The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 860: Villain’s Redemption Plan (19)

"Silly girl, you still don't believe me!"

Wu Zhiqian realized that Suna was slightly defensive about him, and secretly scolded Annie for being troublesome.

There was no expression on his face.

He lowered his voice and sighed softly in a bass voice that could make a young girl blush.


Su Na didn't know what Wu Zhiqian meant. She raised her head blankly and looked at her brother Wu stupidly.

That look was silly and cute, revealing innocence and simplicity.

And the angle of her head was very precise, almost not the same as Qiao Anqi's.

Wu Zhiqian:......

Every time I see Su Na with a face that is very similar to that of her arrogant and domineering wife, she looks like a shy, inexperienced little girl who is easily fooled.

There was a different kind of joy in his heart!


happy! !

It was as if all the humiliation he suffered in front of Qiao Anqi was vented out!

What are you still angry about?

Wouldn't "Qiao Anqi" just crawl beside him, like a well-behaved cat, letting himself tease and play with her? !

Wu Zhiqian was secretly proud and reached out to take out a document bag from his briefcase.

He gently placed the document bag on Suna's body and moved his chin, gesturing for her to open it.

"What's this?"

Suna still looked confused.

"Open it and take a look!"

Wu Zhiqian said softly.

Su Na no longer hesitated, opened the document bag obediently, and took out a few contracts.

"Huh? This is it?"

Su Na saw the title and content of the contract clearly, and her beautiful peach blossom eyes widened instantly.

"I said, I will arrange everything for you!"

Wu Zhiqian enjoyed it very much and continued to maintain his persona of an all-powerful boss.


Suna swallowed, not yet reacting to the shock of these contracts.

After a long while, she muttered, "You, you don't have to do this! This, this is not good!"

"What's wrong? Aren't you a top student at S University? Aren't you a marketing expert?"

The more innocent and ignorant Su Na is, the more Wu Zhiqian's macho heart is satisfied.

He enjoyed the feeling of having "Qiao Anqi" firmly in his hands so much.


Suna was embarrassed by the praise.

She was indeed a student at S University, but she was a top student, and the young and thin-skinned Suna couldn't boast so much.

As for the marketing master, Su Na dared not recognize him.

She does rank first in Jiuchongtian's business commissions, but everyone in Jiuchongtian knows exactly where these businesses come from.

Even some regular customers have heard about it——

President Wu's little lover, not only President Wu helped her "strengthen performance", but also President Wu's friends and partners also helped a lot.

There are also some rich second generation and wealthy businessmen who want to join in the fun, and they also contribute a lot of business to Su Na.

They originally came to Jiuchongtian to spend money, but now they just put the business in Su Na's name. They didn't have to spend any more money at all, but they could also see with their own eyes what Wu Zhiqian's little lover, who had always been arrogant, cold and self-sufficient, looked like. Why not? !

...In this way, Su Na got tens of thousands of dollars in one month's withdrawal.

If Wu Zhiqian hadn't sensed something was wrong and didn't want to make Su Na's existence known to everyone, so he "persuaded" Su Na to resign, Su Na might have been able to break the Jiuchongtian waiter's business record.

Even so, Su Na earned nearly 100,000 yuan in wages in less than two months at Jiuchongtian.

And these money belong to Su Na's legal income.

Even if you break up with Wu Zhiqian in the future, you will not be pursued or claimed!

Closer to home, Jiuchongtian’s income is legal, but her business volume is very high.

It's not about how capable she is, it's about having a benevolent lover.

But now Wu Zhiqian said that she was a marketing expert, which made Su Na really embarrassed.

"Xiao Na,

Don't underestimate yourself, you are really outstanding! "

Wu Zhiqian felt better and better when he saw that Suna was embarrassed by him and lowered her head, with a guilty conscience all over her body.

He continued to tell lies with his eyes open, "So, I specially hired you as my assistant, with an annual salary of 100,000, and a set of real estate as a gift as a benefit for me to retain talents!"

Wu Zhiqian pointed to the contracts as he spoke, "This is the employment contract for hiring you, as well as the transfer certificate of the house, etc.!"

It is not a golden house purchased by a rich man to raise his little lover, but a reward given by the group boss to retain talents!

This reason is legal and ethical, and there is no need to fear that someone will pursue claims in the future on the pretext of protecting "community property".

As a young lover, Su Na doesn't have to worry about being prostituted for free.

Gee, it’s not like there’s no news.

Some rich old men bought a house to house their mistresses.

A few years later, when he got tired of playing, he pushed his wife out.

Beat up the mistress and claim back the real estate... He got this little beauty for nothing for several years. Not only did he not lose any property, he also made a small profit due to the increase in the value of the house!

Of course Wu Zhiqian would not be so mean. He was rich and powerful and did not care about such a small house at all.

However, if Su Na did not take any measures, the initiative would be handed over to Wu Zhiqian.

Su Na and Annie looked at each other, and they would never place their own safety on others, let alone gamble on the conscience of a scumbag!

With these contracts, there may be more wrangling in the future, but it’s better than nothing!

Su Na thought that in order to completely comfort herself, Wu Zhiqian would definitely make things flawless.

Wu Zhiqian is a person who does big things, and will never lose the big for the small.

She looked through the documents as if in surprise, and Wu Zhiqian's artificial bass sounded in her ears: "Xiao Na, don't worry, I specially found the group's lawyer and completed all the procedures!"

Wu Zhiqian spoke frankly and was not afraid of Su Na secretly consulting a lawyer.

Hearing Wu Zhiqian's words, Su Na was slightly relieved: It seems that these things are true and there will be no future troubles!

This is right. Su Na has paid the price of her reputation and will face more public opinion storms in the future. She deserves a house and a "salary" of 10,000 yuan a month!

Thinking like this in her heart, Su Na's little face still turned red with embarrassment, "Brother Wu, you, you are so good to me."

After saying this, she let go and pretended to be angry, "Humph, I knew they were 'judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart'. Brother Wu is so good to me and would do anything for me." Think about it, how could it harm me?"

"Besides, when I'm with Brother Wu, I don't covet these things at all! I-I'm just doing it simply because Brother Wu is good to me!"

"...In all my life, no one has ever treated me like this, Brother Wu!"

"Brother Wu, I will definitely repay you! I will never let down your friendship..."

Suna said gratefully.

When it came to the emotional part, a faint glimmer of water appeared in her bright eyes.

Wu Zhiqian is very useful.

Looking at the profiles of Su Na and his wife that were very similar, an evil thought flashed through his mind at midnight, and unexpectedly came up again.

It has also been continuously amplified.

Wu Zhiqian's back was facing the light, his whole face was in the light and shadow, and it was a bit dark.

He asked quietly: "Xiao Na, are you really willing to help me? No matter what, you are willing to do so?!"

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