The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The eight hundred and sixtieth eight chapters re-enter the world of God stick (1)

He Tiantian's body returned to the library space.

Xiao D rolled over happily, "Tiantian, did you hear that, your mission reward this time is full of 30 points!"

"Haha, I knew that my family Tiantian is the most powerful, and custom tasks can be completed so beautifully!"

This time it is half-dressed, and He Tiantian has spent a few years in the novel world in a physical state.

She took the opportunity to consolidate her medical skills and relearn electronic computers.

The effect is not bad, her computer level has improved a little bit.

Of course, these are all incidental "benefits", and what really makes people happy is the generous reward points.

However, He Tiantian soon thought of one more thing, and asked faintly, "Is it gone?"

Little D was taken aback for a moment, "What's wrong?"

He Tiantian pursed her lips, "Apart from the reward points, is there nothing else?"

Such as achievement points, rewards!

Only then did Xiao D react, and he smiled embarrassingly: "Hey, it's not too exciting, I, I forgot!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, there are, there are!"

Immediately afterwards, I heard Xiao D switch to the cold and hard mechanical sound specially used for broadcasting——

"Ding! Get 1000 achievement points!"

"Ding! Get 20,000 points from readers as a reward!"

After the broadcast, Xiao D's voice changed back to a jumping and naughty voice, "Is it complete this time?"

He Tiantian nodded reservedly, "It's okay!"

Right, that's right!

This is the reward for successfully completing the task.

Points, achievement points and rewards are all indispensable. He Tiantian doesn't think that she is obsessive-compulsive. She deserves these.

"Tiantian, isn't it cool to do such a custom task?"

Little D classmate saw that He Tiantian no longer looked like she was "looking for trouble\

,"He started to jump around He Tiantian.

It frantically bewitched, "30 points, enough for you to do 30 normal tasks, or an antivirus task!"

Although with He Tiantian's ability, these tasks can be easily completed.

However, there is also an issue of efficiency and yield ratio to consider.

Do the same task, ordinary or anti-virus, only a few poor points.

But custom tasks can directly gain double-digit points.

This is definitely a qualitative leap.

He Tiantian gets a lot of points, and Xiao D, as an assistant, can also get a lot of commissions.

Hey, it already has, is the limbs still far away?

Maybe, it can also exchange a good-looking skin for itself.

Just like whoever is next door, the host is powerful, and the assistant also follows the scenery.

Do the task! Do more tasks! Do more custom tasks!

The thought of getting rich commissions, which can be exchanged for bodies and skins, made Xiao D roll around happily.

He Tiantian:  …

Enduring the twitching of her forehead, she looked away, unable to bear to continue to look at Xiao D's ugliness.

"Cool! Customized tasks are really cool!"

Not only is there a lot of points, the key is that she doesn't have to PK with wild writers.

In other words, although they belong to different camps and can be regarded as hostile, He Tiantian always has the feeling of killing each other with "the same kind".

She really didn't want to go up against a wild copywriter if she could.

But now most of the system is the antivirus task, He Tiantian has no choice at all.

Unless, she ran out again and competed with a group of rookies for ordinary tasks with only 1 point.


He Tiantian can't do it wow!

"However, there shouldn't be too many custom tasks like this."

He Tiantian controlled her mood swings and said casually to classmate D, "After all, I'm not a top-ranked writer. Knowing that my readers are huge, there shouldn't be too many—"

"No way! Sweet, don't belittle yourself. Although you are only a one-star writer now, you are in the top 30 in the task completion rankings, which is already very powerful!"

Little D classmates followed He Tiantian's popular science, "Also, there is not only one custom task, but also the world of novels you have experienced, which will also trigger custom tasks!"

"More than one? Can the tasks I've done be triggered again?"

He Tiantian was a little puzzled.

"That's right! Sweet, do you remember how many missions you've done?"

Xiao D classmate shook Xiao Yuan's body and asked proudly.

He Tiantian was stunned for a moment, not to mention, at first glance, she was really stuck.

She has been bound to the point mother system for two or three years, and she has done dozens of tasks, but He Tiantian can't figure out how many.

"Sweet, listen up, you have completed 39 tasks!"

"39, almost no defeats. The average praise rating is more than 9.3 (out of 10)!"

"Tiantian, your qualifications may not be high, but your record is really impressive!"

"Don't belittle yourself, you are already a boss-level existence, so there is not only one custom task triggered by you!"

Xiao D was very excited, and his tone was full of pride.

Of course it is proud, and Tiantian is its little friend.

Along the way, it accompanied Tiantian, I dare not say that we will grow together, but it has witnessed the rise of Tiantian.

From an inferior, sensitive, and cowardly rookie, she has grown into a big boss step by step. Ahem, although she has the potential to become a villain, her ability is beyond doubt!

After all, if you are not strong enough, you may not be qualified to be a villain.

You must know that the villains are all against the protagonist. The protagonist is the lucky person favored by the author (Tian Dao), and the villain is a real bull who is superior by virtue of his strength.

What's more, He Tiantian has the most wonderful thing. She can always take advantage of the loopholes in the system or the plot to successfully complete the task on the premise of keeping her three views and bottom line.

She took the villain's script, but did not really turn into a villain.

Every task can have unexpected new ideas.

For example, in the villain redemption mission that just ended, World Consciousness created a new villain in order to continue to sharpen the heroine.

After He Tiantian noticed it, he did not allow the villain to blacken or degenerate.

Instead, there is a "cooperation".

Tsk tsk, it's really a stroke of genius, and it has also greatly satisfied many female readers—

Why should a group of girls fight over a scumbag?

Unite and do business together, isn't it? !

The readers are very satisfied, so there will be a reward of 20,000 niang coins.

Throughout the plot, the women did not tear or fight, but focused on self-improvement and self-development.

It really suits the tastes of today's readers.

Xiao D believes that with the ability of her own friends, she will be able to complete the customized tasks more and more well.

"There are many custom tasks?"

He Tiantian caught the point and asked calmly, "Can I see it?"

"I'm not looking at specific missions, but a fictional world that triggers custom missions, okay?"

He Tiantian knew the urination of the system, and hurriedly took a step back before D classmate refused embarrassingly.

"This... it should be possible!"

Small D students themselves are not sure.

However, Tiantian has just completed the customization task, which has earned so many readers great satisfaction for the system, and the system should be extra tolerant and valued.

Open a back door for Tiantian, maybe, it should be no problem.

Little D thought about it, and secretly lit up a virtual screen.


In front of He Tiantian, a transparent virtual screen appeared.

Little D classmate Da Da Da's one pass operation.

Soon, lines of text appeared on the virtual screen.

He Tiantian swiped quickly and recorded several important pieces of information in his brain.

"Illegal! Illegal! Deduct 10 points from the smart assistant Xiao D!"

At this moment, a cold warning sound sounded in the library space.

At the same time, the virtual screen disappeared instantly.

"Ah~~~~ No! System Baba, listen to my sophistry, oh no, listen to me—"

Little D wailed and ran all the way to the system to plead for mercy.

In the huge library space, only He Tiantian stood there blankly.

She seems to be in a trance, but she is actually running her brain very fast.

I don't know how long it took, the slumped little D classmate rolled back again.

"Wow, it's too inhumane, I cried so badly, and I still have points deducted!"

Ah, although it's not too much, but it's also what I've worked so hard to earn! "

Classmate D is really aggrieved. It is said that it always fools a half-step villain to do the task. Is it easy?

It was difficult for me to rely on the commission to save some points, but as a result, it was deducted by the system all of a sudden.

Woohoo, the system didn't say before that writers are not allowed to see these.

Tiantian is not a spoiler in advance, they are just browsing the novel world that triggers custom tasks, why not!

Little D's inner core is full of resentment, the whole hair ball looks angry, and the plush pieces stand up.

Seeing Xiao D's frying hair like this, He Tiantian felt a little guilty.

"Cough, so what, classmate D, for you, I think I will do another custom task!"

He Tiantian smiled with frowning eyes and a very soft tone. ,

Xiao D's eyes lit up in a flash, all grievances and injustices disappeared.

It shouted cheerfully, "Really! Oops, I knew that my family is sweet and sweet!"

"By the way, which mission do you want to do?"

Little D classmate is not really stupid.

He Tiantian had just read those novel worlds that triggered custom tasks, and now he said that the task was to be done, and he guessed something.

Hmph, it must be Tiantian who saw the small world that made her heart flutter and wants to re-enter.

"Save the little uncle!"

He Tiantian didn't care when she saw Xiao D's smug look of "I have seen through you", and gave the answer directly.

"Rescue the little uncle? Oh, this task is good, many readers are very big, and they like the little uncle very much. They often leave messages in the comment area, saying that they want to write a story for the little uncle!"

When Xiao D heard the answer given by He Tiantian, his attention was instantly diverted.

It's right. When He Tiantian continued to write the little story of the world of magic sticks, there was an amazing and brilliant supporting role, little uncle.

And the treasure chest reward that He Tiantian got from this world-Uncle's "The Promise" has been used by He Tiantian countless times.

There's no way, it's really that this little master's practice is too awesome.

With aura, you can cultivate immortals.

Without aura, you can practice martial arts.

In the world of cultivating immortals, He Tiantian secretly cultivated the Promise Jue, and directly became the existence second only to Su Xiaonuan, the daughter of Heaven's Chosen.

It's not how talented He Tiantian is, but the fact that the practice method has its own plug-in attributes.

It's a pity that this set of exercises belongs to the system reward, and the strength of the plot blessing is too great.

In reality, He Tiantian couldn't cultivate normally at all.

If she doesn't really learn for her own use in reality, she can't become her own thing.

Once the system turns her face and wipes out all the skills given by her system, He Tiantian completely loses this exercise.

In the past, He Tiantian had no similar worries.

It was only after wearing it once that He Tiantian knew the "cunning" of the system.

Only she herself, the skills she learned with her body, belonged to her completely.

Of course, when traveling through the previous world, He Tiantian thought of a possible bug and conducted an experiment.

The result was exactly as she had guessed—

Wearing clothes, the skills learned in the novel world can also be owned by herself, not within the scope of system obliteration.

Commodities purchased in the system mall can also accompany the body into the novel world, and are no longer within the scope of the system's exclusion.

...In this way, He Tiantian has a new idea.

She wants to experiment one or two.

Now, knowing that the novel world completed in the past can also trigger custom tasks, He Tiantian is more and more pleasantly surprised——

Hey, what are you really thinking about!

This time, I must give it a try.

"So, my first choice is the task of 'Saving Little Master Uncle'! "

Seeing that Xiao D was very excited, He Tiantian said with a smile.

But soon, Xiao D seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said, "Tiantian, although Xiao Shishu's popularity is very high, this task is not easy to complete!"

Speaking of which, Xiao D squinted He Tiantian with his big eyes, "Don't forget, you don't have the 'Urban Immortal Doctor' skill this time. "

And the injury of the little uncle is destined to die.

The last time He Tiantian was doing a mission, he took advantage of the system and added the "Skill Ceiling" reward to the "Urban Immortal Doctor" skill.

Let He Tiantian become a BUG-level existence.

The ceiling-level urban fairy doctor can heal people, ghosts, and gods.

Little Martial Uncle is just a cultivator and has not yet reached the level of an immortal, so he can naturally be easily healed by He Tiantian.

However, this skill is expendable, and it will be gone after you use it up once.

The current He Tiantian, if he returns to the world of magic sticks, there is absolutely no way to heal the little uncle.

The task of "Saving Little Master Uncle" will naturally not be completed!

"It's really difficult!"

He Tiantian nodded, she is not an arrogant person.

The problem that Xiao D classmate said does exist.

However, He Tiantian is not afraid of problems, she is more willing to challenge.

"Little D, I still want to do this task..."

Before the mission starts, He Tiantian will make some preparations.

For example, "Student D, open Dianniang Mall!"

Little D classmate: ...

------off topic-----

Dear friends, do you still remember the former little uncle, hehe, he is here again!

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Chapter 868 Re-entry into the world of magic sticks (1) Free read.

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