The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 944th chapter exiled villain (25)

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"Jiro, Saburo, Shiro, you are finally here!"

Outside the city gate of Xicheng, there were several generals in their forties.

They were dressed in regular clothes, but their stature was extraordinarily burly, with a cold and solemn expression.

At a glance, you can see that they are all battle-hardened warriors.

Several people saw a large group of people walking not far away, including men, old women, and children.

They were dressed in rags, and the men were in heavy shackles.

While walking, the chains tinkled.

However, the group of people looked and described that although they were embarrassed, their complexion was good.

The bottom of the pot ashes, soil, etc., can't completely cover up everyone's smoothness.

Yu San: ...

We have done our best.

But you can't make a family's face yellow and skinny to act in this city gate scene.

Seeing Yu Er and other three brothers walking in the forefront, several generals quickly walked up to them.

One of them, a man with a dark face and a scar on his right cheek, excitedly saluted the second class Yu.

He was full of emotions, and there were even sparkling tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Jiro, you, you—"

The words "suffered" were on his lips, and the scarred man looked up and down the three brothers, facing them with ruddy faces and strong bodies, he really couldn't say it.

Look at the complexion and physical condition of these three people, there is no trace of the pitiful appearance of the exiled people.

It's almost as if they were traveling in the mountains and water.

However, acting is a full set.

They are all old rivers and lakes, and they have the ability to talk nonsense with their eyes open, but there are still scarred men.

He choked on purpose and stabbed his hands, trying to grab Yu Er's arm to examine it carefully, but he didn't dare.

As if afraid that Yu Er was from Zhihu,

Or have some hidden disease.

There's no need to let him catch him like this, and then catch Yu Er out.

The scarred man's eyes and actions are all in the right place, and even his speech is only half.

He didn't say the words "suffered" at the end.

But the feeling it gives is not embarrassment or lack of confidence, but sadness——

Woohoo, I feel so distressed. I look at the grown-up child like a nephew. He has suffered so much, and he is so sad that he can't even speak fully.

"Uncle, we're fine! Thanks to Captain Yuchi's care along the way, we can come back smoothly!"

Yu Er hurriedly stretched out his hands and supported the scarred man's arm.

The scarred man tried his best to act, and Yu Er's performance was not so bad.

His eyes twinkled with water, and his face was full of gratitude for his old friends and relatives.

By the way, he didn't forget to push Captain Yuchi out and praised him well.

"It's nothing, I didn't do anything! I just took care of it a little bit under the permission of the law. I shouldn't be so thankful for Yu Erlang-Jun!"

Captain Yuchi touched his nose. He was still young, and compared to old foxes like the scarred man and Yu Er, he was still a shame.

"Haha, this is the kid from Yuchi's family? Good! Good, they're all behind the gate, and it's our own!"

The scarred man looked at Captain Yuchi, the excitement and distress on his face disappeared instantly.

Instead, there was a hearty laugh.

When he spoke, he also carried the pride of the superiors and elders, "You boy, you are really good. When the old man returns to the capital, he will definitely ask you to praise you!"

Colonel Yuchi knew that the old man in front of him was just talking politely, but he had expressed goodwill, and Colonel Yuchi couldn't pretend he didn't understand anything.

He hurriedly bowed his hands at the scarred man, "Boy, Yuchi, I have seen Deputy Director Yu."

He Tiantian stood behind Yu Er and the others, looking at the scarred man calmly.

Listening to Colonel Yuchi calling him "Deputy Manager Yu", He Tiantian knew who this person was.

Speaking of which, this person has some connections with the Yu family.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a family member, let alone my own family.

However, the "Yu" surname of Deputy Director Yu really has a close relationship with the Yu family.

This person's grandfather was a part of the Yu family, and his father served as a personal guard for the old general.

He also rescued General Yu on the battlefield several times.

The Yu family has always been rewarded and punished clearly and reciprocated with gratitude, so they specially rewarded him, cut off his father's low status, and gave him a chance to make a fortune.

By the time of Deputy Director Yu's generation, he could be regarded as a warrior, and became a real son of an official.

It's just that the surname "Yu" was originally a gift from the Yu family.

Therefore, even if Deputy Director Yu has now achieved the position of Deputy Director General of the Northwest Road Marching Army, the Yu family's army is actually the second most powerful person, and he also has a deep Yu family brand on his body.

Ahem, the number one person in power in the Yu family's army is naturally General Yu.

If the Yu family was not guilty, after the death of General Yu, the Yu family's army should have had the second commander of Yu.

But after the death of General Yu, someone in the northwest camp secretly reported to the court, exposing that General Yu was greedy and rash and acted without authorization, which gave the North Rong soldiers and horses an opportunity to take advantage.

He was the first to make a big mistake, causing the border city to be almost destroyed, and even killing a hundred thousand frontier troops.

Then, he came to sacrifice himself like a sheep.

General Yu's fault outweighed his credit.

"In a fit of rage," the sage confiscated the Yu family and seized the title, and exiled the family for 3,000 li.

Of course, saints are still merciful.

In the first place, he did not erase the merits of General Yu, and did not make him a sinner;

Second, the sage sent the Yu family to the northwest, and the base camp of the Yu family gave the Yu family a way out in disguise!

Yu's second-class male from the Yu family: ...

Oh, what a benevolent emperor.

Taking the opportunity to seize the military power of the Yu family, he also promoted Yu Ye, the deputy general of the Yu family, to the deputy general manager.

That's it, it's not enough, so he brought Shi He, the mortal enemy of the Yu family.

In addition, Feng Lang, another powerful general in the Northwest Camp, was also promoted to deputy general manager.

Tsk, there are actually three deputy marching commanders in a northwest camp.

But there is no chief executive.

The meaning of the sage can't be understood any more, the three deputies, whoever controls the Yu family army first will be able to "righteousness"!

In this way, even if Yu Eryu Si returned to the northwest and re-entered the military camp, if he wanted to take back the Yu family army, he had to compete with these three deputy chiefs first!

And these three people all had something to do with the Yu family.

Although Yu Ye is not from the Yu family, his surname is Yu, and he has fought with General Yu for more than 20 years.

Some of the middle-level generals in the Yu family's army are still more convinced of him.

But the sage was worried that Yu Ye would become the second Yu family, and did not want him to completely occupy the Yu family's army, so he brought Shi He, Feng Lang, and Yu Er.

【So confusing! The sage clearly wants to split the Yu family army! 】

[The Yu family's army is in chaos, and the northwest camp is also in chaos. Isn't this, isn't this an opportunity for Beirong? ! 】

He Tiantian sometimes doesn't understand, it's okay for those in power to exercise checks and balances in the court, why are they still deliberately creating competition in the military camp?

Especially in this kind of vicious competition, dividing their own border defense forces, and properly self-destructing the Great Wall!

"Mr. Yang Xian, are you all right along the way?"

Just when He Tiantian was thinking in a trance, the scarred man, the deputy director of Yu Yeyu, had already walked up to Mrs. Hou.

He respectfully saluted and greeted the former benefactor's wife, a royal lady with dignity.

Madam Hou was very satisfied with General Yu's attitude and nodded reservedly, "General Lao Yu is here!"

She's not called a deputy director!

Because in Mrs. Hou's heart, there is only one person in charge of the marching commander of the Northwest Camp, and that is her husband, or her son.

Thinking of her son, Mrs. Hou rolled her eyes and waved at He Tiantian, "Jiulang! Come and see your uncle Yu!"

He Tiantian sighed inwardly.

Alas, a cheap mother is good for everything, just a head full of fighting.

At this time, she did not forget to use outsiders to step on Yu Er and Yu Si.

He Tiantian cast an apologetic look at Yu Er, and then came to Mrs. Hou obediently.

"Yu Li has met Deputy Director Yu!"

What Uncle Yu?

He Tiantian does not set this almost.

Mrs. Hou might think that Yu Ye was from the Yu family, and she had served as a personal guard to General Yu for many years, so she regarded this person as her own.

As everyone knows, this person is the biggest obstacle for the Yu family to regain military power.

"Are you Yu Li?"

He Tiantian refused to get too close, and General Yu's attitude was obviously a little colder.

He looked at He Tiantian's eyes, even with a little scrutiny.

As if questioning: just you? Is it really from the Yu family? Isn't it some kind of Xibei goods from Li Dai Tao Zang?

He Tiantian's eyes were clean and frank, and he just let General Yu look at it.

"Yes, this is my nephew Yu Li, Yu Jiulang!"

Yu Er stood beside He Tiantian with pride on his face.

He is also very close to He Tiantian.

As if they were not strangers who had not known each other for two months, but close relatives who had been with each other for ten years!

A flash of light flashed in General Yu's eyes, and then he laughed, "What a kuro! I have heard about you a long time ago. I heard that you will meet each other? Are you born with divine power?"

He Tiantian \u0026 Yu Er and the others all felt a little groaning in their hearts.

Oh, this General Yu's ears are long enough. He is two or three thousand miles away, and he even knows what happened near the suburbs of Beijing?

He Tiantian dared to bet that Shi He and his confidants said things like being shocked by a horse and being struck by Lei were definitely not what Shi He and his confidants said.

But General Yu, a stranger in a border town, knew about it.

In the end, there was only one, Shi He's three thousand soldiers had his eyeliner!

Or, what makes the Yu family even more vigilant is that there are people from General Yu in the Yu family's family file!

The master will definitely not collude with General Yu, but don't forget that among the casual people, there are also some confidant servants and concubines who have given birth to children.

He Tiantian didn't want to doubt these people. After all, they were basically very close people who could stay by the Yu family's side and should be trusted.

But this kind of thing has to be prevented!

Yu Er and Yu Si were also secretly vigilant.

"Yes, I see that General Yu's heaven is full and the pavilion is full, and the Yintang is still slightly bright. Something good will happen in the near future!"

Getting promoted, getting rich, and dying at the top of the hierarchy is a proper three-time happiness.

He Tiantian said auspicious words in her mouth, but secretly complained in her heart.

General Yu laughed again.

Then, General Yu began to discuss with Yu Er:

"Erlang, just come back! It's hard to say other places, but the northwest is the base camp of our Yu family—"

Yu Er did not follow General Yu's words, but pretended to be sad, "I'm going to let Che'er and his brothers go to the attached city!"

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