin and others always felt that their existence was just a light bulb.

Uh, well, even if there is no ambiguity between Lian Ye and He Tiantian, they are just fans and idols.

However, these two people seem to be more suitable for being alone, rather than being watched by their crowd.

Just when Chen Lin was thinking about whether to "clear the scene", Lian Ye turned his head and said to Chen Lin, "Director Chen, I have a general understanding of the situation of the crew."

"Furthermore, when I decided to invest, I also made it clear that I would not interfere with the filming of the crew, let alone the work of the actors."

"Tiantian is my idol, I've wanted to have a good chat with her for a long time, and I happened to meet her today, I think—"

Chen Lin heard Xiange and knew Yayi, and nodded again and again, "Okay! Good! Then we will continue shooting! Lian Sanshao, you are free."

After saying this, Chen Lin realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly turned to look at He Tiantian: "Tiantian, is it convenient?"

How could she always forget this: He Tiantian is not a simple actor, but he is still the father of the gold master!

Perhaps after joining the group, He Tiantian has always been very modest and low-key, not to mention using money to oppress people, and she did not deliberately suppress Zhao Fei'er's scenes based on her good acting skills.

And He Tiantian is too young, eighteen or nine years old, only the youngest actor in the crew except for the young actors.

From the perspective of Chen Lin and other leading actors, this is a half-old child, similar to his own junior.

Therefore, after a long time, everyone has almost forgotten that He Tiantian is the one with the largest investment share of the entire crew.

At this moment, Chen Lin only cares about pleasing Lian Ye, who is the second investment, and actually treats the first gold owner as a little actor who can be arranged at will. It's really a sin.

Chen Lin's attitude is sincere, and her eyes are full of apology when she looks at He Tiantian.


Facing Chen Lin's gaze, He Tiantian slowly spit out these two words.

She knew that Chen Lin didn't do it on purpose, and Lian Ye, since he came here on purpose, would not give up until his goal was achieved.

He Tiantian didn't want to make things too big, so she agreed.

"Oh, that's good! That's good!"

Seeing that He Tiantian was not angry, Chen Lin felt relieved.

She waved and greeted everyone else back to their jobs.

And He Tiantian continued to sit on the folding chair, neither getting up nor going to the front corner with Lian Ye.

He Tiantian put on a full gesture, and the meaning was very obvious: If you want to talk, just talk.

If you think I have a bad attitude, take it easy!

You are someone else's third son, and my mother doesn't eat your way.

Yuan Mei and Zhou Zi have two assistants, one helps with umbrellas and fans, and the other helps with milk tea and slaughtering chickens.

He Tiantian sat casually on the beach chair, spreading her hands and feet, enjoying the care of the assistants, like a noble queen.

The three directly left Lian Ye on the spot.

Lian Ye:  …

It seems that his "potential ally" is not very welcome to him.

Touching his nose, Lian Ye didn't care. Like a well-behaved employee, he bent his legs and leaned over to He Tiantian's side, and said softly, "I was attracted to you for the first time because of your name."

"He Tiantian! Lotus leaf He Tiantian, my name just matches an ancient poem. What a coincidence!"

Lian Ye went straight to the subject.

He Tiantian closed her eyes and put a moisturizing mask on her face, as if she was not disturbed by Lian Ye's words.

But her hands, which were hidden in the sleeves of the wide costume, tightened slightly.

Sure enough, it's the name's fault!

He Tiantian was too careless in the past,

The key is not to know that there are "similars" in reality.

Therefore, when she was doing the task at that time, she never paid attention to the problem of the name.

In order to integrate into the script and make He Tiantian better fit the characters, the characters she crosses will be given a name somewhat similar to He Tiantian's real name.

That is, in those names, there will be words such as "He" and "Sweet".

The number of times is too many, the names are too similar, and it is easy for people to find out the rules.

If at this time, the three words "He Tiantian" are seen in reality again, as long as some writers with brains will have guesses.

Lian Ye is not only "some brain", he is even very smart.

As soon as he saw the three words He Tiantian, he had a guess, and began to frantically use the skills he learned in the system to investigate He Tiantian in an all-round and in-depth manner.

The only thing fortunate is that He Tiantian has already handed over everything to the country.

In order to protect her, the State Baba deliberately concocted some information on the Internet.

All Lian Ye could find was what the country and He Tiantian were willing to let him know.

Lian Ye still hadn't found other more and more secret secrets.

"...Some time ago, Guardian No. 1 was born."

Seeing that He Tiantian didn't speak, Lian Ye didn't care, and continued to whisper.

"Tsk tsk, this is a proper black technology. A small bracelet can truly protect all the weak. Awesome!"

"I then learned that the Guardian One was developed by your company, Tiantian. I know more and more that you are the person I am looking for."

Another damn "pun".

On the surface, Lian Ye seemed to be saying that he had found a man he admired and admired.

In fact, he is not sighing: same kind, I finally found you!

He Tiantian sighed silently, and sure enough, Guardian No. 1 completely exposed her identity.

No way, Guardian No. 1 contains a black technology far beyond this era.

The person who can develop this kind of magical item is either a real genius with a heaven-defying talent, or he has a thick golden finger.

Lian Ye obviously prefers the latter.

The reason is very simple -

Before the age of seventeen, He Tiantian was an ordinary high school girl.

In daily life or in the high school entrance examination, she did not show her high IQ.

She seemed to have suddenly become a genius overnight.

He Tiantian knew that her loopholes were very big.

It's just that she has always been very low-key, and she has handed over all her inventions to the state without reservation.

The relevant departments determined that she would not endanger the country, so they did not ask her to the bottom of it, let alone arrest her for interrogation.

Lian Ye is not a relevant department, and he doesn't need any evidence, as long as he believes that He Tiantian is a "wild writer" in his heart is enough.

Oh no, now the faction I belong to has merged with Dianniang and become a family.

It doesn't matter what genuine and wild.

From an enemy to a colleague, it is not only a change of identity, but also psychological recognition.

Lian Ye quickly understood and began to plan—

In reality, it is completely possible to cooperate with He Tiantian.

They are the true kind, the chosen children of this world.

In the future, they are destined to stand at the top of the world.

Their respective abilities are already against the sky, if the strong and powerful unite——

Tsk, they can confidently shout: "Our journey is the sea of ​​stars!"

You can also shout in the second: "i"mthekingotheworld! "

Lian Ye is full of ambition, and hopes that He Tiantian can create a hegemony together with him.

He Tiantian:  …

Read more web articles!

If you really think that you are the son of heaven, what kind of domineering do you have? !

He Tiantian didn't want to pay any attention to this kind of late-stage second-stage cancer patient who obviously replaced the virtual world into reality.

As for alliances and cooperation, He Tiantian is even more reluctant to think about it.

Backing up the country, using what you know and learning to advance the social process, and then doing a play at will, isn't it good.


He Tiantian thought of the guess that she was trying to hide in a certain corner of her heart, and she was even less interested in following Lian Ye.

"Well, it's okay, thank you for your liking!"

He Tiantian is like a qualified idol, speaking polite official language to fans of "Crazy Confession".

Lian Ye:  …

He didn't give up, and continued to say what he meant.

He Tiantian all perfunctory words such as "um" and "ah".

Too many times, even Ye was annoyed.

He even understood what He Tiantian meant.

Lian Ye couldn't help swearing in his heart: "It's really muddy that can't support the wall. With such a good opportunity, not to mention achieving great things in reality, I'm still so addicted to being an actor.

She is being rude!

Lian Ye's favorability towards He Tiantian instantly fell to the bottom.

Originally, he thought that he would see a big old man who was as ambitious and capable as himself.

Unexpectedly, he is actually a waste of no ambition, eating and waiting to die!

I wasted my efforts and wasted my tongue.

Lian Ye's heart was full of resentment, and even his face became a little ugly.

"...Tiantian, keep busy. I-I won't disturb you!"

Lian Ye still needs a bit of reason. Although he dislikes He Tiantian as a piece of mud, he doesn't dare to attack directly.

Ahem, the top 20 top-ranked writers on the Dianniang Writers Ranking, and they have never failed in their tasks.

Such people, even if they are fried chicken in reality, are not really salted fish.

If you anger the other party and fight with her, even Ye himself does not have the confidence to defeat the other party.

Not to mention, there are actually people sent by the state beside He Tiantian.

This is also where Lian Ye wants to complain about He Tiantian—

With the adventure, not to mention that he secretly develops, he actually has to turn it over to the state.

Doesn't she know that she is full of loopholes?

Or do you think the people in the relevant departments are fools and can't see her problem? !

It's just that Lian Ye was cast aside and cast aside, but he had to admit that He Tiantian's approach was not completely useless.

At least between him and He Tiantian, the country is obviously more inclined towards the latter.

Lian Ye clenched his fist hard, with his current strength, he didn't dare to be too arrogant.

Hum, forget it!

When I go back, I will do the task, and strive to surpass you as soon as possible. At that time, it will be seen that you are still "cooperating" or not!

Lian Ye left in anger, while He Tiantian continued to lie down with the mask on and the script recited.

Yuan Mei looked at Lian Ye's background, a bright light flashed in her eyes.

He Tiantian felt it, but didn't care.

She called out classmate Xiao D directly, "Xiao D, I want to do a task!"

"There are no antivirus tasks now, only custom tasks, right or not?"

Xiao D hurriedly replied: "Yes! Of course, there are also ordinary tasks, but those are low-level tasks for training a rookie. If you do it, it will definitely be overkill."

What's the fun of going to the Novice Village for a full-level boss?

Abuse of vegetables? !

"Well, let's do a custom task then."

He Tian dessert nodded, she really didn't like to abuse vegetables or something.

"By the way, I have been upgraded to a Samsung writer. Can I choose the script, as well as the characters, crossing nodes, crossing methods, etc.?"

He Tiantian continued to ask Xiao D.


Xiao D didn't answer directly, but instead looked embarrassed and hesitant.

He Tiantian sneered, knowing that the system would not speak so well.

It has so many tricks!

"What's the situation? Is the system going to default again?"

It won't be another damn "the right of interpretation belongs to this system".

He Tiantian hates this hooligan remark.

"No! It's not a breach of contract!"

Xiao D classmate felt He Tiantian's dissatisfaction, and hurriedly shook Xiao Yuan's body, desperately explaining, "It's like this—"

"Currently, there are two kinds of custom tasks. The first one is the ordinary custom task, that is, unlocking the script, characters and other factors for Samsung writers. After the task is completed, the reward points start from 30 points."

"The second kind of task is a special task with the nature of gambling. That is, the system will give out 100 points as a reward, and ask the writer to do the task according to certain requirements. If it is completed, the reward of points will be doubled."

"If you fail, you will have to deduct double points."

Xiao D said carefully, "Tiantian, betting on characters is very risky, because the system has many and very demanding requirements. However, correspondingly, the rewards will be very generous!"

You don't need to say this, classmate D, He Tiantian also knows it.

100 points can be doubled.

In this way, if you complete a task, you can get at least 200 points.

If He Tiantian remembers correctly, she has done so many tasks, and after accumulating so far, her points are only 198 points.

It's less than 200 points, not enough for the reward of a gambling task!

Moreover, from the words of classmate D, He Tiantian also caught a key point——

Double up without capping!

As for gambling, of course, there are more elements of gambling, and it is more risky.

If He Tiantian is confident in her abilities and accepts more stringent requirements, her doubling factor can be increased.

It can be double, triple, or even four, five, six, seven or eight times.

As long as He Tiantian dares, there will be sky-high points placed there for her to earn.

He Tiantian is moved!

The risk factor in her bones is even more eager to move.

She wants to do the gambling task!

Every two or three hundred points, she wants!

"Student D, tell me more about the gambling task."

He Tiantian heard her own voice say this...

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